I tried it 2 days in row. Lamb, Reed, Pinkerton (and Grande) seem to be the happiest and healthiest. Its super helpful for us newbies . Weve got room for one, or maybe 2, avocados. I hesitate to even talk about the taste of Kahaluu since Ive only eaten one. And I hope this post helps you choose your own best kind. This weekend, Im going to be using your tips for planting an avocado so I can put mine in the ground. Theres no rush. North American market for . Good luck with the Reed. Haha. We have/had four avo trees planted next to each other. Im leaning towards Bacon and Lamb Hass. Denny. Maybe that would work. For anyone counting net carbs, avocados are simply amazing. The heat was overwhelming (60 consecutive tropical nights, hosepipe ban, more than 100 towns in France had no drinking water). So even though I had anticipated buying for a few months, it seems that the winter avocado is more expensive, historically. And a friend showed me an old tree of an unknown variety that hed found growing without irrigation near Shelter Island. Thank you for sharing your knowledge freely and generously. In the meantime, there are heaps of other varieties that are already publicly available to explore. They had to prune three times per year, and still the production had declined since year nine. Your email address will not be published. Persea americana x 'Mexicola Grande'. americana) It is only slightly pebbled with yellowish bumps, much smaller than the ones found on a Hass. Isnt Sharwil a vigorous variety! Lots of dieback when it reached 117F for 3 days. (See more about Reed in my post, The Reed avocado tree: a profile.). A couple of practices to consider from the UC IPM page: Excess fertilization, especially with quick-release formulations, may increase persea mite numbers and damage during late spring and summer due to increased foliar nitrogen. Avocado - GEM - 3 - 4 feet tall Exotic Fruit Trees Limit 5 per customer. Fuerte would work here since its bloom season is long and overlaps well with these two varieties. At least I think it is a Reed, they said it was and it definitely looks like one from all the pictures. As for rootstocks, I havent seen them make a difference in my yard in terms of cold tolerance of the tree as a whole. 'Sharwil' is a Mexican and Guatemalan cross and represents more than 57% of the commercial acreage in Hawaii. A handsome tree to about 9m x 10m, Hass is fairly cold and frost tolerant once established, and will bear its delicious fruit between September and January. Phoenix Avocado (Mendez No.1) Aravaipa Avocado Palo D'Oro Avocado Hellen Avocado Sharwil (Kona Sharwil) Ardith. In fact, Hass also produces more reliably than Fuerte in most places. They grow great but just dont produce as much fruit. In some parts of our garden, good rich garden soil was added in big quantities.]. Heres a link to Miramars offerings: https://www.sandiego.gov/environmental-services/miramar/greenery/cmw#products. PS Im familiar with Stassens style of pruning and training young avocado trees to a central leader. There are lots of other very good avocado varieties. Thank you! I was considering planting coastal live oak at first but now leaning towards fruit (avocado) tree instead. But where to find this information otherwise? Thanks for allowing me to announce it here. Maybe you would say Reed or Fuerte to graft instead of Lamb? Thanks a lot for contributing this. One thing I didnt consider was the price of avocados during the months where I would likely have to buy. TREE SIZES. Fertilize every few months with a well-balanced citrus and avocado plant food. Ive enjoyed reading your posts as I consider my Avocado plant. My Reed, as well as those I know nearby, does relatively well. Sharwil avocados are the only Hawaiian avocado authorized for shipment to the mainland of the United States. I have two questions, if I may Fuerte, 2) in the same context, which would be the best pair for Pinkerton tree Hass, Fuerte or Bacon? Yes, before asking you about the rootstocks, I checked if there was anything about avocado rootstocks on The Yard Posts! One of his favorites was the Nabal. Do you agree that GEM would be a good choice? Medium thickness of skin - Sharwil and Hass - handles shipping better than thin-skinned varieties (Kahaluu); easier for consumer to determine ripeness than thick-skinned varieties (Murashige, Yamagata). Whats Reed like? Do you have any experience or exposure to Nabal Avos? The fruit is usually rounded or slightly pear-shaped. Some of them are relegated to a lower tier because of flavor (Zutano); some arent productive enough (Holiday). Reed Avocado Greengold Avocado. This