Manson recommends five to ten grains once or twice a week; Ross recommends the same quantity every day before breakfast. ), in whose reign they are believed, though erroneously, to have been cut; and in another stands a series of stone tablets on which are inscribed the names of all those who have obtained the highest literary degree of Tsin-shi for the last five centuries. 4. The original prescription is kept by the pharmacist for either three or ten years, according to the country, and a certified copy given to the patient, written on white paper if for internal use, or on coloured paper (usually orange yellow) if for external use. - You do… since they were at primary school. Example Sentences. The chief importance of the Tiepoline conspiracy lies in the fact that it resulted in the establishment of the Council of Ten. The government was vested in the council (1 30uXii) and people (8rl/20s), and administered by civil officers with Greek titles, the proedros (president), the grammateus (secretary), the archons, syndics and dekaprotoi (a fiscal council of ten), following the model of a Greek municipality under the Roman Empire. You are reading in sheer confusion as you just can’t understand what exactly the … It thus appears that the average yield of wheat in Great Britain, as calculated upon the crops harvested during the ten years (1896-1905), exceeded 31 bushels to the acre, whereas, for the ten years ended 1895, it fell below 29 bushels. 6. There was no way for her to measure the size of the chamber, for the darkness inside was more impenetrable than night, with the exception of a circle of light ten meters from the door. Wednesday morning dawned with air so crisp Dean was awake before the alarm, awake to a knock down gorgeous day, "one of the ten best" prattled a cheery voice on the kitchen table radio. to our job. 25.Scientists have split the atom. Simple sentences can be formed using intransitive verbs. and not a divinely appointed institution at the exodus (nearly ten centuries previously), has won the recognition of almost all Old Testament scholars. It is a Latin poem in ten books of hexameters, and contains a curious admixture of Biblical history. Ten years later a more serious revolution, the only revolution that seriously shook the state, broke out and was also crushed. His father, a fisherman, took the boy when he was ten years of age to assist him in his calling; but the lad's eagerness for knowledge was unbounded. Still, craniological researches show that, notwithstanding this fact, the Slav type has been maintained with remarkable persistency: Slav skulls ten and thirteen centuries old exhibit the same anthropological features as those which characterize the Sla y s of our own day. She was barely ten years older than Brandon, which her parents pointed out every time she had a bad day managing the two teens. ten-commandments example sentences. Ten years later, however, at the election of assemblymen, 33 of the western counties polled an extra-legal vote on the question of calling a constitutional convention, and 30,000 votes were cast for it to only l000 against it. An adjective is a word that modifies a noun. With all his devotion to study at Lausanne' (he read ten or twelve hours a day), he still found some time for the acquisition of some of the lighter accomplishments, such as riding, dancing, drawing, and also for mingling in such society as the place had to offer. They are called prepositions of place. He's never out more than ten to twenty minutes at a time and three or four sessions make a heavy day. I had a brother Bobbie, ten years older than me. 3. The principal building is the state capitol (completed in 1857) in a square of ten acres at the intersection of High and Broad streets. Locals would have found Willoughby's in ten minutes—not a half-hour. the figures as written down are 12510 6255 14595 1534560 Napier's rods or bones consist of ten oblong pieces of wood or other material with square ends. At. Carmen mentally counted to ten before responding. ; She serves the dinner at half-past eight and puts the … Use imperative sentences to establish the right guidance. Dad had taught her how to shoot when she was only ten years old. 78.Nobody has ever said that to me before. He received from the Moors in exchange for them ten blacks and a quantity of gold dust. There are about ten commodious caravanserais and a number of colleges. A long oak table graced the center of the room, its ten carved chairs at attention. Maybe I sound like a jerk, but it's been ten years since we were an item and I've got a life now. But the work progressed under his wise direction, and he was able "to be present, in 1744, at meetings of ten thousand souls.". They do not represent the opinions of He sat back and waited, counting down from ten. For ten years (1205-1215) this mission in Languedoc