6. The telautograph is on a similar principle to the Cowper apparatus, the motion of the transmitting pencil or stylus used in writing being resolved by a system of levers into two component rectilinear motions, which are used to control and vary the currents in two distinct electrical circuits. He'd never been afraid of anything in his life until that moment when all his power and control meant nothing. She'd felt the same loss of control and fear when first diagnosed as terminal. Using some compound sentences in writing allows for more sentence variety. Meaning should flow from one sentence to the next, carrying the argument or point of view forward in a … Wynn didn't like being out of control, at the mercy of one he couldn't predict or manipulate. The idea he'd likely explode before Death delivered Katie made him feel fear, an emotion he hated and hadn't felt until responsible for the life of someone he cared about. 1. While not privy to the Council's business, he assessed the appearance of their father at a time when Rhyn was struggling for control did not bode well for any of them. The council was reduced to four members with a governor-general, who were to exercise certain indefinite powers of control over the presidencies of Madras and Bombay. So amidst the rush to em­ brace collaboration, I see a need for careful interrogation and some caution. It swallowed her senses, but she wasn't about to lose complete control to someone like Xander. Men use that excuse as a means of retaining complete control. You'd tear the fabric of the universe and invite the demons to take control. In particular that conception which regarded "ambition" as the guiding motive in his career has been dispelled by a more intimate and accurate knowledge of his life; this shows him to have been very little the creator of his own career, which was largely the result of circumstances outside his control, the influence of past events and of the actions of others, the pressure of the national will, the natural superiority of his own genius. In 1849 exclusive Moravian control of Salem's industries and trades was abolished; in 1856 land was first sold to others than Moravians, and in the same year the town was incorporated. It was a huge pill to try to swallow, knowing someone didn't like her for reasons she couldn't control. Jackson stood dumbstruck; amazed the newborn possessed such control. This is because you are introducing the committee to … They released the heartache they had been holding in and were filled with unencumbered passion, melting into each other as they had the first time, but now neither held any secrets, and neither needed to maintain control. Gun control has been a subject of contention, especially after the recent killings involving private gun owners. She stared for a long moment at the net code indicating that the receiver of the general's messages was located in the West Control Center. Voice Friday: Sentence Control. I have no control over what I do during the full moon, and after, have no memory of my time as a wolf, so I can't answer that. Sentence Length in Legal Writing "Keep your average sentence length to about 20 words. Dusk had fallen while she tested the magic and her ability to control it. The manner in which you arrange sentences can create music. He almost protested, but thought she might want control of when to leave, so let it be. "No," she answered, trying to control the tremble in her voice. ... one displaying the empty space outside and the other displaying a control panel with writing similar to that of the battle planning station. 2. The rebels had taken complete control A topic sentence has several functions in writing: it supports a thesis statement; it summarizes the content of a paragraph; and it gives the reader a glimpse of the subject to be tackled and how it would be discussed in the given paragraph. Moreover, the procedure of the Houses practically places the control of legislation in the hands of ministers. These magistrates, as we have already seen, were originally appointed to control and protect the humbler classes. A week later Pierre gave his wife full power to control all his estates in Great Russia, which formed the larger part of his property, and left for Petersburg alone. She found out she's preg—claims he switched her birth control pills or something. Maybe Alex wanted to be in control because he had been dominated all his life. Some students prefer using online writing services, but other have a passion for writing so that they can handle various assignments on their own. The relative insignificance of errors present is impressive considering the complexity of the response and the circumstances. "The Presbyterians, however, now engaged in a plan for restoring the king under their own control, and by the means of a Scottish army, forced on their policy, and on the 27th of May ordered the immediate disbandment of the army, without any guarantee for the payment of arrears. The primary reason for writing an essay is to formulate and organise an informed, coherent and sophisticated set of ideas on an important issue. Kiera asked, trying hard to control the anger building within her. Sullivan?s book, The Art of Styling Sentences book together online and studied sentences. Some days, this is not much, as the weakness of my forefathers has made it powerful enough to choose its next host and seize control of my body. Limited monarchies are (with the exception of Japan) peculiar to Europe, and in these the degree of democratic control may be said to diminish as one passes eastwards from the United Kingdom. Review your text’s structure and punctuation, then submit it again Review your text’s structure, punctuation, and language, then submit it again. The town is under the control of a provost, bailies and council, and, along with Hawick and Selkirk, forms the Hawick (or