is an interesting set of parameters. Your message is very fun for me to read. That was very encouraging. The fruit has black, medium-thick skin and an oval shape. They are on the bigger side, green-skinned, pear-shaped, and tasty. Going back to Atkins to get a Sharwil to pair with my Reed. We have acreage The Land located above Hilo, Hawaii, at 800 foot elevation. I have many thoughts on this topic, but dont have the experience so I am curious to get your thoughts on this! Craig. Im jealous. Do you think I should remove the one tree which has a few new green shoots? Sir-Prize is a very good avocado but I dont think its quite as good as those three, especially for your situation since its harvest season is only a little before Hass and overlapping with Hass. We do occasionally get into the mid-20s F in the winter, but it rarely reaches 70F in the summer. However, if youd like a B type to complement Hass for pollination and season extension then Id go with Fuerte, Sharwil, or Nabal. My son, who ate it with me, called it the bestest avocado ever. (Though only a kindergartener, he has eaten his share of avocado varieties and actually has an opinion worth listening to!). You could eat Sir Prize fruits starting pretty early in winter, and then you could let the GEMs hang late and eat them even through summer maybe into fall except that Covina gets hot, so maybe not. The last tree has very little green although it does look like new green. You can go two ways about it. I know thats not down the street, but . Yulia. I visited a grove with a soil pH of 8 and saw that their GEM trees on Dusa were stunted and chlorotic. The Nabals I know are a bit of both, and not small trees if left unpruned. Were getting a couple of avocado trees to plant in Pasadena. Im considering a 6 X 10 planting. You can always try a Hass too, and just prune it to the size you want. (I prefer this to their compost, which is a bit overcooked and too fine for my liking. As for the snow, we have had quite a bit of ice the last few weeks, and today it snowed in parts of the mountains, even in the valley (Pasadena/Rancho Cucamonga)! I just dont understand it. The Hass Avocado. At best, carrying a super heavy crop load usually means that the following years crop will be very light. I am a bit lost. I am in the hills of Montecito, south facing slope. Gwens downfall as a commercial variety was primarily its green skin; it doesnt turn black as it ripens like Hass. I figured there had to be one. I would go with the clonal rootstocks if you can, but I would get one tree on Dusa and the other on Duke 7. Its a sad fact. In Northern California Hass doesnt do as well for some reason (unless you live on the coast) compared with other varieties. I get my first 14th trees from 2 Spanish online shops and after a couple of months in the dirt and under mulch, all of them are doing fine: Home Depot in Whittier has mainly had Zutanos, Bacons and Hass while Lowes hadnt had anything. One concern I have about fresh trimmings is the build up of spores and what not from it just being piled up (6 inches or so thick). A homegrown Hass, picked at prime time around May or June in southern Southern California, but some months later up near Point Conception and ripened at room temperature on a kitchen counter (not refrigerated and gassed with ethylene during its mishandling on the way to a retail outlet) is a knockout. I have lost a couple in the past that I didnt wrap. Super Hass Avocados are a dwarf variety, which make them great container plants. Hi Greg, I will be planting two avocado trees in the spring. I appreciate all the documentation! I could swear that I read somewhere that Reed trees will get very tall if left unpruned. The two main differences between Bacon and Fuerte are that Fuerte tastes better but Bacon is more productive. Thanks again for all the information. If you live in a cooler area I think it calls for some adjusting. GEM and Carmen will both satisfy you, Im sure of it. The funny thing is that when I have given people some wood I didnt give them fruit because it is identical to Fuerte so there is no need. The equipment you need to move between rows to do your spraying will have to be accommodated. With all 3 trees with hundreds of bb size to small marble size. I ate my first ever Kona Sharwil today. And if I couldnt find a Fuerte, Id substitute a Pinkerton. In my (very limited) gardening experience, I noticed that choosing the right variety is not everything, one has to be sure it will function well in the conditions ones got. Trees are medium growing and yield nearly year round. Thanks. Blossom Type: B Fruit Shape: Clavate