June 28, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/modular-construction-in-hospital-buildings/. Ataei et al. June 28, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/modular-construction-in-hospital-buildings/. Several documents discuss the economics of SMRs, highlighting how the size is not the only factor to consider in the comparison; remarkably, other factors (co-siting economies, modularisation, modularity, construction time, etc.) 3, pp. The modular approach also has the potential to yield significant cost savings, although that is still more the exception than the norm today. Figure 1. View Modular Construction Research Papers on Academia.edu for free. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. That said, they note that because all the modules should be ready before construction and kept in one place that is called assembly yards, there are often limits in space, as it is difficult to find the necessary surface for storage. Third, it helped improve the level of safety, as there were no accidents in the working place and the productivity of employees as they were controlled at every stage of the process. These criteria can be used as the barrier to entry for new modules manufacturers to the market, thus leading to the emergence of monopolies in the economy. "Modular Construction in Hospital Buildings." Figure 5: Plan of modular building at Bond Street, Bristol showing the core positions 2. A 25 storey modular building in Wolverhampton, UK (Lawson et al., 2012).....4 Figure 1. Eagle (2014) states another benefit of modular for constructing a hospital in comparison with the conventional building. Secondly, the paper develops a research agenda. The only thing that authors stress is that it is more beneficial to follow the optimistic scenario because it will help improve productivity and performance. Conventional Construction .Modular buildings are constructed almost solely in a factory and arrive at the site 90 to 95 per hundred complete. The analysis result of Russian developments in the construction of modular buildings proves that Russia has great experience in the development of 3D reinforced concrete modules. Research results, whitepapers, and third party analysis provides insight into this growing construction method. 17, no. Court, P, Pasquire, C, Gibb, A & Bower, D 2006, ‘Design of a lean and agile construction system for a large and complex mechanical and electrical project’, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC, Santiago, Chile, pp. How to resolve conflict argumentative essay Importance of reading books essay writing: essay about a role model dad, case study sample transport: colleges that don't need sat essay, conclusion of healthy lifestyle essay. 263-274. So, the hospitals manage to avoid dust and noise that adds not only to the comfort of patients but also to their safety. The author thinks over the necessity to build another building or repair some parts of the building under exploitation. It means that using this type of construction helps minimise the amount of scrap that as well improves the sustainability of a hospital because less money is spent first on buying materials, then on cleaning up the wastes. Here we have uploaded the best-selected reports and journals which will help you for the seminar and civil engineering projects. Third, this type of construction is safer for the natural environment as the projects are finished sooner if compared to conventional construction. For this specific study, they have analysed the data regarding the overall effectiveness of conventional constructing including quality, time spent for finishing the projects, health and safety including the number of incidents in the working place and work-related illnesses, and the level of the workers’ productivity. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. 2 1 Department of Civil Engineering, 105 Engineering Unit B, University Park, PA 16802 2 The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center (PHRC), Department of Architectural Engineering and Department of Civil and Environmental … We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. 2006). First of all, they point out that hospital buildings are usually sophisticated and have many levels of complexity. If you need help writing your assignment, please use our research paper writing service and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price. If you continue, Cookies Policy, This research paper on Modular Construction in Hospital Buildings was written and submitted by your fellow student. The building’s lateral stability system came from the central core using a modular precast concrete system, above level 7. Finally, the experts from the Modular Building Institute (2010) claim that the flexible design of modular constructions makes them reusable, it means that they can later be used for erecting the building that varies from the initial design. At the second stage, modules are manufactured and assembled in the factory environment. Prefabrication and Modular Construction Dwellings in Albania . The use of modular construction is directly influenced by the client’s requirements for speed of construction, quality, added benefits of economy of scale, as well as single point procurement. However, there is an absence of detailed scientific research or case studies that investigate into the structural performance of modular buildings. It is emphasized that modular construction has the potential to shorten project design and engineering time, reduce costs and improve construction productivity. construction must be applied wholescale across the industry. Nevertheless, today it is more often used for constructing business centres, telecommunications, stations, churches, educational structures, military objects, airport facilities, restaurants, and even healthcare institutions. Third, in most cases, people are unaware of the benefits of modular construction over conventional (Azhar, Lukkad & Ahmad 2012). 16, no. The second advantage is improving the level of overall performance because every stage is strictly controlled and managed. The fourth benefit is that it helps increase safety in the working place. It is emphasized that modular construction has the potential to shorten project design and engineering time, reduce costs and improve construction productivity. are relevant. In the case of a thorough analysis of the outputs of the model, it is possible to eliminate the possibility of inaccuracies and guarantee that the deadlines are met and the plans are fulfilled. "Modular Construction in Hospital Buildings." We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. It is achieved through repetition, inspection and operating in a controlled factory environment, and adhering to regulations in place. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. © 2016 The Author(s). They stress that designing such a plan requires exquisite time management skills, and it is very often complicated to find specialists who can cope with this task. The advanced world experience in the construction of modular buildings is analyzed. Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the XXV Polish – Russian – Slovak Seminar “Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering”. In general, erecting building using this type of technique helped save the costs and raw materials, as the number of wastes was lower than in the case of conventional construction. Second, not all factories have the inventory of the needed technological level that could be used for assembling the modular parts. What also becomes more expensive is the process of constructing a building, as it also should fall within the standards. Construction is under way of the world’s tallest towers built using modular manufacturing, a method … 39, no. Please wait while flipbook is loading. 4. Modular Construction in Hospital Buildings. IvyPanda. "Modular Construction in Hospital Buildings." ... 11/02/20 – A summary of research paper by Andrew Watson (B.Sc.) 6, pp. Finally, big corporations are just used to conventional construction that is why they need some time to adapt to something new even though it is more advantageous (Carriker & Langar 2014). References: [1] Construction Rates quoted by Khozema Umrethwala from S.K contractors, Mazgaon,Mumbai [2] Standards, Bureau Of Indian. Velamati (2012) points out another desirable advantage of modular construction. 1-14. To sum up, the primary advantages of modular construction are minimizing the costs and maximizing the revenues that can be achieved by thorough budgeting and planning the number of necessary resources as well as finishing the construction earlier, so that there is an opportunity to receive rental payments earlier. It is believed that an increased amount of personnel accounts for higher costs and longer completion times as it facilitates means for unnecessary worker interface (Proverbs, Holt & Olomolaiye 1999). Labour reduction is also a key advantage and by using modular buildings, there is less need for supervisory personnel at the sites thereby further reducing cost and completion time. The authors claim that the result of the simulation is a series of reports and graphs illustrating all the available resources. The thesis concludes that while modular product development has been discussed in the academic literature for many years more research is required and an agreement must be reached on a standard definition of modularity. There is also better construction quality management off-site ensuring that stringent quality control and quality assurance protocols are in place to promote an exceptionally high quality of construction in every step of the project. The choice to “go modular” was driven by a constrained and high-cost labour market. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly . The Modular Building Institute 2010, Improving construction efficiency & productivity with modular construction, The Modular Building Institute, Charlottesville, VA. Velamati, S 2012, Feasibility, benefits and challenges of modular construction in high rise development in the united states: a developer’s perspective, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 2020. Your privacy is extremely important to us. The authors propose to develop three scenarios for the whole process of construction – pessimistic, optimistic, and average. The article considers temporary methods of using modular units in construction. This and other industry papers go some way in driving discussion and stimulating change, but ultimately it is the clients that must drive change. 577-587. At this stage, the plan is also approved by the authorities, so that it meets all the requirements regarding safety and the process of construction. A review and analysis of modular construction practices. Conventional Construction Abstract The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast between Modular Construction vs. Study of high-rise building using modular construction 2.1 Project description The modular construction project in Wolverhampton has 3 blocks of 8 to 25 storeys and in total consists of 824 modules. According to McGraw-Hill construction’s report, 76% of respondents indicate that prefabrication/modular construction reduces site waste—with 44% indicating that it reduced site waste by 5% or more. 1. 1053-1061. Modular housing is on the brink of a major milestone. 5. What simulation is beneficial for is improving the scheduling of onsite installation. Because less time is spent on constructive, the potential negative influence on the local natural environment is reduced. The paper describes the prospects and relevance of introducing modular prefabricated units not only into low-rise but into multi-storey and high-rise construction as well. Conventional Construction Modular Construction vs. Published by Elsevier Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.098. They believe that this method helps to simplify the minute-in-minute plan for assembling and better the overall performance. For example, Taghaddos et al. According to the authors, to avoid the negative aspect of this type of building, it is necessary to assess all potential limitation that might emerge during the process such as delays in transportation, various problems deriving from the human factor, and inaccuracies in plans and schedules. First of all, the authors believe that this type of construction requires high-skilled workers that would work on design and planning, but they are hard to afford by the ordinary building companies. In the case, if the company fails to comply with them, it has to hire consultants, ad the process of reaching the determined standards is time-consuming and costly. Together with that, there are as well some disadvantages of this type of erecting the buildings but they all come down to constraints whether it be a lack in time, skills or resources. It means that the new facilities should be built within the shortest possible time. advantages relative to standard onsite construction. As modular technology lends itself to more repeatable volumes, multifamily and hotel property types addressed more, but other property types are considered. What is special about modules is that they are assembled in the factory environment. Poh, P S H & Chen, J 1998, ‘The Singapore buildable design appraisal system: a preliminary review of the relationship between buildability, site productivity and cost’, Construction Management and Economics, vol. