Discover (and save!) Phonetic/universal scripts | A single adjective can be written inside or above the word it modifies. “sitelen pona” is a script for toki pona. Toki Pona là một ngôn ngữ được xây dựng thiểu đơn lập, do nhà ngôn ngữ học và dịch giả Canada Sonja Lang sáng tạo làm một ngôn ngữ triết học nhằm đơn giản hóa ý nghĩ và giao tiếp. Toki Pona Hieroglyphs. Create your own flash cards! toki-pona-to-English problems given in jan Pije's tutorial. Although the letters of the Latin alphabet presented in Lesson 1 are the most common and convenient way to write Toki Pona, there is also a more “ancient” or artistic writing system called sitelen pona. Toki Pona is a language that simplifies ideas to their most basic elements. 2. To teach is to 'give knowledge'. Each word represents multiple shades: A larger version of the hieroglyphs chart is available. „Toki pona: Jazyk dobra“). your own Pins on Pinterest Saved from (so long as it is good.) I am thinking of learning toki ma. 1 (Words) **sources: Wikipedia and** Toki Pona is a minimal conlang. Reload page in style: light. your own Pins on Pinterest They are used in memes and comics created by the online Toki Pona community. It later moves to and Toki Pona hieroglyphs from Toki Pona: The Language of Good by Sonja Lang Toki Pona has around 123 [1] root words. person all (verb) come exist way this: they can act (D.O.) Toki Pona Hieroglyphs. Colour-based scripts | jan | kulupu jan | pali | ma | moku | musi | sona | soweli en akesi | tenpo pini | toki. jan ale/ali li kama lon nasin ni: ona li ken pali e wile ona. 5. tenpo suno la jan Miseli en jan lili mije li alasa e kala e kasi. If you need to type in many different languages, the Q International Keyboard can help. Here's the wordlist for common compound words, as far as I've been able to find from various sources anyway. There is also a converter to auto-display Toki Pona text using the hieroglyphs, but it does not combine adjective glyphs with their corresponding noun glyphs. Fictional alphabets | Inside this oval shape, each glyph only represents the first letter of its word. Each word represents multiple shades: A larger version of the hieroglyphs chart is available. Toki Pona words come from various languages, including English, Esperanto, Finnish, Acadian French, Croatian, Japanese, Georgian, Lojban, Dutch, Tongan, Tok Pisin, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese and Welsh. Translation and recording by Shawn Kipatrick. Join millions of people who are already learning for free on Memrise! Everyone should act in this manner: Also the first comic series ever fully in hieroglyphic toki pona. lipu sona pi toki pona li pona li ken pana e sona mute (tenpo ni la lipu sona pi nanpa 719 li lon). Welsh | A number of alternative ways have been devised to write Toki Pona, such as the Toki Pona hieroglyphs (sitelen pona), the Toki Pona Script and sitelen sitelen. To use Toki Pona following the official and original grammar. If you can provide recordings, please contact me. O poetry! Site last updated 31 August Toki Pona is a minimal language. your own Pins on Pinterest, Toki Pona translations of various texts This ink is my blood, is my life. - jan-Lope/Toki_Pona_lessons_English Nice flashcard-like app! guidance inner of action good. And Darkness shall reign forevermore., Online Toki Pona lessons Welcome to Memrise! 03/23/2018 [o ante | edit source] Langfocus publishes his 13-minute video Toki Pona: "The Language of Good" on YouTube. A hundred or so people speak Toki Pona fluently, and several hundred others have some knowledge of the language. 12/25/2017. The … In the preface on p. 7 she talks about 120 words (those shown in File:Toki pona sitelen pona.png , which is based on the Hieroglyphs chapter p. [top] toki pona lends itself quite well to a hieroglyphic script because of its minimal vocabulary and its emphasis on simplicity. Dec 10, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Tan Favila. Everyone has the ability of proper I am curious if toki ma has a similar system of … This corpus is provided in Appendix B. I also wrote approximately 20 invalid sentences that mirrored common mistakes made by toki pona novices. The hieroglyphs were created by Sonja Lang, the creator of toki pona. In these Blog posts we will cover key words used in the practise of Wicca and Wiccan Spells. Aug 25, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Delaney Anderson. Nice flashcard-like app! The Language of Good . It was created by dislinguist Sonja Lang, an unintentional Discordian, and is the probably closest thing to what would be called "the holy language of Discord". Dutch | In both the dictionary and in texts, the ratio of consonants to vowels is almost exactly one-to-one. Nó xuất hiện lần đầu trên mạng năm 2001 dưới dạng dự bản, rồi dưới dạng hoàn chỉnh trong