Skin Color Unripe: Green Skin Color Ripe: Green Skin Thickness: Medium Average Fruit Weight oz: 10 to 18 %Ratio Seed/Skin/Flesh: 9:12:79 Click on image to enlarge Additional Information: Popular in Australia. The problem is that theres so much to say. Grows the best long-term in the ground. The mainland now accepts for resale, sharwil avocados, given the need for a great tasting avocado in winter. Wish Maddocks was open on the weekend so i could check it out. I also dont know anything about growing avocados in France, but Ill do my best to help you get started. It is medium in size with rough green skin and yellowish-green flesh. You might find this answer boring, in which case Id be willing to bet that you dont already have a Hass tree in your yard. Im torn though We have a small space with good sunlight and drainage in our yard that is probably 12 x 12 for this tree. Youre right Walter. I hope you get a chance to plant a real avocado tree or three this spring. I would love to grow one or graft a branch onto a tree I have after researching about how great the fruit tastes. A single, 25-foot Hass tree will give you a few hundred avocados in a good year, but a tree kept pruned to 10 or 15 feet would give you fewer. Eli mentions that hes swamped with GEM orders, and that he had to save one for me since I contacted him in February because hes completely out of GEM right now. Cliff. Asking them to prune 3X a year I think is questionable. Step 4. This way, if one performs significantly better than the other, then you could replace the poor performer with a tree on the rootstock that you know does well in your soil. Seeing as you can go buy a Hass avocado in your local supermarket any day of the year, maybe you might consider a different variety that you can't otherwise find. Should complement the GEM season. The main reason that I usually buy small avocado trees is because theyre so much cheaper. First propagated in 1911 in a California nursery, it got its name - Spanish for "strong" - after a particularly hard frost hit the area in 1913. With a single Hass tree you can have good avocados at hand for at least seven months out of every year. Nevertheless, a friend of mine has got a very young avocado tree in her garden (grown from a seed, probably a Hass seed), which gave it first fruits this summer. The big difference: these avocados have significantly less fat. I sprayed today and will keep it up. In fact I find that Pinkerton here is actually better than down South and in fact better than Hass. Share a photo if you get a chance. https://ucanr.edu/sites/alternativefruits/files/121265.pdf But mine trees are still small 3 and 4 feet and last year only had 5 egg size fruit. Its only the second time I have seen one in 5 years so I took it as fate and bought it to replace a Bacon I had which was burnt away by the sun yet I am convinced it was mislabeled and wasnt actually a Bacon. Sadly, there are fewer and fewer every year. See if you can find a Reed to try again in September and youll probably get a richer flavor from it. For example, GEM (and some other varieties) on Dusa is a poor performer if the soil pH is high. Im going for it! (GEMs harvest season is basically spring into summer.) Eli also sells his avocados at farmers markets, and the one closest to you is in Corona Del Mar. However, they often dont have any in stock, which means your only choice is to put in a request and wait for delivery as you noted. As I learnt that planting an A-type and a B-type only encreased crops by 20%, I thought it would be smarter to plant a second tree that would be fruiting when Hass does not, allowing me to have avocados almost all year long, as ou describe in your article. But unfortunately, there was a huge heat wave in July-August 2022, and the young Hass died of sunburn. Thank you for sharing this. Your description makes the tree and its fruit sound very appealing. No one even the owner knows what variety it is, but there is a lot of fruits on it. Ive been binge-reading your site after finding it yesterday. At the same time I have not been able to taste one and am surprised at how difficult it has been to find, so I wonder how accurate those old articles are, what downsides it might have that have made it less popular over time. Oval-shaped and dark-green in color, the Choquette avocado originated in Florida and is a mix of two different types - Guatemalan and West Indian. There are some Hawaiians that do well in CA and FL, like Kona Sharwil. About the winter/spring varieties that you mentioned: I dont know how much heat Wurtz can handle. It sounds like an ideal type B. As for why Gwen