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The article considers temporary methods of using modular units in construction. In addition to it, the authors studied whether the use of the corridor modules is more beneficial than traditional construction. Research what benefits modular construction can provide to the current housing shortage faced by the UK Investigate the economic benefits that a more active modular construction industry would bring Investigate areas of future expansion for modular construction, exploring less conventional methods of application Modular buildings are becoming favourable to conventional construction, as the individual modules are carefully engineered to withstand the effects of transporting and craning them onto the foundations onsite making them structurally stronger than traditionally constructed buildings. As the international trade association for modular and offsite construction, MBI works with an extensive network of universities, researchers, and alliances from all over the world. (2012). But for this to happen, a more compelling case for investment in modern methods of construction (MMC) must be made. All these major advantageous of modular construction offset the slightly higher cost of construction of modular construction of ₨9,027.47 per sqmt over ordinary site construction of ₨ 8,839.85 per sqmt. It … If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. For this reason, modular construction is a common technology for building industrial plants. It means that all the primary work is done away from patients. Also check our tips on how to write a research paper, see the lists of research paper topics, and browse research paper examples. 482-499. Moreover, they can be switched during the process of assembling as one element can be used as floor, ceiling, wall or rafter. Modular Construction vs. Moghadam, M, Al-Hussein, M, Al-Jibouri, A & Telyas, A 2012, ‘Post simulation visualization model for effective scheduling of modular building construction’, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. The final construction should reflect the intended design and specifications achieving high build quality (Eagle 2014). It is emphasized that modular construction has the potential to shorten project design and engineering time, reduce costs and improve construction productivity. Research & Development. IvyPanda. When the car is built, its modular design makes it much easier to manage the building process, since each component can be installed and checked separately. However, the authors claim that there is a way of overcoming this barrier by hiring official consultants who might help manufacturers change the production process so that the final product complies with the standards. Ataei, A, Gebrail, F, Daliri, F & Bolourian, N 2015, Productivity of modular construction, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Finally, the authors believe that one more disadvantage of this type of construction is that it requires too many transporters that are first used for shipments and later for transporting the modules from one place in the assembly yard to another (Taghaddos et al. The installation of modular buildings is cost-efficient, safe and eco-friendly. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. 9, pp. Nevertheless, there are some disadvantages, what should be said is that they are outweighed by the advantages and can be eliminated by using simulation and visualisation while preparing the plan of the projects and developing the schedule of assembling. Even though modular construction has many advantages, numerous significant disadvantages should take into consideration when choosing the type of construction. most modular systems, a concrete floor was used with concrete columns poured on-site into formworks contained within the modules. Harrison Friedes. The ICC and Modular Building Institute are working together to create a white paper that would clear up a lot of grey areas in the modular construction world and get everyone up to speed on what modular buildings are and the benefits of using this approach in the construction industry. The authors also point out that strict schedules also have a positive impact on environmental advantage. The results of the exploration were fascinating, as the authors have found out that the overall consequences were positive and could be divided into six groups: quality, time, sustainability, cost, health and safety, and site benefits. (2006) who state that the modules used in the building should correspond with particular buildability criteria determined by the state. A review and analysis of modular construction practices. Modular construction is the process of constructing building components off-site and putting together the components (also known as modular parts or modules) on-site. Bearing in mind that the advantages of the modular building significantly outweigh disadvantages, it is no surprise. De La Torre, Mayra L. Graduate Student. We utilize security vendors that protect and 2, pp. The car is made up of several components such as the engine, body, suspension system, tires, and seats. 