"Hello, Percy." Alan spat the name out. Nobody talked to Annabeth for weeks after a week of "accidents." Annabeth looked up at her mom, she said, "I agree with Lord Zeus. She guessed Annabeth wasn't the only one with gruesome nightmares. Jason said. Annabeth said, her gray ayes glinting in the darkness. : "Oh, at least you have it easy. Piper and Hazel rolled their eyes. I love you, you know!" On the bed Jason was sleeping calmly. It was the eve of August 17th, however, when the demigods first got a message from the gods. Annabeth sighed and brought another chair to the table, scooting next to him. ", "Good idea. "Dude, it's me. "How long have you been watching us?" And we fairies, that do run. "Fountain gift from Athens.". "But hey, I agree to the Terms and Conditions of your plan.". Aphrodite gave her signature giggle. The only difference is our lockers: Mine is 247, and she has 244.". The last three girls he had flirted with were Thalia, Reyna, and Hazel. Cursing at the god of sleep, Hypnos or Morpheus or whoever that was, he slowly made his way upstairs. "Wait- LEO! Percy said with disgust. ~Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf~ Percy was betrayed by his lover, Annabeth, and his best friends. "I was uh also gonna ask you about Piper." Percy raised an eyebrow and glanced at him questioningly. "Welcome to the real world, Seaweed Brain." That's when her cell-phone started ringing. ", "Sorry!" Recovering in his fathers city of Atlantis. "How about you sleep with me?" 9.1K 420 13. And then, as if drawn by a magnetic force, he leaned forward, and she leaned forward, and they had a long, passionate kiss. Passing through the walls again, she saw Piper calmly sleeping, her face in utter bliss, which was hard to imagine because she was still in the pink, red and white room Aphrodite had given her. "I wish the same as Annabeth." Percy pulled off the bra and smiled at what he saw. Percy said, willing the water and sponge to clean the dirty dishes. What do we have here?" Percy and I were the worst cases of them all. "You will remain a couple at the end." ", "Yep." Like what I blessed to Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez when they said they believed in me. Annabeth's was the largest, and Leo's was the smallest. Percy mumbled, looking down. I love a good love story, after all. Zeus's voice boomed again, and Piper shivered at the thought of his powerful voice. Piper said, coming down the stairs. No you aren't. "Sorry." I sniffed the sweatshirt and stained it with tears which left stains on my cheeks too. But somehow my heart still ached. Alright! "You don't." After all, blackmail point two for Leo. I guess that's understandable but I still wish Percy would talk to me, after all I probably know him the best out of anyone here. "That's it, people!" I'm pretty sure the Arrows of Hercules or the Shield of Achilles is here somewhere?" Annabeth gave a feeble smile and walked downstairs slowly, into the tensioned dining room. Percy mock gasped, clutching his hand to his chest and his face of pretend horror. "What do you think will happen when we go to school?". "Valdez, your wish." "You're a bit in a pickle, aren't you?" He could either 1. Frank thought for a moment before he answered. SHe wheezed. If anyone could beat up a jock, it was Annabeth. They're not so hard, either. Being kidnapped in your sleep and dropped into a strange world where evil lurks in every shadow sure doesn't sound fun, but it's business as usual for Percy, Annabeth, and Piper. Complete Work. Everyone wonders how Annabeth Chase, the once-popular . "If this fails, we'll be expelled and Hazel will never let me hear the end of this.". Leo looked around and backed away from Zeus's booming voice. "I wonder what they're planning." "I didn't notice she was missing.". "But, I can assure you end up with each other." "We're breaking apart. Piper said anxiously. Percy sat up and put an arm around her gray owl pajamas. ", "I got it!" "She transferred from her old school to Goode. Let her sleep, because she was up that whole other night fighting Gaea. Don't worry, Piper. Athena stood up with a kind of deadly calm. When Percy is recalled to Olympus he is quite doubtful about the future. Percy looked panicked. And what's the square root of 225?". And three strikes and you are out. Annabeth left the three boys to themselves and gracefulyy glided to her own room, smiling. Percy's anxious voice replied. "-agree." Hazel needs a special award for her cookies. Leo said, pretending to be thinking. This is a Percy Jackson fanfic Percy is betrayed and lost until he fi. She said, and Percy gave a small grin. Leo stifled a laugh. Percy Jackson, and Piper McLean both left Camp Half-Blood. Now the hungry lion roars, Jason asked. RIIIINNNNNGG! Annabeth, Piper and Hazel shrank away. Hazel and Frank weren't looking at each other, and Leo was staring at Hazel. Annabeth said quickly, sending a little glare to Hazel. 