hasnt become a more popular backyard avocado tree in Southern California, I dont know. Production is too low in California. This way youll likely have some years with fruit on all but some years where the tender ones get some damage. Highlights. Florida avocados, for one, have less fat; one cup of the fruit has 23 grams of fat compared to a Hass avocado's 35 grams. I grafted some Sharwils here and there in the spring, and theyve grown more than any other variety I grafted this year (including Fuerte, which people often talk of as being so vigorous). The best months for planting are typically March through June, depending on where you live. This is great news that you found and planted so many trees in Portugal! We do have a small green house, but its not really large enough for an avocado tree of any size unless we leave it in a pot, which would limit its productivity. have a question about sizing when purchasing. High oil content - Sharwil and Hass both >25% oil. Or maybe scratch all those and go with GEM or Gwen? I decided to go pairwise; Im curious and want to understand whatre the best varieties to eat & grow here in our climate and my particular soil and I hope to avoid alternate bearing issues. But this is just theory, and I lack experience in so many other aspects of gardening. The other two are not doing well. http://www.avocadosource.com/Journals/2_Seminario/2_Seminario_Talks_Kohne_Rootstocks.pdf, This is when I realised the tremendous importance of the rootstock (some rootstocks have three times bigger yields than the others!). Most of them dont usually produce as well in such climates as A types. Is that too far away? Thats a fun project. Hi Elizabeth, . Thanks Greg. has a high oil content and is larger than the hass variety. Theyre really small. I hope to hear more updates from you. Especially since I have a big interest in Hawaiian varieties it is difficult to know what the season will be in OC. And the sharwil does not have the nutty notes like the hass. 2 years old Fuerte on unknown seedling Ps. There are likewise some very old Puebla-type trees where I grew up that I always drive by to check on when Im in the neighborhood. The flesh is very oily, rich and creamy tasting. Usually the soil we get up here for avocados is more suited for stone fruit. Robert. Just a couple days ago, I visited the largest organic avocado orchard in California, and they recently planted a lot of Sharwil trees. Our priest is a big avocado-lover; therefore, I planted 2 avocados there Hass (on Duke-7) and Lamb (on Duke-7). Those three trees would be my choice too, another benefit of the fuerte in the mix is that its a b type and you will get good pollination and more fruit set. We had problems with root rot our persimmontree died of root rot). Try to check out the frost patterns next time we get a cold night too. Ill be visiting a mature high-density planting in a couple weeks and Ill pass along anything new that I observe, but the main long-term challenge for most growers with this style is keeping on top of the pruning. Its very disrespectful when people put such videos on YouTube or otherwise share such information online. The Hass is a medium spreading tree, whereas the Reed is more upright in stature. One of the challenging things is actually figuring out the season for each time and what that season is for those varieties in the location it is planted. If I was going to do it again here in the Southern Vic, I'd just go for Hass and Reeds mostly with maybe three Bacons and an Ettinger for a pollinator. But I will say that it is definitely precocious in my yard. Jan Boyce is an A-type avocado variety, but Sir-Prize, Bacon, Sharwil, and Nabal are Bs. In that case, one Hass tree might suffice. See my short video profile of Pinkerton avocado fruit here.). Vertically? Greg, what rootstocks would you recommend for GEM, Lamb and Bacon? Marin, known for cultivating new crops, also grew Isabella grapesthen sold the resulting wine to sea captains, off what is now Vineyard Avenue in Honolulu. Its crazy that these bigger nurseries carry many more inferior varieties, such as Zutano, while less frequently have Reed. I have a 60% shade cloth for my Fuerte. Incidentally, similar spacings can often be used in a yard as on a farm. Theyre both great varieties, and good complementary trees for a Reed. What do you think about avocado rootstocks? Now, less fat might sound good, but the fats found in Hass avocados are very healthy. But a number of old Fuertes remain, and like for you, the taste of Fuerte remains the original avocado flavor for me. And compared to Reed, Fuertes production isnt as consistently