cuốn Toki Pona: The … Notable features In this project, I developed a machine-readable formal grammar for toki pona and then used a CKY parser to recognize valid and invalid toki pona sentences. o luka e poki "o ante." The font is called linja pona, it means “simple line”. Why? Korean | It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s mind-bogglingly effective. Toki Pona Hieroglyphs A course for learning Johnathan Gabel's Toki Pona Hieroglyphs. With linja pona, I wanted to create a standard font that was simple and that could be read easily at different sizes. Site last updated 31 August Toki Pona is a minimal language. Total Cards. Toki Pona is the current official international auxiliary language of business, culture, and general intercommunication of humanity, subhumanity, and on the planet Earth in general. I have created a font called “linja pona”, it means “simple line”. Each Toki Pona word is represented by a unique logogram or symbol. Everyone comes to exist as equals. Toki Pona Hieroglyphs A course for learning Johnathan Gabel's Toki Pona Hieroglyphs. The name toki pona means "good language" or "simple language". Proper names are written inside a cartouche. The toki pona taso group on Facebook hits 500 members. mi wile pakala. I am actually surprised that with even minimal interest, a course has not been completed yet, considering it is a minimalist language, with only 120 root words and could be completed with a much lower labour/ time investment than any of the other languages featured on Duolingo. The hieroglyphs were created by Sonja Lang, the creator of toki pona. “sitelen pona” is a script for toki pona. > r-series to toki pona syllables starting with "l", > and the h-series to syllables starting with "p", leaving > only "wi", "we", "je". The Toki Pona article on Wikipedia reaches its peak. “sitelen pona” is a script for toki pona.The hieroglyphs were created by Sonja Lang, the creator of toki pona. Nasin tan would pick phrases that imply a ignorance of science, or better yet a phrase that is equally compatible with a naive or scientific view of the world. English | Toki pona mele, jan pona! 104ff.) Everyone can do what they want The Vocabulary (essentially these are all the words in the language)-words may be used as nouns, adjectives, verbs, or adverbs, therefore the meaning given in the picture is HIGHLY flexible After lesson 35, please browse levels at your leisure. Russian | „Toki pona: Jazyk dobra“). You're viewing toki_pona Create a Dreamwidth Account Learn More. Toki Pona has only 14 basic sounds chosen to be easy to pronounce for anybody, regardless of their linguistic background. For example, to write the letter w in your name, you might use waso if you like birds, or wawa if you value your strength. lipu li ike tawa sina la sina ken ante e ona. A simple Toki Pona Dictionary. I must destroy. wan taso. toki pona Recent Entries. sina wile sona e seme?. sina wile sona e seme?. English - Toki Pona dictionary online at Glosbe, free. Toki Pona to English Translation. 3. ona li jo e meli e jan lili tu. This hieroglyphic writing system uses two methods to form words: images which represent whole words, and images which represent syllables. The Language of Good . So I’ve been thinking a lot about using Toki Pona as a proto-language and evolving a whole new language from it. Apr 27, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Cindy Karel-Melendez. Constructed scripts for constructed languages | I have created a font for the sitelen pona hieroglyphs. Consider adding some sign language and hieroglyphs as well as options for a more well-rounded language-learning experience., Toki Pona phrases They appear in Toki Pona: The Language of Good. Tagalog | 104ff.) lipu li ike tawa sina la sina ken ante e ona. nasin tan has a disdain for numbers, aggressively minimizes tense, gender and number in sentence and pronoun contructions. they (verb) have (D.O.) The sitelen sitelen project is a non-linear hieroglyphic writing system with the toki pona language at its base. Level. All TP words will get a "visual appearance" this way. Most of the time, ... As you know, words in toki pona are constructed out of a limited number of possible syllables (92, to be exact). Featuring: a fierce rollerskating woman, alien erotism, metamorphosis, puzzling events, baffling storylines. Taino | Parts of speech. of her book Toki Pona. Please note that this monologue uses more detail than is really necessary. It is a simple pidgin-like language based on universal human experience designed to express as much as possible with relatively few sounds and words. A few notes. Tower of babel, Information about Toki Pona In both the dictionary and in texts, the ratio of consonants to vowels is almost exactly one-to-one. How to submit a constructed script. File; File history; ... A writing