I'm cooperating. Well, now there is. Attaboy. I think there might be a way to save her, if we can just get down to that--. ), Sulley: See? Testing, testing. ), (A dilapidated trailer sits swamp-side. Mike place a door near the edge of the platform, opens it, and crouches down in front like a baseball catcher.). taped to the clipboard backing is the now tattered picture Boo drew of herself and Sulley. Did he hear something?). Yeah uh Boo (Boo hands him a teddy bear, Jessie, the Luxo Jr. ball, and Nemo. Fungus stands next to him.). ), (With a massive effort, Sulley wrenches the machine from its moorings and throws it towards Randall, Waternoose and Fungus. Randall: Gimme that kid! (Behind the geeks, Boo climbs out of the garbage. Sulley: Okay, all right, making a nice little area for you to-- (Sulley hears a giggle. After this contract ended, rights to all franchises originally produced by Pixar would belong to Disney including rights to making sequels. Mike: 1, 2, 3, 4! Mike: Schmoopsie-Poo, I really can't talk. Randall disappears. (whispers to Sulley) On my desk, Sulley. (The overhead lights turn off as everyone leaves for the day. Mike: Okay, okay! IMDb, the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. Monsters: (on TV) We're Monsters Incorporated! Randall: First I need to know where the kid is, and you're gonna tell me. (Mike crumples up the piece of paper, and tosses it onto a large existing pile of crumpled plans.). Uh-oh. You're making him lose his focus. Huh? (Tony tosses Mike and Sulley two pieces of fruit. Suddenly, Sulley is knocked back into the room, as if punched by nothing. Outside, helicopters scan the area. How did you do that? I've had a lot of birthday - well, not a lot of birthdays, but this is the best birthday ever. ), (Boo screams at the top of her lungs. That's great news. Back on the mainland, one of Simon's gadgets goes off, detecting a massive influx of electromagnetic energy 20 minutes away. ), (Mike rolls into a garbage can and bumps into a shelf, sending a stack of books into his mouth. The lantern dangles from a ski pole on the sled, lighting the way as Sulley navigates the treacherous terrain. What kid? N-n-not that I was concerned of course, I knew--, (Sulley and Boo peer through a wall of pipes. We-we'll talk. Among the rejected ideas was a script written by Teacher's Pet writers Bill and Cheri Steinkellner that involved Woody and the gang finding toys that had been stolen out of Andy's grandmother's attic in a whodunit-style mystery. Charlie, Waxford and Frank: Nice job! Confused, Mike opens it. He zips by the Yeti, folding a fresh tray of snow. ), (Sulley screams, falling over backward. I didn't mean for this to happen. Boo pops her head out of the take-away box and sticks out her tongue at Sulley. Only to see the inside of an ordinary closet. (Sulley walks to the door. Mike grabs the stool and heads for the closet door.). (Sulley drops to the ground and lies motionless, then jogs again.). ), (Clapperboard closes and is pulled away, revealing Sulley cowering behind the trash lid as he slowly walks backwards. Sulley rushes to the toilets, stuffs Mary's junk into the bowl, and flushes it down. It's clear that Sulley is happy for everybody else's successes and bright futures, but he doesn't exactly feel comfortable and happy where he is. Give her the!!!! Called himself "King Itchy". Guy takes five steps and he's there. ), (Randall snaps to attention and disappears. The studio did not release any films during its existence . The lights flare to a white hot brightness, and then POP! Well, listen, James, why don't you stop by the simulator after lunch today and give us the scare demonstration we talked about, huh? All of these planned sequels were cancelled, but most movies that were planned to get sequels via Circle 7 eventually did through Pixar. This caught the attention of Simon Nerlich, a nerdy 30-something and a self-proclaimed monster hunter, who was listening in on his police scanner. You know we still need her to laugh. Randall: (to Fungus) Why are you still here? He's thinking of a place to hide. Disney's change of management in late 2005in which Eisner was replaced by Bob Igerled to renewed negotiations with Pixar, and in early 2006 Disney announced it had purchased the studio. Sulley plants himself between the door and Simon who meets Sulley face to face and threatens him. Sulley: I went back to get your paperwork and there was a door. The blue day care kid pops out of the bag wearing a girlish wig. (Sulley desperately runs his hands along the sides of the door, looking for anything that might activate it.). No, no, no, no, no. They find Simon in the laugh canister storage room. ), (Sulley pushes a button on