Border) group of parliamentary burghs. So are sentences formed by words, the words are the bones and they are put together in different ways to form sentences. His gaze was unusually intense as he struggled to control his emotions. Syntax can control reading speed. land forms must in many cases be taken into account when dealing with the function they exercise in the control of mobile distributions. By James Harbeck April 18, 2013 10:45PM (UTC)--Shares . Her own body burned with emotions she couldn't control: love, happiness, and a hunger so deep, she thought she'd die before he sated her. After practicing sentence variety–what we?re really talking about is the ability to effectively vary sentence structure, and thus, rhythms of the writing–for several essays, I upped the ante. https://www.darcypattison.com/writing/voice/voice-friday-sentence-control This received perforated tape is then used to control what is known as the printer or automatic typewriter, a machine that translates the tape perforations into letters and prints the messages in Roman type in page form. Writing an impressive essay on gun control can be a bit difficult without proper organization. These keypads control all the military's weapons in the country. About ten years ago, a friend and I went through Ann Longknife, Ann and K.D. In the 4th century its political development was arrested by constant struggles between oligarchs and democrats, who in turn brought the city under the control of Sparta (4 12 -395, 39 1 -37 8), of Athens (395-39 1, 37 8 -357), and of 'the Carian dynasty of Maussollus (357-340). Without consideration of sentence structures. Considering the information Katie had just disclosed, it wasn't surprising that he wanted to be in control - or that he had chosen a wife who asked few questions. Maybe it was macho or part of the control thing. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. The sentence must be correctly punctuated–like this one from Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn? Sentences Menu. The West Virginia Colored Orphans' Home near Huntington is not under state control, but has received appropriations from the legislature. Although it is often said that a student should not write what he has not. What bothered him: by making the choice he did, he was faced with a new set of consequences, ones he didn't quite know how to handle and definitely couldn't control. You seem to have it all in control - both the dairy and the house. No, actually what this was all about was control. 38. She couldn't control it, which terrified her. They obeyed faster than they ever would a command from the Black God, who still struggled to control his vamps. The wheels symbolize divine omniscience and control, and the whole vision represents the coming of Yahweh to take up his abode among the exiles. Warriors were known for their patience and control, but he sensed this woman would test both. Her scent still lingered in the air, and he could almost feel her hands on his body again, caressing him in a way that turned him from a god in control of himself into a fawning teenager. "Okay," she said, uncomfortable with the idea she had no control whatsoever over the man before her. In the case of inland telegraphs and of cable communication with the continent of Europe government control has entirely superseded private companies. Voice Friday: Word Connotations ? Through the columns of the Independent Reflector, which he established in 1752, Livingston fought the attempt of the Anglican party to bring the projected King's College (now Columbia University) under the control of the Church of England. (3) Control of lay office-bearers, churchwardens, sidesmen, organists, parish clerks, sextons. If he had simply ignored her, she might have been able to get her emotions under control, but now a sob threatened so convincingly that she was afraid to breathe. Rhyn does understand, but he can't control what he is. This strategy, known as parallelism, works with sentences and clauses within a sentence. The physical connection was making it hard to control her emotions and the memory of the other times he'd kissed her. Never in her life had she been so attracted to a man – so totally out of control in his presence. She set it on top of the control panel and assessed the results, then activated the generator's artificial intelligence so it would adjust as needed to power the town. Active and passive sentences. Nearly impossible to stop, next to impossible to control. In Virgil, Juturna appears as the sister of Turnus (probably owing to the partial similarity of the names), on whom Jupiter, to console her for the loss of her chastity, bestowed immortality and the control of all the lakes and rivers of Latium. With the Immortals in disarray and Death's … mistake, I can own the underworld before Rhyn can control his power enough to stop me. It was beyond Wynn's control, but maybe, somehow, another deity was able to save Deidre from Darkyn, who was not likely to be merciful, even to his mate. "Still no control," Darkyn said, his voice seeming to come from everywhere. She rubbed her face and looked at the control panel again. 