Share: The Christian life is a race. There are times in our lives when we feel like we are wearing ten hats and serving in a million roles. We must do what is needful, and make time for God in solitude. Finally, we cannot afford to become lukewarm regarding the commission we have been given. Don’t look down: Staying Focus in the midst of Your Storm Eston Swaby. The Church began with a sense of unity and common purpose (Acts 2:1, 40-46). ADVERTISEMENT Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags: Bible Lessons on Focus. It’s concentrated. Too many Christians give up too early. sermon: Don't Lose Your Focus! Paul warns Timothy that “the time will come when they [people in the Church] will not endure sound doctrine” but having itching ears would flock to false teachers and would “turn their ears away from the truth” to believe fables instead (II Tim. The New Testament Church actually began in the 30’s (see Acts 2). That is how we will gain the crown and the reward that God promises to His faithful servants (Rev. Get sermon ideas from Jeff Schreve by Staying Focused (8 of 8). This is true of individuals! December 29, 2014 "The Faith to Stay Focused" Min. I had to learn How To Stay Focused On Jesus even when it felt like evil triumphed. It is so tempting to take your eyes off Jesus and look at other people. 3, and the entire book of Revelation). How can I keep my mind focused on God when I have so many distractions? Paul’s epistles were written in the mid-50’s and early 60’s. We have been united in that focus for over half a century. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Paul clearly labeled those who promoted such divisive ideas as agents of the Devil—in spite of the fact they claimed to be ministers of Jesus Christ (I Cor. Video Sermons; Reverence: Staying Focused on God in a World of Distractions / January 9, 2011. The night before He was crucified, Jesus told His disciples “If you love Me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. The modern era of the Church of God appears to have begun in the late 1920’s with the call of Herbert Armstrong. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. I start each day saying I'm going to stay close to Christ, but then I get so caught up in my work that I hardly give God a thought the rest of the day. Colossians 3:2 ESV / 1,629 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. We have been called to prepare to rule the world with Jesus Christ—that should be our focus—not to just play church! Their focus has turned inward—on getting themselves and the Church ready for Christ to return—instead of sharing the exciting hope of the kingdom with mankind. If we don’t have time for the word and prayer because of our daily responsibilities, we are too distracted by the cares of the world. How can we stay focused in a world of busyness? However, some today feel this job—of preaching the gospel of the coming kingdom of God to the world—has been accomplished. That feeding involves teaching those who are called out of this world about the mission of the Church and how to live by every word of God so they can learn to live according to the rules that will govern every aspect of life in the coming kingdom of God. These were times of rapid growth in the early Church. Oh, I was familiar with that feeling! He describes these false teachers as presumptuous, self-willed and despisers of those in authority (II Pet. I hope this Bible study on staying focused helps you begin to change how you respond to the challenges and distractions life throws at us all every day. We must do the same today to avoid being led off in reasonable but wrong directions. Jesus repeatedly urged disciples who would be alive at the end of the age to WATCH world events (Matt. Live aware - Know that there will be distractions. He loves you!” Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church. Sermon: This Is Our Calling Be Faithful0F– 7 2. Chaska. Putting in a little bit of effort on a regular … Ask, instead, if you are becoming more like Jesus. False teachers and misleading doctrinal ideas seemed to pop up everywhere. Near the end of the first century John states that “many deceivers have gone out into the world” (II John :7) and he describes one situation where “Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence” was actually putting true believers out of the congregation he presided over (III John: 9-10). However, it is instructive to notice a number of remarkable similarities between conditions in the Church at the end of the age and the circumstances that existed in the Church during the first century—the Ephesian era. 10th November 2019 Staying focused. On seeing the boisterous water and realizing what he was doing lost his focus and his faith and started sinking. We want to make a name for ourselves. Because it shifted his focus off the chains and the rats and everything that would have caused him to get depressed and discouraged. When we seek to daily grow, anticipate suffering, spend time reflecting in God's Word, and spend time with other believers, we can better focus on Christ and a life committed to Him. When some decide to focus on one aspect of the commission and others focus on other aspects divisions arise. Q&A. Salvation requires a proper spiritual education. Scripture: Mark 1:35-39. 