419 7 7. The boys leaned forward and heard the last bit of Piper's sentence, Now we can finally try our one on one sword fighting.". Hazel stifled a laugh she had almost let out. He mimicked a old woman's high pitched tones. Clarisse is furious that everyone will see her working with Percy, not to mention scared. So Percy and Annabeth talking in one room. Leo said, trying to avoid Annabeth's death glare. She practically spat. Piper was in study hall, so she could just pop in and then apologize in private. Annabeth said with a coy smile. There was nobody in the empty halls, and she was glad of it. Didn't want to wake them up, but why was she in your room?" The latter was probably correct. The guys groaned, but Piper and Hazel were pretty thrilled with the idea. Complicated relationships and problems. She thought, smiling. Percy stared at me, and before I even knew it my lips were on his. "He missed. Breakfast was subdued, and Leo noticed dark circles around Frank and Percy's eyes. Leo Valdez hung on the doorway of a charred door. Groaning, he shook his head and looked around to where he was. Is he? (Annabeth: Bish think again) (Grover: Bish think again) (Sally: Bish think again) (Piper: 0.0) "Good morning, Sparky." He opened his eyes to find him on a bed with a clean mattress and pale blue sheets. "Okay, fine, we may have kissed a couple times. Before he could open the door, he heard arguing between Frank and what sounded like Hazel. Leo said in a teasing tone. She was staring at something white and bright, and a powerful presence that chilled her bones. No tile gave a groan when she stepped on it, no locker echoed her soft footsteps. They then kissed the unconscious Leo on the lips, and then reclothed each other and got their armor back on. Ares and their allies had red plumes. "Percy, as punishment for your deeds, you need to finish reading the playscript for A Midnight's Summer Dream, and give me an overview. He slowly made his way up the stairs, his feet dragging against the wooden platforms. Were. . Leo turned so red his hair burst on fire. "Isn't that Percy Jackson? "I'm sorry, Jason." Hazel giggled and moved in. He mumbled. She replied, wiping the tears on her face that had formed because she was so bored. Said the big guy, waving the camera. Besides, everytime he tried to talk to Annabeth himself, all he got were conversations like this: Percy: "Hey, how's it going?" . He cried, now a heavy shade of scarlet, same as the velvet rug he was trodding on. "I'm a boy who has a girlfriend." "Pipes?" She said. Annabeth asked in the living room when they were alone. Hazel watched the scene with wide eyes. However, here Thalia is, about to go from the frying pan into a molten volcano.~Thalia's been getting used to living as a Pirate. "I officially hate high school." Jason muttered a few curses to his alarm, then hauled himself up with his iron bedstead. Percy said with disgust. The room was an shocking yellow. She's got a following bigger than her Olympic-hopeful boyfriend and the hottest guy in school, Percy Jackson. ANnabeth replied, trying to shut the door without hurting his hand. "Ouch! Now that Nico and Percy are smooching buddies what will this mean for the ship everyone comes here to see, Pipercy? "I cannot promise not to give you a complicated relationship." Because surely, surely it cant get any worse than this. And then he remembered his punishment from Annabeth. She told herself. "She was in the library the whole time. Now the wasted brands do glow, Every one lets forth his sprite She doesn't like posing for shallow pictures, or having people stare at her in magazines, or being . "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! He could feel the area on his hip where his tool belt was supposed to be, but there was nothing. What can I help you kids with?" For some reason, all seven of them had black Jansport backpacks already crammed with school supplies on. Did not work." "Boys." "What reward do you hope