277. (gun, birth) " There are departments that specialize in quality control. Probably because he didn't know how to handle the situation - and Alex always wanted to be in control. Example sentences with the word panel. He was in control – complete control – even when destroying the world. Voice Friday: Sentences Alex was secretive and he did like to be in control. Recap:  Sometimes she would stop crying for a while, and it seemed that she was gaining control. "That sounds about right," Gabe said, recalling how much she liked to be in control. To control the speed and Brakes absorb this energy, brakes have to be provided. Now, let’s look at cohesion: Cohesion. Before writing – students practice a grammatical point or syntactic structure within a text and not just as a sentence exercise. All right, suppose we bought a jar of live Praying Mantises at our neighborhood pest control store. Sentences are show a high degree of crafts manship, with consistently carefully crafted, with strong and varied structure that strong and varied structure that makes expressive oral makes expressive oral reading easy and enjoyable. Sentences Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " The dictator maintains absolute control. The reading easy and enjoyable. What.s clear is that your mate is still out of control. The mainstay of the Roman military control of Italy first, and of the whole empire afterwards, was the splendid system of roads. She leaned against a building, struggling for control of herself. . comments. He staggered back, unable to control the power within him. But we need only penetrate to the essence of any historic event--which lies in the activity of the general mass of men who take part in it--to be convinced that the will of the historic hero does not control the actions of the mass but is itself continually controlled. gross motor control In the environment Provide a well stocked writing area including a variety of mark makers e.g. At least, he hadn.t been able to control them before meeting Katie. Goodreads reviews for NEFERTITI, THE SPIDERNAUT. Alex liked being in control, and he had none in this situation. Compound sentence : I purchased a tour guide and a travel journal, but the bookstore was out of maps. In a long document, provide a glossary or use hyperlinks to definitions. 96. Know what you want to write but aren't sure where to start? In 1886 he became proprietor of the San Francisco Examiner, the first of a long chain of papers to come under his control. Weyrother, who was in full control of the proposed battle, by his eagerness and briskness presented a marked contrast to the dissatisfied and drowsy Kutuzov, who reluctantly played the part of chairman and president of the council of war. Taran did not understand the need for her to return so soon, but the woman was beyond any man's control. Sentences, as the basic building block of the written word, need careful attention. Running from it was probably the worst thing she could do, but panic had set in and her legs were under control of her mind. They have no means to control me, which makes them less lazy than they have been for a millennium. Ursula K. LeGuin, in her book, Steering the Craft: Exercises and Discussions on Story Writing for the Lone Navigator or the Mutinous Crew, suggests that you learn to use both long and short sentences in your stories. At other times, it didn't, because her own emotions were too hard for her to control. 252+58 sentence examples: 1. The antidepressants didn't help that much, but maybe they were responsible for the fact that she had not lost control yet. Its remoteness from the control of the authority of the German and French kings, together with its inaccessibility, gave special facilities in Lower Lorraine to the growth of a number of practically independent feudal states forming a group or system apart. Remember these 6 openings and you can write anything you want! I knew I was losing control and I should have stopped then. It wasn't something either of them wanted to do, but the situation had grown out of control. He doesn't have complete control of his muscles yet. The two features of the Labour party in New South Wales are its detachment from other parties and the control of the caucus. She fought for control of her breath, but the increased pumping of her heart didn't help. When it comes to writing sentence fragments, even Shakespeare broke the rules. then we set down on the sandy bottom where the water was about knee deep, and watched the daylight come. Voice Friday: Word Choices Very little new capital was invested by the telegraph companies about 1865 because of the natural reluctance of the companies to extend the systems under their control so long as a proposal for their acquisition by the state was under consideration. In episcopacy the control of church affairs is almost entirely withdrawn from the people; in congregationalism it is almost entirely exercised by the people; in Presbyterianism it rests with a council composed of duly appointed office-bearers chosen by the people. But he could not always control his followers when their blood was up, and infinite damage was done before he could stop it. Darkyn has been spinning out of control for many years. Writing Strands: Sentence and Paragraph Control Monday, March 9, 2009. He wouldn't respond to her mind manipulation attempts, and he was able to control Jonny. Standing her ground was the only way to maintain control. Sentence structures; Weaving language into cohesive, unified and coherent paragraphs; Weaving paragraphs into coherent essays ; Ensuring that you have answered the question for the target audience in a sufficiently comprehensive and critical way. He had no control of his own powers, and he'd not yet been tested in a confrontation with the man who enslaved him. In a fight scene, for example, you want to keep things fast-paced and exciting. The ability to write good sentences. More or less closely connected with the Northern Church are the theological seminaries at Princeton, Auburn, Pittsburg (formerly Allegheny - the Western Seminary), Cincinnati (Lane), New York (Union) and Chicago (McCormick), already named, and San Francisco Seminary (1871) since 1892 at San Anselmo, Cal., a theological seminary (1891) at Omaha, Nebraska, a German theological seminary (1869) at Bloomfield, New Jersey, the German Presbyterian Theological School of the North-west (1852) at Dubuque, Iowa, and the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Kentucky, which is under the control and supervision of the northern and southern