was the work of Dominic's life. 3. (5) Angular debris fallen from above varying in thickness from one to ten feet. That's what the guy in the alley said when he sold it to me for ten bucks. He was the only Russian statesman of the day with sufficient foresight to grasp the fact that the Baltic seaboard, or even a part of it, was worth more to Muscovy than ten times the same amount of territory in Lithuania, and, despite ignorant jealousy of his colleagues, succeeded (Dec. 1658) in concluding a three-years' truce whereby the Muscovites were left in possession of all their conquests in Livonia. Ten minutes later, she sat at a picnic table, devouring the crispy-sweet treats. He loves fish tacos. The mortality in most towns is so great that during the last ten years of the 19th century, in a very great number of cities, the deaths exceeded the births by I to 4 in the thousand. 7. Chasing after eight or ten kids should keep her busy. He succeeded his father on the 25th of December 1406 at the age of a year and ten months. ; They lead a simple life. In general, this structure is called past perfect tense. All we have to do is find it, spend ten minutes yelling at an old lady and then get back to Parkside. Translations of the phrase TEN SENTENCES from english to italian and examples of the use of "TEN SENTENCES" in a sentence with their translations: Write a composition of ten sentences . 5. The parts of the flower are most frequently arranged in fives, or multiples of fives; for instance, a common arrangement is as follows, - five sepals, succeeded by five petals, ten stamens in two sets of five, and five or fewer carpels; an arrangement in fours is less frequent, while the arrangement in threes, so common in monocotyledons, is rare in dicotyledons. It was after ten by the time the kitchen chores were finished and the place cleaned up, sort of. By the treaty of the 18th of February 1229, which was to last for ten years, the sultan conceded to Frederick, in addition to the coast towns already in the possession of the Christians, Nazareth, Bethlehem and Jerusalem, with a strip of territory connecting Jerusalem with the port of Acre. Ten acres (he adds) sown with clover, turnips, &c., will feed as many sheep as one hundred acres thereof would before have done.". 2. These again emanated one from the other, the second from the first, the third from the second, and so on up to ten. This suspicion seems to have arisen chiefly from his intimacy with Christopher Davenport, better known as Francis a Sancta Clara, a learned Franciscan friar who became chaplain to Queen 1 An obviously erroneous entry in the Admission Book states that he had been at school under Mr. Lovering for ten years, and was in his fifteenth year. The Fruit of the Loom Label. The societies which Bourne formed were for a time allowed to go under (Wesleyan) Methodist protection, but the crisis came in 1810, when the Stanley class of ten members declined to wash their hands of the Camp-Meeting Methodists, and so were refused admission. Although a simple sentence can be a single word, it can also be much longer. By the time you count the hills, hollows and turns, it's closer to ten. So when Betsy arrived ten minutes later, there was room for sleeping without utilizing the living room sofa. Example Sentences Mary was sitting under a tree. Christie, Ten Years in Manchuria (Paisley, 1895); F. They need not be horizontal, and sometimes have a dip of a few feet per mile, as in the case of the Ohio and Indiana oil fields, where the amount varies from one to ten feet. Ten years before, John Worlidge, one of his correspondents, and the author of the Systema Agriculturae (1669), observes, " Sheep fatten very well on turnips, which prove an excellent nourishment for them in hard winters when fodder is scarce; for they will not only eat the greens, but feed on the roots in the ground, and scoop them hollow even to the very skin. Each of the magisterial districts (of which, as has been said, there must be at least three and not more than ten in each county) elects one or two magistrates and constables, and a board of education of three members. Here is 50 Sentences of Simple Present Tense; 1. Ten years later he was recalled to York, but refusing to consent to the division of his see was again deposed and again appealed to Rome. We’ve put together a collection of resume examples for a variety of industries and job titles with recommended skills and common certifications. 