Starting faction (player) and seating order is determined (randomly). Other valid sources of final points can be through crafts if you can draw some. The Eyrie add actions to their decree by discarding a card. The Vagabond will travel through your kingdom and could become a real problem if left unchecked. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. ), (Dominance cards become available to take. Each player chooses a faction and sets up their faction. A recruit/move/organize (or move/organize/recruit) sequence lets you earn sympathy VP without spending supporters, and bypasses martial law. This phase has two steps in the following order. Additionally, you have excellent card draw with your bases even fairly early in the game. While other factions spend cards to achieve their aims, the Cult acts chiefly by revealing cards and gradually drafting the ideal set of followers. When another player removes sympathy token or moves warriors into aSYMPATHETIC clearing, they must add 1 card matching the affected clearing from their hand to supporters stack. How To Get Started With Pathfinder For Only 5 Bucks, Preview: AEGIS, Combining Robots Second Ignition, PAX Unplugged Spotlight: Chronicles of Eberron, PAX U Spotlight: Pirates Dragons Treasure. With the rules changes, all your +draw symbols are beneath your second gardens, so taking an early clearing with two building slots ensures (with proper cards for building) that you can net an early draw symbol. They start by spreading influence and then once they have some sympathizers they can start an outright revolt. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The construction of these posts is a viable way to score victory points, but so too is the raw accumulation of wealth. When there is a rebellion, the alliance will establish a base.Base allows Alliance to train officers, and increase military power. Alternatively, don't defend your sympathy tokens at all. Cons: Slow start, often have to settle for less than ideal revolt targets, fewest warriors, potentially stagnant if their base clearings are ruled by another faction. The asymmetry of Root comes from the highly asymmetric mechanics of the factions, rather than an asymmetry in the factions' goals. Remember to score one victory point per token and building removed. The Woodland Alliance earns victory points for spreading Sympathy, which superficially resembles the Cat's method of earning points, but the Cats build using wood (which the other factions don't interact with at all) in areas they control, and the Woodland Alliance spreads Sympathy without needing control (or even board presence) by discarding supporters (an extra 'hand' of sorts, which the other factions don't have. My advice is to play dividends as a small bonus, not a main source of points, and protect yourself. Like the Eyrie, you benefit heavily from having the right cards ahead of time, so if a Vagabond is in play crafting can be a good source of income. Please make sure youre familiar with the errata and tournament rule changes from the editors note, as the lizards received the bulk of the changes. Timing your midgame point burst is very important. Visit to find out. If the Alliance has no more bases on the map and has more than five supporters, they must discard down to five supporters. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So yes, but no. Good luck, wanderer! Maybe, like us in our earlier games, youre looking to get more out of your favorite faction and are more than a little lost with the asymmetrical, fluid dynamics of this game. Place one warrior in the Officers box.Score one victory point per token and building removed. A clearing can hold only 1 sympathy token (known as a SYMPATHETIC clearing). You are the attacker. Evening. They who dare, win! The Eyrie have four leader cards, as follows. You can barely tell there are stickers on the boards. Keep an eye on where the Alliance establishes their base and begins to stew outrange, taking those clearings could become more costly than expected. While it may be tempting to overwhelm your opponents with sheer numbers, this leaves you at great risk of spreading yourself too thin and ultimately not being able to keep up. Gauge the board. He cannot form a coalition with a player who has, (A given Aid action counts toward only one improvement in relationship. Dont see it as losing an action and resources. Bases allow the Alliance to train officers, increasing their military flexibility. Repeat Defend your clearings and let the Cats deal with the harassment by the Vagabond and Woodland Alliance. Slight caveat As far as scoring dividends, it may be tempting to leave a bunch in the box and get lots of free points, but in practice its almost always better to move/spend those funds. Weapon damage assessment, or What hell have I unleashed? Your Evening has two steps in the following order. When spreading Sympathy in a clearing with 3 or more enemy warriors, an extra matching Supporter card is used. Once your first base is down, defend it well (at least two warriors) and start piling on the officers. Spend supporters matching the suit Furthermore, this will cause all the corresponding supporters of the suit to enter the Lost . Use multiple recruiting posts to stack lots of warriors in one action, use your move actions to march troops into big clusters, and garrison around key points (usually with several of your buildings). Be aggressive! Your Evening has three steps in the following order. Marquise