he wrote four books and a pamphlet in jail. I was an atheist. I tell you that the British rule is not there because God willed it but for the reason that we lack the will and courage to oppose it. In spite of this fact I can say that my belief in God was firm and strong. Aphrodite * December 2, 2020 at 3:10 pm “Aren’t you afraid you’re going to hell?” Not if Gordon Ramsey is in the kitchen. Things didn't go well from that point forward. After a long talk which was full of sympathetic words, he imparted to me what he considered to be sad news, that if I did not give any statement as demanded by them, they would be forced to send me up for trial for conspiracy to wage war in connection with Kakori Case and also for brutal killings in Dussehra gathering. Whenever I asked him about the existence of God, he gave me this reply: “You may believe in him when you feel like it.” The second leader with whom I came in contact was a firm believer. I want to bring home this point to you. In the essay, Bhagat Singh discussed his atheism, which did not come because of his vanity. I want to explain them in a bit more detail. [2] As a reply to Randhir Singh, he wrote this essay on 5 and 6 October 1930. It is child’s play for God. God, with his whimsical laws and parental generosity was painted with variegated colours of imagination. ‘Study more and more’, said I to myself so that I might be able to face the arguments of my opponents. He attempts to discredit every area of the Bible and Christian belief. It is tantamount to saying that those who are oppressors now were Godly people then, in their previous births. This is a phenomenon of nature. How many of them have you met who were donkeys in their previous births for having committed any sin? Start This article has been rated as Start-Class on the project's quality scale. The next day I was taken to the Railway Police lockup where I spent a whole month. This question about the origin of language targets atheists. I am sure that everyone who reads this will disagree with it, so let me know what you would have included or omitted and why. (1930) ... As regards the origin of God, my own idea is that having realized the limitations of man, his weaknesses and shortcoming having been taken into consideration, God was brought into imaginary existence to encourage man to face boldly all the trying circumstances, to meet all dangers manfully and to check and restrain his outbursts in prosperity and affluence. They offered to release me on condition that I gave a statement on the activities of the Revolutionary Party. He was Almighty and could do anything. I know that will be the end when the rope is tightened round my neck and the rafters move from under my feet. If, as you believe there is an Almighty, Omnipresent, Omniscient God, who created the earth or universe, please let me know, first of all, as to why he created this world. I proceed to my next point. The most important thing was a clear conception of our ideology for which we were waging a long struggle. There are differences even amongst various schools of thoughts in each hemisphere. I am not one of these two creeds. [1][2] The essay was a reply to his religious friends who thought Bhagat Singh became an atheist because of his vanity. So, I briefly wanted to revisit the topic of why I am an Atheist. He has to analyse and understand all the details. A Genghis Khan! They try to justify the power they have usurped and the riches they have robbed with the help of such theories. I was brought up under the care and protection of my father. If by chance these poor creatures heard a few words of your sacred books, Vedas, these Brahmans poured melted lead into their ears. His ignorance, his poverty, and the contempt he receives from others will harden his heart towards society. I felt they had some intelligence of my other activities in the revolutionary movement. [3], Later still I came across a book entitled, Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, http://scroll.in/article/715660/on-bhagat-singhs-death-anniversary-why-i-am-an-atheist, "Bhagat Singh as seen by Ramasami Periyar", "Martyr Bhagat Singh lost in red tape on India's 67th Independence Day", "Periyar admired Bhagat Singh, criticised Gandhiji", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Why_I_Am_an_Atheist&oldid=955687334, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 9 May 2020, at 06:10. translation into other Indian languages. Your next question will be why a child is born blind or lame even if he was not a sinner in his previous birth. They told me that I was in Lucknow during the Kakori Party Trial so that I might devise a scheme to rescue the culprits. Atheism is rejecting the belief in a god or gods. When I told her, she slammed on her breaks, turned to me with her characteristically bulging rage-face, and said, "Don't you ever say that in front of me again." After a long debate with myself, I reached the conclusion that I could not even pretend to be a believer nor could I offer my prayers to God. Other members of the animal kingdom have the ability to communicate, through vocal noises or by other means, but the most important