Danny Casalaro, on the other hand, is a good example of a situation where there might be more to his "suicide" than meets the eye. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The video above is an exhaustive overview of the John Lang murder mystery that has numerous incidents ofpolice activity leading up to and around the day of this death. People who believe they've been "targeted" will film themselves driving or walking around and they'll focus their camera on seemingly random objects, people walking their dogs or crossing the street, traffic around them, and suchlike. John Lang (a former Marine) was an activist who uncovered an ILLEGAL LICENSE PLATE SCAM being conducted by the Fresno Police Department. This is a call for Operation Fresno and Operation John Lang. Also in 2010, the Wall Street Journal questioned if Fresno County law enforcement had its priorities mixed up, between revenue generation and actually protecting the public. This is life in America for activist, stalked, assaulted, murdered. Freedom of Information Request: case files on John Lang, 51, of Fresno, California, http://m3.fresno.gov/upload/files/72546947/84725.pdf, http://m3.fresno.gov/upload/files/101668903/88400B.pdf, http://m3.fresno.gov/upload/files/82875214/88401C.pdf. It seems like, more and more, law enforcement agencies throughout the US are abusing their power. I think the saddest thing about this case is that he didn't get the help he deserved. His first report was that John Lang was stabbed multiple times in the back and chest. Coroners have determined the wounds were self-inflicted. ____________________________________________________________________________ John Lang made an ominous warning on January 15, posting on Facebook that local police trying to kill him. Lang's posts etc sound just like him when he goes off his meds. 24/7 Crime Time with Jen Presents Conundrums & Conspiracies, "Death of John Lang in suspicious Fresno house fire ruled a suicide", "How police license plate readers can invade your privacy", "Jon Lang's Story Will Make You Question Everything About the US Police Department". Are people saying the coroner was part of the conspiracy? Kind Regards. We cannot let this go without further investigation. The Voice of the Progressive Movement since 1996, An activist by the name of John Lang appears to have recently been murdered his death part of a much larger pattern. Serial Killer John Lang, 51, lost his life on January 20, 2016 after years of documented harassment and intimidation by Fresno Police Department and others. I question the circumstances of his death. Learn more. (The Fresno Police Officers Association and their credit union are about two blocks from Lang's home.) You were wrong. This has become a controversial case because some were lead to believe it was murder, when it fact it was actually suicide. He faced one year in prison for destroying public property, although the chalk was easily removable. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Subject: California Public Records Act Request: Freedom of Information Request: case files on John Lang, 51, of Fresno, California (Fresno Police Department) Email To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records: Any and all crime scene investigation related to John Lang He eventually died under mysterious circumstances. That final sentence chills me right to the bone. Expect us. To Jody Murray and the city of Fresno. VIDEO: The Horrific Story of John Lang Who Was (Most Likely) Murdered by Fresno Police. Subject: PRA Response to Kim Crooks MuckRock - 648 N. Van Ness. Coroner's have determined the wounds were self-inflicted. These videos showmarked police cars sitting outside his home, random unmarked vans with government plates driving by and even your typical white service vans showing up in the neighborhood. It's not that I don't believe in conspiracies - I do and they do exist. The Fresno County Coroner's office said John Lang's death was a suicide. FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- The Fresno County Coroner's office said John Lang's death was a suicide. . And it is to that effect that Fresno Law Enforcement uses to suit their purpose in my situation. This is not the only recent scandal involving Fresno police. June 2019 He was exposing the Fresno Police Department for running a ticketing scam. -The coroner gave out two conflicting reports. Posters on the Fresno Bee, using the then Disqus comment system were suppose to be anonymous. We do not forgive. On January 20, 2016, John Lang was found dead in his Fresno home, which was also on fire. On January 14 he posted a Facebook message warning that something bad may be coming his way. FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- The Fresno County Coroner's office said John Lang's death was a suicide. Previously married, he and his wife, Alma divorced in 2011. Years of assaults, cover ups, never ending illegal activity, police fire and FZbI etc, in this modern cointelpro assassination program. The flip side of course is that to these people this is all very real, and it has to be terrifying for them, knowing daily they're being stalked and toyed with by some unknown omnipotent cabal with sinister