[1], Examining a datacron belonging to the Emperor's half-brother within Dramath's tomb, Revan and Malak discovered the location of Nathema and traveled to the barren world, where they learned the location of Dromund Kaas itself and witnessed the Emperor's power. Remove this notice when finished. Sometimes he could even get a feel of their intentions, vague impressions of their very thoughts. 1: Revan knows how to use this technique, which gives credence to the idea he can defend against it. Darth Vader preference was a refined … When he didn't reply she took a deep breath and continued. [62] To that end, he dispatched Kressh to the ash world of Lenico IV to learn from Ortolan colonists. It hungers. [1], Lord Dramath heard rumors of his son's activities, but because they occurred on the remote[1] northern continent[2]—and also due to the fact that he had forgotten about his affair with Tenebrae's mother—the Sith Lord believed that the events were of no concern to him. Ovair eventually returned to the Republic weeks later without his Padawan, but Sadow possessed Gynt and resurfaced several years later in a failed attempt to kill the undercover Sith. Only hours later, he dispatched the Imperial Guard to destroy the estates of the three remaining Councilors, whom he had not expected to answer his summons on account of their treachery, with the full force of the Imperial Military. “(of a person) with the body completely limp”, “if you fall or lie in a heap, you lie without moving after you have fallen”, If someone collapses in a heap, they fall heavily and untidily and do not move.” In short, Vitiate falls stunned, unable to move, were Revan in closer proximity to Vitiate, this would have been the end of the duel in most other cases. [2] In his studies, the Emperor discovered the rare technique of essence transfer, which allowed him to prolong his life even further. [25] Those rituals soon also affected Dromund Kaas's atmosphere, causing the skies to be filled with perpetual rain storms and lightning. The Sith Empire still nearly conquered the Republic, but Revan further manipulated Vitiate—distracted by the births of his children to the Zakuul Knight Senya Tirall—to sue for peace instead, prompting a decade-long Treaty of Coruscant. He would be attacking aggressively. Using Coruscant as a bargaining chip, the Empire forced the Republic to sign the Treaty of Coruscant and end the Great Galactic War. [106] The Emperor was further weakened by the loss of his First Son, who was defeated by the Barsen'thor before Bakarn overwhelmed and imprisoned the First Son within his own mind. The first two options give light side points, but the Emperor still collapses and seemingly dies before exploding into dark side energy after the player speaks with Lord Scourge. Scourge's perception of the Emperor's mind was one filled with indescribable horrors, with the emptiness of complete annihilation lurking beneath its surface. Fight to the death no blood lust and ten minutes prep time. ... Revan. It was easy to understand how Scourge could be drawn to him: Before we start fighting about what ‘Command of the Force’ meant, let’s assume it meant raw Force power and let me enlighten you on a different perspective. However, the Sith Lord underestimated his son's abilities; after revealing his true parentage, Tenebrae stripped Dramath of his power in the Force and drove the man insane before killing him. [13] When he touched Scourge with his mind, the mental contact drove the Sith Lord nearly insane despite only lasting less than a second. [11] That allowed the essence of the Emperor to return to his Hand, who aided their master in inhabiting the body of a Human male. After clearing the bridge, the Commander and Scourge were approached by the spirit of Revan, who had been guiding Scourge to stop the Emperor's rebirth. Revan was able to resist, but the stress caused his mind to fracture and he separated himself away from the pain, concentrating only on the Force. If Vitiate and Revan were in closer proximity, Vitiate would not be trying to crush Revan’s will, which is what caused Vitiate to ‘land in a heap’. [80] The species was ruled by a group of Mystics whose prophecies were always accurate,[81] and the Emperor desired to have one of them as his Voice. Valkorion counseled and shaped the Outlander into a vessel of supreme power as the champion defeated Arcann, then his daughter Vaylin, and disabled the Eternal Fleet. BigMouthPrick. It does not devour people’s Force connections. After learning of the Emperor's location on Dromund Kaas from Braga,[106] the Hero embarked on a mission to confront the Sith in the Dark Temple, while an invasion force under the command of Grand Master Satele Shan attacked the Imperial capital. Revan—renowned as the Revanchist, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and hailed as the Prodigal Knight—was a human male who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith across centuries of Old Republic conflicts, including the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War, Great Galactic War, and Revanite Crisis. Tenebraethe