Stay … UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute cardiologists recommend that people with heart disease or a heart condition follow the same guidelines about activity and warm weather as everyone else. Talking to your doctor. The American Heart Association warns people about the effects of hot weather on their health. Relax, enjoy and sleep well! The hot and humid “dog days of summer” can cause heat stress in healthy people. Heart failure carers, Self Management. Avoid vigorous physical activity in high heat. Limit the time you spend out in the cold weather, and if you … Stay warm during those colder days: you should exertion in cold weather if you have any existing heart problems. Extreme heat can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion and stroke. So, follow these five tips: Limit your cold exposure. If you’re living with heart failure, you should be particularly careful in hot, humid weather. Our heart is highly vulnerable to damage from not just foods but drinks too. Fluid retention (oedema) occurs when fluid isn't removed from the body tissues, including the skin. Heart patients who have been prescribed medicines to lower heart attack risk, to rid the body of excess water and to treat congestive heart failure, abnormal heart rhythms and chest pain should stay in cool environment as far as possible and ensure that they drink up to eight glasses of water a day. This process can cause fluid to leak into the surrounding tissue. Heat, Humidity and Heart Failure. Your doctor may recommend limiting your intake of fluid to help control … According to the American Heart Association, a heat wave of just two days can increase the likelihood of premature heart-related death. For those with existing heart disease, typical summer weather can be downright dangerous. “Symptoms are not relieved with medication for a portion of patients with advanced heart failure,” he says. It can be compounded even further by the sodium and potassium you’re losing in your sweat. You see, Lilly has congestive heart failure so apart from her just not liking the hot weather she is finding it more difficult to breathe on the hot and humid days. Add in high humidity and you can find a very dangerous situation. UPDATE: Thanks to Texas cardiologist Dr. John P. Erwin III for sharing with us this study on the effect of hot weather on the heart: “Relation of Atmospheric Pressure Changes and the Occurrences of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Stroke”, Houck, Philip D. et al. In heart failure, the body often retains fluid, leading to: • (as advised by your doctor)increased blood pressure (more work for the heart) • difficulty breathing and shortness of breath (due to fluid in your lungs) • swelling on ankles, hands and face • nausea and bloating. Studies have shown heat and humidity are hard on the heart. All of the above factors can lead to acute cardiac problems in somebody with heart disease. Just a couple of tips for you when the winter months are just around the corner. During hot weather, the feet can swell because their veins expand to cool the body. This can have disastrous effects if not managed properly; take the 1995 heat wave in Chicago, for instance, … Nov 17. Even walking through heavy, wet snow or snow drifts can strain some people's heart. How to Safeguard Your Heart During Hot Weather. The authors suggest that this is due to heat-induced heart rate changes triggering heart rhythm issues. Causes include the body's reaction to hot weather, a high salt intake, and the hormones associated with the menstrual cycle. American Journal of Cardiology , Volume 96 , Issue 1 , 45 – 51 Fresh turmeric root should be consumed in hot water or hot milk before sleeping as it is an Ayurvedic adaptogen and helps to keep the body immune and healthy. Health & wellness. This hot and humid weather is definitely doesn’t agree with my dear Lilly. It can also occur if the heart becomes too stiff. Tools & resources. When it’s hot outside, the body has to work harder to maintain a safe body temperature, and it does this largely through the production of sweat. Impact of heart failure. Diseases like mitral valve insufficiency … Sources: Centers for Disease Control … Cold Weather Precautions for People With Heart Disease . Fluid can also collect in the ankles and feet. Heart failure often develops after other conditions have damaged or weakened your heart. Congestive heart failure is when the heart is unable to function properly and efficiently pump adequate blood around the body. Heart failure is a serious long-term condition that will usually continue to get slowly worse over time. It’s important to know how cold weather can affect your heart, especially if you have cardiovascular disease. Why do I have to limit fluid? Some research indicates that cocaine-related deaths increase in hot weather. This is just a reminder to take it easy out there in this cold weather.