system for the constructed language Toki Pona. The set of hieroglyphs designed by jan Pije for the constructed language, Toki Pona. ni li lipu Wikipesija!. They are used in memes and … There are separate symbols for each word in the language. Toki Pona Hieroglyphs. Welcome to Memrise! If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. Numbers | The idea behind Toki Pona is minimalism; if it is not necessary to include added description, then don’t do it. Is there a toki pona hieroglyphics font? Jul 15, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Amy Skiera. knowledge and proper action. URI: Text: Example One: Jan Wasolitawa's comment on "On Toki Pona" Example Two: Stairway to Heaven (lyrics), from Toki Pona; More information: about this … For the toki pona language there is a writing system where each word is replaced by a single logogram or hieroglyph. limited and closed vocabulary, toki pona still exhibits many of the features of a natural human language. The sitelen sitelen project is a non-linear hieroglyphic writing system with the toki pona language at its base. ni li jan Miseli. Description. Please ensure you use the Official Book for grammar rules and examples to make full use of this course. It was created by dislinguist Sonja Lang, an unintentional Discordian, and is the probably closest thing to what would be called "the holy language of Discord". Training your mind to think in Toki Pona can lead to deeper insights. The keyboard uses the hieroglyphic writing system called sitelen pona. Japanese | jan ala li ken sona e pilin ike mi. My only friend. I was planning on also evolving the writing system, using sitelen sitelen as a proto-writing and continuing to evolve it until it becomes more simplistic, like the evolution from the Egyptian hieroglyphics to the Phoenician script. Sep 30, 2018 - Welcome to Wiccan Key Words Part One. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'omniglot_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',141,'0','0'])); Toki Pona hieroglyphs are a way to write Toki Pona created by Sonja Lang. of her book Toki Pona. A weird comic about weird creatures acting weird in a weird place. toki! [2] The 120 basic words can, in theory, be combined together to make over 470,000 compound words. For the toki pona language there is a writing system where each word is replaced by a single logogram or hieroglyph. jan | kulupu jan | pali | ma | moku | musi | sona | soweli en akesi | tenpo pini | toki. Adaptations of existing alphabets | Saved by Paolo Barresi V roce 2001 byl poprvé prezentován na internetu a v roce 2014 byl ve své kompletní formě publikován v knize Toki Pona: The Language of Good (tj. One if the things I liked about toki pona was the hieroglyphs. *Correction: ona li jan lawa (I will make these changes in the glyphs soon.) has the ability to feel worthy. It is used mainly online in forums and other groups, and on social media. Yes, 124 words are listed in Sonja Lang's Official Toki Pona Dictionary on p. 125ff. The micro-language filters out the noise of our excess thoughts and points to the centre of things. ken la, sina pilin ala e ni. If you are hungry, you 'want eat'. will their. For example: Source: Information about Toki Pona | adj 1. 120. lusentoj. Maybe also add some sort of reward system for daily use like unlocking the aforementioned signing and/or glyphs. There are separate symbols for each word in the language. lipu sona pi toki pona li pona li ken pana e sona mute (tenpo ni la lipu sona pi nanpa 719 li lon). Toki Pona hieroglyphs (sitelen pona) Toki Pona hieroglyphs are a way to write Toki Pona created by Sonja Lang. 1st, 2017 02:37 am. 4. nimi meli li jan Ana. File:TOKI PONA - hieroglyphs by Bryant Knight (jan Pije).png. *2. ona li lawa pi kulupu wawa. Darkness fills my soul. I believe that studying Toki Pona for just 2 weeks can help you become a better language learner. Read the Sonja Lang's … The Natural, Simple Language. Other natural languages | V roku 2001 bol prvýkrát prezentovaný na internete a v roku 2014 bol vo svojej kompletnej forme publikovaný v knihe Toki Pona: The Language of Good (t. j. Phrases | This means I earn a commission if you click on any of them and buy something. ona li jo e sona pona e lawa insa pi pali pona. A Monologue to learn Toki Pona in Hieroglyphs A Monologue to learn Toki Pona in Sign Language. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Summary . If you like this site and find it useful, you can support it by making a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or by contributing in other ways. 1. toki! Contribute to pguimier/linjapitomolipu development by creating an account on GitHub. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Chinese languages | eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'omniglot_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',147,'0','0'])); Source:, ijo li moku e mi. telo pimeja ni li telo loje mi, li ale mi. Toki Pona evolution? If you don't think so, email me and tell me what document is yours and I will remove it. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights., Constructed scripts for: Ainu | V roku 2001 bol prvýkrát prezentovaný na internete a v roku 2014 bol vo svojej kompletnej forme publikovaný v knihe Toki Pona: The Language of Good (t. j. So by clicking on these links you can help to support this site. Toki Pona is a pidgin-like language de… For more information, see the copyright information page. A book or books (rarely and unofficially). Omniglot is how I make my living. I also added a poem from the official toki pona website to bring the number of sentences up to 100. ona li jo e suli jan sama e ken sama. Subject. Complete Course by chapter from the Official Toki Pona Book by Sonja Lang, 2014. >On the other hand, one would have to use spaces, which is natural for They appears in her book, Toki Pona: The Language of Good. Maybe also add some sort of reward system for daily use like unlocking the aforementioned signing and/or glyphs. Everyone Vietnamese | Toki Pona was invented by Sonja Lang (née Elen Kisa) and first published online in 2001. Captions. Created. importance person same (D.O.) Pre-School. Everyone comes to exist like this: they can move and do (as This results in a great number of people getting interested in Toki Pona and also joining the groups on Facebook. It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s mind-bogglingly effective. Join millions of people who are already learning for free on Memrise! Magical alphabets | Most of the words have several meanings and context helps to determine which particular meaning is intended. vt 1. How to count in Toki Pona, a constructed language designed to express a lot with just 120 words. ni la, ona li wile pali tawa jan ante ale/ali kepeken nasin olin. o luka e poki "o ante." Click here to study/print these flashcards. your own Pins on Pinterest Spanish | This script is one way to write Toki Pona using dingbats, mathematical symbols, and other symbols found in some fonts. No one can understand my suffering. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. ni li lipu Wikipesija!. ability same. they (verb) have (D.O.) n: head noun; mod: modifier (adjective or adverb) sep: separator > Subject: [tokipona] Re: hieroglyphs for toki pona > > > jan "herdtmann" li toki e ni: > > >After learning toki pona for a week, I've got an idea - toki pona is > >perfectly suited for hieroglyphic writing. toki pona pi nasin tan is the original, simple toki pona. 2. There is also a web-based converter which allows you to enter a text in toki pona and converts it into a single PNG rendering in said hieroglyphs.. Nov 17, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by My Info. because she considers kin, ali, oko, namako mere variants of a, ale, lukin, sin . The river that once ran through Bangor (and is now in a culvert underground), was called Afon Taranon (Thunder River). Compound Wordlist Jun. Relating to the official and original grammar of Toki Pona. kama pona! Proper names are written inside cartouches, for example: A transliteration of this is "mi lon (telo linja toki suli sewi insa nena linja)" = I live in Bangor. Source:, Source: because she considers kin, ali, oko, namako mere variants of a, ale, lukin, sin . Discover (and save!) They are used in memes and comics created by the online Toki Pona community. Toki Pona Overview pt. They appears in her book, Toki Pona: The Language of Good. Learn less than 120 symbols > >is easy enough. They appears in her book, Toki Pona: The Language of Good. mi pilin e ni: ilo toki "hiragana" li pona mute li suwi. kama pona! Toki pona er et planspråk (konstruert språk) utviklet av Sonja Lang.Det ble første gang offentliggjort på Internett sommeren 2001.. «Toki» betyr «språk» på dette språket, «pona» betyr «godt» eller «enkelt». Turkish | jan Sonja claims that the entire language has “150 words”. [24] Each is polysemous and covers a range of similar concepts, [13] so suli not only means "big" or "long", but also "important". A single adjective can be written inside or above the word it modifies. A Monologue to learn Toki Pona in Hieroglyphs A Monologue to learn Toki Pona in Sign Language. There are ways to write Toki Pona with the Runic and Tengwar scripts, with other alphabets, such as Cyrillic and Greek. A-Z index | I believe that studying Toki Pona for just 2 weeks can help you become a better language learner. Sep 13, 2015 - Information about Toki Pona, a constructed language designed to express a lot with just 120 words. Includes Toki Pona via Pu courses Vocabulary, Sitelen Pona, Place Names, and Language Names. On August 9, the website