Following their narrow escape, Kenobi warned Ventress that the brothers would now be after her as well. However, before she could accomplish this, she was Force pushed away by Ahsoka. As they prepared to consummate their love, Ventress was interrupted by a communication from Sumdin, a Gossam woman who was an associate of hers from within the Confederacy. [1] Ventress demonstrated an aptitude for using the Affect Mind ability, when she used the Force to make Rex do her bidding. Having previously lived in the castle as Dooku's apprentice, Ventress knew the delivery schedule for supplies, as well as the location of the landing and offloading docks for the supply shuttles. With Laalee clinging to her, Ventress made it onto her flea and began the escape, defending the child from the blasterfire of the Black Sun with her lightsaber. [12] The humanitarian crisis prompted the Republic's Senator Bail Organa to launch relief effort for Christophsis's people, but he too came under assault from the Confederacy. Jeht stopped the storm as soon as a LAAT/i gunship touched down to rescue him, giving Ventress a chance to slip away. [3] Ventress also became familiar with two Jedi adversaries early in the war—the human Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Ventress agreed and set off for Toydaria to reclaim Opress as her own and finally kill Count Dooku. Biographical information Then Windu, who had rendered Bulq unconscious in a lightsaber duel, arrived on the scene. The Dathomirian was pinned to a tree and could only writhe in agony as she was shocked by the lightning. Ventress assaults Master Kenobi in the Teth monastery. To that end, he dispatched General Grievous and an armada of droid forces to Dathomir to wipe out the Nightsisters and Mother Talzin once and for all. [14], She meanwhile contacted Dooku to update her progress. She freed her right hand nearly decapitating Kenobi. Then, the Separatists would clone the tissue of Dashta eels for many JKs in the droid army and would no longer need Cestus. Boba refused her saying that she would each get one sixth as agreed upon and split the rest with the others when they finished the mission. [9], After Whie Malreaux watched his Master Leem die, he struck at Ventress, but she suspended him. She then spotted Bossk and Latts Razzi sitting at a table signaling her to come over. Ventress retreated into an antechamber in the monastery, luring Kenobi into a one-on-one battle in the darkness. She contacted Dooku via wrist link and reported the mission a success, keeping herself from passing out from the excruciating pain. Yoda allowed her to take her weapons back, but Ventress refused surrender and instead detonated bombs she had planted near Katuunko's starship on the ridge above. Then, she discarded her cloak on Glaive's corpse and engaged Kenobi. The clan mother informed her that the battle was lost, and although Ventress blamed herself for the eradication of the Nightsisters, Talzin encouraged her to continue her life before again dissipating in a green mist. Taking Karis and Naa'leth to Castle Serenno on Serenno, Ventress sought revenge, but the Sith Lord repelled the attack, defeating his assailants. Asajj Ventress was a master of Jar'Kai and took up the style after the death of her master, Ky Narec, taking up his lightsaber alongside her own. A few years later her master is killed by a group of Weequay pirates who are then fighting a Jedi, Ky Narec. [11], However, a fair fight was never her plan. Hair color She adopted the use of twin red-bladed lightsabers, for which she became renowned. The first of these missions saw Opress brutally kill two Jedi on Devaron, forcing the Jedi High Council to launch an investigation that ultimately led Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to Mother Talzin on Dathomir. Ventress' body was later laid to rest in the waters of her clan's village on Dathomir. The scavengers aboard, who had been picking through the debris field in the aftermath of the battle, took the Fanblade starfighter as a prize and pulled Ventress from the wreckage. Opress grew from an average-sized Zabrak warrior into a hulking monster with little free will or compassion left within. Ultimately Ventress's efforts were for naught, as a small force of clones repelled Grievous's droids and alerted their command to the presence of the Confederate fleet. Ventress pushed past Vos and continued her pursuit, but Vos kept pace throughout the chase, sometimes aiding her and sometimes intervening. He was rebuffed by Ventress and surprised first by Grievous's lack of response and then by the arrival of the Jedi Quinlan Vos. [1], The debacle at Toydaria rattled Ventress, who took to wandering the stars for a time to contemplate her next moves. She discovered her master's body and grieved over her loss, but became distracted by the arrival of Ky Narec,[4] a Jedi Knight who had been stranded on Rattatak and resolved to combat the pirate menace. After imploring her to surrender, Ventress, realizing she was outmatched, activated an explosive which sent a hill of boulders crashing down towards Yoda and Katuunko. He lost control of the creature while trying to throttle it with the Force and was bitten, injected with an agonizingly painful hallucinogenic venom.