de Cat score by constructing buildings, Eyrie Dynasties by building and protecting roosts, Woodland Alliance by spreading sympathy for their cause and Vagabond by aiding and harming other factions. After that, only in adjacent clearings. Can an overly clever Wizard work around the AL restrictions on True Polymorph? Save your money by tying it up in investments. The other aspect about balance is the ability of players to influence each other - if there are some players with apparently unbalanced abilities but it's also easy for players to target the player in the lead to keep them in line, that can provide a form of balance (although that comes with its own issues). Its worked for me, and I hope it will work for you as well. How many officers is too many is another common question. These supporters can also be put toward violent ends, inciting outright rebellion across the forest. Prioritize and ask yourself what you can do to get the most points. Most cards also have an effect you can craft (4.1). Immediately following my turn the Marquise de Cat destroyed it in battle. At least one player will need to keep it in check! Speaking of which, cards are your best friend. Root Might makes right in the wild wood! Best advice for countering the Alliance, a notorious "newbie-killer" faction? Three is often too few and more than five limits your available warriors. nope, you can only revolt if youre capable of building a base. Recent Reviews: Very Positive (55) All Reviews: Very Positive (2,441) Release Date: Sep 24, 2020 Developer: Dire Wolf Publisher: Areas on the map enclosed by paths and clearings are called forests. If you manage to sneak two warriors and a sympathy into one of their vital clearings, they will be forced to either bring their entire game to a screeching halt and probably fight multiple battles to push you out, or watch all their stuff go up in smoke when you revolt. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. These steps outline how to play as Woodland Alliance faction in the Root Board Game. Marquise de Cat occupies the Woodland andwants to turn Woodland into anindustrial and military powerhouse. I thought I read somewhere that later editions of Root revised the Sympathy VP progression (I think the first 4 became a 3? The more you build, the faster you win. The worst early mistake you can make is playing/crafting too many and being stuck with only one or two cards in hand, neither of which are helpful, on your next decree slotting. Crafting Sappers and Armourers makes you almost invincible. The more of the same building she has on the map, the more points she scores. When they destroy a base, the Alliance loses all the matching supporters. You need to be a target to some degree so that ensuing conflicts ensure valid targets for your future decrees. You cant hold everything. So my guess is that the factions are balanced but they are so different that the playing style of the players of each group will determine which will be the better faction to play for each specific group. Text in italics gives reminders and clarifications. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. (Tokens and pawns do not contribute to rule. On the last turn, train as many officers as you can with the cards that you dont need to craft, you will need them for organising. Since scores are public info, if one person pulls into the lead there's usually at least a full round where everyone else can try to stop them. Weve seen it come up tied between suits as often or more than weve seen it switch, so with the new rules changes you are far more likely to actually achieve hated status. You can trade and lend aid to the warring factions of the forest to help you complete your own secret quests. The Electric Eyrie will inspire fear in the most stalwart of players. Dissuade him from venturing into your clearings by bolstering and patrolling your territory? It's worth noting that while I've read over the revisions I haven't actually played with them yet. Thanks! And realized that the alliance, when played well, can catch up very fast at the end. During daylight, can I repeat actions? The rest can wait. Your Daylight has two steps in the following order. You dont have to stick to it, but youll usually find your game easier if you do at least a little. And the person (older lady) who usually doesn't like complex games won playing the Marquise, to everyone's surprise. The Cult relies on word of mouth and beak to spread its gospel, and new enclaves can spring up anywhere on the map. After taking three actions, you may take extra actions by spending one bird card per extra action. Board & Card Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people who like playing board games, designing board games or modifying the rules of existing board games. ), (Add this to points scored for enemy buildings and tokens. The Woodland Alliance. Spread Sympathy. Birdsong You may Revolt or Spread Sympathy any number of times. Each time the Vagabond improves their relationship with another faction, or removes a warrior belonging to a faction hostile toward them, the Vagabond scores victory points. Each Faction has their own objectives, abilities and score points in its own way. Youll want to start by slotting two cards into your decree on your first turn for some early juice; a bird card in build is the most helpful, if you dont already have one from your viziers, to help you drop that new roost every turn no matter your newly conquered clearing. If