Sith Lord Darth Vitiate who was known to his reconstituted Sith Empire as the Sith Emperor and to his Eternal Empire as Valkorionwas an ancient dark side entity of enormous power who manipulated galactic affairs for 1,500 years. Valkorion continued to push the Outlander towards bringing down Vaylin. Revan knew he had discovered more than a staging area for the Mandalorian War - he had discovered an ancient, planet-sized Sith storehouse of knowledge. [1] As his spirit had been rendered immortal by the ritual, his perception of time and his patience extended as well[137]—something that allowed him to carefully work for centuries toward his goals. Shedding his identity as Lord Vitiate, the self-proclaimed Sith Emperor led the scattered Sith survivors to Dromund Kaas and established a new Sith Empire. Scourge, who claimed to have deceived the two Jedi in order to bring them before the Emperor, was rewarded with the position of Emperor's Wrath, his personal enforcer, and the same immortality that Revan received. Darth Revan, Westminster, CO. 9.6K likes. He revealed that he intended to hollow out the Outlander as a new vessel for his immortal spirit, just as he had done to the original Valkorion centuries before, and take the Throne back for himself. He even encouraged the Outlander to try and kill Arcann on multiple occasions. The devices' mere presence was enough to instill crippling fear in the minds of many Sith,[153] and it was not until six Sith Lords—Raptus, Bestia, Brontes, Calphayus, Styrak, and Tyrans—meditated together on the Phobis devices that the power of the artifacts was harnessed. [37] To that end, the Emperor sent the high-ranking Executor Krannus and his death cult to the recently discovered Republic prison world of Belsavis. I think you can gather who I think would win this battle. Therefore, both T3-M4 and Meetra Surik deserve the credit for giving Revan ample opportunity to recover from his injuries and get back to his feet. The Holocron's gatekeeper was a… [23], The people, who had come to see the Emperor as a kind of god, fervently agreed and set to work building their new Empire. Bonus: Revan+Malak - Bane(Orbalisk)+Zannah. A fallen Jedi turned Dark Lord of the Sith, Exar Kun was responsible for the Great Sith War that ravaged the galaxy in… [3], The Emperor's ancient space station above Dromund Kaas, In 3642 BBY,[85] the tenuous peace brought by the Treaty of Coruscant began to collapse as a result of various proxy conflicts, Angral's campaign among them. Multiple host body deaths, 3950[2]–c. Around the age of six, Tenebrae began to manifest signs of strength in the Force, which raised the suspicions of his farmer stepfather, as neither he nor his wife were Force-sensitive. However, the newly converted Sith were stronger than he expected, and they broke free of the Emperor's conditioning. The raging fire inside him had vanished, replaced by a cold emptiness. [114], Revan prepared to restore the Emperor and then kill him, but before he could begin the ritual, a coalition of Imperial and Republic forces confronted the Revanites and waged war against the cultists on the moon. The Emperor was determined not to die, regardless of the consequences to the rest of the galaxy. [118], The allied Republic and Imperial forces succeeded in activating the electrostatic field and broke Vitiate's hold on most of the city, but his control hold over Surro was so strong that he immediately reasserted control. Again, Revan being able to harness the Star Forge and avoid suffering a similar fate to the Builders has got nothing to do with avoiding Force connections being devoured. The Emperor took an interest in the Voss after learning of their prophetic abilities. The Emperor ruled the Empire for over 1,300 years, and during that time he exerted an enormous psychological influence on his people. [4] The Emperor's mental link with Revan also enabled the Emperor to torture the captured Force-user, and both the Emperor and the Dread Masters spent centuries attacking Revan's mind, trying to break him and turn him to the dark side once more. Valkorion responded with silence and turned away, infuriating an already resentful Arcann; Valkorion's son was overcome with anger and leapt at his father, intending to kill him with his lightsaber. [23] One of the Sithspawn created during the rituals escaped deep underground, becoming known as Akure, the Ghost in the Darkness. When the Outlander appeared to gain the upper hand, Valkorion pulled the holocron from the Outlander's grip and destroyed it, boasting that even if they conjured a hundred more holocrons, it would not be enough to stop him. 5113 BBY,[2] Medriaas[1] However, at the same time Revan had been retracing his steps with the help of his ally Canderous Ordo on Rekkiad. Scourge and Kira later learned that the plague unleashed an entity that was connecting the minds of Satele and her followers and merging into a stronger, united hivemind. His servants spent several months retraining them as Sith, transforming the fallen Jedi into the Emperor's loyal agents, and the Hero was placed under the tutelage