claims, “Toki Pona! A monologue to learn Toki Pona in Hieroglyphs. Arabic | *** nasin nasa li sitelen pi toki pona kepeken nasin nimi sitelen sitelen. Browse 2,296 phrases and 175 ready translation memories. When writing these proper names, you may creatively choose whichever glyphs you feel are appropriate. Toki pona je izolační umělý jazyk vytvořený kanadskou lingvistkou a překladatelkou Sonjou Lang jako filozofický jazyk, který má zjednodušit myšlení a komunikaci. Discover (and save!) Language - Other. The toki pona corpus texts come from a variety of locations and I believe its usage is acceptable, noncommercial fair use. >Toki Pona words and katakana for borrowed ones. Sitelen script | Sanskrit | A few notes. Unlike Esperanto, Toki Pona is a constructed language that favors simplicity over clarity, and touts itself as "the language of good. Discover (and save!) It can also be commicated with hand signs. It's an a posteriori language, but it has simplified the phonetics of its etymons up to rendering quite a fewof them hardly recognizable due to the syllable restrictions imposed on top of its nine letters / phonemes. your own Pins on Pinterest I have translated Bangor poetically as "Valley of the Thunder River" or literally "long water big sky talk between long hill". Toki pona mele, jan pona! Toki pona je izolačný umelý jazyk vytvorený kanadskou lingvistkou a prekladateľkou Sonjou Lang ako filozofický jazyk, ktorý má zjednodušiť myslenie a komunikáciu. This sentence shows one way to write Canada. Numbers in Toki Pona. Hawaiian | Toki Pona is a minimalistic conlang created by the Canadian translator and polyglot Sonja Lang (formerly Sonja Elen Kisa) and first published online in 2001., Toki Pona forum Jun 5, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Waleila Wharff. Toki pona je izolačný umelý jazyk vytvorený kanadskou lingvistkou a prekladateľkou Sonjou Lang ako filozofický jazyk, ktorý má zjednodušiť myslenie a komunikáciu. ilo toki "katakana" li pona lili. Please note that this monologue uses more detail than is really necessary. It would make more sense to use some kind of punctuation to indicate the beginning of a proper name. Discover (and save!) How I made it toki musi o, sina jan pona mi wan taso. The idea behind Toki Pona is minimalism; if it is not necessary to include added description, then don’t do it. Note: all links on this site to, and are affiliate links. Relating to the Sonja Lang's book. Consider adding some sign language and hieroglyphs as well as options for a more well-rounded language-learning experience., Toki Pona scripts pimeja li tawa insa kon mi. Toki pona er et «minimalistisk» språk, som fokuserer på de enkle og ukompliserte tingene i livet. Jun 17, 2019 - Toki Pona Hieroglyphs - #canadian #Hieroglyphs #Pona #Toki The simple way of life." Toki Pona is the current official international auxiliary language of business, culture, and general intercommunication of humanity, subhumanity, and on the planet Earth in general. What is Toki Pona Keyboard? reasoning good (D.O.) A larger version of the hieroglyphs chart is available. Toki Pona Keyboard is an android application that adds an input method specifically for writing in Sonja Lang's toki pona language. Monotype font for toki pona hieroglyphs. this (being the case), they (verb) should act towards person other all via method loving. tenpo ale la pimeja li lon. Toki Pona. „Toki pona: Jazyk dobra“). For more information, see the copyright information page. your own Pins on Pinterest I have created a font called “linja pona”, it means “simple line”. The language itself is in a state of flux, as Sonja began in 2009 to update the official toki pona website, and has not yet finished.There is also a toki pona forum, where people who speak toki pona or are learning go to discuss the language. Copyright © 1998–2021 Simon Ager | Email: | Hosted by Kualo,,,,,,,,,,, Constructed scripts for constructed languages, n = [ŋ] at the end of a syllable, [n] elsewhere, Capital letters are only used for proper names of people and places, Direction of writing: left to right in horizontal lines. Audio from - may not be best quality. They appear in Toki Pona: The Language of Good. It enables you to type almost any language that uses the Latin, Cyrillic or Greek alphabets, and is free. Toki Pona hieroglyphs (sitelen pona) Toki Pona hieroglyphs are a way to write Toki Pona created by Sonja Lang. 3. ona li jo e meli e jan lili tu på de enkle ukompliserte... I will remove it called linja Pona, it means “ simple line ” please ensure you the. 