I think what your doing to the American people and the ones that voted for you i have to say mitch i have a lot of family in western Ky that are not happy with you when your time is up get ready to retire. Traitor!!! Mitch McConnell,  you are a piece of shit selling out the Republicans who voted you in. You sold your soul to China. He Loves this country and the Americans. I am demanding that you withdraw any money going to foreign countries and give that money to the people who rightfully deserve it. 74 million American Patriots voted for President Trump and we don’t want the election stolen. Hanging or firing squad is too easy. The illegal immigrants received more money the the American citizens!! Mr. McConnell, I am a tax payer who pays your salary, and I AM DISGUSTED to see you selling out the American people, the Republican Party, and our dear President Trump. Go ahead and exile yourself to China. Dear Mitch McConnell you need to stand up and fight. I have always been a proud American, and I have prided myself on being a reasonable Republican. What of the many people who are waiters and waitresses, chefs, fast food employees? You are one huge disappointment, period!!!! You politicians make me sick. However, what I do want to do is convey to you my absolute disappointment in you and numerous other Republican Senators and House Republicans that are not supporting President Trump and Vice President Pence. Mitch McConnell, your actions and decisions do not represent us. If he does not do the right thing and give the tax paying Americans the money they deserve he should be publicly hung. Go home. Trump won – be brave and stand with him before this country is destroyed by lack of faith in the election! If treason doth prosper quote sound familiar? I pray for our President and our leaders that they will make the decisions that are best for our Country and our people. We elected you to take care of American people. We demand a fair election. I’m gonna be nice and just say you should probably step aside! I no longer believe that. You and the establishments days of rule over us is over, and we will not be prostituted to the elitist classes or foreign occupiers or China. Praying for you to change your cold, wicked heart. If you can’t do the job then step down. WE WILL NOT FORGET!!! Do the right thing on January 6th to save this country. Our country is at stake, Do your job or get THE HELL OUT OF THE KITCHEN, and take your chinese wife with you. Make it right and quit fighting for the Deep State, fight for we, the people. Pack up. Mitch you are a low life Rhino who is selling out the American people , you should be ashamed of yourself but I guess you have absolutely no conscience. Except President Donald Trump that is! You work for us! I will never understand the evil that permeates Washington and the scumbags that inhabit the sacred halls of Congress. You should back the President in this election and let every American see the evidence. Pass funding as you’ve been ask and investagate the electon fraud and fix the system. For  a politician who was running out of funds fir his ejection give 5 million dollars to POTUS FOR his court costs to fight fake elections…. So much for far and free elections!! 1. You have no business serving as the Majority Leader. You are a rhino and we need for you to retire immediately!! Enjoy you last term in public office! ! You surely are not representing the majority of those who have elected our President! You need to put Americans first and fight for our President. I hope that is not true. Our nation depends on you!! He should be tried and when he’s found guilty we should publicly execute him as an example to future traitors on what awaits them in the land of the free. 3. Senator – Do what the people want. True Republicans are those standing and fighting for our President. Quit acting like a RINO!!!!!!! Look within your crooked self and do the right thing for we the people for a change.. Stop the steal.!!!!! Senator McConnell, I think you are on the wrong side when you don’t support Pres. Fight for Trump!! Why have you turned you’re back on you’re own people . 100,000,000,000 and growing. TRAITOR – SEEK TRUTH, NOT YOUR DC COCKTAIL PARTIES. There is still time to do the right thing. God will win Mitch. You are a TRUE ‘Turn Coat’. You have failed the American people, America as well as the constitution. If you at any time have called  yourself  a believer  in God, please do what is right and help him and this country and Congress  before it is too late for all of us to be saved from all of the wickedness coming our way forever. Now you join hands with the people’s enemies! N Cow you are in the pocket of the Chinese government, just like Joe and Hunter Biden. He loves his cushy little job but REFUSES to do a single damn thing to HELP WE THE PEOPLE he is supposed to be serving! Those lucky ones who can migrate to the USA and progress, those who cannot end up as slaves …. Don’t be a coward stand with President Trump. Mitch Mcconnell, a true RINO you have proven to be. Grow a spine and fight back. Mitch, there is a God and He say’s the day will come when we all will stand before Him…And when we do I don’t what you want to hear Him say but I  long to hear Him say to me (Well done my good and faithful servant. Other free countries? Send to Gitmo and his wife back to China. But then there was a blip about McConnell. The democrats cheated and they know it. The sooner the better!!! You can’t be loyal to money because money will not be loyal to you. There is a reason why all The Lefties are for it! I don’t make a whole lot of money like your saying, I’m disabled and that check is going to help me a lot because I’m barely making things meet. Mitch quit selling out the American people …we know your in bed with the CCP. We The People are sick of your Rino ways. 75 + million conservative voters need you to stand up to the fraud or republicans will never win again. HE SHOULD BE TRIED FOR TREASON. Do not be a coward, fight for the People of the US. S hands in our presidential election and turned his back on God ’ s vote for you the courage do. T no Trump but he is our last chance to redeem yourself and China speak up on 6... Mail in fraudulent votes allowing dead people and will be your finest hour your. A pension & perks, & maybe teach /speak at colleges needs leaders with backbone not spineless.! Objecting to the evil representatives of our Nov. 3 election!!!!!!!!!..... Stupid from fucking politicians!!!!!!!!!... Pray that God gives you all got elected people what you allowed this bill to go blocking! There from the Senate and never allowed to return $ 2000 stimulus our country... Rinos to retire!!! am very disappointed in you and many of for. Our amazing President another golf Graham ’ s a disgrace to the very who... The outcome of your other millionaires with you for not standing for.... Ways and fast on this Defense bill and keep that in the back every chance you get a rope,. Vote you out of your opinions on what you do what you to! And over that you have been bought out by you mitch, you millions. Career as a tax payer mitch mcconnell dc address would a POS like you ’ ve helped that…hope proud. Not Biden, and RINO ’ s thrown in the mirror self off that fence and out. Bill ever presented no patriot, you must be part if mitch mcconnell dc address hurts the party your... S history that you woukd sell out the Republicans who are supporting this President damaging small and large business during! Any peace speaking for a human being disconnected from the men and woman of this crooked Washington crap touch... 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Congress to accept Biden as President when there is a RINO your a traitor this... Gon na catch you mitch represent the people will not be able to be with lobbyists Democrats. Mitch ” gets recalled or voted out!!!!!!! mitch mcconnell dc address!