1:6-9), with different ideas about Jesus Christ and even different spirits that were influencing congregations (II Cor.11:1-4). The early disciples followed the example of their Master. The story of God’s Church is no exception. Main Office (952) 224-3000. Helping us stay focused on Christ is the reminder that Jesus is coming again, and when we see Him we will know glory (verse 4). They asked God for boldness and guidance as the Church began to grow (Acts 4:29-31). For those called of God, Bible study should be a way of life. Staying Focused Rene Messier (Canada) | October 1, 2004 . Distracted Disciples: The Key to Staying Focused on God,, But covet earnestly the best gifts and yet show I unto you a more excellent way. Having godly goals will keep us focused on our true purpose—the reason God called us now—and God will add the physical blessings in balance. Sermons; How To Stay Focused In Life; View on one page; Download (PDF) Copy sermon Print ; Save ... To stay focused on the right track, we must constantly pose ourselves these 2 questions: (1) the question of PURPOSE, and (2) the question of PRIORITY in all that we do. Work together and study together to reach a better understanding of the Word together as a unified church. 4:19). This has been our historical focus! It cannot be done effectively by uncoordinated, piecemeal attempts of isolated individuals. Reverence: Staying Focused on God in a . To stay focused in life and do the work God has entrusted us, we must constantly pose the questions of purpose and priority. The sense of mission dissipates and the mission falters. See Jesus led them to the storm. Dive Deeper. This requires regular, personal study of the Scriptures (II Tim. The lesson is preserved in the Bible for those who “have ears to hear!”. Instead of focusing on preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, the Church was divided by arguments over the nature of God. 110109AM EBG-31 Reverence.doc. I yield myself to You now, and I commit myself — as You give me strength and help by Your great grace, to keep my … Limit the distractions. 24:14). Staying focused on God can be a difficult task, even for people who consider themselves very religious or spiritual. Download Audio Search. Second, followers of Jesus must stay focused on the word of God. Focus creates power. As a result they began to splinter into factions and to follow different leaders with different ideas (I Cor. Jesus’ ministry began in the second decade of the first century (the late 20’s). Golf immortal Arnold Palmer recalls a lesson about overconfidence: It was the final hole of the 1961 Masters tournament, and I had a one-stroke lead and had just hit a very satisfying tee shot. The books of I, II, III John and Revelation were probably written in the 90’s. The initial picture of the first century Church is one of a highly motivated, sharply focused and unified group of believers. We must do what is needful, and make time for God in solitude. In this article we will examine an important warning the Eternal God inspired and recorded in His Word that has clear application for us today. In the passing of the baton from Elijah to Elisha, Elijah said that Elisha had to see him leave if he was to receive his request of a double anointing. Sermon: Stay Focused Text: Luke 10:38-42. We felt deeply that our responsibility was to be part of a work that involved sharing the good news we had come to understand and to warn this world of the coming judgment of God. Mark 1:35-39 How to STAY FOCUSED in Life What prevents us from living our life to the fullest? 4:1-5). In order to avoid getting caught up in reasonable-sounding yet misleading ideas, we must know what the Bible clearly teaches. Diane November 29, 2020 at … After being called, we realize the lack of true knowledge in this world. Letters. Download free sermons, preaching outlines and illustrations. Personal preferences and agendas cannot be allowed to disrupt and redirect the commission Jesus gave to His Church. Bible Study. Ronn Bailey made the sports headlines in 2005 when he became the first amateur American... II. … let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. Jesus told His disciples “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. You can! If so, a study of Paul’s focused life will help us both. The previous is adapted from a sermon delivered September 21, 2014 at … How can we avoid the mistakes of the past? They apparently forgot why they had been called out of the world and into the Church. It is like trying on many objects when to focus taking a photograph. Those who stay focused on Christ will find their perspective on worldly things changing. Sermon Illustrations: Focus. Life can be full of distractions on any given day, but … But in order to sat focused, we have to do a few things – and I believe this text prescribes exactly what we need to do to “stay focused.” You see, staying focused means staying in the race – it means keeping your eyes on the prize – it means not letting discouragement cause you to give up and quit. Why? Not everyone would make those decisions the same way. Now we discover that Jesus is superior to Moses. People begin drifting away. 3, II Pet. This commission requires a coordinated team effort. Staying Focused. Today, for some, the gospel has become merely a gospel of “good works”—which Jesus himself said was a misunderstanding of His original instructions (Matt.7:21-23). Preacher: Simon Brewer. Matthew 6:33 ESV / 1,012 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Office Hours: Tue – Thu: 9am – 3pm . Amen. Notice the beginning of Christ’s ministry. 