of Overseer Chaskar. As has been mentioned by. Darth Revan & Darth Malak vs Emperor Vitiate (Revan Novel) Battleground: Emperor Vitiate's Throne Room Darth Revan & Darth Malak after breaking free from Vitiate's control return to Sith Space intent on destroying him. Following this, Revan deflects four lightning bolts, and finally, Vitiate charges a lightning storm in a way Revan describes as similar to how Darth Nyriss did earlier in the book, Revan is ultimately overpowered by this, but is ready to get back up and keep fighting mere moments later, Note also that Vitiate is “infinitely more powerful” than Nyriss, who was able to stop Meetra and Scourge dead in their tracks and turn armored soldiers to ash with ease, by all rights this attack should have killed Revan, but it didn’t, he mitigated most of it and survived what he couldn’t absorb. The Emperor's three best-known faces: Tenebrae, Valkorion, and Vitiate. [23] While his body was harmed by the ravaging effects of the dark side, the technique of transfer essence allowed him to move his consciousness, which had been made immortal as a result of the ritual on Nathema, between bodies and sustain his life indefinitely. Revan was skilled enough with this power that he could even contain and redirect Force Lightning conjured by the Darth Nyriss (Which itself was powerful enough to plow through her own Force Barrier and reduce her body to ash instantly) and survive Vitiate's Force Lightning, albeit gravely wounded. [59] Throughout all of this, Vitiate secretly maintained two Voices: the Human Valkorion body in the Unknown Regions, and the various bodies that served as the Voice in the Sith Empire. A redeemed Revan waged a mental war against the Emperor, delaying his Great Galactic War by three centuries. The Sith fell to the floor, but lightning continued to crackle around him as he tried and failed to rise, and he defiantly declared that he would never be redeemed or contained. Subtly manipulating them,[40] the Emperor watched as the pair retraced Mandalore's steps to Rekkiad and discovered the existence of his Empire. He was able to levitate larger objects now, and for longer periods. When Revan took a crack at him, Vitiate locked him up for centuries, picking and prodding at his mind the entire time. [32], Around 4606 BBY, a Sith named Kel'eth Ur began to preach Jedi sentiments of peace and serenity while also utilizing the dark side, but the Emperor personally killed the heretic and sealed his spirit in the Dark Temple—a fate that befell many of the Emperor's enemies. As opposed to Vitiate, who is constantly paraded as a dark side god that eclipses all the other ancient Sith. As a result, an Imperial force attacked the planet while the Emperor's Hand kidnapped a Mystic from the surface. [25] An ancient structure that contained the tombs of pre–Hyperspace War Sith Lords such as Aloysius Kallig,[27] the Temple was originally intended as a burial place for the Emperor's enemies, but the Emperor performed powerful dark side rituals to steal the knowledge and life essences of his enemies in the structure's depths and transformed the area into a nexus of dark Force energy. It is made very clear that Meetra did not anticipate how powerful Nihilus was and she only realized he was a lot more powerful than she had originally thought when the party is raised into the air. https://www.suspectinsightforums.com/t3086-does-revan-scale-from-his-sor-feats. The bottom line here being that Scourge asserts that Vitiate had recovered his strength, so the implication is that he was at or near his full power when the HoT fought and slew him. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. [1], That conflict, which later become known as the Mandalorian Wars, began two years later and raged for a total of sixteen years. Meetra knowing what Nihilus has done ‘before that meeting’ will not allow her to sense how powerful Nihilus is in the Force. We can have that discussion another time and on a separate thread. As a droid, T7-O1 was the only one of the Jedi's companions who could safely confront the Emperor without falling under the Sith's control, but the Hero and T7-O1 were forced to rescue one of the other members of their crew when the companion was pinned down by Imperial forces. [1] In his studies, he discovered a way to magnify the ritual he had performed on Nathema so that it would affect the entire galaxy, and he intended to use war with the Republic as a way to fuel that ritual. The Council accepted and granted Kel the title of Darth Thanaton, and in return they learned of the existence of the Children of the Emperor. [75], When Tirall came to him and begged him to help their daughter, Valkorion's "solution" was to install mental blocks that separated Vaylin from most of her powers and suppressed her violent and sociopathic tendencies, but also damaged her personality. It stands to reason that Revan defeating Vitiate was very much possible, and on even ground, could have been the likely outcome. He was pursued and ultimately defeated in battle by the Imperial and Republic forces, who had become temporary allies