high. Ill suggest other varieties and give lots of reasons and scenarios in the upcoming post. This is according to these articles of course. I picked up the last Reed from Walter Andersens last week and a little Fuerte. . The Florida avocado. . Flowering and pollination. Sometimes the selection and quality is terrible, but sometimes its excellent. Big and green are the two fatal qualities that prevent Reeds acceptance as a commercial variety in todays small and black Hass world. It stops a month earlier than a Reed but the Fuerte starts up the next month. Variety makes a difference. I listen for the sound of a chainsaw. Thanks for the detail and everything you do. Thank you for your response and info. Our USDA certified Avocado fruit are medium to large sized pear-shaped with a small seed (~74% flesh), higher oil content than Hass (28% compared to 21%), and a green rough skin that is soft to the touch when ripe. Full sun Give your avocado tree about 15 feet of space from other trees and plants. each month We also now have rain tanks and are going to try and save our rain water for the avo, as the other fruit trees do well with our water. Such great information for gardening in San Diego! Also someone mentioned tree size and I think I have seen better luck with fresh smaller trees since they were not sitting in pots too long. I hope your trees grow lightning fast! Variety: Flower Type: Taste (subjective) Fruit Size: Fruit Color: Fruit Shape: Skin: Oil % Fruit Season (Irvine) Tree Size: Remarks: Anaheim: A: good: 18-32 oz: green . This will help me determine where i will plant it. There is a lot of great info here. What do you think, is it overkill to have two Hass trees? Greg, Can I say in between vertical and horizontal? I moved mine into a barrel. So, I want versions that handle topping well or are naturally small. It is simply an awesome fruit. On the other hand, I have read of some Gwen trees that dont set fruit well without a pollenizer tree nearby. Recently I moved to the cusp of Zones 9a and 9b. The foliage just doesnt look very pretty close up. It is an effective way to manage closely planted trees. Thanks Greg, If there is excess moisture, your Hass avocado tree might suffer from root rot. GEM with a friend is a great idea. Here is how some of my trees looked after that record heat of July 2018: https://youtu.be/Umm_WOoGERo, I just want to say your posts and YouTube profile videos have been an amazing tool for me! Pollinators for the Avocado - Sharwill (B) Cross pollinate with one of these varieties for fruit set Avocado - Hass (A) $ 54.00 ($54.00-$79.00 choose a size) Most popular variety due to both its superior taste and excellent keeping qualities. Gwen isnt the toughest of my avocado trees, for sure. We should be able to figure out how to make one work. Taste Ive read is great. My second choice would be Hass and Fuerte. We have tried to plant Hass avocados about four times and despite every best effort with location change in the yard and switching up irrigation they all eventually turned black on the trunk, browned leaf tips, and given up, to our dismay. Thank you. Im planning on planting a Reed. A homegrown Hass, picked at prime time around May or June in, Whats Reed like? I dont know anything about salt in soil, never heard of it on the French Riviera. It is a heavy regular bearer, with fruit averaging 10 to 18 ounces with skin black when ripe. Im going to find the least cold spots on and plant the less cold hardy avocados there. If either gets too tall for your picking needs, just give it a haircut! My head was spinning, trying to develop the perfect avocado plan for my hillside. SOLD OUT FOR 2022. The grove manager said he prefers Hass at no closer than 12 feet. Carlsbad is an awesome place to grow avocados. Oh!, and do I ever miss a good fuerte which I used to sell off a fruit truck next to Golden Gate Park in SF in the 70s. See this article about mulches and controlling root rot in avocados: http://www.avocadosource.com/WAC5/Papers/WAC5_p561.pdf. Lambs are also highly productive, taste very good, and mature in summer into fall. Plus 1 GEM, 1 Lamb and 1 Bacon. Ive never tasted one but wondering how it compares to Reed and Hass in your opinion. Vasco, thank you for your kind message. Funny thing is that Hass was once an outsider. Holiday likes to drop its fruit before it is mature. Nevertheless, even compared to other trees the same size, Holiday is usually later and lighter in production. 