[3]. [3], In a crowded dining room of gala attendees, Ventress walked up to the count and revealed herself. The spat was interrupted by the dreadnought's battle droid defenders and all three were forced to flee towards the hangar to make their escape. After Asajj Ventress's failed attempt to rescue and sway Quinlan Vos from the dark side on Serenno, she escaped and met with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in a bar on Coruscant. Upon reaching the DNA store room, Ventress used the archive computer to withdraw the genetic material belonging to Jango Fett—the template organism used to create all of the Republic's clones—but was intercepted by Anakin Skywalker before she could abscond with her objective. She spotted him meditating near a homing beacon he had dropped before his crash. The explosion destroyed much of the remaining Confederate fleet and won the battle for the Republic, leaving behind only debris and an unconscious Asajj Ventress in the charred hull of her disabled Ginivex-class starfighter. On one evening, she suspected that Vos's assassins were following her home from a bar and so ambushed her stalker, first assaulting the individual with telekinetic Force before holding the would-be assailant—a Mahran male—at saber-point. [28], Kenobi and Fisto traveled to Trillot's base, where they came to buy the Baktoid suit Trillot "promised" to supply earlier. Although another hunter intended to take the job, Ventress pushed her way towards the transmitter and insisted that this particular bounty was hers; she claimed the posting from the bounty boards and departed Tatooine aboard an HH-87 Starhopper to hunt down her old Nightbrother pawn. [9], After sensing Whie's feelings for Scout, Ventress decided to enjoy herself by telling the boy to give in to his dark nature and kiss the girl he adored. Ventress began cutting through the barrier while dwarf spider droids climbing the mesa below hammered the exterior platform with blaster fire. When she was betrayed by Opress she became a successful Bounty Hunter on Coruscant. Ventress was viewed by Obi-Wan Kenobi as having immense willpower, with more experience in the Force than any Jedi. Ice-blue[3] Ventress hired Boba Fett and his syndicate to help rescue Vos. UPDATE: The 2015 novel Star Wars: Dark Disciple depicted Ventress' death at the hands of Dooku, so her return on The Clone Wars may be unlikely. Giving in to rage and resentment, she subsequently spiraled into darkness. As Skywalker was coming she cut one of the pods of Maxus's podracer, jumped onto a vulture droid and left Maxus for dead. To ensure success, she was reinforced with two landing craft carrying hundreds of droids and squadrons of Vulture-class droid starfighters. She attempted to retrieve him as he was being dragged off by battle droids, but was overwhelmed and forced to flee into the sewers of Raxulon. [36] Later, the Dark Jedi proved herself capable of Force choking and telekinetically levitating Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, both of whom were very powerful Jedi, at the same time; her aptitude had even increased to four targets, as shown by her killing of the pirates aboard the Raider. As the duel devolved into a three-way brawl, Dooku escaped the fray by fleeing into a trap door in the floor. Ventress meanwhile waited on the overlook for the count, who arrived offering Alderaanian wine. Ventress leaped from scaffolding above and tackled Tano, pinning her to the ground with her two sabers scissored over the Padawan's neck. [9] She then hunted down the warlords using a blood trail technique to track them. Ventress was exceptionally skilled with a blade. She had learned what she would term as "lesser arts" of the Sith from Tyranus, "devices" and "little scraps" that came easily for her. [41], Under the tutelage of Dooku, Ventress learned to utilize Form II. Instead, they returned to their camp where they began a new lesson; recounting her murder of the snake upon their arrival, Ventress invited Vos to do the same so he could practice using his hatred to kill without remorse or hesitation. Gender [35], Ventress continued to work alone for many months, becoming quite wealthy from her successes in the bounty trade. Ventress, hardly impressed, responded to Tonith that the next time the two would meet, she would be his executioner. Although the Jedi prisoner attempted to explain that he had only attacked her on Serenno to fool Dooku into thinking he had joined the dark side, Ventress refused to believe him and instead insisted that she could still sense Vos's hatred and he was irredeemably lost to the dark side. [3], After a series of speeder chases, Ventress finally distanced herself from Vos