designs. Lang had contacted a local ABC30 reported, Corin Hoggard, via Facebook five days prior to his death. He was exposing the Fresno Police Department for running a ticketing scam. The John Lang case, for me, is one where it seems like there clearly is a large-scale conspiracy around his death. Obviously the video is supposed to be incontrovertible evidence of their victimization, but unless the person narrates or provides notes it's not really possible for the rest of us to intuit what exactly is supposed to be going on. If you have no idea who John Lang is dont worry youre not alone, Lang was a former activist of Fresno, California, he used to frequent the Fresno Peoples MediaFacebook Page, he was also anacquaintance to many in the Fresno activist community. He was also correct that law enforcement will fabricate evidence to convict someone theyre stalking. McCormicks Disqus handle on the Bee was Hikerdude1967. John Lang, the man who documented his harassment by Fresno police (?) Fresno Police Department (FPD) is under investigation by many independent organizations. He ended up dead and it was ruled a suicide. var addy_text31622ee187422457234c53a706d4ef10 = 'Tony.Botti' + '@' + 'fresnosheriff' + '.' + 'org';document.getElementById('cloak31622ee187422457234c53a706d4ef10').innerHTML += ''+addy_text31622ee187422457234c53a706d4ef10+'<\/a>'; Effective Saturday, May 29, 2021, inmate visitationsat all Fresno County Jail facilities are allowed. Yes-almost every piece of evidence he had was pretty clearly textbook example of reference delusion/gang stalking delusions. This unethical and possibly illegal activity was simply motivated by profit and unfairly targeted Fresnos poorer residents. Murder The hacking group Anonymous has joined the fight to bring awareness to the suspicious circumstances of John Langs death, and claim to be launching an investigation of their own. This has become a controversial case because some were lead to believe it was murder, when it fact it was actually suicide. like this one. Fresno Police Department (FPD) is under investigation by many independent organizations. Today we have a very important message. I notified Jim Boren, the then Fresno Bee Editor via email on two occasions in 2013 regarding an employee at the Bee who was sharing website ip and log data of Fresno Bee commenters with Fresno PD and Fresno Sheriff personnel. In the days before his death, John Lang grew increasingly paranoid. According to the report, Lang had high levels of carbon monoxide in his system along with three superficial, self-inflicted stab wounds to the chest area. The driver made eye contact with me and smiled, which appeared to be an overt and sarcastic way to let me know he was following me. Imagine a police officer dressed in his official uniform pulling up in a police cruiser. One of the more shocking videos is when a van pulls up across the street from his home, opens the sliding door and theres a man with what appears to be some sort of camera. in lower income neighborhoods. Investigators had initially called his death suspicious as they said it appears his house was intentionally set on fire. My mum has paranoia and reading what John wrote about that person "arrogantly mocking his appearance" sounds exactly like something she would say on a bad day. The driver appeared to be arrogantly mocking my appearance. February 9, 2016 -, Press J to jump to the feed. Learn how your comment data is processed. The inside footage shows the decedent sitting in the living room area with a large knife. Investigators had initially called his death suspicious as they said it appears his house was intentionally set on fire. Especially since those claims are so closely connected to his death which is clearly evident by his Facebook postings. John Lang resided in Fresno, California and worked at Payless Tires and Brakes. MuckRock users can file, duplicate, track, and share public records requests WebAnd Fresno police are the top suspects in the case. Fresno has a history of pioneering police state tactics: The earliest mention found was in 1999, when the New York Times said that Fresno of any city in all of America was the most paramilitary in its way of policing. My evidence needs to be investigated by the DOJ. It would seem that the Fresno Police really dont care to find out who killed John or they already know. Want the latest investigative and FOIA news? The following year Fresno police arrested a different pastor who organized protests against police brutality. 