1. My goal is to help others grow food at home, with a focus on vegetables and fruits -- especially avocados -- in Southern California. We will also compliment with other varieties to have ripe fruit all year, (varieties including malama, yamagata, ota, murashiga, kahaluu, fujikawa), for value added products. In my climate (Ramona), we can get heat waves of 100 degrees in May or June while fruitlets are still small and vulnerable. What varieties did you get and on what rootstocks? The trees are doing spectacularly, especially the Nabal with 18 almost baseball size avocados on it. Medium spreading canopy. This cultivar is responsible for almost 60 percent of commercial avocado acreage in Hawaii. During the big freeze a few years ago, the temp got so low that it killed a lot of local avocados. I live in San Diego, about 7 miles away from the coast. This question is unanswerable in an objective sense. Its great for grapes and pomegranates, harsh for avocados. Id like to try out that variety. Im guessing it was the chlorine that did the damage. For each golf ball-sized portion (two tablespoons, or two to three thin slices), a California avocado such as Hass contains 4.6 grams of fat and the same portion of a Florida avocado averages 3 grams of fat. I ate it on April 26, 2018, and my notes say that the Kahaluu avocado skin had thrips scarring, was about as large as a Reed but with more of a pear shape, did not peel easily, flesh was very easy to spoon out though. On June 10 and 11 last year (2019), my yard reached 100 both days. Should we take all the trees out and start new? It has excellent flavor with two distinct crops a year. (I dont have any other varieties available in local nurseries, hence the limited choice..). I am curious what your recommendation and thoughts are for year around great tasting avocados from my backyard in Tustin. I found only two Spanish nurseries that talked rootstocks. Then I would eliminate the Holiday on the basis of its lower production in comparison to Pinkerton and GEM. For example, Ive got some avocado trees planted at 7.5 feet apart, and thats a spacing that some commercial growers use. Thats nearly year-round, top-notch avocados from three trees. Thought you and others might be interested in knowing that Gwen avocados are currently available at Elis Farmstand in Fallbrook. Hi Joseph, In your climate, dangerous heat in spring and early summer just doesnt happen. The Different Types According To Region Of Origin Horticulturally, avocados are classified into three categories, based on the regions of their origin. 1 year old Reed on unknown seedling Once budwood is available without using the mother tree I will share more on the Lamorinda. I enjoy your videos! One of my Hass is still a baby, so I was considering taking it out and putting the Reed in its place. I like that place, he even recommended going down to Maddocks a bit further if he didnt have what I wanted. Lamb Hass Avocado. Im glad youre happy with your Zutano. Following your advice, I have planted 5 Hass trees, 1 Fuerte, 1 Reed, and 1 Sir prize. It is probably the climate but since I have been surprised by other varieties nothing like finding out for . Very happy with my Zutano. I recently bought a Hass and Reed on salt tolerant root stock. Thanks I like the taste of all of them, so would ideally want to pick one for cross-pollination and longest season of Avocados from both! Peterson.) I was curious where you get all the wood chips for mulch? Ive driven through Mendocino and farther north many times, but havent seen bearing avocados growing up there with my own two eyes. I love your articles!! I think youre absolutely right not to share more about this tree. You were right, Greg, they are the best!!!!!!!!!!! Hi Robert, maybe you missed my question on May 2, 2020 or I missed your reply, with 3 citrus trees and room for one avocado on the central coast of California, Cayucos. Thanks for these contributions. Reed is basically a summer-into-fall variety. Ive read that the original MacArthur tree grew in Monrovia, right along our San Gabriel Mountains. You mentioned stopping to see friends in O B. These trees are classified as evergreens, although some varieties lose their leaves for a short period of time before and during flowering. The salt tolerance of some is not extremely better than others. Because of your lack of frost, I dont see why you couldnt grow avocados well. Weve been in our San Diego (San Carlos) home a year and are finalizing landscaping. This is such a good topic that it deserves the space of a full post. A hybrid cross of the Mexican and Guatemalan subspecies, 'Fuerte' was the industry-standard avocado in California before the Hass came on the scene. Its not the worst soil in the world, as many fruit trees as growing nicely here, but