1 and Ali. Modular Design for Sustainable Construction 35 2.5 The Market Impact of Modular Construction 37 2.6 The Future for Modular Construction 38 2.7 China and India Case Studies 39 2.7.1 India 39 2.7.2 China 48 2.8 Scandinavia Case Studies 50 2.9 Designs for Dismantling 52 2.10 Advantages of Modular Construction 53 2.11 Disadvantages of Modular Construction 54 2.12 Summary of … The installation of modular buildings is cost-efficient, safe and eco-friendly. Technologies LLC, a company registered in Wyoming, USA. For more related info, FAQs and issues please refer to DearFlip WordPress Flipbook Plugin Help documentation. However, it was before the Sky City building in China that boasts a magnificent 220 storey building construction that was said to be completed in 90 days. In addition to it, Jameson (2007) believes that modularization helps decrease labour peaks because most work is conducted in a factory environment by the machines and with the use of assembly lines. Finally, the building is constructed, and the process is over. Modular Construction in Hospital Buildings, Giza Pyramids' Mysteries: Theories of Construction, The use of modular construction in hospital buildings, Defects in the Motor Industry and Their Causes, Bertrand Russell and Jerry Fodor's Philosophical Perspectives, The Incident Command System: High-Reliability Organizing Tasks, Construction: Tool Boxes for Machine Shop, Product Engineering and Design Review: Coke Bottles, Running Shoes, Air Conditioner, Dishwasher, and iPhones, Improved Backpack Design: Built-in Chair, Umbrella, and a Special Place for Laptop. The decision to fall back on this type of construction is very often motivated by the need to meet the strict deadline for erecting buildings, as modular construction is known for high quality that can be easily reached within the shortest possible time while the result will be long-lasting and strong. 28, no. The advanced world experience in the construction of modular buildings is analyzed. (1994). They acknowledge that hiring a worker is not a problem; what is a real challenge is to find an HR who would be able to manage them effectively. The advantages of a modular design can be shown best with the example of a car. "Modular Construction in Hospital Buildings." Need a custom Research Paper sample written from scratch by View Modular Systems (Architecture) Research Papers on Academia.edu for free. Eagle, A 2014, ‘Speed to market’, Health Facilities Management Magazine, May 2014, pp. IvyPanda. 521-532. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. 30, no. 67-71. For this reason, there are sometimes delays in constructing the buildings and meeting the deadlines. This research paper on Modular Construction in Hospital Buildings was written and submitted by your fellow student. Freedom in my life essay paper construction Research modular on. In some cases, such new projects are more than 40% more expensive, that is why buildability criteria are another fruitful way of precluding the emergence of new companies that is, at the same time, a significant disadvantage of modular construction. IvyPanda. Civil … (2020, June 28). Copyright © 2021 - IvyPanda is a trading name of Edustream 681-692. The State-of-the-Art Application of Modular Construction to Multi-Story Residential Buildings Anthony C. Jellen P.E. Modular parts can be built to exact specification and be replicated with the minimal error off-site usually in a factory setting thus reducing the time of completion and the need for amendments significantly. Furthermore, the investigators stress on the necessity to involve many specialists with different skills into the modular projects. Second, strict schedule implies the strict control over the process and coordination at every stage. What first of all should be said about this technology is that minimizing the number of workers involved and maximizing the amount of work finished in a factory environment is a source of limitless benefits not only for healthcare institutions but also any other. Among the common customer using this type of construction, there are local, state, and federal governments, huge corporations and non-profit organizations, retailers and healthcare providers (The Modular Building Institute 2010). 18-23. A review and analysis of modular construction practices. Finally, modules are flexible in design and can be reused and recycled. It is especially effective if used with visualization, claim Moghadam et al. Velamati (2012) pays specific attention to the stages of modular construction detaching four specific stages. Second, it decreased the time for finishing the project because the workers knew that they had to meet strict deadlines and most works were finished in a factory setting, thus, resulting in achieving better quality with involving less workforce. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. Test and provide models for comparing off-site construction data to the construction sector and researchers The author states that it creates minimal site disruption as approximately 60-90% of the construction activity is carried out off-site in the factory environment and only the assembly, and minor work is done on-site. There are also advantages deriving from the strict schedule for design and construction. professional specifically for you? In addition to it, the author stresses that because of strict planning, it is possible to manage the resources financial as well as raw materials. Department . This sample Architecture Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. 2 Modular construction and build-to-rent – ... research provides clear evidence and best practice examples on which to base future MMC strategy for both industry and government. Another disadvantage of modular construction is stated by Chiang et al. Moreover, it improves overall safety and security and eliminates construction hazards especially when used for erecting schools, hospitals, building dense and heavily populated areas where the safety of people and also the running of businesses are paramount. Second, hospitals need to be sure that their buildings are safe and of high quality that can as well be guaranteed due to the strict control measures throughout the whole process of construction. 11/14/20 – A summary of research article by Erica Barnett, this piece analyzes and explains the different approaches to constructing modular housing and the potential benefits each brings in affordability. M. Memari PhD, P.E. Court, P, Pasquire, C & Gibb, A 2008, ‘Modular assembly in healthcare construction – a mechanical and electrical case study’, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction Prefabrication, Assembly and Open Building, IGLC, Santiago, Chile, pp. IvyPanda. June 28, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/modular-construction-in-hospital-buildings/. Title . IvyPanda, 28 June 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/modular-construction-in-hospital-buildings/. 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