churches. In the charter granted by the Canadian parliament to the Canadian Pacific railway a clause giving it for twenty years control over the railway construction of the province led to a fierce agitation, till the clause was repealed in 1888. It is under the control of the national government, which in 1902 maintained 19 colleges. It was incredible. A little voice deep inside cried that if he couldn't be in control, he would leave her. Great writing stretches far beyond writing grammatically correct sentences. USING CONTROLLED WRITING IN TANDEM WITH THE PROCESS APPROACH Thus brainstorming and different types of brainstorming can be turned into controlled writing activities by, for example, inserting blanks into lists. The simple sentence is an independent clause without subordinate clause. In actuality, he was tired of not being in full control. posts and critiqued the effectiveness of the sentences and its punctuation. ` It is interesting to see how in a country whose civil rule was becoming gradually more absolutist, this ` Church under the cross' framed for itself a government which reconciled, more thoroughly perhaps than has ever been done since, the two principles of popular rights and supreme control. A strong statement makes reader eager to learn more, to find out how this proof has been found. Fragments work. TP53 makes a protein called p53 that is one of these quality control mechanisms. . Why did she want him in control – and then not? Can you write a 268 word sentence? Effective sentences should: • Contain only one idea. Words, then sentences. "Emotion is a weakness, one we cannot always control," he replied. The state retained control of the ecclesiastical organization, and Calvin secured his much-needed system of discipline. Jonny was a good kid who had to go bad in order to control the vamps at his disposal and counter the White God's influence. A series of 10-word sentences would be choppy. Can you write a 268 word sentence? Hence when useful work can be obtained from a system by simply connecting visible portions of it by a train of mechanism, such energy is more readily recognized than is that which would compel us to control the behaviour of molecules before we could transform it into useful work. Use sentence, paragraph and chapter length to influence pace. It was like walking in water and I almost lost my balance but after a few steps, I could control my motion pretty well. She's all that stands between us and them. Copyrights © Darcy Pattison. Well, I'm the one who decides whether I let darkness control me or I overcome it. The conseil colonial, besides its advisory functions, discusses and votes the budget, determines the nature of the taxes, has supreme control over the tariffs, and extensive powers in the administration of colonial domains. Syntax in writing helps you control that journey. His voice was even, as if he were having trouble staying in control of his emotions. After all, the power to control a world was at stake. All band 9 answers that I have seen use a mixture of both simple and complex sentences. Sentence Structure: Identify and Avoid 'Mixed Structure' Sentences 6:36 How to Write Better by Improving Your Sentence Structure 5:44 Varied Sentence Structure in Writing 9:47 Read on. 27 The UAV's flight and activities are directed from the ground by a mission control center that serves, in effect, as its pilot. It begins with a capital letter and closes with an end mark. Reddit. How is that? She had enough strength to control the demon; maybe she could prevent it from escaping to a new host. Don't act like I'm some kind of control freak. With Alex driving, it felt like he was in control again. When the Whigs secured a momentary control of the state legislature in 1849 they sent Seward to the United States Senate. You may not have much control over some things. 91. The length of your sentences will determine the readability of your writing as much as any other quality. The supreme control was vested in the minister of the Interior. She dropped to her knees and sobbed, unable to control her pain and fear. I'm sick of this male idea that sex is something a man has no control over. and says ‘I’m writing’. Gun control essay body: Evidence and examples. You like to do the asking - only you're afraid to take control. Maybe he had decided being in control of the estate was better than having no control in his home. Basic to composition skill is control of sentence structure and accuracy in mechanics. Learn to write great sentences and you’ll conquer the worlds of blogging, marketing, and freelance writing. Pattison! We have no control over what the government does. Simple sentences can vary considerably in length. They couldn't control him once he left Hell; no one could. This will less likely be the case because it is a professional type of writing. He was there to save your brother when Isac finished and kept him under control using Claire's blood. 26 A slip frequency control system of asynchronous motor used DSP as control center is presented, which apply to the electric tourist car. All Rights Reserved. She'd lost complete control of her life overnight! By the time you do your statement of purpose formatting, you’ll probably realize that you’ve written it either in the present tense but most likely in the past tense. 3. You were in full control and my feelings didn't matter. 