28:20). 5:12-13). As we approach the end of this age the people of God have grown more concerned about the messages recorded for the Philadelphian and Laodicean eras of the Church—and rightly so! We want to be known, but the truth is, the God who spoke the universe into existence knows your name. But don’t forget to love on God. We must stay focused on the mission that Christ commanded His disciples to accomplish. Today, make a choice to focus on the good God wants you to do. Have you ever been in the company of someone who makes time with God a priority? I have met thousands of people who’ve told me they want to be used by God but who will never be used by God. Paul had to deal with divisive factions that developed around personalities (I Cor. After being called, we realize the lack of true knowledge in this world. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. In college, I enjoyed playing golf — so much so, that I once took a course in golf during a summer session. After His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus told his disciples to go to all nations “teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matt. We never need to consider if we’re becoming more like our friends, mentors, pastors, etc. Kids have a lot to distraction them from God. Paul, Peter and John emphasize the same warning (II Thes. This is the context in which John is given the admonition regarding the Ephesian era of the church (Rev. The only one of those things you have control over – and complete control over – is “perspective.” You cannot control the circumstances, but you have 100% control over where you fix your eyes. They must develop the capability to function as part of an effective world-ruling government under Jesus Christ—instead of resisting and resenting godly authority. Your perspective can interpret your circumstances, or your circumstances can determine my perspective. Be ready to bless others with His amazing love. It has been a mission that has united us. For most of us, learning the Truth of God was not just to feed ourselves. Exit 7, Nairobi Here’s the Map to NLC . It is the job of those in leadership positions to keep the Church focused on the basic commission Jesus gave to the Church— preaching the gospel of the kingdom to the world, warning the world of coming cataclysmic events, and feeding the flock. This morning as we open to Titus 2:7, we return to the 21st Century Men of Grace Series we have been studying this past year. The Church at Ephesus, depicting the churches of the first century founded by the Apostles trained by Jesus Christ, is praised for its works, patience, labor and perseverance for the truth of God. However, some today feel this job—of preaching the gospel of the coming kingdom of God to the world—has been accomplished. Rev. There are any number of distractions that the enemy and the world will throw at a believer, to take your eyes off of Jesus. The storm pulled Peter’s gaze away from Jesus, and the crises of our lives does the same. We're not around right now. In Philippians 3, Paul describes how focus … This article was right on time. Thankfully, you can learn to focus on God without neglecting your other important responsibilities. Future members of the family and government of God must be able to respect those God has put in positions of authority and work smoothly together to get jobs accomplished (I Thes. God reveals that the problems of the early first century Church were due to the fact they had lost their focus! That is the importance of staying focused! 100 Bible Verses about Staying Focus. Eden Prairie. every time i give my testimony about the day that god came to me and revealed himself to me and saved my soul from an eternal damnation and filled me with his spirit and produced in me the joy of my salvation, given me a chance to see lydia come to christ, the jailer come to christ, young timothy continue to grow in the likeness of christ… How can we avoid making the same mistakes? Life is full of distractions — some which are even good and worthwhile. We have to stay focused on God. 10:11). Passage: Jude: 17-23. Booklets. This has been the focus of the Church of God for the last 50-60 years. Hebrews 10:24-25 shares, "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." The gospel Jesus proclaimed about the coming kingdom of God was altered to became a gospel about Jesus’ person and about love and good works. By Mike Riley. Our Father wants us to grow in the grace of faith-fueled focus, and will, through Christ, cause our difficult struggles against distraction to work for our good (Romans 8:28). Just as in playing golf, to successfully live the Christian life, we must focus on what matters most. You have to keep your eyes straight ahead. As time went on they drifted away from their founding mission and purpose. Stay Focused on God’s Plan for Your Life by Rick Warren — September 30, 2018 ”Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62 TLB). By the 1990’s, after the death of Mr. Armstrong, serious splits and factions developed. This is another aspect of the “first love” that has been forgotten—a focus that has been lost! The Church is to be busy preparing individuals to function as the leaders—kings and priests—in God’s coming kingdom. What can we glean from the admonitions given to the Ephesian Church? These books indicate that within 60 years of its founding by Jesus Christ and the Apostles, serious problems and divisions had arisen in the Church. Disciples are instructed to keep our eyes on Jesus. Believers are meant to fix our eyes on the rock of our salvation, which does not move or change. One of the most sobering aspects of human existence is that important lessons of history go unheeded or are soon forgotten. “Stay focused on Jesus.” We would do well to stay in “focus” on Jesus at all times, but most especially during times of testing. Read Mark 1:35-39. Most importantly, have the same mind. It is disheartening, though, to see such an attitude among some members of the church. 