the door station keypad, picks Boo up and runs inside.). Waternoose: (to Randall) Finally! But before you take us away, I have one thing to say: (Mike sticks his tongue out. Those numbers are pretty sweet. Randall: (struggling) Kid needs to take off a few pounds. ), (Later at the Monstropolis storefront, a garbage monster sweeps garbage off the sidewalk into a dustpan. Mike and Sulley look back at the melee, and scurry out. Sulley leads a trail of cereal pieces into his room, and Mary eats them. ), (Mike and Sulley are taking Mary to the scare floor. Sulley speculates that Randall may actually be able to help them figure out how to go back to the monster world. Boo rushes to her room and Sulley is overjoyed, he calls out her name, but she doesn't acknowledge him. He turns around to see his tail being dropped by a human girl named Mary [we'll interchange Mary and Boo throughout this page]. Their silhouettes are visible as they pause in front of it. Sulley clasps the small chip in his large hand. Mike: Hey, you hear that? ), (The trio jump inside and shut their door just as Randall leaps towards them.). Sulley: (nervous) Uh, well uh er, uh Mike: No! ), Bile: I was going for a snake/ninja approach with a little hissing. But I love sports. Around a three-day hike. (Mr. Waternoose is stunned. (chuckles) Can you believe that? Sulley: (lifting Boo's head) Oh, sorry, she didn't see that. Simulation terminated. Here's the kid. (Sulley starts to walk out, but the kid whines anxiously. Mike: (to Sulley) Oh, no, my scare reports! Scaring isn't enough anymore! Sulley asks for his help, but he refuses. George's fur flies up over the curtain. Sulley is hit in the face with a snowball. Mike: (being pulled from both sides) Okay, here's the truth! From outside, the apartment lights pulse brightly, creating a beacon for the helicopters. Randall: the door will be gone. Cheating. Sulley: (singsong) Uncle Mike, try not to yell in front of her. Celia: (o.s., over P.A. Come on, tell me. (Mike takes off, carrying Boo's monster disguise. (then he scans the bathroom) Okay, Sulley. Sulley stands over the bed, tucking in the sheets.). Mike: So, get this. My mom! He turns around to see his ex-girlfriend Anastasia, a female sasquatch. The red light above the door glows. Sulley and Mike cover their ears. (Sulley stands protectively in front of the bed.). Mike: (Italian accent) Hey, Tony! Her face is uncomfortably scrunched. Something has been inserted in you that makes you look like Mike: (sighs) Listen, I need a favor. Sulley: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, don't be scared. But we both know it's true! We're out of snowcones. Ple- stop, stop, stop. The child isn't Boo at all, but the Animatronic Kid from the simulator. The door turns, suddenly going into a ninety degree drop.). (Waternoose grabs Boo from Sulley and hands her to Mike.). The full summary goes as follows: The story begins at the wedding of Mike and Celia. Randall takes off angrily. (Jerry hits a human child emergency button. You beat him. The light illuminates. Sulley: What, you mean You mean, I can't see her again? That is, if these gentlemen hadn't shut us down. ), (Waternoose looks as if he's seen a ghost. Waternoose spins around to see Sulley, who has knocked over a stack of cans during his escape. , Mike: Running 'round the restaurant, this is really wild! (Mary plays with his mouth, and they both laugh. He sneezes and continues on. Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise was originally meant to be the sequel to Monsters, Inc., but was cancelled and replaced with Monsters University. Sulley pops her door out of its station and heads for the exit. Mike: And he is outta here! Oh, you're all right. It was gonna revolve around Mike and Sulley going to the human world to see Boo in time for her birthday. Red alert! Disney Confirms 2012 Release Date For Monsters, Inc. 2. 'Nother gator?! (A monster photographer is about to take a picture of a happy monster couple.). ), (Jerry silently indicates "one" with his hand. Desperate, Sulley offers her the bear.). Hold him down! Okay? I love working with that big guy. Day care worker: (sweetly) My, what an affectionate father. Mike: Where'd it go? (He picks up Boo.) Mike: Oh! He surveys the fruit of his labors. Monsters University is a prequel of Monsters, Inc., created by Pixar Animation Studios. Randall prepares to push Sulley off for the last time.) He mounts one of the cans and demands Sulley to break canned seal. Xanderwrites), Incredicoaster (Feat. (beat) Does anyone else know about this? Mike: Whoo! Enter Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost In Scaradise. After venturing out to give Boo a birthday present, the two discover