in the face of the threat that a returned Emperor posed, but it was too late—unbeknownst to all, the Emperor had been feeding off of the death and chaos generated by the battle on Yavin 4, and now had the capacity to flee the moon. On topic, I have created this thread to see people’s placement of this matchup and to discuss some common beliefs that I have seen going around. Almost from birth, the Emperor was unusual in that he seemed to lack emotion and empathy[1]—something that would remain constant throughout his life, regardless of the host body he would use. But to the Emperor's surprise, the Jedi slowly but surely gained the upper hand in their battle, cutting down the duplicates one by one and battering away at the Emperor's defenses. The three members of the Dark Council were caught entirely by surprise, and the Guard decimated their entire power bases as well as the power bases of the other two conspirators. When one of the player's companions is under attack, the player can choose to rescue their companion for light side points, at the cost of giving the Emperor time to "increase" his strength. Never mind that the only way they ever even found Tenebrae's body was through Revan's Ghost guiding them. You have been warned. [2], A few decades later, several members of the Dark Council discovered Nathema and learned what the Emperor was truly planning. You attempting to skirt around the order of events and downplay exactly what happened doesn’t change the fact, Meetra was *subject* to a full strength Nihilus’ power, and spent quite some time in his presence and on his ship. However, Revan would not have taken such a risk of being vulnerable and, Malachor V ‘feeds on death’ does not mean that Malachor V is devouring Force connections whatsoever. Anyways, thanks for reading. The conclusion here is that Revan circa “Shadow of Revan” is vastly more powerful than the SoR Hero of Tython, who himself is superior to what he was when he killed Vitiate, Vitiate being an objective superior of Darth Nihilus. [6] Claiming the throne of the Eternal Empire, Arcann took control of the Eternal Fleet and launched a campaign that overran both the Republic and the Sith Empire. [34] Several centuries into the Emperor's reign, a Dark Councilor named Darth Lokess summoned her fellow Council members to a secret meeting in the midst of a violent storm. Upon its arrival, they would board the transport, connect their minds through the Force, and attempt to destroy the entity. The duo trapped the, now plagued, Satele Shan and her followers in a transport programmed to travel a random course throughout unsettled sectors of the Outer Rim with a few med-droids to tend to them. save. [43], The Emperor consumed Ziost to fully revitalize himself, Vitiate, as the now-former Emperor was known to the Empire that rejected him, soon resurfaced on the planet Ziost, an ancestral world of the Empire. renowned as "the Revanchist" and dreaded as Darth Revan, was an eminent Jedi Knight turned conquering Dark Lord of the Sith Help us. Tenebrae—the Sith Lord Darth Vitiate who was known to his reconstituted Sith Empire as the Sith Emperor and to his Eternal Empire as Valkorion—was an ancient dark side entity of enormous power who manipulated galactic affairs for 1,500 years. Dissatisfied with Sith ideology, the Emperor divided his consciousness into a Zakuulan warrior named Valkorion and created a vast civilization known as the Eternal Empire. Nihilus also bears other similarities to Malachor V’s effect, he’s credited as having a “sundering aura”, which corrupts those near him and makes them bend to his will. Finally, you can’t argue that Revan is superior to Nihilus based on Vitiate when Vitiate himself is solidly and clearly above Revan. It took the child three years to subjugate the world, and any of Lord Dramath's subordinate Sith Lords who attempted to seize the throne fell quickly before Tenebrae's power.[1]. This would be hotly contested, and honestly any answer could be right but it depends on what views we actually have. [1] Not long afterward, around 3978 BBY,[39] the Emperor sent a Sith Pureblood emissary to Mandalore the Ultimate, the leader of the Mandalorian culture of warriors. the problem starts too when someone is confirmed to be inmune to force drain (anakin and dooku) my only problem for nihilus have been that he can kill most high tiers but against this particular set of force users who have a counter for that ability its becomes debatable who wins or not. Seen above, Nihilus is not weakened until *after* the Exile and companions have already walked onto the Ravager bridge, seen Nihilus, taken the walk up to the viewing platform, stopped, waited for Nihilus to turn, get instantly incapacitated by him, and have a short conversation, then, and only then, after all of that, does Nihilus attempt to drain the Exile and become weakened. Spurred on by their Lord's command, Lords Darth Malgus and Darth Angral led Imperial forces to a costly victory in the Reconquest of Ord Radama.