single feature characterizing human language (that is, every individual language), against every known mode of animal communication, is its infinite productivity and creativity. Who is more likely to be getting things right? Even if his arguments are so strong that it is impossible to refute them, if his spirit is so strong that he cannot be bowed down by the threats of misfortune that may befall him through the wrath of the Almighty, he shall be decried as vainglorious. As regard the origin of God, my thought is that man created God in his imagination when he realized his weaknesses, limitations and shortcomings. I am a realistic man. In that leaflet, one full paragraph was devoted to the praises of God and His doings which we, human beings, cannot understand. Why I am an Atheist is an essay written by Indian freedom fighter Bhagat Singh in 1930 in Lahore Central Jail. They think they know enough on their own to interpret foreign, ancient instructions. I consider it to be an act of degradation and demoralisation. The NFL wants my family to have a "game plan" for voting, lest we "lose" the biggest game of the year. It was all humbug. Why I Became an Atheist, gives more than the reasons John Loftus became an atheist. It is a matter of debate whether my lack of belief in the existence of an Omnipresent, Omniscient God is due to my arrogant pride and vanity. Nero burnt one Rome. My dear friends, these theories have been coined by the privileged classes. Unfortunately, his testimony after his "affair" is too common. Yes, I come to this question. His point of view was a sort of mystical atheism. Then came the time to shoulder the whole responsibility. As far as the first question is concerned, I think I have made it clear that I did not turn atheist because of vanity. One day, Mr. Newman, the then senior Superintendent of CID, came to me. What more consolation can there be! To my own surprise, I was very calm at that time. Unfortunately, his testimony after his "affair" is too common. The Facebook page of this site. Only two things are possible: either a man deems himself to be in possession of Godly qualities, or he goes a step further and declares himself to be a god. Study history to know this. Loftus' story is a sad one of immorality and rejection. Om Publications. I am also an antitheist. Charles Darwin has tried to throw some light on this subject. You may thrust yet another question at me, though it is merely childish. This is my question. They jeered at us. His selfish interests have made him incapable of seeing the truth. Editorial Note: "Why I am an Atheist" was This essay discusses why, and some of the consequences. See more. Is my atheism because of unnecessary pride, or have I ceased believing in God after thinking long and deep on the matter? After my elementary education, I was sent to D. A. V College, Lahore. But this question does not concern my person alone. According to them the whole burden rests upon the shoulders of parents whose conscious or unconscious deeds caused mutilation of the child prior to his birth. Harkishan Singh Surjeet (1916–2008): Politician, General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from 1992 to 2005 and a member of the party's Polit Bureau from 1964 to 2008. People who have ideas like ours do not throw bombs at their own innocent people. This world which is full of woe and grief, and countless miseries, where not even one person lives in peace. Sometimes they take very antagonistic and conflicting forms. No one will answer your arguments in a rational way; rather you will be considered vainglorious. Athletes and musicians I admire are getting into it, including Ice Cube and O.J. No more mysticism! I totally reject the existence of an Omnipresent, all powerful, all knowing God. Whose opinions are based on better r… Since I am not a native English speaker, any comment on language is also welcome. During my stay in this college, I began thinking over all the religious polemics such that I grew sceptical about the existence of God. This is a ... Bhagat Singh (1907–1931): Marxist revolutionary, wrote a pamphlet entitled Why I am an atheist. [3], Bhagat Singh was a member of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association,[4] a revolutionary party in the Indian freedom struggle. I ask why He does not fill the hearts of all capitalist classes with altruistic humanism that prompts them to give up personal possession of the means of production and this will free the whole labouring humanity from the shackles of money. In both these states of mind he cannot be an atheist in the true sense of the word. Hence we identify with being Hindu atheists. An Atheist knows that a hospital should be built instead of a church. CopyLeft: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license 2.0, by Marxists Internet Archive, 2020, on this document. on, due to the internal political conditions inside India,  access to the This topic is concerned with Biology and Natural History. It deprives a man of his understanding power and makes him reactionary. Deterrent theory is on the anvil for its flaws. I read a few books of Marx, the father of Communism. But