for?" The Seven made their way to the office, walking up to the front desk where a clown-faced secretary was reading a Vogue magazine. Whilst the heavy ploughman snores, "Not anymore, when you can have me." The only drawback? You're his best friend. "So you now understand my brilliant logic." Your best friend's not going crazy." The school was architecture and impressive, and intimidating too, just like Frank thought of Annabeth. "Then very well. He whispered to Hazel, who was propping her eyelids up to prevent them from drooping. (Trust me, I know). "When is he going to be done?" He said, staring into the distance. He kissed Annabeth's boobs and she laughed. Jupiter looked at Frank. Savior (A Percy Jackson FanFiction) by thedaughterofchaos. Light began to stream everywhere. "I wonder how big is this room. A full-empowered Titan would incinerate Percy with their presence alone unlike an Olympian's divine form. It was a comforting sound. Annabeth Chase is a Greek demigod, daughter of the goddess Athena and professor Frederick Chase, and the cousin of Norse demigod Magnus Chase. Said another voice over the phone. Hazel instantly regretted saying it out loud. She wished Jason and her could be as relaxed as Percy and Annabeth, who were very clearly in love. But his life changes when he finds out he is a demigod. Jason Grace/Piper McLean (10) Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson (10) Magnus Chase & Percy Jackson (10) Magnus Chase . He said, panting. It was true, her scarves were better quality, and she had already made nine of them. "Leo?" Percy argued, one arm around his girlfriend. Leo thought. Frank said, pointing up. He yelled, his hair bursting on fire and threatening to set the chair off. I'm a hopeless cause, though. But before the last bite, Jason was sucked into a vortex of spinning colors Frank felt like throwing up after the ride was over. He jumped, then realized the person was a frizzy redhead with green eyes. But you and Annabeth don't you like each other? Annabeth stared at herself in a mirror. "We just wanted to be popular-" Leo managed, but Piper cut them off. Frank cleared his throat to go next. Percy Jackson is a Dork. Jason. He cooed at Annabeth. Piper said. f. So Hazel and Frank, talking through the walls. He taunted, throwing the camera. "She doesn't want to talk to you." People who had sword training with Jason were falling behind on their training. Athena had an excellent poker face, and Piper shivered at the thought if Athena ever said that to her. "Ditto. Percy was on his bed, drooling, still tied in rope like Annabeth had left him like, and there was someone over him. Never to cheat on her or leave her? "Perseus Jackson, do you promise to love my daughter and care for her? 100%. Jason held up his paper. Annabeth had a flash of danger in her eyes, something Frank was glad to see. "Language!" Looking toward the sound in alarm, he saw Leo holding a camera along with the rest of the Seven. He could feel the stares of his friends as he began to read. "Dude, you take cooking?" "She'll be out in a few minutes." He often referred to his new baby as "the li'l one." In fact his name was Tristan but at six months, I suppose "the li'l one" is as good a tag as any. "Says the daughter of Athena." Both had very gruesome endings. "Leo, just help. Percy stays all by his lonesome now, the only person who can even get close to him is Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia. He sounded almost scared. Zeus- no, now Jupiter, announced into the echoing of the palace. "I've got a plan to make us popular". In this endless ocean they are three points gravitating towards each other. Annabeth muttered. The handsome, powerful one. "Let's get our schedules from the office." Piper, who was now in a green tank top and jeans, pulled out the seat next to him and went to toast some bread, while Leo, who had finally put on jeans and a greasy and charred T-shirt with a tool belt, found the coffee machine. "Yes, Pip-"Piper put her hand to Annabeth's mouth. My helmet, like all the helmets on Athena's side, had a blue horsehair plume on top. Clearing his throat and swallowing the black mass inside his mouth, he repeated his question. "That git. Piper smirked. Piper's loud shriek rang through the building as the acrid smell of smoke burned Jason's lungs and his eyes. "I didn't want to be killed." She was cute, smart, pretty, and all those things, but she was Frank's GIRLFRIEND already. Percy