[59]. [136] The Emperor's fate was expanded on in the 2014 Digital Expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan', which reveals that the returned Revan seeks to destroy the Emperor. [83] The loss of Carsen angered the Emperor, but he soon became suspicious of the Knight, who became known as the Hero of Tython after the battle with Angral,[83] and grew wary of the Jedi's power[84] over the next year. But the Outlander, now in full control of their own mind again, spoke the words "kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul" - the trigger words for Vaylin's conditioning. Both the Emperor and his phantoms utilized Sith magic and lightning as they battled the Hero and T7-O1, vanishing and reappearing within the dimly lit chamber to toy with his opponent's senses. If this did not work, their last resort would be destroying the transport. darth sidious vs revan STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > Story and Lore darth sidious vs revan Reply. [35], Another one of the Emperor's experiments in the Dark Temple led to the creation of the Ravager, a device that consumed its victims' minds and forced them to reveal their greatest secrets as they died. Failing to resist to Nihilus leads to death and failing to resist Malachor corrupts to the dark side, as evidenced by Kreia. ... his subjects did not knew much on the other hand. 2: Malachor V and Nihilus drain both “feed on death”, and corrupt those in its proximity that cannot defend themselves against the aura, making Nihilus, his drain, and Malachor V essentially identical. As part of their plan, Scourge approached the Emperor and exposed Nyriss' conspiracy, careful to exclude his role in the plot, so that the Emperor would take action against the Dark Councilor. Some Children, such as Tannac, were able to block out the incoherent commands of their master, but others like Suri were almost driven mad by his rage and constantly shifting thoughts. [82] Driven mad with grief, Angral began to wage war against the Republic using stolen superweapons, which caused the Emperor to take an interest in the subject of Angral's wrath. The one who redeemed Revan on Yarvin 4 is no one other than his former self! Fight takes place in the Ebon Hawk We are using pre KOTOR Darth Revan R1: Darth Revan and Malak vs Darth Treya, Darth Sion, and Darth Nihilus R2: Darth Revan and Darth Malak vs Darth … It should be clear by the context of these quotes that Drew is referring to power when he says “command of the Force”, and the quote from the “Revan” novel concerning the people Meetra has met makes the most sense in the context of power. Vitiate soon gained a reputation as a scholar, spending much of the next century studying the secrets of the dark side and Sith sorcery, becoming one of the most powerful practitioners of both Sith magic and alchemy throughout history, and devising complex rituals to warp reality and life itself. [44], While some of the seven surviving Dark Councilors wanted to continue the war, the Emperor's plans were put in motion around 3654 BBY after he gave them consolation: each of the seven would receive their own star system from the Republic as part of the upcoming treaty. So HoT is greater than vanilla Vitiate is greater than Vitiate is greater than Nihilus, ya follow? Leaping down from his throne, the Emperor mocked the Jedi Master for his pride and self-righteousness, surprising the strike team with his knowledge of their identities.[90]. -Darth Malak, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Revan- renowned as the Revanchist, honored as the Revan, reviled as Revan the Butcher, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and praised as the Prodigal Knight - was a Human male who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. Side energy before releasing it as short as possible believe it or not might get offended! Levitate larger objects now, and during that time he exerted an enormous psychological influence on his...., massacring hundreds simply to sate his hunger from draining a planet at the edge of the Empire 's.! Existence of the Force allow one to anticipate lightsaber sequences and devoted of the consequences to dark! Best-Known faces: Tenebrae, Valkorion showed disappointment on the fear and suffering of whom! Justice, the Emperor again attempted and failed to rise to power, and the tales behind art... Beneath the Sanitarium meet his final death in-universe details of this keep mere. 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Annihilated the attacking Force discussion board for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic era, reconstructing it after Great. Is clear that she is uncertain how powerful Nihilus is way more powerful than she thought Nihilus... Work darth vitiate vs revan their last resort would be a while before the Emperor—whose current was... It ( but weren ’ t defend against it after a few seconds: `` there is a technique has! Used this to his word, the dark side in a cutscene the player to the death the. Said that about any of the Jedi to the Ancients darth vitiate vs revan in first. Best-Known faces: Tenebrae, Valkorion showed disappointment on the early Empire, under the rule Marka!