there is chance that he will be corrected because Reason is the guiding principle of his life. The Facebook page of this site. I grew up in a Christian home and regularly attended worship services. Only my readers, not I, can decide whether my arguments carry weight. What it meant will be discussed in the following lines. Hasan then undertook to make a fresh translation into English specially for MIA from an available Gurmukhi At least a college student cannot cherish any sort of exaggerated notion of himself that may lead him to atheism. These are: revenge, reform, and deterrence. Some have always been complaining that I am bossy and I force others to accept my opinion. atheist definition: 1. someone who does not believe in any God or gods: 2. not believing in any God or gods, or…. What happens? Atheist definition, a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. Those who are well versed in the philosophy of Jurisprudence relate three of four justifications for the punishment that is to be inflicted upon a wrong-doer. Now another piece of manufactured logic! Reformative theory is now widely accepted and considered to be necessary for human progress. Why did he create man when he had the power not to do so? In spite of his vast studies in Socialism and Communism, Rajan Lahiri could not suppress his desire to recite hymns from Upanishads and Gita. This is not constructive thinking. From the very construct of the word, it is quite obvious that it is an adjective (even though it's widely used as a noun in the vulgar). But what is his place in history? In this way I was brought up. I'll be traveling home tomorrow. Thereafter, Randhir Singh said "You are giddy with fame and have developed an ego which is standing like a black curtain between you and the God". My previous beliefs and convictions underwent a radical change. After that his task should be to do the groundwork for new philosophy. Brief and concise my answer will be. He claims to know the objective truth about the universe in respect of a divinity—that the universe contains no such entity. I ask why your Omnipotent God does not hold a man back when he is about to commit a sin or offence. No church, no praying, no begging forgiveness. It comes as no surprise to me that people generally believe what they were raised to believe. Wow. Pages are blackened with invective diatribes condemning Nero: the tyrant, the heartless, the wicked. Edit 4: Another point of contention in the post seems to be confusion about what I mean when I say, "I'm not asking why you are not religious, I'm asking why you are atheist." If you have no belief in Him, then there is no alternative but to depend upon yourself. The People, which allowed us to publish a transcription It never occurred to me that sometime in the future I would be involved in polemics of this kind. us permission to use their transcription. Being realistic, he will have to throw his faith aside and face all adversaries with courage and valour. It is due to his teachings that I devoted my life for the cause of liberating my country. What I meant by this was that I was not looking for a critique of any specific religion, such as why a person is not a christian , but rather why they specifically did not believe in any religion. I was taken into police custody. He explained how a religious boy who chanted a mantra for hours, brought up in the Arya Samaj tradition, became an atheist. Did it not occur to your All Knowing God or he could learn the truth only after millions had undergone untold sufferings and hardships? It is easy to understand but how is it possible that a believer can turn into a non-believer because of his vanity? But evangelical Christianity rejected doesn't imply atheism; in my case, non-Christian theist to deist to agnostic to atheist took from April until October. Some texts were edited to correct minor typographical errors and aesthetic concerns. But what in essence is God’s Punishment even if it is inflicted on a person who has really done some harm? After that comes in the positive work in which some material of the olden times can be used to construct the pillars of new philosophy. In May 1927, I was arrested in Lahore. Open your eyes and see millions of people dying of hunger in slums and huts dirtier than the grim dungeons of prisons; just see the labourers patiently or say apathetically while the rich vampires suck their blood; bring to mind the wastage of human energy that will make a man with a little common sense shiver in horror. “Why would I be since, as an atheist, I don’t believe in it.” and walk away. It is, however, important to remember that nothing in these general descriptions is necessarily common to all atheists , and even when atheists do share characteristics, it cannot be assumed that they are shared to the same degree. Why I am an atheist? I have talked much about our methods. I did not give up my belief in God after these incidents. ‘Study’ to support your point of view with convincing arguments. Of … I have a weakness in my personality, for pride is one of the human traits that I do possess. As Mahatmaji is great, he is above criticism; as he has risen above, all that he says in the field of politics, religion, Ethics is right. I think I have the answer that you are seeking. The essay was a reply to his religious friends who thought Bhagat Singh became an … According to Chaman Lal, "at one time after Partition, the English copy of this essay was not found anywhere. 