3 Answers. Sentence Length in Technical Writing "Sometimes sentence length affects the quality of the writing. Look at the first paragraph above. She struggled for control, focusing on the road. Maybe so, but I like him being in control, and I think he likes it too. This obviously means that we should use complex sentences in our writing, but it does not mean that we should try to make all of our sentences complex. Yeah, and one more thing we can't control. Relevance. You're in complete control of how much I hurt you. He knows what settings control each but it's far from exact. deep to control extra guiding wheels which were to be of somewhat larger diameter than the bearing wheels and to be affixed to them. Clutching the robe to her midsection, her upper chest exposed beyond control, she tried to twist from his grip. This deprives parliament of control over the administrative departments, all the ministries being thus " armour-plated " - to use the cant phrase current in Russia - except that of ways and communications (railways). The world was turning at Mach speed and Dean felt himself racing along with the uninformed, totally out of control. It has been well said that statistics furnish the means by which the railway manager disciplines his property; this is the aspect of control. And it can lead-as many of you know-to disastrous results in the writing center. Gerald didn't share the desire to control with Alex, though. - If… She didn't want to live with someone like Logan, who resented her for something she couldn't control. logical, political and commercial development of the subject runs the determining control exercised by crust forms acting directly or indirectly on mobile distributions; and this is the essential principle of geography. And yet, Alex still wanted to be in control. Scribens detects stylistic elements such as repetitions, run-on sentences, redundancies, and more. They'd truly thought their sacrifices would help their people, that they could control the darkness of the demon. String together short sentences. McClellan's forces gained possession of the greater part of the territory in the summer of 1861, and Union control was never seriously threatened, in spite of Lee's attempt in the same year. There were also a great many schools in the control of various religious congregations, but a law of 1904 required that they should all be suppressed within ten years from the date of its enactment. Grant it; and for the very same reason we wish steam with all the world; not that we may control the world, for this is costly and unremunerative, as Great Britain finds; but to conform it, and especially to _ control _ its commerce. Cromwell's religious policy included the maintenance of a national church, a policy acceptable to the army but much disliked by the Scots, who wanted the church to control the state, not the state the church. He was trying to keep the situation under control – for her sake. There was no way a creature like Darkyn, who valued control over everything, was going to let her talk to Zamon. (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Bantam Classics) by Mark Twain. Yet, if your sentences are too long their value becomes lost; buried deep among multiple clauses and punctuation. The elections were controlled for a few years, and violence was checked, but the Ku Klux movement went on until it accomplished its object by giving protection to the whites, reducing the blacks to order, replacing the whites in control of society and state, expelling the worst of the carpet-baggers and scalawags, and nullifying those laws of Congress which had resulted in placing the Southern whites under the control of a party composed principally of ex-slaves. She looked at the control panel, trying to decipher any of the symbols. It was always that way when he was in control. Like Like. Use Sentences (Index), where Index is the index number, to return a Range object that represents a sentence. over the Papal States was admitted; and Italian affairs were arranged much as they were at Campo Formio: Modena and Tuscany now reverted to French control, their former rulers being promised compensation in Germany. Usually, there were 3-4 assigned sentence patterns and it was relatively easy to find places to use them. Unable to find her when she was on stealth mode, he was acutely aware that he had no control over what was going on below. expected to write grammatical patterns that he has not read, inasmuch as there is a difference in the structures used in speech and writing. In some communities they fell into the control of violent men and became simply bands of outlaws, dangerous even to the former members; and the anarchical aspects of the movement excited the North to vigorous condemnation.'. The Importance of Improving Sentence Structure. As someone accustomed to being in control of her world, she needed a little more time before she was ready to face him. Those huge hands had started to explore her body in a way that left her feeling feminine, delicate, and willing to let him take control in a way she never permitted him before. Why had they allowed themselves to completely lose control? I can't control it yet. The demons swam within him, fighting for control of his body. 3. Yes. Rhyn couldn't do what others wanted, not when he couldn't control his own powers. A simple format can be observed to make the paragraph effective. The governor is aided by a privy council, an advisory body to which the governor nominates a minority of unofficial members, and a council general, to which is confided the control of local affairs, including the voting of the budget. To clear up this last point for himself, Prince Andrew, utilizing his position and acquaintances, tried to fathom the character of the control of the army and of the men and parties engaged in it, and he deduced for himself the following of the state of affairs. In formal writing, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be). Start with good topic idea and outline, be sure that thesis holds clear position. She left the phone on the floor as a reminder to control her temper. If she can't control her campaign how the heck can she * control * the giant bureacracy that is our government?. If that authority falls to nothing,"he said," nothing can follow but confusion. 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