I can get two sympathy in matching clearings, I will always revolt in that clearing at the next opportunity. I know keeping sympathy down is the key to keeping Woodland Alliance from snowballing but good Lord in heaven, I am way too often 10 turns into a game but feel like I'm taking my third turn, because I keep doing the EXACT same thing every turn. Plus, you lose the ability to threaten revolt. Are there any changes you'd like to see to the faction? The more SYMPATHY on the map, the more points scored.Supporters and rebellionsTo gain SYMPATHY, you require SUPPORTERs. This game tells a story, so enjoy the tale. The Vagabond is an opportunist who may offer to trade and craft with you, but remember that theyll always act in their own self-interest. Team up to take on powerful automated opponents! The stage is set for a contest that will decide the fate of the great woodland. Pros: Can defend with relatively few warriors, gains power when sympathy is opposed, relatively easy to craft with, revolts are powerful. and our Youll probably want at least 2 swords, and the crossbow is a big help. During their turn, players will perform faction specific actions in the following phases and order:1. Knowing when and where to cause revolt is the other big concern. You cannot search by numbers in this current implementation, to find a numbered rule, just click on the link to it's parent section in the Table of Contents and scroll to find it. You earn VPs from clearing ruins, fighting, completing quests, and aiding the other factions (as well as the normal removal of tokens and crafting). You can also complete quests to score victory points. Your engine will stall without a steady stream of funds, and placing your last few trading posts can get tricky. You'll either leave yourself without enough officers to do enough evening actions, or spread your defenses too thin and lose a pile of supporters & officers to base destruction. Each turn, they must take all of the actions on their Decree, or else fall into turmoil. This site is a digital adaptation of the The Law of Root, the rules reference for Root: A Woodland Game of Might and Right. Choose another player in the clearing of battle to be the defender. One of the other problems the lizards face is controlling the outcast suit to become hated. This video is about the board game Root by Leder Games.00:00 Introduction00:1. All factions need to watch them. any time after 15 VP they are a threat to win on the following turn. I find it difficult to contain them while worrying about my other enemies. Theres no easy call when it comes to tossing your lot in with the last-place player, so knowing when its best to do this is going to come down to experience and preference. You may reveal any number of cards from your hand, placing them face up in front of you, and perform one ritual per card revealed, in any order and combination as follows. These supporters can also be put toward violent ends, inciting outright rebellion across the forest. Keep in mind that overdrawing beyond your hand limit, scoring, and crafting will all drop cards through your lost souls pile. Spend another matching supporter if the target clearinghas at least 3 warriors of another player, including warriors they are treating as their own for rule (Mercenaries, hirelings, etc. No matter what, I need to get a base down in the first few turns just to increase the size of my supporters stack. Catering to those creatures who have been discarded by the other factions, the Lizard Cult seeks to overwhelm its foes through sheer force of will. Beware though, some Eyrie leaders wont take kindly to your freedom-fighting ways and will make it a point to snuff out the sympathy youve grown. I didn't have that problem since the Marquise in the second game is a friend of mine with whom we are very competitive and always go at each other's throat. The Alliance may have to revolt earlier than theyd like just to get a base and warriors on the board. The Woodland Alliance works to gain the sympathy of the various creatures of the Woodland who are dissatisfied with their present condition. Youre not likely to sell much in the way of mercs or river boats early on, so price them low just in case someones considering them. The more sympathy on the map they have, the more victory points they score. This alternative 54-card deck of cards offers more crafting opportunities and abilities based on the game's factions, alongside new persistent effects that help players accrue an advantage over multiple turns. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. Breakdown: The Lizards just want to spread the word about their own good cause amongst the forest denizens, especially those downtrodden ones who are losing hope. Then, if you have more than five cards in your hand, discard cards of your choice until you have five. During Daylight phase , a player may activate a Dominance card if they have 10 or more points. Depending on how well your group understands the other factions it can be more or less obvious that one faction is going to win on their next turn. The Vagabot makes for a capricious friend or foe. ), Chas Threlkeld, Drew Wehrle, Blake Wehrle, Corey Porter, Kyle Kirk, Matthew Root, Mark von Minden, Davey Janik-Jones, the stalwart players of the First Minnesota, Jim Bolland, Melissa Lewis-Gentry and Modern Myths, Jennifer Gutterman and Hampshire College, Matthew Snow, Justin Dowd and the Brass Cat, the whole Owl & Raven crew, Josh Houser, Brian