95.Doctors have found a cure for many diseases. Alex was ten times the man Señor Medena would ever be. The final ten cover a range of topics that don't fit neatly elsewhere. In one case, indeed, the average produce by mixed minerals and nitrogenous manure was more than that by the annual application of farmyard manure; and in seven out of the ten cases in which such mixtures were used the average yield per acre was from over two to over eight bushels more than the average yield of the United Kingdom (assuming this to be about twenty-eight bushels of 60 lb per bushel) under ordinary rotation. Dean suggested before returning that they drive ten miles to the Ridgway fairgrounds, where a Sunday morning farmer's market offered fresh fruits and vegetables. I hang out in a library. There were only eight or ten of them. Its effect was to remove from Athens for a period of ten years any person who threatened the harmony and tranquillity of the body politic. 3. 100.Has your brother finished decorating yet. [quality – size – color] A wonderful old Italian clock. Example sentences with the word ten-commandments. For example, he shall do it before I return. deep, there being a central avenue and ten aisles on either side. Because my coffee was too cold, I heated it in the microwave. of not more than ten digits) which can be formed by the top digits of the bars when placed side by side. At the Republican National Convention in 1920 he received a few votes on all ten ballots for president. Actually, it was how my friends celebrated my birthday. Only you are allowed to attend the party. She didn't want to imagine a ten year old living in the slums, knowing his mother was reduced to prostitution to keep them alive. It took us two hours to come ten miles from the airport and Julie had to direct him the last mile and she just got here herself. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Examples of top ten in a sentence, how to use it. Example sentences with the word often. When workmen from any province come, for instance, to St Petersburg to engage in the textile industries, or to work as carpenters, masons, &c., they immediately unite in groups of ten to fifty persons, settle in a house together, keep a common table and pay each his part of the expense to the elected elder of the artel. Lana found herself eating faster than she should have, hungry for real food after ten days of appetite suppressants and the dehydrated staples that she'd stuffed her bag full of. There are four kinds of sentences according to structure, these are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. Naval defence in any case remained primarily a question for the Imperial navy, and by agreement (1903, for ten years) between the British government and the governments of the Commonwealth (contributing an annual subsidy of £200,000) and of New Zealand (£40,000), an efficient fleet patrolled the Australasian waters, Sydney, its headquarters, being ranked as a first-class naval station. 10 Examples of Prefixes, prefixes in english, english prefixes list, definitions and example sentences; Sub- Definition: under Example Sentence: He has never seen a blue submarine in the my life. Simple Present Tense Examples. 2. It was not printed till 1558, ten years after the author's death, and then under the title of Les Amants fortunes. 35.They have stayed in the pool since at 9 o’clock. This is an interesting example since the state change does cause a color change, even though the chemical composition is the same before and after the change. You'll notice that many of these short examples are imperative sentences with an implied subject of "you": Run! Grimaux by heating one part of glyoxylic acid with two parts of urea for ten hours at ioo° C.: 2CO(NH 2) 2 + CH(OH) 2 Oooh = 3h 2 O + C4H6N403. In only about five or ten minutes, the mare was groaning and lying on her side, pushing hard. Prepositions of Place, 10 Example Sentences Some prepositions show where something happens. Here are 10 examples of business consultancy businesses you can learn from to help give your consultancy a competitive advantage: 10. 10 Business Strategy Examples November 23, 2020 A business strategy is a powerful tool for helping you reach your business goals, defining the … "I'm not ten, Tim," Brady said with a small smile. In any comparison between British and American records the first point to be borne in mind is the difference in mileage and traffic. And you fight with the courage of ten men. In the top squares of the slips the ten digits are written, and each slip contains in its nine squares the first nine multiples of the digit which appears in the top square. Childhood excursions had taught her that the country was rough, but was she up to ten miles of walking? This was the case once before, in 1901; and the total of fatal accidents to passengers and servants, taken together, has in several years been very low (1896, eight; 1901, eight; 1902, ten; 1904, thirteen), but never before was it down to six. He was born probably at Eliock in Dumfriesshire in 1560, and when ten years old was sent to St Salvator's College, St Andrews, where he took his B.A. The research question is one of the most … ten lords, twenty members of the House of Commons, and one hundred and twentyone ministers. 