20 Countries Now Interested in Joining BRICS, Even After WSJs Lab Leak Report, White House Sticks to its C-19 Narrative, Trump vows a sweeping pro-American overhaul of tax, trade policies, 6th Grader Reads from Lurid Library Book at School Board Meeting [Video], BigTech Media Mogul funds Recruitment of Progressives to Administer Elections, Russian Sanctions Proved as Useless as COVID Jabs, UK Queen Slams Censorship Of Literature [Video], Yellen In Ukraine Gives Zelensky Another $1.25 Billion [Video], Woody Harrelson Demonstrates the Pain of Truth. Web-John Lang's name was also mentioned in a connection to another officer who confessed to raping a 16-year old girl that the department helped cover-up. He has barricaded himself in his home when his body was found. Or a guy was delusional and mentally ill and finally committed suicide. Subject: PRA Supp Response to Kimberly Crooks MuckRock - 648 N. Van Ness Ave. FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- The Fresno County Sheriff-Coroner's office has released the final report on what they are calling the suicide of John Lang. John was definitely on to something with his suspicions about child pornography and AT&T Internet Services. If you received this e-mail message in error, please destroy the message, and notify the sender immediately by replying to this e-mail or by calling Kimberly Hernandez at the number provided above. You may download a copy of the full report at the bottom of this page. The driver was a male wearing a baseball hat. He reached out to Fresno Peoples Media regarding why the constant harassment from the Fresno Police department, unfortunately Fresno Peoples media has been taken down but fortunately thanks to the wonders of Archive.org the article can be retrieved. My Disqus handle during that time was John21. His story is playing out over and over all across America. On January 20, 2016, John Lang was found dead in his Fresno home, which was also on fire. Fresno has a history of targeting those who speak out against police: The earliest mention found was in 2006 when the Associated Press noted that FPD was willfully ignoring the civil rights of Fresno citizens by arresting them for drunk driving before they ever drove. He spoke out on news websites, and, once his personal information had been LEAKED to the Fresno Police, he began to get HARASSED by them. These cameras were functioning until a day prior to his death. The local police have been noted recently for using a new software program titled Beware which profiles local activists and places them in the same threat category as violent criminals. John Lang (a former Marine) was an activist who uncovered an ILLEGAL LICENSE PLATE SCAM being conducted by the Fresno Police Department. Fresno has a history of pioneering untested police state technology: In 2002, Fresnos airport was the first U.S. airport to implement facial recognition software, which the ACLU immediately said would violate civilians rights. The next year Fresnos main university, California State University Fresno, was one of the first American universities to work with the military to develop drones that could spy on civilian populations. Subject: California Public Records Act Request: Freedom of Information Request: case files on John Lang, 51, of Fresno, California (Fresno Police Department) Email To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records: Any and all crime scene investigation related to John Lang Lang was found dead reportedly from a stabbing in his home that was set on fire. But it has gone viral among many online news sites, especially those dealing with police abuses and conspiracy theories. His story didn't blow up when he caught police targeting poor neighborhoods, because while illegal, it's hardly surprising at all. Firefighters found Lang barricaded inside his burning home on Van Ness Avenue in Central Fresno in January. Police on the scene originally reported that Lang, who was 51 at the time of his death, had been stabbed multiple times in his upper back and abdomen. John Lang added that he believed Fresno police were working with the local newspaper Fresno Bee, obtaining chat logs of people who were critical of the local government and police departments. The next year, the Fresno city manager criticized the media for even questioning the integrity of Fresno police after a major investigation by the FBI directly investigated the department. Oh I don't know, I remember when it first happened reading in an article that he was stabbed in the back, so maybe it was just a writer being mistaken? They also claim to have temporarily brought down the City of Fresnos [California] website to kick start the operation. 2/27/15 4:30 pm 4:45 pm -I was followed to Copper Hills Elementary School while picking up my daughter from a softball game by a green mid 90s Toyota Camry type 4 door vehicle. and was found dead in his burning house with stab wounds to the back. In January, firefighters found Lang barricaded inside his burning home on Van Ness Avenue in Central Fresno in January. It has not been completely suspended. I remember watching many of his videos and a substantial amount were 'see them? The decedent had cameras to the inside of his house. He literally thought the government hired or police hired dozens of neighbors and actors to follow him all day. The only thing that makes sense coupled with George Ramirez situation is if Fresno LE told these folks I was a child porn suspect. Even as far as contacting media and stuff saying people are after him. Upon reporting this scam to the authorities John himself started to be harassed and stalked by people clearly working for law enforcement. Police on the scene originally reported that Lang, who was 51 at the time of his death, had been stabbed multiple times in his upper back and abdomen. The John Lang case, for me, is one where it seems like there clearly is a large-scale conspiracy around his death. She shares her work on the Conscious Resistance Network, http://www.theconsciousresistance.comSee Kayla Moons in-depth interview with Pastor Breedlove at https://youtu.be/cm4XgCEWJr4. Same story minus the corpse in Harris County Texas. His house had also been barricaded and boarded up from the inside. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not. For over a year John posted videos from his security camera systems of suspicious activity outside his home. Very strange because the car was similar to my Saturn and the driver was wearing a baseball hat similar to what I typically wear. He included a link to a website with an open letter to the U.S. Department of Justice and FBI claiming that Fresno police were trying to set me up on some type a charge related to child pornography. At the same time, on his YouTube page Lang uploaded a video showing what he believed to be a suspicious van watching him. John Lang resided in Fresno, California and worked at Payless Tires and Brakes. There were no stab wounds to the back, contrary to what was initially reported by other media outlets. Looking at these events there is a pattern of Fresno city leaders denouncing citizens for questioning the police on their conduct. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. All Rights Reserved. Let this example serve as a warning to all my activist and blogger friends. The Fresno County coroner has ruled the death of a man found in a burning central Fresno home in January as a suicide. I created a page on my web site with the evidence from my experience of the things John was describing. But the way Lang ended up killed just kind of throws me for a loop. Subject: PRA Request - Extension Letter to Kim Crooks MuckRock - 648 N. Van Ness, Kimberly HernandezExecutive AssistantFresno City Attorney's Office(559) 621-7500[emailprotected]. An employee named, Jody Murray, from the site gave the Fresno Police his I P address and information. The Fresno County coroner has ruled the death of a man found in a burning central Fresno home in January as a suicide. Copyright 2023 The Inquisitr. February 2018, All All Rights Reserved. His story didn't blow up when he caught police targeting poor neighborhoods, because while illegal, it's hardly surprising at all. We are by no means free. WebAnd Fresno police are the top suspects in the case. One week before his death, Lang shared online a portion of a conversation explaining why he believed police were after him. How can it be that the Fresno Police (or media there) hasnt addressed the claims John made. WebJohn Lang Final Autopsy Report - Fresno County Sheriff-Coroner's Office ____________________________________________________________________________ This has become a controversial case because some were lead to believe it was murder, when it fact it was actually suicide. If you look into the alternate media reports of John Lang you can see and judge for yourself and in fact, I encourage all to do so. If I recall correctly, he definitely showed signs of legit delusion. There were no stab wounds to the back, contrary to what was initially reported by somemedia outlets. document.getElementById('cloak31622ee187422457234c53a706d4ef10').innerHTML = ''; Multiple stab wounds were listed as a contributing factor. MuckRock is a non-profit collaborative news site that gives you the tools to keep our government transparent and accountable. However, its anything but a high profile story in Fresno. This e-mail message is intended only for the named addressee(s) and may contain privileged and confidential information that is protected pursuant the attorney-client privilege and the attorney work-product doctrine. That is when the harassment began that eventually led to our brothers death. and was found dead in his burning house with stab wounds to the back. John Lang made an ominous warning on January 15, posting on Facebook that local police trying to kill him. The story went viral on social mediaand garnered international media attention. Let us ask ourselves has it always been this way, or is there a root cause for the violence and profiling against the people of Fresno. Activist Predicts Death, Says The Cops Killed Him found stabbed inside a burning home in Fresno last week. He eventually died under mysterious circumstances. In the last part of his letter, he says: Lets just say that the FEDS should re-investigate all Child porn cases in Fresno where ATT Internet Services provided the Internet service. Finally, he says that the Fresno PD had illegally entered his home. Apparently John Lang had discovered among many things a scam involving license plates. I have a friend who is a paranoid schizophrenic. It doesn't sound like it would have been possible for an attacker to get out. Here is a link to Exhibit "A":http://m3.fresno.gov/upload/files/72546947/84725.pdf, NOTE: The above link will be valid for 72 hours. He expressed a considerable amount of fear over law enforcement fabricating evidence to convict him of a crime. Had also been barricaded and boarded up from the site gave the Fresno Department. His death clearly evident by his Facebook postings or they already know the back and chest arrogantly my! 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