said matter-of-factly, leaving the sink and heading upstairs. If she cried, it rained. In the church-way paths to glide, Explicit. And with that, Leo vowed he would get a girlfriend here, too. Jason put a hand on her shoulder, instantly calming her down. He suggested, and Annabeth nodded and snuggled in gratefully, her head resting on his chest. She stared harshly at Alan. He replied, resulting in a "Hey!" "Young love." We were like two cats competing over a dead mouse. He looked around. He eyed Leo sternly. She was curious to see what modern high school was like because she had never experienced it before. Everyone turned to see Jason looking at the ground, appearing to be thinking hard. I walked into the Poseidon cabin with Percy, we were discussing who would win in a fight, a hydra or medusa. Piper said, stalking to her closet to change. I have locker 245 and Biology, Room 3A, English, Room 5B, Swimming, in the Gym, Math, Room 7A, Social Sciences, Room 9B, and Physical Education, in the Gym." He could hear Hazel yell back. We just finished eating." He asked, holding his chest. "Of the mansion. He yelled, his stomach grumbling. Another plaque said Jason Grace. "Damn the alarm clocks." She vaguely felt Jason squeeze her hand, his warm breath still tingling in the air. Every time she closed her eyes, a haunting memory from Hell would just appear. She muttered, hitting the Off button. He shuddered, wondering what he was doing here. And NO using that calculator on your desk." The bell rang and the seven demigods shifted out of their seats. "You can't get me to leave him!". I couldn't help but stare, and Percy stared back. He heard Hazel hiss. Carrying himself off the armchair and onto the hard, wooden chair was hard, but he managed it. Much better. "And holding parties is only for desperate people who want to try and become awesome! Percy came back down and sat on his seat. "Shh!" "You're right." "Percy, do your homework or I'll call the rest of the demigods to tie you up." Jason said, wide-eyed. Piper refused to even look at Jason for the day, and he couldn't bear it. The knife glinted in the darkness, and she could make out the silhouettes of Jason, Piper and Hazel. Percy decided that now was not a good time to call them to breakfast. He struggled and eventually made his way in. Rachel chuckled. I will never leave you for anyone in the world, even Reyna. Leo said, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "Let's go!" Percy joked, reading the letter slowly. "I wish to lead a regular mortal life." EWW! Jason got up in boredom, pushing away his unfinished pizza on the table, deciding he'd eat it later. Leo realized there was something wrong with Jason. Story of a transfem Percy and also it's gonna be very gay. http://www.wattpad.com/story/6259740-the-seven-in-high-school-percy-jackson-fanfiction. "Inside joke. That's Goode!" As he lagged down each stair, he wondered what the others were wearing. "This is the Percy side of Jason." She smiled gratefully and walked through the walls to her own room. Piper said, wrinkling her nose. "Very well, son. Annabeth said, her mind twiriling. "Alright! One jock was telling Percy. I felt awkward tension between us two. It opened with a gentle creak, and he silently walked up to Piper's door and knocked. "I see you are already awake." Annabeth, she became the greatest architect in America. "Awesome party, dudes!" She asked, peering at the dark circles on his eyes. "Jason Grace." "Bad dreams?" "HEY!" Nobody seems to like guys like me. These are transfer students from California and Arizona: Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, and Jason Grace. Wouldn't you be infuriated if a girl kept on staring at me?" Leo asked, his mouth stuffed with burnt pizza. I will allow your relationship." She pulled the handle, and was completely stunned at what she saw next. Piper McLean deserves to be loved. Piper has and older brother- Percy Jackson. "That'll teach them." Annabeth said sweetly, smiling. Finishing his Taco Bell Chicken Burrito, he lit his hand on fire and burned the wrapper to ashes. Percy winced in sympathy for Frank. "Hi. END. "I d- I mean I did- I mean like I did- I didn't mean it like that!" She woke up immediately. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. "Hazel Levesque!" Percy nodded, "I knew I'd win this argument!" Flirting with my boyfriend!" It took her about five seconds to realize it was Annabeth. Annabeth snorted. The secretary waved her hand to a stack of papers near the flowerpot, where a dying orchid was growing. Matches? There was already a black void swirling around Zeus's chair, and Piper and the others were sucked in. the characters watch quests from The Demigod Files, bond more, and explore what it means to be part of Percy's friends and family. He could here it groaning from the impact, but he ignored it. As soon as he was sure Katropis was not in reach of Piper (She was almost as vicious as Annabeth, that girl), he sneaked up to her and willed tap water to splash onto her. He grabbed a condom and put it on. There was Kylie, makeup smeared all over her face, simpering at Jason. "Make sure you host another one!" Maybe some god would Iris-Message them, or leave them a message, or even call them on Annabeth's cell phone. "Hazel? Just staring at it too long made Percy's eyes water. Percy closed the door almost collapsing in laughter. "Percy and I are hooked. I didn't know if it was I who kissed him or he who kissed me, but I didn't matter. "I don't know. That's not what I meant by a normal life!" "WHo's moment is it- ours or theirs? "Well?" In an alternative world where Percy and Nico becomes lovers, so does Piper and Annabeth. What could possibly go wrong? One uneventful day, Percy is assigned a special quest by Aphrodite, a quest that would turn him into the perfect boyfriend and love. After I broke up with Will I found my time being occupied with Percy. She brushed the stray hair out of her face and then looked forward again. I promised I would give him some space or whatever. Percy fake pouted and did something that surprised them all- well, not really, but it still was kinda out of the blue: he leaned over and kissed Annabeth. Locker 275" She smiled, and Frank shot her some happy looks. "Yep." Kylie shot them a look of loathing and strutted away. He heard someone snicker. Really? I felt giddy, "Yeah it's ok. Listen. He looked at none other than his girlfriend Piper, staring at the duo in shock. Poseidon asked, his sea green eyes full of mischief. He seemed more distant, more distracted. "I swear to the River Styx that I will never leave Annabeth, cheat on her, and I will always love and care for her." Jason's wearing a Superman costume. Piper and Jason were staring at each other's eyes, not moving as the lesson went on. This time more about Percy's. "Annabeth.". She cried, wringing her hands. He asked. This time more about Percy's. relationships with his friends and family come to light, as do his feelings on it. He made me to Swear on the River Styx not to tell anybody. The Demigod's Howl. It was late evening as the dying fire roared again when Hazel and Annabeth knitted scarves for all her friends of the Seven. Not a mouse Shall disturb this hallowed house.I am sent with broom before, To sweep the dust behind the door. She blinked open her eyes, and saw the violet alarm clock propped on the wall, it's format of growing crystals. "Not so fast, are you, Grace?" "She helped me finish my Algebraic equations. "Frank! hestia; betrayal; thalia +16 more # 17. "Piper's feeding the li'l one," he said. Leo Valdez is a Dork. She looked like a supermodel in her swimsuit and, with her bag full of designs and notes, a smart girl/ supermodel/ amazingly hot architect. Piper stifled a giggle. It was pretty, not store quality like Annabeth's, but in that homemade, cozy style. "I'll akways be with you.". He had no idea how he hadn't noticed that before. annabeth. I sighed and stared at the Poseidon cabin through my window. Spray Annabeth with water and have her kill him. Despite his reservation, his life might just take a turn for the better. Piper ran, her face buried in her arms, running away and out of sight. She usually tried to keep it 'classy' with a bottle of cheap wine, laughing at her friends' expressions as they downed burning liquor . He brushed his teeth and hopped downstairs to grab a meal. Here it is: Percy, Jason and Frank were walking on the decks of the Argo II trying to find their girlfriends. Looking at each other, and was completely stunned at what he saw he... Along with the rest of the Seven 244. `` girlfriend Piper, at... Armor back on to realize it was pretty, not store quality like Annabeth 's was the piper and annabeth talks about percy fanfiction August. School supplies on up in mock surrender chair, and she had already made nine of had! 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