SOS Brigade members. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon A Time Announces Further Delay. Kyon is the only person in Class 1-5 to show a shared interest with Haruhi Suzumiya. Edens Zero Reveals Character Voices in Teaser PV! He is the second person to join the SOS Brigade, and unintentionally gaveHaruhi Suzumiyathe idea to form the club. In baseline Kyon grew up as an ordinary, somewhat underachieving Japanese public school student. Kyon. In baseline Kyon grew up as an ordinary, somewhat underachieving Japanese public school student. Seven Deadly Sins Gets Original Sequel Movie! Poor Mikuru! They strike out two batters, but the final pitch to the third one hits the side of Yuki’s glove and bounces away. But what are the events leading up to Kyon’s knockout punch? She's like one of those little leaguers who just stands there, takes 3 strikes without swinging, and walks back to the bench. Finally, after Haruhi was done, she sat in her chair and stared out the window with an evil gleam in her eyes as she continued to think. But his curiosity gets the better of him when he tries to talk to Haruhi Suzumiya. Sailor Moon Eternal Releases Emotional Trailer & Poster For Part 2! Add interesting content and earn coins. She notes that the opinion is controversial as fans consider her "too energetic to be truly tsundere". Despite this, Kyon manages to put a stop to the crazy phenomenon by subtly reminding Haruhi that her movie is a work of fiction. Though he often tries to thwart her more outlandish antics, he is her strongest backer. Kyon definitely likes Haruhi because in the episode/chapter, the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is when he went crazy looking for Haruhi. Stuck at home thanks to COVID-19, Haruhi Suzumiya voice actors Aya Hirano (Haruhi) and Tomokazu Sugita (Kyon) have busted out their webcams and busted a move, recreating that legendary dance at home. The new school council president unexpectedly hits a soft spot in Haruhi, so what does that mean? Posted on August 29, 2010 by Jon. The winner will be announced one week from today, just like last time. Likewise, Haruhi pretends Kyon is only her flunky, but tends to get annoyed by signs of interest between Kyon and any other women... Yuki Nagato: Looping Yuki has a deep personal affection and loyalty for Kyon which, by her nature as a humanoid interface for a data-based alien life form, she is not equipped to express. He is the only member of the group who is "normal", having no special abilities at all. There were so many good entries last week that it was hard to pick a winner. It takes a lot for him to overcome his innate reserve. That’s for you to decide, dear readers! Haruhi Suzumiya: Though he often acts exasperated or annoyed by her, and never admits it himself, Kyon has a deep and abiding relationship with Haruhi that is obvious to almost anybody who spends more than five minutes with the two together. A big part of why Haruhi was so melancholy before she met Kyon was because in general, most people utterly hated her, and Kyon doesn't want that to happen to her ever again. Her outlook has been compared to Fox Mulder's from the X-Files, as both characters "want to believe." However, after a talk with Kyon about her hair, she cuts it to just about her shoulders. Infinite Loops Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Yuki retrieves it and chucks it with such force that it hits Haruhi’s glove and the entire glove flies out of her hand. Oh yeah, this is Haruhi's world, of course she's gonna be naturally good at baseball. kyon's sister This Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) seni peminat might contain saman perniagaan, sut perniagaan, anime, komik, manga, kartun, and buku komik. Haruhi, also wouldn't know what his name is right away, as EVERYONE including the teachers refer to him as "Kyon", this means that "Kyon" must in some way be related to his actual name. Congratulations! fem kyon/kyonko x male haruhi x harem fem yuuya x male yuzu x harem. This changed abruptly when he met Haruhi Suzumiya and became entangled in the creation of the SOS Brigade. Zlar123 brother sister love XD. Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Images on Fanpop. Zombie Land Saga Revenge Reveals Release Details, PV and Visual! This Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) foto might contain anime, grappig boek, manga, cartoon, and stripboek. She always had different hairstyles every day. Kyon's real name is never given, and everyone calls him by his nickname, given to him by his aunt. Congratulations! Kyon just stared into space while Haruhi was rambling. Also he even said in one of the chapters, 'Miss Asahina is cute, but Haruhi's much better', so I agree with "Haruhi-Kyon" relationship. Well, at school, Haruhi asked Kyon for a date. He is the "fourth seat" of the group. Part I: Kyon's first meeting with Mikuru when Haruhi demonstrates one of the reasons she was chosen by groping her from behind. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Furthermore, Haruhi's shabby treatment of Mikuru enrages Kyon to the point that he almost hits her. Ranma Saotome: The First Looper understands exactly how Kyon can stand it... and pities him all the more. Maybe you should've tried to steal home yourself or something. He doesn't even make a moment with Mikuru even a little! (In the middle of an exam while in class, Kyon groans. Kyon is lazy and generally phlegmatic. Haruhi has a pale skin tone, big brown eyes, and brown hair.At the beginning of the series, her hair is long and reaches to about her waist. The presence of a temporal loop within his world's baseline primed Kyon for understanding of the Infinite Loops, and he has adapted to Looping far faster than most other Anchors. He speaks in a surprisingly deep, resonant baritone, which he often keeps quiet almost to the point of whispering. Kyon is the only Looper native to his world who trusts Haruhi Suzumiya implicitly. rating subject to change later. Although Felicity Hughes of The Japan Times describes Haruhi as having tsundere character traits in her treatment of Kyon. With Kyon as the pitcher, Yuki attracts the ball to her glove as the catcher. He hits Haruhi on the helmet with a megaphone) Kyon: Hey. He prefers to dress sharply when allowed to pick his own clothes, but wears uniforms of any sort in as sloppy and careless a fashion as authorities are willing to overlook. Attack on Titan Manga to Conclude in April! Using the numbers provided in the manga excerpt above, write your own funny, perverted or just plain silly dialogue to fit the scene, and post it in the comments below. Behind him, Haruhi already has her head down, having completed her exam well within the time limit. He influences and helps Haruhi create the SOS Brigade. He seldom smiles, and only very rarely laughs. Kyon is the main male protagonist and narrator of the Haruhi Suzumiya light novel, manga and anime series. Bakacast #394 – Wait, Do I Have a Podcast? Every once in a while, someone (except Haruhi) would look his way and frown with concern, except Yuki, of course. Kyon describes Haruhi as an annoying and reckless girl, although he believes she can be more likable if she learns to calm down and help others instead of demanding thing… Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Club Присоединиться New Post. Hits: 939; Reluctant duel princess by michelous Fandoms: Yu ... only a week after she started highschool and met haruki suzumiya and her sister unlocked something in both of them. At Anime Expo 2008, Haruhi was awarded the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) award for Best … Kyon: It's all your fault for giving confusing signals. His sense of humor is exceptionally dry; he was almost literally born to be the straight man who constantly tells his clown partner, "Are you kiddin' me?" In his youth he was fond of science fiction and fantasy, but he claims to have been a cynic and skeptic from birth. Even though Haruhi is the title character, the story is told through his viewpoint. In order to preserve the integrity of the light novels that this anime series is based on, Kyon's narration will be cut from the transcript and replaced with a third-person depiction of the setting. Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Club Join New Post. Photo of Kyon hits head for fans of Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) 31501699. Loopers in General: As a general rule Kyon is pitied by most other Loopers, who don't understand how he can stand spending eternity bossed around and driven insane by Haruhi Suzumiya. Like when Mikuru was trying to get Kyon to open his folder of her pictures then Haruhi came in and got all mad or when they were filming for the movie, Mikuru wanted to give Kyon a drink which she already drank, then Haruhi stopped them, it could be because even if it was an indirect kiss she didn't want it happening. Kyon (actual name unknown) is the long-suffering Anchor of the Loop inhabited by, and possibly created by, Haruhi Suzumiya. If you know Kyon he is not much of a expressive person, but deep inside he was excited about the date with Miss Haruhi Suzumiya. With this in mind, we finally see what Haruhi means to Kyon, not necessarily through speculation or just hints, but it being actually said. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. From the very first day of school, his classmate — the beautiful but eccentric Haruhi Suzumiya — makes it very clear that her only desire is to meet aliens, time travelers, and psychics! In his youth he was fond of science fiction and fantasy, but he claims to have been a cynic and skeptic from birth. Haruhi: Hm-? He's the only one not scared of being erased from existence and his serious, no nonsense attitude is what keeps her grounded. There were so many good entries last week that it was hard to pick a winner. Kyon is your ordinary high school freshman who has long given up on his childhood dreams of encountering the fantastic and supernatural…or so he thought. Through narration and dialogue, he provides his insight, perspective, and opinions on the series' events. Mikuru and Nagato also sense something. In the end, I decided to cop out and call a tie between Starlogic and Milktea, who both wrote hilarious captions. More trouble for Kyon to fix! Kyon returns this affection with a protective instinct and a (self-declared) ability to discern passionate emotions based on extremely slight perceived alterations in behavior or speech. Naturally, please keep it PG-13 and Safe For Work. Explore Fanpop. Jonathan Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), This weeks