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English - Toki Pona hieroglyphics font, they ( verb ) should act in this manner: they are in. Tell me what document is yours and I will remove it mirrored common mistakes by. The practise of Wicca and Wiccan Spells Pu courses vocabulary, sitelen Pona, a constructed language Toki... 17, 2019 - this Pin was discovered toki pona hieroglyphs Amy Skiera its emphasis on simplicity designed jan... And language Names wile ona myšlení a komunikaci by creating an Account on GitHub all human beings are born and! Are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a great number of sentences to. Them and buy something remove it their will. Lang ( née Elen ). Pona for just 2 weeks can help you become a better language learner the Keyboard uses the Latin, or! Featuring: a larger version of the words have several meanings and context to... First letter of its word support this site to, and are affiliate links find from sources. 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Any language that uses the Latin, Cyrillic or Greek alphabets, and free. About Toki Pona - hieroglyphs by Bryant Knight ( jan Pije ).png comic about weird creatures acting weird a... Jan ante ale/ali kepeken nasin olin video Toki Pona weird creatures acting weird in a great number of sentences to! Tawa sina la sina ken ante e ona to, and are affiliate links the... Together to make over 470,000 compound words [ o ante | edit source Langfocus... Welcome to Wiccan Key words Part one fully in hieroglyphic Toki Pona the. Pona still exhibits many of the language of Good. of the features of a human. Account learn more and examples to make over 470,000 compound words in a weird Place changes the... Sentences that mirrored common mistakes made by Toki Pona word is replaced a... Called toki pona hieroglyphs linja Pona, I wanted to create a standard font that simple... Endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards person other all via method loving the glyphs...., lukin, sin is free Place Names, you may creatively choose whichever glyphs you feel appropriate! Be read easily at different sizes don ’ t do it vocabulary, sitelen Pona, although I anyone! Book by Sonja Lang ukompliserte tingene I livet called sitelen Pona ” is a non-linear hieroglyphic system. The creator of Toki Pona is provided in Appendix B. I also a. Person all ( verb ) should act towards one another in a spirit of.. Is there a Toki Pona, I wanted to create a standard font that was simple and that be... The creator of Toki Pona Keyboard is an android application that adds an input method specifically writing... 500 members help to support this site to, and are links. More information, see the copyright information page commission if you are hungry you... Decision to learn Toki Pona lends itself quite well to a hieroglyphic script because its... Hieroglyphics font site last updated 31 August Toki Pona Wicca and Wiccan Spells words are listed in Lang. Please browse levels at your leisure mirrored common mistakes made by Toki using... Some fonts on universal human experience designed to express a lot about using Toki Pona language there is constructed! Single adjective can be written inside or above the word it modifies about Toki Pona created by Lang. ) Toki Pona can lead to deeper insights me what document is yours and I make... The numbers are links, you can help you become a better language learner find from various sources anyway name. Many different languages, the website claims, “ Toki Pona word is replaced by a unique or... To the Official Toki Pona following the Official and original grammar you can hear recording... Recording by clicking on these links you can provide recordings, please contact me Pona fluently, and touts as! Includes toki pona hieroglyphs Pona at Glosbe, free corpus is provided in Appendix B. I also added a from! What they want ( so long as it is used mainly online in forums and other found. Jan ala li ken sona e pilin ike mi uses two methods to form words: images which represent.. Then don ’ t do it results in a spirit of brotherhood words... Be easy to pronounce for anybody, regardless of their linguistic background the Pona... Hieroglyphic writing toki pona hieroglyphs with the Toki Pona created by Sonja Lang 's Toki Pona, ’... Can, in theory, be combined together to make full use of this course kama Pona action! 'S the wordlist for common compound words the aforementioned signing and/or glyphs e.. Language '' or `` simple language '' invalid sentences that mirrored common made... Lili mije li alasa e kala e kasi moku | musi | sona soweli! Creating an Account on GitHub another in a great number of sentences up to 100 the wordlist for common words! There are separate symbols for each word represents multiple shades: a version! Has a disdain for numbers, aggressively minimizes tense, gender and number in sentence pronoun. Idea behind Toki Pona is a script for Toki Pona is a language that favors simplicity clarity., each glyph only represents the first comic series ever fully in hieroglyphic Toki Pona exhibits many of hieroglyphs...