26.Have you ever stayed in a hotel? At ten I study about the earth on which we all live. She left the music box on the table. Ten Siethoff, of which a new edition has been published since 1900, may be consulted with confidence. 1 The vowels, which are ten in number (a a e e i i o o u u), were, as usual in the Semitic languages, indicated only partially by the use of consonants as vowel-letters 2 and by means of certain diacritical points, so long as Syriac remained a living language. After counting to ten and taking two deep breaths, she lifted her head and met his troubled gaze. After ten minutes of pushing back branches, I spotted the back of a pop up trailer. How to use shall in a sentence. Mechanical energy is energy that results from movement or the location of an … He appears to have entered into consultation of a treasonable kind with Monmouth and others; he himself had, he declared, ten thousand brisk boys in London ready to rise at his bidding. At the age of ten he was put to school with the canons of Merton priory in Surrey. ... 10 Examples of Mixtures (Heterogeneous and Homogeneous) Science Magic Tricks. After a childhood filled with foster homes, she feared getting too comfortable, even in the home of the man who adopted her twelve years ago, when she was ten. Find sentence examples at Your Dictionary. Sawfly larvae can at once be recognized by the curious positions they assume, and by the number of pro-legs, which exceeds ten. This continued for several years, and the mortality was so great that its adverse effects upon the ovine population of the country were still perceptible ten years afterwards. The dog is in front of the man. Pulling out the letter, she looked at the ten digit key code. He is talking to his friend. ; I speak French quite well. Fazia dez anos desde que eles se haviam tornado nosso cliente e nós tínhamos desenvolvido esse plano de marketing inicial. Likert scale questions are one of the most popular survey questions to measure the agreement or disagreement of respondents with a particular topic. C. Watson, and his conclusions were enforced ten years later by Edward Forbes, who dealt also with the fauna. In 1895 they defeated the Chinese and ten years later the Russians. 3. Reid graduated at Aberdeen in 1726, and remained there as librarian to the university for ten years, a period which he devoted largely to mathematical reading. For example: 1. From this island, ten years later, parties crossed Bass Strait to Port Phillip, where a new settlement was shortly established, forming till 1851 a part of New South Wales, but now the state of Victoria. The American railways aggregate approximately ten times the length of the British lines; but in train miles the difference is far less. Another ten minutes passed before I was him again. Ten minutes later I heard a telephone ringing downstairs. Ten O'clock found her hanging over the telephone, her cell phone on her hip. At the head of the Church was a body of ten elders, elected by the synod; this synod consisted of all the ministers, and acted as the supreme legislative authority; and the bishops ruled in their respective dioceses, and had a share in the general oversight. Ten shafts lined with slabs of tufa which were there found may have been the approaches to tombs or may have served as wells. The basin here excavated by ten years of labour, lying 385 ft. Before you begin, there are two things you should know about this guide: 1. It is to thee that I owe a debt of gratitude. 1 in., and in that of Sassari 21.99%, the percentage for ten provinces of south Italy being 24.35. The sub-prefect then selects from this list ten of whom he approves for the post. Which reminds me, you've got a ten o'clock today with your producer to plan out shooting for the next season, Ingrid said. In one courtyard of this temple are deposited the celebrated ten stone drums which bear poetical inscriptions commemorative of the hunting expeditions of King Suan (827-781 B.C. Above the senate and the Ten came the Collegio or cabinet, the administrative branch of the constitution. They are quoted as a rule for about ten months ahead. Examples of Longer Simple Sentences. An announcement of the invention and of a patent granted for the same for ten years, in which Blumel is for the first time associated with Stolzel as co-inventor. The so-called Great Palace consists of a group of detached buildings, apparently ten in number, standing on two platforms of different elevations. Make a lot of goals this season would then in turn nine times out of ten deputies from towns... Be delivering the supplies at ten summers, she sat at a time and three or sessions! Served as wells the hills, at ten years ( 1560-1J70 ) terrible and horrible things in. 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