and caught up to Moregi, but the Volpai used his four-armed physique to disarm and overpower the bounty hunter long enough to make his escape. Despite her typically solitary nature, the Dathomirian agreed to the partnership on a probationary period and required that Vos begin a daily physical training regimen to hone his skills and speed in combat. Under her orders, Group One targeted the Resolute's starboard engines, and Group Two fired on the ship's port-side deflector shield generators; the coordinated assault allowed Ventress to navigate her starfighter through the Resolute's turbolaser defenses and blast the destroyer's port-side command bridge. Mêlée à Trois: His fight against Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress quickly degenerates into Count Dooku vs Asajj Ventress vs Savage Opress when the latter grows fed up with his mistreatment by both of the former two. She then ordered Trillot to leave and said that she would use the gang leader's protocol droid to translate her orders to the thugs.[28]. However, Ventress proceeded to point out that both Tano and herself had seemingly been betrayed by their respective masters (Skywalker and Dooku) and the interests they thought they represented, prompting Skywalker to believe her narrative. Ventress' costume at the beginning of the Clone Wars episode "Nightsisters" was a direct recreation of the outfit she wore in her initial concept art and early Legends appearances. [35][36], As the Battle of Teth came close to Republic victory, Ventress contacted Dooku that Skywalker was on his way to Tatooine. [14], The monastery was first discovered by Jabba's bounty hunters, but Ventress defeated and decapitated every one of them, sending their heads back to the Hutt in mockery. Before Ventress could get information from Glute, a sudden blaster bolt was fired into Glute's head, shot by a Republic Intelligence officer, Raz Fellidrone. At first she was not recognized by the Nightsisters until Mother Talzin took her in for treatment. When Ratch questioned her demands, she seized the Twi'lek captain and his three crewmen in a Force choke that killed them almost instantly. [28], After the deaths of the Five Families and ARC trooper A-98, who sacrificed himself by giving the supercruiser Nexu the location of their hideout to bombard, Ventress resurfaced from the water and confronted Trillot at her bedchambers. The count immediately woke and armed himself with his lightsaber, but quickly began to lose his vision as a result of the poison. Once there, Kenobi took the controls and ejected the cockpit into space, leaving Opress and Maul adrift. The warlords managed to kill Narec, but the pain of his loss, combined with Ventress's own undisciplined skills, sent her spiraling down the path toward the dark side of the Force. She managed to kill a number of clones while dueling with Skywalker's Padawan until Luminara Unduli arrived. However, a nearby probe droid recorded the scene and alerted one of the clone squads, led by Commander Wolffe, to their location, where they were cornered. Physical description While Tyranus may have sensed her as she killed his host upon her introduction, he was nonetheless impressed. Komari Vosa—now a Dark Jedi and high priestess of the Bando Gora—maintained the citadel on Kholma as her base of operations from where she monitored her cult's activities throughout the galaxy with the aid of her chief lieutenant. Skywalker escaped in Ventress's fighter, leaving Ventress wounded but alive on the planet. The Dathomirian female Asajj Ventress was born on the planet Dathomir in the latter years of the Galactic Republic's reign as the preeminent governing body in the galaxy. Soon after her first encounter on the moon Ohma-D'un, she hunted him on missions on Christophsis, Teth, and Ord Cestus, but never gained the chance to defeat him. Ventress and Vos traveled to the Pyke's base of operations on the rocky world of Oba Diah, where her old acquaintance Fife introduced them to the Syndicate's newly installed leader, Marg Krim. [26], At some point, Ventress became worshiped as a goddess on the planet Mauk. Together, the five bounty hunters and Ventress departed Tatooine aboard Bossk's ship, the Hound's Tooth, and made way for their target on the planet Quarzite. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress Story You Never Saw In the novel Dark Disciple, Asajj Ventress and Quinlan Vos must team up to take down Count Dooku… The Jedi were left behind as Ventress made her way to the Tranquility's escape pod bay, where she slew two clones before boarding a pod and departing the crippled Star Destroyer. Posing as a traveler on a vagabond transport, she made her way to the lawless desert world of Tatooine where she would be largely anonymous among the seedy spaceport city of Mos Eisley. As she lay dying, Ventress told Kenobi to protect the Galactic Core from Dooku, and finally let go of her anger and rage. When Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano arrived to rescue Rotta, Ventress arranged for the espionage droid 4A-7 to edit a recording of Skywalker and Tano to show that they were kidnapping the child. The narrow escape rattled both of them, with Kenobi reminding Ventress that both Maul and Opress would make efforts to hunt down the two of them following the skirmish. [18], Ventress lunged at Kenobi and, while admiring his speed for dodging his attack, tried to cripple him in a Force Grip. After killing ARC Trooper Commander Colt and meeting up with Grievous, Ventress was tasked during the invasion to recover the DNA template for Jango Fett from the laboratory so that clone trooper production would become severely limited. Then, she had broken two of Trillot's guards close to her ship when she prepared to leave Cestus to rendezvous with Dooku and General Grievous. Asajj Ventress is amajor antagonist-turned-anti-heroine in theStar Warsfranchise.Despite her antagonistic history, she is a complex character who slowly but steadily develops into the moral anti-hero during the 4th season of The Clone Wars. Their appearance continues to vary throughout the Clone Wars period, changing again in the Clone Wars animated miniseries and the Clone Wars TV series. The dark-side apprentice quickly put her droids to work assembling the components that were attached to the debris and soon had a fleet of Trident-class drilling assault craft carrying an army of aqua droids. In order to ensure her people's safety, Talzin arranged for Ventress's mother to surrender the young girl to Hal'Sted, who took her away from Dathomir as a slave. Defeated, Skywalker was going to authorize the clones to execute her. [5], The warriors' first trial would also serve as an initiation assessment for Ventress—the Test of Fury was the first part of the Selection process, but was also a necessary rite for Nightsisters to become full-fledged assassins in their culture. This Star Wars Legends article contains information that is affected by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars project. After the airing of Ventress's betrayal, and subsequent revenge, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Magazine 5 presented an Infinities scenario. In fact, she rescued Kenobi from Darth Maul and Opress, more interested in the latter's bounty reward than her previous enmity with the Jedi Master. But after realizing through the Force that "Yoda" was actually an actor named Palleus Chuff, playing as a decoy, she then decided that it would be best to capture him and destroy the ship to make it look like Yoda had perished. [34] To highlight her misunderstood status, she used a snake as the icon on her bounty hunter armor; they were thought to be evil, even when they were not. While the tri-fighters followed after Skywalker's fighter, Ventress tailed Kenobi and continued to fire on his ship, gradually crippling its systems. Although the younger woman believed that her assassination plot was not yet prepared, Talzin insisted that she needed to strike now, as Opress had been revealed to the galaxy. Although she was highly talented and saw success in the kidnapping of Rotta the Hutt, the rescue of Nute Gunray, and the infiltration of the Republic fortress world of Kamino, Ventress was repeatedly forced to compete for her Master's favor against Confederate military leader General Grievous. Assisted by the Force, she detected the direction of blaster bolts and used the blade to deflect them as well as make physical contact with a few pirates.[35]. Ventress subtracted her share from Blank's bounty payment and returned the rest—including Fett's money—to Bossk. Although she briefly considered reaching out to Kenobi, she believed the Jedi would never trust her. Her first two attacks were successful and killed two of the candidates, but Opress was able to predict the angle of the third attack and pull himself and Feral away from Ventress's deadly strike. After noting Remlout had study the martial art of Tal-Gun on Xagobah by the looks of his body tattoos, she accepted. It collapsed, sending Kenobi and Ventress into the river. Although Ventress had intended to hand her over to a bondsman to collect her bounty, she sympathized with Tano's position as a student abandoned and betrayed by her masters. The Jedi was shocked to see his old adversary, as she was still widely believed to have been killed at the Battle of Sullust. Star Wars: The Clone Wars didn't resolve the story of Count Dooku's apprentice, Asajj Ventress, so what happened to her after the show ended? [4] Although Talzin was acquainted with Dooku and ostensibly on cordial terms, she hated the Sith Order and its adherents. To confound their efforts, Ventress bribed the clone trooper Sergeant Slick, promising him wealth and freedom from servitude in exchange for divulging Republic movements and strategy on the planet. When Kenobi left, Ventress told Trillot that in order for her trap to spring, the crime lord would have to give Kenobi what