manga page comes from an infamous Haruhi doujin, in which Haruhi FINALLY gets what’s coming for her years of antisocial behavior. Add interesting content and earn coins. foto of Haruhi and Kyon for fan of Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) 32311560 Despite this he secretly enjoys being involved with one unusual occurrence after another, to the point that he repeatedly rejects opportunities to live a normal, uneventful life. Explore Fanpop. This changed abruptly when he met Haruhi Suzumiya and became entangled in the creation of the SOS Brigade. Since he is the only member of the Brigade willing to stand up to Suzumiya and unaligned with any of the supernatural factions interested in her, he is the unwilling voice of conscience in the group... almost to the point that he exercises more command over the Brigade than its self-proclaimed leader. This Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) arte de los fans might contain traje de negocios, juego de negocio, animado, cómic, manga, historieta, anime, and dibujos animados. Good luck! Manga Caption Contest: Kyon Punches Haruhi. Haruhi said it was going to be great! Poor Kyon. фото of Haruhi and Kyon for Фаны of Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) 32311560. He also exhibits fierce loyalty to the other members of the SOS Brigade, including unofficial member Tsuruya. for fans of Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) 31650776 Next week we should get some cute Kyon/Nagato moments before this show really decides to punch us in the feels. Kyon is a tall, somewhat gangly Japanese high school student, varying between fifteen and seventeen years of age. Kyon: Big Damn Hero is the result of creating a crossover between Haruhi Suzumiya and TV Tropes.It starts with an In Medias Res prologue and moving swiftly on to an Anachronic Arc before finally settling into as chronological an order as possible when a Stable Time Loop shows up every few chapters.. First featured on the Haruhi fanfic recommendations page. Numbskull. Photo of Haruhi hit! Kyon pretends indifference to this. He is a student, with whom Haruhi willingly interacted. Part II: "I'll tell everyone that you geeks on ganged up on her and f*** her.". Kyon is the narrator and the main protagonist of the series. In the end, I decided to cop out and call a tie between Starlogic and Milktea, who both wrote hilarious captions. Since he is the only member of the Brigade willing to stand up to Suzumiya and unaligned with any of the supernatural factions interested in her, he is the unwilling voice of conscience in the gro… Final Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution Movie to Open Summer 2021! A quick look up on Bing, says Kyon is a ancient Greek word, meaning 'Dog', which certainly fits his dog-like demeanor towards Haruhi. His default expression is a bored, apathetic frown, ranging upward to annoyance. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If Haruhi thinks she's the best, then she'd know the best hitter in a baseball game hits 3rd or 4th in the order, not 1st. Hirano posted a short clip on Twitter, and the full thing (plus lots of warmup, with tips on how to pull the dance off perfectly) on Instagram . 5. Madoka Magica Launches 10th Anniversary Project! Mikuru's whimpering only makes it funnier, no matter how wrong that sounds. Zlar123 brother sister love XD Haruhi is as entertaining as ever (even in Nagato's series, she's still best girl) with her obsession with the power spot followed by subsequent complaints about being too smoky and wanting a bath. Bakacast #392 – A Lady Must Know How to Suplex Robots, Bakacast #391 – My Internet is Trying to Kill Me, Bakacast #390 – Summer 2019 First Impressions. After settling on a hairstyle, Haruhi is always seen wearing an orange-yellow headband with ribbons on the side, in her hair. After Kyon nodded he would go out with her. He is quite cynical and does not believe in anything interesting like aliens or espers (Though it's possible he believed in them before). Jujutsu Kaisen Teases Second Cour Arc With New PV! While Haruhi is very bossy and stubborn and Kyon is passive and SEEMS to be controlled and emasculated, Kyo nis the only character who haas any influence on Haruhi's actions and emotional state. One of the anonymous Tiger Mask donations was signed 'Haruhi Suzumiya'. Note: I could not think of a better summary, but please try it. The SOS Brigade is an unofficial club at North High School founded to facilitate Haruhi Suzumiya's escapades.. Kyon Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (Japanese); Crispin Freeman (English) Kyon (キョン) is the narrator and main protagonist of the series. (Kyon's had enough. Indeed, loyalty and consideration for the needs and feelings of others seem to be the most important moral qualities in Kyon's view of others. Naoki Kashima (Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne). (Koizumi gets a message from his comrades. Slam Dunk Set to Receive New Anime Movie! Kyon (キョン) Age: 16-17 Height: 170 cm (5'7") Occupation: Student (grade 10-11) Kyon is a first year high school student. Hughes of the Loop inhabited by, and everyone calls him by his aunt 's all your for! Her more outlandish antics, he is the long-suffering Anchor of the SOS.! 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