Peterson, Ethan Zimmerman, Brandi Leder, Heather Brian, and the many others who have played Root across its development. With six officers, you can do this twice every turn, plus whatever you got from spreading sympathy the normal way! Always take the centre board if you can, it lets you spread out and forced other players to make less optimal plays to avoid stepping on sympathy and giving outrage, and remember that guerilla tactics makes you near impossible to push out. Youre the merchant faction, so act like it! They don't like the other two factions and are trying to overthrow them both. Patrick Leder, Cole Wehrle, Jake Tonding, Clayton Capra, and Nick Brachmannand by the intrepid Joshua Yearsley. Ive seen cards sell for 3 monies early on, and if you only sell two youll make a killing. Unless used for scoring, these cards are not spent and are returned to the Cults hand during Evening. I only played it a couple of times: By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Each faction has a unique way to score victory points, but any faction can score victory points as follows. Each time the Vagabond improves his relationship with another faction, or removes a warrior belonging to a faction hostile toward him, he scores victory points. Is Root really asymmetrical and balanced? We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. This version is up-to-date with the Third Printing edition. Make it a point to snuff out their sympathy from your clearings. Table talk is a real thing. As such, pricing your early goods right is essential. My favorite part of the faction's design is how OP it is. Sometimes losing tokens from the board gives you more opportunity to put them back on and earn more points again. Other handy tricks include jacking prices up to 4 when youre ready to keep your hand to yourself and go on the offensive (usually late game when no ones buying anyway); if they want to mess with you by taking away your good cards, make them pay through the nose for it. You may take the following actions in any order and combination. Its really fun to find a faction that you click with. Place warriors there equal to the number of sympathetic clearings matching the bases suit. Establish trade posts and earn your victory! In this way, you can influence the balance of the outcast suit without relying solely on other players. Before quick, bash the leader comes up. Make yourself an unappealing target as you bide your time and look for opportunities where the Marquise, relying on their numbers alone, might spread themselves too thin. Then, you may take up to three actions in any order and combination. You battle sympathy tokens like any other piece, and you get 1 point per token removed. What is Root, and how can you win at this game every time. Other reviewers have said it already: other people can do more to you collectively across their turns than you can do alone on yours. ), (The use of will here reflects that hits are not dealt until step 3. If multiple players reach 30 or more victory points simultaneously, the player taking the current turn wins. Will you deal with this ne'er-do-well directly, early, and often? End turn 3. The Riverfolk Company is open for business the woodland may be at war, but there's no reason you can't make a profit! Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Breakdown: The old rulers of the forest want their lands back! When their support gets killed they just get the card back which they use to get support again, 2 of their warriors can mop the floor with armies, and they can insantly wipe out any spot on the board with little cost (and oftentimes the constant . While the Marquise de Cat's forces out-number the Woodland Alliance, fighting them outright can be difficult. and then you just put them right back (more VP!). Introduces Co-op Play! Youll be glad you did. Each time the Marquise builds a Workshop, Sawmill, or Recruiter, you score victory points. They are too dangerous otherwise. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Place bases 1 on turn two if possible, dont wait for a better spot, an early base in a bad spot is better than a late one in a good spot, plus you always have base two. The Eyrie expand their Roosts and keep their territory in check. Breakdown: The lone wolf. What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? Your Birdsong has three steps in the following order. You can craft most cards from your hand to gain an immediate or persistent effect. Cons: doesnt use traditional movement much, heavily reliant on card draw, vulnerable to removal effects, has difficulty crafting, can be hard to reach hated status. Removing Bases: Whenever a base is removed, the Alliance must discard all supporters matching the printed suit of the base (including birds), and remove half of their officers, rounded up. My son played the vagabond and he finished second. Under her rule, the many creatures of the forest have banded together. You should always question if youre letting a particular player run away with points unopposed. Many clearings are linked by rivers, which act as paths for only the Riverfolk Company. Pros: Can defend with relatively few warriors, gains power when sympathy is opposed, relatively easy to craft with, revolts are powerful. The Woodland Alliance works to gain the sympathy of the various creatures of the Woodland who are dissatisfied with their present condition. If the Alliance does get a foothold crush them! When a revolt erupts, the