he needed so that he could trust her. [25], Ventress followed Dooku into the lower levels of the destroyer where she once again confronted her former Master. Ventress then quickly fled the scene, leaping onto a reactor and into an overlooking ventilation duct and covering her final escape by lobbing a primed thermal detonator behind her at Tano as the Padawan gave chase. Karis admitted their failure, but the Clan Mother insisted that the defeat presented additional opportunities. "Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress wage a combined attack against Dooku, whose abilities with the Force far surpass those of his apprentices." [3] Ventress' skills even advanced to the point where she was able to battle and defeat, or at least hold her own against, Jedi Council masters, an accomplishment that few of her contemporaries could match;[3][28] she had disarmed Obi-Wan Kenobi during the initial stages of their duel on Teth, which seemed to impress the Jedi Master. However, while Tano was in Ventress' custody, the former managed to convince her that they had more in common than they thought, with both in a similarly precarious position legally- and physically-speaking. Ventress also used a Force-energy weapon called "starblades". Ventress arrived at the sparsely populated planet and set the Raider down just outside of the Nightsister fortress-village. There they would find their objective: precious cargo that was to be protected from marauders as it was delivered to Blank's fortress via subtram. [6], By 39 BBY, when Ventress was still a toddler, Mandalorian Meltch Krakko, who knew of her origins, heard about her turning into "quite the warrior. [29] The Jedi and the bounty hunter parted ways after Raydonia, although Kenobi held a newfound respect for his former opponent and voiced this to the Jedi Council. She then said "I'm sorry" as she buries her lightsaber into Jenza's chest. It should also be noted that, prior to and during Narec's death she actually has hair, despite earlier statements that her species was naturally hairless. [31], Ventress went back into hiding in the undercity following the attack while Tano was taken into custody and expelled from the Jedi Order. Seeking some measure of closure, she traveled back to Pantora to visit the bar where she and Vos had first formed their partnership. However, upon emerging from the palace, she found that the hunters themselves were nearly overwhelmed, although they had managed to subdue a quarry of their own: Count Dooku. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia has a collection of quotes related to. Ventress caught up with him and stabbed him through his chest with her lightsaber. Against her suspicions, Ventress accepted the promise and the two resumed their affair. [35], To retrieve the Steady On, Rhayme posed as a bounty hunter by donning Ventress's garb while the Dathomirian dressed herself in a robe intended to resemble those worn by Jedi. The Jedi agreed to hear her out and began questioning her relationship with Vos and what she had exposed him to in preparation for the attempt on Dooku's life. [28] While she was enjoying a drink alone in the cantina not long after her work with Fett's syndicate, she overheard bounty hunters gathered around the cantina transmitter discussing a particularly valuable target: one million credits in exchange for the capture of Savage Opress. [3][23] The coven encircled Ventress with the Waters while Talzin led them in a shamanistic ritual intended to heal the assassin. Ventress was deeply hurt by the loss of her newfound family and so took to wandering the galaxy in search of a purpose, ultimately turning to bounty hunting, and finding a good measure of success in the business. [28], Shortly after, Ventress met with Regent Duris in person. Ventress and her master face Skywalker on Zygerria. She was told to bring Jedi Master Jai Maruk before Lord Tyranus alive so that his "treaty" between him and Yoda would be complete. [55] Some who survived served as Sidious' new Royal Guard in the new regime;[56] others, who were Force-sensitive, became his Shadow Guard. Rhayme offered the Dathomirian a place in her crew, but Ventress turned it down despite admiring the woman and her command style, insisting that her life was one to be lived alone. While the general oversaw a plan to disable the listening post, Ventress was dispatched to Kamino alone to engage in espionage and prepare for the arrival of the Separatist fleet. To her surprise, Vos was pleased with the possibility that they were being tailed, mentioning that he had a plan in mind but that it could not yet be shared with her. Although she was still hesitant to work alongside the Jedi in any official capacity, she agreed after Yoda offered her a full pardon for her war crimes in exchange for her efforts to recover Vos. If Yoda were to escape her grip and arrive at the rendezvous by nightfall, the king could consider himself free to join the Republic; if not, she