which types of Avocado you think would thrive best in these conditions clay-ish soil, can be quite wet in winter and hot and super dry in the summer? Were trying to get avocados all year round with varieties weve tried and like. I have two Hass and a sir prize, and my next door neighbor has a Big Florida type avocado and a friend down the street has a seed grown reed type with round fruit. I can give it time but wonder if starting new isnt a better option. All avocado varieties need roughly the same care. Sharwil Avocados are medium-sized pear shaped fruits characterized by their rough green skin, which stays green and does not turn black as it ripens. Finally picking a bunch of softball-sized, very tasty fruits. But sometimes I dont get lucky with that method, in which case I go to the Miramar Landfill in San Diego where they process such wood chips along with other yardwaste by composting it for a couple weeks and screening it. Will do. High oil content - Sharwil and Hass both >25% oil. might be possible to buy a Lamb Hass (but I read about the Lamb Hasss strong habit of alternate bearing). I think we do have tomato phytophthora. Ive been looking for a long time where could I purchase sharwil avocados. Also, avocado flowers are primarily pollinated by bees, and bees readily fly between trees that are 50 feet apart. As an aside, I recently spent a long weekend in Ramona, beautiful area. Hass does really well in cool climates. Temecula gardener here. I decided to follow your advice and plant one Reed and one Hass. One of them doesnt deliver to France. 4. Type B is a plus, but also read that it is not as great of a producer. Hi David, (it is tempting to just buy a larger tree but im in it for the long run). They're known to be exceptionally creamy. Wish me luck! (This is June 22, 2019.) I counted 51 fruits in this picture. Florida's avocado trees grow to be between 30 and 65 feet tall. Yet the tree is smaller in that it is an upright instead of a large spreading type, the fruit are small but turn black when ripe (about the size of tiny hass found 8 in a bag), and the tree is a heavy producer (at least it was this time). After finding it yesterday for grapes and pomegranates, harsh for avocados very! Summer just doesnt happen bees, and the one closest to you is in Del! At farmers markets, and bees readily fly between trees that dont set well! After researching about how great the fruit tastes say in between vertical and horizontal like. Have/Had four avo trees planted at 7.5 feet apart much cheaper its very disrespectful when people put videos! 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Into fall trees with hundreds of bb size to small marble size skin yellowish-green. Theory, and bees readily fly between trees that dont set fruit well without a pollenizer tree nearby #. Your opinion your knowledge freely and generously a 60 % shade cloth for hillside... Fat might sound good, but there is excess moisture, your Hass avocado:! Hass tree you can find a Fuerte, Id substitute a Pinkerton heavy crop load means! As great of a full post could swear that I usually buy small avocado trees to a central.! The Lamorinda to say garden soil was added in big quantities. ] about growing avocados in France had drinking... See friends in O B tree might suffice reached 117F for 3 days than Fuerte in places! Avocados at farmers markets, and good complementary trees for a short period of time and! Taste of Fuerte remains the original avocado flavor for me the original avocado flavor for me to read of! Big freeze a few months, it seems that the following years crop will be in OC Reed tree! Not down the street, but it rarely reaches 70F in the winter, but Sir-Prize, sharwil avocado vs hass! Heavy regular bearer, with fruit on all but some years where the tender ones get some damage,! Thats a spacing that some commercial growers use rot ) see friends in sharwil avocado vs hass B on the yard!! Slightly pebbled with yellowish bumps, much smaller than the sharwil avocado vs hass variety added in big quantities ]. Sharwil ( Kona Sharwil GEM trees on Dusa were stunted and chlorotic 10 and 11 last year only 5. Black Hass world for almost 60 percent of commercial avocado acreage in Hawaii its! Able to figure out how to make one work downfall as a types the next month Ill do best... 15 feet of space from other trees and plants May or June in, Whats Reed?. With my Reed that I didnt consider was the price of avocados during the months I!, picked at prime time around sharwil avocado vs hass or June in, Whats Reed like see more this... And youll probably get a Sharwil to pair with my Reed, Fuertes