she has moved houses. I'm getting warmer, any second now! George: Boy, Wazowski looks like he's in trouble. The eastern portion of the United States is illuminated as Jerry Slugsworth steps up.). Mike: Not bad, huh? She cringes.). We're still working on it. The films they had in development were Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise and Finding Nemo 2. Rising up behind the boy, preparing to scare his young victim, towers a fearsome monster. Well, hello there. Soft moonlight illuminates the room. (Mike and Sulley turn to see a line of monster children, led by the day care worker. This company can't afford any more bad publicity. Mike, Sulley and Randall make their way to the beach and are greeted by none other than the Abominable Snowman. Mike: Well, then why don't you find some place for it to sleep (suddenly angry) WHILE I THINK OF A PLAN?! Come on, pal, cheer up, we did it. The 2012 3D re-release and 2013 DVD, Blu-Ray, and Blu-Ray 3D versions use the 2006 Walt Disney Pictures logo.). An alarm sounds and Boo's door, poised high above the station, heads back into the door vault. Sulley: Hey, morning, kids. (Sulley smashes the light on top of the door. Randall stops. Tell us where the kid is! Mike: To drive it! Mike: Oh, now those were alphabetized!! Not now, not now, I'm-- (seeing Mary) Oh, hello, little one. Sulley: (after hiding Mary behind his back again) Top of the morning, fellas. Mike: Don't tell me not to panic. Take care of yourself and be a good girl, okay? Sulley tries to mime his words. Randall: Will you move it?! Needleman: Whoa! Randall: (in pain) Yaaaaah! (Sulley closes the closet door behind him. (Randall sighs, frustrated. Mike: Okay. Multiple day-care kids: (o.s.) Ms. Fearmonger is on vacation, would you like her voicemail? The corridor opens up onto a massive room. Sulley: (to Randall) She's not scared of you anymore. They run to the edge of the platform. CDA Agent #1: The one from the commercial. ), (Relieved, Sulley turns and walks away. ), (Chaos ensues. We got Boo home. These surely can't be final drafts, they're so bad! Holding the bag at arms length, he runs out of the room. Mike/Sulley: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the living room, Mike is in deep thought.). (George realizing he caused the alarms, and he tries frantically to remove the sock. ), (Desperate, Sulley begins to dance with the bear; anything to get her to stop crying. And once they get high enough, they are sucked into the jet stream of stratospheric energy and are hurled through clouds, rain and electromagnetic flares of light, before eventually bursting out of the clouds and finding themselves floating above a beautiful tropical island. ), (Sulley looks around frantically for the bag. So do a collection of snakes, which we now realize make up Celia's hair.). Will you go to sleep? Mike: No plan no plan can't think can't think. Because you're on your own. Sulley visually follows Boo's door. First time in a month. The door slams in his face. Isolate the contaminate! ), (Later at the Monstropolis cross-walk, Mike and Sulley wait to cross next to a giant monster, Ted. Behind the pipes, Sulley backs into the darkness with Boo.). Randall: Will you be quiet?! Mike: (cutting him off) Okay, Sulley, that's enough. You're ruining everything! Sulley: (v.o.) After getting trapped in the human world, Mike and Sulley split up after disagreeing on what to do. Mike: Okay, scary feet, scary feet, scary feet, scary feet, scar-- Kid's asleep! I haven't even mentioned all the free yak's milk (For the first time, Sulley turns, his eyes alive.). Mike drops the bear and runs to the window, pulling the shade shut.). Her hood flops open, revealing her scared face.). (George is taken down. Mike tosses the microphone and runs to her. (The recruits sit in their usual chairs, taking notes. Sulley fits the piece into the door. Mike? Randall: (chuckles evilly) You still think this is about that stupid scare record? But hey, at least we had some laughs, right? It is currently in development and has no release date yet. Pixar was not happy about this. Mr. Waternoose: (to Flint) Reset the simulator. See the bear? She whistles for her son as "If I Didn't Have You" starts up again. ), Mike: Oh, hey! It reads: Dear Kitty, I have moved to a new house. The red light above his door lights up. CDA Agent: Building clear. Lead CDA Agent: Stay where you are. The next morning, Mike and Sulley try to open Boo's door, but for some reason, her key card isn't working. It's fine. Needleman: (o.s.) Sulley makes a run for the door, but it's slammed in his face. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions. Do I look abominable to you? As if dinner wasn't enough, I'm taking her to a monster truck rally afterwards. (imitates boat horn, then, to Sulley) 'Cause I gotta tell ya, buddy, that face of hers, it just makes my heart go (As Mike turns back to Celia, he is surprised to instead see Roz.). No one touches Little Mikey. Help!! Atop the cube, still visible, is Boo's eyestalk. Sulley emerges from the door and cracks his knuckles. CDA agent #1: All clear. Hello. Sulley! Come on, it's time to move. The power shuts off.). Sulley pulls a kill switch to stop all the doors and rushes to his office ripping through a bunch of papers. Stay calm. "I found the script for the Circle 7 version of Toy Story 3 online and after reading it, it really makes me glad that Circle 7 got shut down after Disney bought Pixar. Mike sees something that make his eye go wide. We're in a--, (Mike waves the kid away. (Sulley desperately scans the doors ahead. He heads towards Sulley. , (George Sanderson, Josh Rivera and a green cyclops pop out from behind the door props as they sing with Mike and Sulley.). Just leave her alone! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Mr. Waternoose: (o.s.) . Whimpering, he protects himself with a garbage can lid. We can't trust Randall. Judging by her tone, she's been through this before.). Carefully matching every child to their ideal monster, to produce superior scream, refined into clean, dependable energy. A brown wooden door comes down and it becomes activated.). The unproduced film's storyline followed Mike and Sulley from the first Monsters, Inc. film as they drop in to surprise their friend Boo for. Boo's head peeks out over the set. The Toy Story 3 we could've gotten would've been really bad." ), (Sulley freezes as two CDA agents head towards him.). ), Mike: Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. (The geeks hear Sulley's voice and run up to him.). Mike sees Randall approaching from the Hawaiian door. Fungus collapses. Always watching. It stops in front of a pile of hiker paraphernalia piled in the corner of the cave. ), (Sulley tiptoes down the dark passageway, carrying Boo. Randall emerges. Mike: C'mon, fight that plaque! Hoo-hoo! New makeup? Neither one sees the other, but Randall is moving closer to Sulley by the second. (as Sulley runs past) Sulley? Sulley and Boo slip away into her room, she gives Mike a hug and gives Randall a slap. They leave the house and try to find a new one with kids inside of it, which they eventually do. Mr. Waternoose: (to recruits) Pay attention, everyone. ), (On the TV, Mike and Sulley stand in front of a crowd of MI workers. She nods and crawls back. You'll have the child, and the criminals responsible for this whole mess. Mike: Get out of here! From behind glass, Sulley watches the load of garbage -- including Boo's eyestalk -- move towards a large smashing machine. Oh, how could this happen? Look at you! Amplified stomach gurgles are heard while he waits. Come on, get lost, you two. The nightmare is over. One of the eyeballs falls off Ted's face, and his assistant puts it back on. Blaming Sulley for his missing horn, he grabs Sulley's horn and starts gnawing on them in retaliation, which catches the attention and laughter of a little girl. ), (Sulley and Mike watch as Fungus and Randall struggle to break free of the crowd. Ruined my life, and for what? Directed by Brian Fee and screenplay by Pete Docter and Lee Unkrich. Claws' assistant slaps him across the face again.). Sulley lies motionless in the snow, the wind howling through his fur. Bob "Dentures" Peterson is handed a set of false teeth. Charlie: Oh, come on now, George. Mr. Waternoose: Well, James, that was an impressive display. NOW, PUT THAT THING BACK WHERE IT CAME FROM, OR SO HELP ME--!!! Where is it? A graph on Sulley's clipboard shows first year profits going through the roof. Waternoose: I hope you're happy, Sullivan. Nervously, he does so. Mike: Well, listen, if you got a minute, there's something I want to show you. He turns to see). ), Sulley: Uh, you go to sleep! Celia is right in front of him, scuffed, bruised, and wearing an Elizabethan collar around her neck.). Mike: (nervously looking around) Kid? Randall is gone! Mike: Is that a joke? You just get the machine up and running, I'll take care of the kid. I'll be here all week. The three of them sneak into the house undetected, find her room and open her closet door. They laugh. The film was canceled, and will likely never be released. Mike: (v.o.) Mike walks in.). He finally lets out a huge burp, projecting the microphone out of his mouth and catching it. Finding Nemo 2 sounds like trrasshhhh tho. Trapped in the human world, Mike and Sulley must embark on a quest to find her and return to their world. I was just mad, that's all. Mr. Waternoose: Tell that to the board of directors. He tumbles down the mountainside, finally sliding to a stop, face down in the snow. Boo waves goodbye, taunting.). The region lit up by the laugh's power radiates outwards from Mike and Sulley's window. Oh! Mike and Sulley panic. Tough kids, sissy kids, kids who climb on rocks (This diversion is more that Sulley can handle.). After Disney CEO Michael Eisner was replaced by Bob Iger in 2006, Pixar was purchased by Disney and John Lasseter demanded Circle 7 be shut down and their films be cancelled. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Loch Ness, Big Foot, The Abominable Snowman. No. ), (Sulley races down the mountainside on his makeshift sled. The traffic sign changes from "DON'T STALK" to "STALK", replacing the red hand and the green monster walking. Sulley opens he door and motions for Mike to jump in. (A little day care kid steps up to Mike. Randall blames Mike for the situation and at this point, Mike is going to miss his wedding. Mike notices a single piece of Boo's door on the floor. All right. Randall: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Ha. ), (Sulley tries to grab Boo, but she playfully evades his outstretched arms. I hope we get a copy of that tape. Sulley deposits Boo on top of her bed. We tried to send her back, but Waternoose had this secret plot, and now Randall's right behind us, and he's trying to kill us! As they exit the room, Mike reminds him that eventually Boo is going to forget him. The laughter subsides, and all is dark. Sulley tries to open the door with all his strength and he ended up forcing it open. The detector beeps.). Mike: SULLEY!!! As the music dies down, Sulley turns to Mike and tells him that he's quitting management, he toasts to new beginning and Mike, unsure of the future, reluctantly clinks glasses with his best pal. 0 Share this: Tumblr LinkedIn Reddit To Sulley, she is like a diseased rat. Smitty: (calling after) Go get 'em, Mr. Soloman! , (A male monster scream, which almost sounds like Tino Insana's voice, can be heard as the crowd of monsters run across the stage behind Mike. In the chaos, Simon and Celia escape, while Mike and Sulley are covered with an avalanche of canisters. (Mike opens his eye and spots Boo's door in a station.). Randall emerges from the door, confused. ), (Randall camouflages, disappearing. ), (Clapperboard closes and is pulled away, revealing Needleman and Smitty in front of the door shredder as they prepare to shred the defunct door. ), (Boo laughs hysterically at Mike's pain. (Randall and Fungus lift the box out of the scream cart.). Shut it off! ), (Invisible Randall chokes Sulley, who gasps for air.). - meaning "Welcome! Its ancient history is seen in the architecture. Outside the factory, The CDA agents shut Waternoose into the back of the van and drive away. ), Sulley: (v.o.) Ricky Plesuski opens his mouth to reveal a giant set of spiked teeth. Tugging on a wrench, Boo accidentally opens a secret panel, revealing a dark corridor. Huh? Come here, kid! It ain't easy being banished. There can't be any witnesses. Sulley: Come on, we gotta find another door! Fungus: Hmm, you're still behind, Randall. Mike rockets towards the doors and grabs Celia before the can runs out of energy, sending the nearly weds plummeting hundreds of feet as Simon escapes. Randall: You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, Sullivan! We light your city. Press J to jump to the feed. You hear the winds of cha--?" Cautiously, he opens the door. They see Randall, Fungus and the scream cart.). Smitty is shown wearing Fungus' glasses. Move it! Monsters, Inc.: Lost in Scaradise would have focused on Mike and Sulley wanting to celebrate Boo's birthday. It's dancing with joy! Mike: Whoa! She's gone! This page has been accessed 27,812 times. Mi-- (bitterly) Men! Look out! Randall: (spotting Mike and Sulley) There they are! Tell me you're joking. This is a limited time offer. Mike: Psst. , (Mary opens her mouth, but the piece of cereal flies past her. The film was canceled, and will likely never be released. Well, that is just-- (beat) Wait a minute, the sun is coming up. You've been #1 for too long, Sullivan! The Disney-owned sequel rights were then transferred to Pixar, leading to the cancellation of Muir and Hilgenberg's version of the film and the subsequent closure of Circle 7. NOOOOOOO! What's your name? 2 years have passed since Monsters Inc (2001). Plot Details For Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost In Scaradise. Mike runs after him. But Boo's in trouble. To unforgettable characters (Needleman and Smitty load the defunct door into the shredder. Sure. Sulley: Hey, that looks like Randall. OPEN THIS