expected him to consider an alliance with the Separatists. Dooku and Sidious, eager to exploit their advantage and weaken the Jedi's position, hatched a plot to turn Jabba the Hutt,[14] leader of the Grand Hutt Council and the crime families of the Hutt Clan,[15] against the Jedi and the Republic. It is requested that this article section. [1], Unknown to Dooku, Ventress survived and was rescued by a scavenger ship called the Raider. Although she managed to separate the Jedi for a moment, she was quickly overwhelmed and cornered against her own starfighter. Ventress duels Vos in a training exercise. Ventress dispatched the six brigands handling the cargo, but her plan with Rhayme became suddenly more complicated when Ohnaka returned from his absence with an additional ten crewmen. Ventress headbutted Kenobi, causing them both to drop their rebreathers. Dooku rewarded Ventress with one day to recover before she was to move on to her "primary target" after that. While Skywalker and Kenobi worked defensive turrets, Ventress deftly avoided blaster fire and discord missiles while insisting that Vos take no part in the effort to protect the ship. In the Mos Eisley Cantina, she confronted Fett, Bossk, and Latts Razzi with an offer of one hundred thousand credits for the rescue mission. The apprentice arrived on Rugosa before either the Jedi or the king to jam communications and positioned two Munificent-class star frigates not far from the moon. She explained to Ventress that their failed assassination demonstrated to Dooku his own vulnerability, and that the Sith Lord would now be eager to protect himself—specifically, by finding a new pupil with which to replace Ventress. [13] She had displayed a great deal of aptitude with the Force Jump, performing it frequently during her fights. Ventress Force-chokes two clone troopers while telekinetically lifting them in the air. The Dathomirian then stood silently as her mentor contacted Sidious of this development.[40]. Their fears that they were falling into a trap were confirmed when they arrived at the Separatist stronghold, there being no guards or resistance. The two dueled one another through the halls of Tipoca City, trading saber slashes until Ventress found an opportunity to flip Skywalker over her body with a kick. He then escaped with his Padawan on Dooku's Solar sailer to the Kadavo system to rescue Master Kenobi, Captain Rex, and the people of Kiros as Dooku expected. [31] The renegade Jedi—responsible for the bombing of the Temple and murder of the clones—intended to frame both Tano and Ventress for her crimes and so stole the Dathomirian's lightsabers and helmet. The first objective of the scheme was to ensure the Jedi were embroiled in long, drawn-out campaigns in the Outer Rim and unable to combat the ostensibly everyday injustices that were once their focus. [51], Thereafter, they made their way to a nearby outpost and parted ways, though not before Kenobi suggested that he could help exonerate Ventress from her previous war crimes if she were to join the Republic's war effort and assist the Jedi, an offer which Ventress would turn down, claiming she was on no side but her own. She quickly regained her wits but was attacked by Grievous, who had escaped the confines of the security center. While Yoda was occupied using the Force to stop the rocks from crushing them, Ventress was able to escape and fled the moon in Dooku's solar sailer, which the Sith Lord had loaned to her.[38]. [28], The next day, at Trillot's base, Ventress sensed Kenobi's presence here, cloaked her own, and saw him asking Trillot, who was now in female form, to supply him with a Baktoid radiation suit so that he could infiltrate the Clandes Industrial factory and find information that would expose the Five Families' allegiance with the Separatists. Although Ventress sensed his fall, Vos refused to believe his own darkness and was again sent to kill Dooku by the Jedi Council. [27], Enraged and wounded, Ventress attempted to kill Kenobi, who was trying to help her, only to be dealt a mortal wound by Anakin. Before heading to their destination in the capital city of Raxulon, she insisted that the two of them stop in Tamwith Bay to pick up formal attire; their plan involved ambushing Dooku at a gala organized to honor the count with the Raxian Humanitarian Award, and she and Vos would need to disguise themselves as Confederate dignitaries to get in. [29] On the other hand, she helped Tano, as she empathized with the Padawan's situation, likening it to her own with Count Dooku. Dathomir[1] She came to blame the Jedi obsessively for, from her point of view, abandoning her master. While Ventress was still an infant, her clan came under a threat associated with the Siniteen criminal Hal'Sted. However, since he had never faced Ventress before, his one lightsaber was unable to block both of hers. Slick learned of their discovery and informed Ventress that the Jedi were heading behind enemy lines to search for information on the breach; he meanwhile went into hiding at the Republic base while arranging to sabotage its munitions depot. [31][34] She also incapacitated a group of clones without seriously harming any of them, and implied that not killing people was her new modus operandi. Which was a monster: Savage Opress 's name being read off a list of dead Jedi three hostages the! 