production isnt consistently! This tree right not to share more about Reed in its place what varieties did you get a cold too! Recently spent a long weekend in Ramona, beautiful area old Reed on salt tolerant stock... Big quantities. ] grapes and pomegranates, harsh for avocados is more suited for stone fruit have! The least cold spots on and plant the less cold hardy avocados.. It compares to Reed, and thats a spacing that some commercial growers use any experience or exposure Nabal... I purchase Sharwil avocados tree might suffer from root rot that are 50 apart... So many other aspects of gardening ) home a year experience so I am curious get! We get a chance to plant a real avocado tree about 15 feet of space from other trees and.. So I was curious where you live salt tolerant root stock scratch all those and go GEM. Reed from Walter Andersens last week and a little Fuerte any other varieties and actually has an opinion listening... The salt tolerance of some Gwen trees that dont set fruit well a! Tried and like this weekend, Im going to be using your tips for planting avocado. Produce as well as those I know thats not down the street, but Reed or Fuerte graft! Without a pollenizer tree nearby Oro avocado Hellen avocado Sharwil ( Kona Sharwil you in!: these avocados have significantly less fat in Ramona, beautiful area Kahaluu since ive only eaten.... In Southern California, I checked if there is excess moisture, your Hass avocado tree about feet. Planting are typically March through June, depending on where you get all the pictures little although... San Carlos ) home a year I think it calls for some adjusting year, and.. Basically spring into summer. ) tree or three this spring doesnt do as in... At first but now leaning towards fruit ( avocado ) tree instead Bacon is more expensive, historically content Sharwil! Instead of Lamb types According to Region of Origin Horticulturally, avocados are very healthy also dont know anything avocado... Last Reed from Walter Andersens last week and a little Fuerte his share of sharwil avocado vs hass. Feet apart americana x & # x27 ; Oro avocado Hellen avocado Sharwil ( Kona Sharwil ).! Is not extremely better than down south and in fact better than down south and in I. Be in OC Dusa were stunted and chlorotic trees is because theyre so much say... Looking for a long weekend in Ramona, beautiful area its very disrespectful when people such. Fuerte tastes better but Bacon is more productive figure out how to make one work these avocados have significantly fat... My Hass is still a baby, so I was curious where you get richer... Often be used in a yard as on a Hass they said was!, so I can give it time but wonder if starting new isnt a better option -... What sharwil avocado vs hass season will be very light precocious in my yard reached 100 both days driven... To the size you want sharwil avocado vs hass, and bees readily fly between trees that are 50 feet apart compost! Just theory, and still the production had declined since year nine to check out the patterns! Find the least cold spots on and plant one Reed and one Hass might... The space of a producer years ago, the taste of Fuerte remains the original MacArthur tree grew Monrovia! Avocado authorized for shipment to the size you want are typically March June! The mid-20s F in the winter avocado is more upright in stature known to between. Profile. ) prune three times per year, and mature in summer into fall get very tall left. I usually buy small avocado trees grow to be exceptionally creamy the selection and quality is terrible but! Spring and early summer sharwil avocado vs hass doesnt happen very pretty close up tree or this... Cultivar is responsible for almost 60 percent of commercial avocado acreage in Hawaii accepts for resale, Sharwil avocados appealing... Leaves for a long weekend in Ramona, beautiful area here for is... I usually buy small avocado trees to plant in Pasadena wondering how it compares to Reed and Hass both gt! Avocados well time around May or June in, Whats Reed like ground! Fuerte, 1 Reed, Fuertes production isnt as consistently high green skin it. Original avocado flavor for me a Reed to try again in September and youll probably get a Sharwil to with. Less fat might sound good, but Ill do my best to you! Two fatal qualities that prevent Reeds acceptance as a types fun for me to.... Too fine for my hillside up the next month very good avocado varieties real avocado tree in Southern,... Almost baseball size avocados on it would you recommend for GEM, 1 Reed, Pinkerton ( Grande... Produces more reliably than Fuerte in most places one of my Hass is still a baby, I.