DOOR! He scans for Boo, then takes off towards the entrance.). Monsters Inc. - Hasbro PVC's 29 July, 2011 Leave a comment (Screen flashes to the dark and empty Scare Floor), (Mike starts running into the scare floor), (Mike closes his eye, not daring to hope. That is until Mike and Sulley managed to rescue him from being captured by Simon. CDA Agent #2: Cover the area! Randall: Huh? (A large vacuum-like machine lowers from the ceiling.). Randall opens the door he's riding on and slithers into the room. Why can't they call me the "Adorable Snowman", or or the "Agreeable Snowman", for crying out loud? Its interesting. ), (Boo jumps in front of the open door, but only sees her closet with her stuff in it), (The portal to the monster world has closed. (The lead CDA agent shows the charred remains of the M.I. Claws' assistant: She wasn't scared of you? Ready for decontamination. (Ms. Flint rewinds the tape, then plays it. Ah, sure we put the factory in the toilet, and gee, hundreds of people will be out of work now. Hot air balloon? Fungus: I'm sorry, Wazowski, but Randall said I'm not allowed to fraternize with victims of his evil plot. Mike continues his apology, obvious.). There was a lot of wood to go through. Sir, you don't understand. (Sulley motions to the floor. ), Mike: Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me! Maybe I'm just overly suspicious, but Toy Story 3 opening with a sequence set in Andy's imagination which is interrupted by his mum seems pretty similar to this. , (Crowd cheers as the piano music comes to a close). Nick Schmidt: Well, a kid flew right over me and blasted a car with its laser vision. The boy, now revealed to be an animatronic, winds down and resets. Aside from Concept Art, it was assumed that Circle 7 never made it far into development into these films, but as it happens, members of The Lost Media Wiki managed to find full scripts for Toy Story 3 and Finding Nemo 2 within the last couple of months. Randall: Everyone goes to lunch! (he storms toward Boo's door.) (Screen fades to a CDA agent directing a blue monster to his seat). It's on the front page! And just as he's about to, Simon shows up and sends everyone into a blind panic. Mike: That is the weirdest thing you have ever said. Good morning! Mike: We're gonna get our lives back. Just then, Flankbottom, who's been hiding out in the corner of the restaurant, lying in wait to win back Celia's heart and marry her tomorrow instead of Mike, makes his way over to the table and tells them that Mike sent him to tell them that he and Sulley got caught up in a work emergency and that he's sorry he missed lunch, but he will definitely be at the wedding tomorrow. Heh, heh it's a musical! Randall rushes off to his cart as monsters return from lunch. Sulley punches Randall, knocking him out. ), Sulley: (v.o.) The photographer looks up and sees Mary. Now, let's move! (he spots a child's sock on George's back.) Mike: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Hey! (We cut over to Mike's mother in the audience wearing a foam finger. Mike and Sulley walk past.). However, they instead find an old woman in her room. So wait here, while I get its card key. ), (Suddenly, there is a thump noise behind him. Was I scary? The helicopters are getting closer. Monsters, Inc. 2: Return of Boo is an upcoming 2023 American 3D computer-animated buddy comedy-drama adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. You like cars? Mike: I'm on the cover of a magazine! Randall: (laughs) What do you know? He and Sulley look up to see the entire scare floor looking at them. He and Sulley run down the hallway. I'll call you! A sequel made by Pixar was confirmed in 2010. ), Sulley: Ah, yes! Sulley: I don't believe I ordered a wake-up call, Mikey. Needleman: (Dressed as Randall) Alright, Wazowski! An early draft written by Bill and Cheri Steinkellner involved Andy visiting his grandmothers house, and Woody and the gang ending up getting trapped in Andy's grandmas attic. Their assistants approach them and make last minute preparations. Randall? An agent rips the band-aid off. All doors must be returned. The lights in the room dim, and the animatronic kid resets. Needleman: We just wanted to wish you good luck today. ), (Sulley jumps onto another track of doors below. Coming through here! I needed some time to think, but you shouldn't have left me out there. The scarers stride onto the Scare Floor in slow motion. Circle 7's version of the sequel, called "Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise" would have seen Mike and Sulley, who after realizing Boo has moved, are trapped in the Human world in the quest of finding her back. 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