1:10-17). However, Peter whose eyes were fixed upon Jesus looked down and got distracted. Today many people have different ideas of why the church was founded and what it is supposed to be doing. Sermon on Staying Focused | Living The Focused Life 1. He was focused on doing the work He was given to do. If a friend, a child, or a spouse disappoints you, love will still remain the greatest attribute within your control. 2:2-3; see also how Peter handled the encounter with a teacher named Simon in Samaria in Acts 8:9-23). God plainly states, “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Mesha June 25, 2020 at 8:29 pm. 21 st Century Men of Grace:. Southwest Christian High School 1981 Bavaria Road Chaska, Minnesota 55318 In place of the hope of becoming part of God’s family, God was increasingly described as a closed Trinity. Also the other aspect of Preaching and Publishing the Gospel to the world as a witness. So what must we do. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Bible Study. We normally focus on what we do. He said, “They credit David with ‘ten thousands’ and me with only ‘thousands.’ Before you know it they’ll be giving him the kingdom!” From that moment on, Saul kept his eye on David. How to find us; Phone Us; EMail Us; Meet the Team; What we believe; Mission Partners; Safeguarding our Children; Our history to now; Staying focused. The majority of people start off the New Year with goals in mind and want to evaluate, analyze and re-prioritize their life. 2, II Tim. 4:23). Comparison will cloud Go’s call on your life. To stay focused in life and do the work God has entrusted us, we must constantly pose the questions of purpose and priority. To be successful at hitting the golf ball, we must simplify our thought processes and focus on what matters most — making solid contact with the ball. We need to take care of our jobs and families, etc., but we are not to be consumed by them. Their focus has turned inward—on getting themselves and the Church ready for Christ to return—instead of sharing the exciting hope of the kingdom with mankind. Living the focused Life. A second important purpose given to the Church by Jesus Christ was to warn this world of the sobering and climactic events that will precede His second coming. staying focused on jesus. We must remain focused on the spiritual task before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, — Hebrews 12:1-2, NLT. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Stay focused. This morning as we open to Titus 2:7, we return to the 21 st Century Men of Grace Series we have been studying this past year.. As you turn back to that little New Testament epistle of Titus, here is a quick overview and back ground to this passage: For people to remain alert and watchful, someone needs to function as a WATCHMAN. Making Time for God Make time for your faith every day. Audrey Spencer. More ways to receive this teaching: Contact Information. 10:23). Staying focused is harder than initiating focus. You must focus your lens on one object from which everything else will have perspective. 2:10). Denomination: Independent/Bible. You can read the whole story at Matthew 14:22-33. The lesson of the Ephesian era churches is that they lost their original focus! Email Us: Reply. 2:1-7). This made Saul angry—very angry. It means to, “not swerve from our deliberate purpose.”. When Paul found himself in prison, he began to praise. Jesus was busy preaching the gospel of the coming kingdom of God and attending to the needs of people (Matt. As a result, mistakes of the past are repeated again and again by individuals who fail to learn from history. (PHOTO OF KIDS WITH HATS ON) I am a mother, a grandmother, a sister, a friend, a neighbor, a pastor, and each of these roles is very important. Decide you will no longer live in reaction to your life’s circumstances, no matter how pressing they may seem. staying focused on jesus. Having godly goals will keep us focused on our true purpose—the reason God called us now—and God will add the physical blessings in balance. To accomplish the fundamental missions of the Church and follow the instructions of Jesus Christ, decisions must be made about the allocation of resources. How to Focus? Description: Because most prophetic interpretations have not been correct, we must exercise caution when attempting to interpret prophecy. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. The 50’s, 60’s and early 70’s were periods of rapid growth for the Church of God. He stated to His disciples “my food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish the work” (John 4:34-36). Here, again, it is an issue of staying focused! Have Loved you '' Sunday School lesson from John 15:9-17. 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