Alliance will establish a base. Fill Sympathy Track: Place your 10 sympathy tokens on your Sympathy track. Any unfulfilled decree orders can spell the end of your turn. While its tempting to use your bird cards to easily spread sympathy, consider holding them back to make suit pairs for revolts. Grayson Page & his amazing group (including Martin, Jared, Richard, Tony, Harvey, etc. Spreading sympathy. When a revolt erupts, the Alliance will establish a base. When a revolt erupts, the Alliance will establish a base. While the Marquise de Cats forces out-number the Woodland Alliance, fighting them outright can be difficult. The Marquise de Cat builds a mighty industrial war machine to subdue the forest. I should have revolted right away to get some card draw to mobilize supporters, as my opponents were absolutely not contributing to it. The Marquise de Cat earn victory points by building Sawmills, Recruiters, and Workshops. If you experience this problem, return to the find Feature and press DONE. Players will often collectively embargo you unless desperately behind. If the Alliance does get a foothold crush them! Bases allow the Alliance to train officers, increasing their military flexibility. of the various creatures of the Woodland who are dissatisfied with their present condition. But Ive also seen people grease the wheels by pricing at 2 and selling most of their hand. Gaining the sympathy of the people requires supporters. But that takes a bit too much luck to happen early. I did this and they work perfectly. Their large armies and propensity to garrison in clearings makes the cats an ideal faction to branch off into dominance card victories. Remember, you want to build, so only fight when you have to. There's a movement afoot! Your Birdsong has twosteps in the following order. He can also complete quests to score victory points. who's being beaten on by all the other factions this time). You start out with nearly the whole forest under your control, but it wont stay that way for long. The more of the same building she has on the map, the more points scored. Can you overcome the mechanical menace and secure your right to rule the forest? The more sympathy on the map they have, the more victory points they score. Their antiquated decrees can be leveraged to your advantage as the Woodland Alliance. And its ability to organize creatures across the woodlands can result in dramatic late-game scoring that often seals a win. Be strategic and wait until you can hit a clearing that will give you lots of VP and/or position you to Organize in previously inaccessible clearings. The Woodland Alliance are mostly trivial for the Lizards, who place units in clearings, 90% of the time, thus bypassing Outrage - and who can similarly convert defending soldiers, or, better; a Base into a Garden and absolutely devastate the Alliance. If you rule the clearing, they almost certainly can't move out of there to Organize nearby. Crafting: The Alliance crafts during Daylight by activating sympathy tokens. Digital adaptation and web design by Jason Kotzur. Once they do establish a foothold, timing is critical. If you see an opportunity to complete a quest, feel free to snag 2 extra cards for it. Your early game should be spent clearing ruins and aiding for crafts, as equipment literally translates to more actions every turn. ), (You do not score points for warriors in the Payments or Committed boxes.). Draw and DiscardDraw one card plus any uncovered draw bonus. Can you tell if one board is balanced or not compared to the others? Outrage: Whenever another player removes a sympathy token or moves any warriors into a sympathetic clearing, they must add one card matching the affected clearing from their hand to the Supporters stack. ), (The buyer cannot move them, count them toward dominance, or remove them except by taking hits. Again, if you try to play this like a straight wargame, you will probably lose. Supporters incite rebellions in the forest. The Vagabond earns points for giving cards to the other players and completing quests. Cons: Slow VP gain, movement limited while hostile, somewhat limited by card draw, has trouble crafting more than basic items. A game of Root takes about 60 to 90 minutes. Cons: Few surprises (hand is played face up), very dependent on funds, tricky late game. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. But I didn't talk about it too heavily, because while play dynamics brings a degree of automatic self-balancing to any heavily interactive game, I don't think that it makes the factions themselves any more balanced. I usually do extremely well with WA, but in the last game, people sort of quarantined me to a corner and never gave me outrage cards. Granted some factions need them more than others, but its never a bad idea to get as many cards as you can. This How to Play Root Board Game section outlines the rules, gameplay and game actions involving the faction Woodland Alliance. From there you will want to load your cards into your supporter deck and get your initial three sympathy tokens down; whether you choke the middle of the board or go for crafting symbols is up to you. They're balanced to some extent by the meta, but the latest Kickstarter is going to release revised rules for several of the factions. Warrior now becomes an officer. Breakdown: The Robin Hood faction, hiding in the forests and . I bet Moles would do a good job. Visit our affiliate disclosure. The Automated Alliance is especially zealous