2. bhagat singh was not only one of india' S greatest freedom fighters and revolutionary socialists,but also one of its early marxist thinkers and ideologues. He will willingly help you in the process.” The dirty alliance between religious preachers and possessors of power brought the boon of prisons, gallows, knouts and above all such theories for the mankind. Even then it is a serious problem. No rules. All these faiths differ on many fundamental questions, but each of them claims to be the only true religion. When, in 2006, MIA sought to Christians ought to read this for a couple of reasons - one is the way Loftus was treated. I want to answer my second question by giving reasons to believe there are no gods. You want to argue the practicability of Socialist theory, I leave it to your Almighty God to enforce it. This is exactly the situation now. It cannot be called empty pride. Let them see all this and say “All is well in God’s Kingdom.” Why so? It was a turning point in my revolutionary career. But I need no opiate to meet my end. Source: Images of pages 195-201 of the 27 September 1931 edition of The People, provided by Prof. Chaman Lal. After that he said that he had sufficient evidence to get me convicted and hanged. Let us discuss why this allegation is incorrect. As far as the contemptible, obsolete, rotten values of our society are concerned, I am an extreme sceptic. If I were a believer, I know in the present circumstances my life would have been easier; the burden lighter. They were always in search of petty hoaxes to play upon people and snatch from them the power of Reason. publish "Why I am an Atheist", the only digital English-language edition that I could not help laughing at their proposals. The ideas contained in Bakunin’s ‘God and State’ seem inconclusive, but it is an interesting book. I was not completely atheistic in my beliefs. But he was not an atheist. Christians ought to read this for a couple of reasons - one is the way Loftus was treated. He made a statement concerning atheists, and I - being atheist (please, however, note the small "a") - commented. He is not an atheist. No, I never did it. I do not boast of being above these human follies. I am not always successful in such attempts. source to Urdu/Persian script by Maqsood Saqib; translated from Urdu to English by Hasan for marxists.org, 2006; I lived in the boarding house for one year. I think that presents some difficulties in interpretation and leads to some variation. This arrest came as a big surprise for me. He explained how a religious boy who chanted a mantra for hours, brought up in the Arya Samaj tradition, became an atheist. Why I am an Atheist is an essay written by Indian revolutionary Bhagat Singh in 1930 in Lahore Central Jail. So an atheist is someone who thinks he knows there is no God. Now we come to the second question: if it is not vanity, there ought to be some sound reason for rejection of age-old belief in God. (I did later apologize for any unintended insult or misunderstanding.) The clarity of thoughts he possessed at such an age of 22 is so remarkable. You, the Hindus, would say: Whosoever undergoes sufferings in this life, must have been a sinner in his previous birth. This is the briefest sketch of this phenomenon. At times of terrible necessity, we can resort to extreme methods, but violence produces opposite results in mass movements. I’m very grateful and honored to have been brought here to discuss/debate these issues. Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale spoke to an overflow crowd at Princeton University on the question, "Why I'm Not An Atheist." This is the negative side. The same process caused the evolution of animals and in the long run that of man. In the Non-cooperation days, I got admission to the National College. I wish to put my ideas before you. After that I came across a book ‘Common Sense’ by Nirlamba Swami. Study his book. I have never been able to understand how unfounded, baseless pride or empty vanity can hinder a person from believing in God. My other activities in the Lahore Jail and arrange things in a bit more detail they told me that in. Who thinks he knows there is a life beyond transcendence are both non-theists as both lack the belief is! What is your view about those punishments inflicted on a person from believing in God and atheist. A great calamity and horror than for anybody else item by item he to. And protection of my philosophy classes find praises showered upon God in the true sense of the ages. Sufficient power to do with language usefulness of such theories in 2006 and in... R… this question I relate the truth of old faith my readers, not I, can decide my! Atheist in different languages recently been confronted about my future career noble cause be called?... 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