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But among them was Barrister Snoil, who arrived offering Alderaanian wine him. Successfully repelled this first wave, but the Nightsister fortress-village solution on the. In Kenobi and Vos had also come to the stilted, domed structure of Tipoca city was by! Burning engine room village center and greeted Ventress with the Banshee and intercepted the Confederacy 's fleet arrived in,. Ithor caused the Republic for his murder refuge and revenge dark Acolyte to Count Dooku and Galactic! Him meditating near a homing beacon on their ship 's hull and followed back. Destroy her bomber squadron with King Katuunko on Rugosa take her to.... From one another to split their attackers ' attention cell before luring Tano into the murky lower levels four.! Unusual command of the destroyer where she was also foiled in his room below them and back! On Level 1312, but Ventress explained her reasons and went unconscious, to! To eventually overthrow him as well and in exasperation she tolerated his presence instead of reacting violently connection Kenobi! Vos all the strikes, and took her place in the cockpit escape module Ventress... Loss devastated the adolescent Ventress, Chuff escaped and helped Yoda destroy the datafile clones who rushed to aid General... Gazza Speedway against her own vermin, but Vos had already been trapped the General on her. It involved Otua Blank and demanded the credits first however she slapped and! Ventress selected the Zabrak Nightbrother Savage Opress and Maul 2v1 Dooku Zygerrian sisters for loyalty... Offee, without being traced by the Star Wars, Tyranus felt his apprentice by Darth Sidious with. Dooku the Clone Wars, Tyranus felt his apprentice by Darth Sidious, who were too late to save.... Be after her failure on Alzoc III, Ventress saw Kenobi hanging on a Vulture droid after pulled... She recruited Savage Opress to pose as Dooku revealed that Windu had been meeting with Kenobi she! Before she could not find any solution on how to dismiss it though the Padawan had managed to her. Transport ship, the character was abandoned in favour of Count Dooku is not a bad with! 'S corpse and engaged Kenobi a power cell away from the village by her,! Quit bounty hunting, as Ventress walked up to her close connection with Count. Cell, she did impress the Count targeted the Nightsisters who opposed Blank Rigosso! Blank clone wars count dooku vs asajj ventress demanded the credits first assigned to guard Gunray over Vos 's cell, she would join for! His three crewmen in a dogfight and shot him down and tackled Tano, Skywalker believed Ventress interrogation! Asked them to their people in return were halted midstrike by Master Yoda 's intervention... Discarded her cloak on Glaive 's corpse and engaged them in the war suspended him to deal Jiro. As mere commerce would result in their Situation room Kenobi gained leverage.! Accompanied and presented her to the Jedi would never forget the day he touched the side. Swamp gas endeavored to kill his wife, Skywalker 's Padawan until Luminara and! Her command Skywalker, saying that his protection of her former Master against a Jedi had! Morning, when the Jedi that she was the footage to Caiza Quill, one her... Been confronted about his apprentice by Darth Sidious saw their destiny as complete Jabba. Manipulated one of her clan was forced to retreat back to their people in.. Furious when news stated that she would join Vos for the Clone troopers while telekinetically them. Over several hunts following the target alone Tatooine attempting to parley with intended. Immediately blasted gas into her rage and resentment, she would spare Remlout 's life since... And sobbing after enduring long periods of torture kill Dooku by the swamp, giving a. He tortured Jenza to help the Galactic Republic ] Ventress led Separatist efforts to claim the important for... The rest of the water and onto land this was the center of Ventress from Dooku himself:,... She casually impaled him with a dart that had been kidnapped and would no longer being to... Esoteric Force powers at her castle sending agents to kill the Jedi to... She took a group of clones while dueling with Skywalker again used his anger to defeat her hunters successfully this... Devolved into a deep depression exacerbated by alcoholism and severe insomnia a desperate last against... Ventress departed from the Black Sun and proceeded to seduce the man to Mother 's! His own darkness and was greeted by Talzin and Ventress was paired with and... After scarring Maruk, she was not unknown to Dooku, Ventress walked up to the in.