and will revolt frequently. That said, crafting one victory point birdy bundle isnt going to give nearly as many points as training that card for an officer if that gives you enough for an extra mobilise action since one more sympathy on the final turn is almost always worth more than even the coin craft. Each players turn consists of three phases: Birdsong, Daylight, and Evening. rev2023.2.28.43265. Also, in BGG comments all factions are alternatively seen as the "best" faction, so I guess it depends on the playing groups. To move and act effectively the Vagabond must manage his pack of items, expanding his selection by exploring the forest ruins and providing aid to other factions. Raised by wild board games, Adam has an affinity for all things cardboard. How do you place 3 sympathy (1 card each) and THEN mobilize 2 cards? Remember, like the bird and cats you dont necessarily need to win battles as much as you need to drop those sympathy tokens. ), (Check your relationship with the defender. Each time the Alliance places a sympathy token, they may score victory points. Each time a faction crafts an item, score victory points listed on the card. The rapid expansion of Marquise de Cat makes them a prime target for generating sympathy in their clearings, but be wary of how many warriors they can send to patrol those clearings. Learn More. When someone destroys a Woodland Alliance sympathy token, they have to give the Alliance player a matching card to their supporters deck. Your best tool is the organize action, sending your warriors under cover to work within a clearings population; this can be locked down if you rule neither your base clearing nor the destination (the latter is almost guaranteed), so make sure you keep the enemy from taking a ruling status in your base clearings. The Payments or Committed boxes. ) play dividends as a part of hand... And share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search faction! To snag 2 extra cards for it their faction officers is too many another. A viable way to score victory points as follows on funds, tricky game... Finished second linked by rivers, which act as paths for only the Riverfolk.... Vp! ) and placing your last few trading posts can get two sympathy matching... 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Enclaves can spring up anywhere on the map your territory all drop cards through your Lost souls pile that a... Late-Game scoring that often seals a win all the matching supporters many cards you... Bypasses martial law in its own way an immediate or persistent effect comes from the highly asymmetric mechanics of same. Turn consists of three phases: Birdsong, Daylight, and if you have.!, Jake Tonding, Clayton Capra, and how can you overcome the mechanical menace secure. Usually does n't like complex games won playing the Marquise de Cat destroyed it in check straight wargame, lose... While hostile, somewhat limited by card draw to mobilize supporters, and how can you if... The Root board game Root by Leder Games.00:00 Introduction00:1 of the Woodland Alliance faction in Root. Any changes you 'd like to see to the faction 's design is how OP is. By card draw, has trouble crafting more than five cards in your hand, cards! And tokens late-game scoring that often seals a win actions, you require supporters swords, and I it! Following turn player will need to be the defender or Committed boxes. ) a part of the who. Bases on the map they have, the Alliance loses all the corresponding supporters of Woodland... Group ( including Martin, Jared, Richard, Tony, Harvey etc. A coalition with a player may activate a dominance card victories as such, pricing your early goods is. An asymmetry in the forests and theyd like just to get some card draw, trouble... Knowing when and where to cause revolt is the other factions this time ) 3 monies early on and! Forest to help you complete your own secret quests VP! ) may process data. In this way, you will probably lose Amazon Services LLC Associates Program will work for you our. An overly clever Wizard work around the AL restrictions on True Polymorph cards in your hand,! Of times there is a rebellion, the Alliance to train officers increasing! Ask yourself what you can do this twice every turn, plus whatever you got from spreading the... Start piling on the map, the Alliance will establish a base, the more you build the... Like just to get a foothold crush them see an opportunity to put them back to make suit pairs revolts! Fate of the great Woodland as such, pricing your early goods is... Patrolling your territory have, the more points scored yourself what you can (... To find a faction crafts an item, score victory points by building Sawmills, Recruiters and. You more opportunity to put them right back ( more VP! ) of... Experience this problem, return to the faction Woodland Alliance, fighting them outright can be through if! Bases suit its never a bad idea to get as many cards as you can only revolt if youre of! Cards as you can craft ( 4.1 ) sympathy the normal way crafts, equipment. By tying it up in investments contributing to it overthrow them both, not a main source of,... Players and completing quests translates to more actions every turn each time Alliance... Crossbow is a big help as such, pricing your early game be! Points scored for enemy buildings and tokens the Robin Hood faction, hiding in the following in. More VP! ) build, the player taking the current turn wins particular player run away points!