The company even employs a secret shopper’s service to make sure drivers address customers by name and follow the script. Международная сеть пиццерий. “If we can succeed in this market, I’m sure we can draw the attention of American entrepreneurs to our franchise,” he says. “We already sold six pizzas in 1 ½ half hours using a drone—it’s a real business model,” a Dodo Pizza manager told the press at the time. Get any personal pizza, any side and a small drink for just $15. That’s why to train our AI we collected over 300 000 cooking recipes. If it takes a long time for the pizza to be prepared, you hear a disapproving sound. D. DoDo. Urmărește-ne pentru oferte, promoții și reduceri! We decided not to use pre-trained word2vec models because the semantic structure of the recipe is different from simple texts. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Sprinkle with salt, to taste. For sample recipes, we knew their connection to real clusters. These graphs show differences in people’s taste preferences by country and differences in the way they combine ingredients. And, like Jobs, he’s a shrewd innovator with a knack for pulling talented people into his orbit—and motivating them to rewrite the rules. Simply irresistible. Dodo’s IT platform, for example, tracks how long pizza slices have been out on the counter—and shows that info to customers in real time. Our small size today is our advantage. This recipe is my favourite one for pizza dough. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "dodopizza" Flickr tag. But even now, artificial intelligence can solve complicated problems and analyze unstructured data sets. Various locations offer varying levels of service, from delivery and carryout only to dine-in, with menus offering up to 18 kinds of pizza as well as the popular Dodster, a baked chicken and mozzarella wrap that accounts for 10% of the company’s sales. … “It coalesces tablets in the kitchens, our computers, our customers’ and delivery drivers’ mobile devices, our website and our call center, all into one network,” he says. Every location offers online ordering, and a national call center fields all phone orders. Growth like that suggests Dodo Pizza, despite its famously doomed namesake and mascot, is in no danger of going extinct. Here is one of the best recipes we've come up with after a lot of failures. Our main product is franchises, the core of which is our IT system in SaaS.”, SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a cloud-based method of providing access to software and its functions from anywhere and at any time. We decided to use artificial intelligence to find the wildest combinations of ingredients that nevertheless will be considered delicious by most of the people. Divinity recipe A former bookstore chain magnate, Ovchinnikov found himself out of work in 2010, thanks to an overly aggressive development strategy and the global recession. Being the largest pizza company in Russia and Kazakhstan, Dodo Pizza is currently present in a total of 12 countries, mainly in Eastern Europe, as well as in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and China. Powered by Web Publisher PRO, “[With a webcam in every kitchen] we show our customers that we have nothing to hide from them, and we show our employees that we don’t hide anything from our customers. Fixed price. We've tested hundreds of recipes to found a way to make it better by using twice as much water and fermenting it for 24 hours. It currently has 43 franchise and five corporate-owned locations in Russia, Romania and Kazakhstan. Multiple Owners • Follow All Following All Unfollow All . Fixed price of $19. To identify the pizza subspace, we ran the pizza recipes through two recurring neural networks. “We show our customers that we have nothing to hide from them, and we show our employees that we don’t hide anything from our customers. Discover; Live; Jobs; Download on the App Store; Get it on Google Play Sign Up . Fried plantains recipe are the original African food commonly called dodo in Nigeria is a top side dish recipe in restaurants, parties, and the likes, especially in most Nigerian mama put bukar outlets. The study found that the ingredients with the most common molecular pairs form the best combinations. The video game system is still in the works, but even without it, Dodo Pizza thrives on technology. Международная сеть пиццерий. By adjusting the coefficients, the neural network can produce both classic recipes such as margaritas or pepperoni, and such unusual recipes, one of which is the heart of Opensource Pizza. It was tailor-made for us by Mutti, an Italian company that is more than a century old and one of the leaders in the pizza sauce industry. “They don’t just observe—they make pizzas themselves,” he notes. For all recipes, we knew determined clusters they were corresponded to. “We could have settled for less and gotten away with it—our level of service is exceptional compared to competitors in Russia,” he says. Check out our combos. Показываем в прямом эфире, как готовим вашу пиццу If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. In our poster, he says, ‘Let’s make corn for free!’” Kruschev’s corn initiative famously bombed, but maybe he was just ahead of his time: Corn on the cob has become a popular side item at Dodo Pizza. Jan 20, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Adam Vesecky. Many stores teach pizza making workshops for kids, while some host balloon artists on Sundays. The recipes at the input of the first neural network and at the output of the second one should have matched. See what Dodo (sdorisle) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. It may be hard to believe but we did it. Быстрая бесплатная доставка домой и в офис. Also, each topic has a class that describes it best. “These people believed we could change the industry to create something new. Tucked away in a cramped basement, the store offered delivery only. Ovchinnikov will stick with his model of transparency, sharing the new store’s sales figures, expenses, profits and losses on the Internet. Blogging for Dollars. Dodo Pizza / Open Source Pizza. Creative (الاعلان)فن وابداع. That blog proved to be a powerful PR and recruiting tool. Save. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.”, Still relatively new to capitalism, many Russian companies lag behind their Western counterparts in terms of solid business practices. But the mastermind behind Dodo Pizza also brings fresh thinking and an outsider’s perspective to the pizza franchise business. 1 / 6. Attracting customers is only part of the equation. (He was even featured in a Russian best seller called Nerds Do Business, Too.) The … Žiūrėkite tiesiogiai internete, kaip ruošiama Jūsų pica virtuvėje. “I quit the book business with no capital and started looking for a business that I could devote most of my life to,” he recalls. “Every franchisee has to spend a month at a store and go through our training program,” Ovchinnikov says. Пицца от 245 рублей. From kitchens to corporate offices, from one franchise location to another, everything at Dodo Pizza is connected through this complex IT system. Don’t miss out on pizza news, special offers, or insider info with our weekly “Many companies try to go where the competition is weak. Work fast with our official CLI. To present the recipe in a form understandable to the neural network, we used Skip-Gram Negative Sampling (SGNS) — an algorithm of word2vec, based on the occurrence of words in context. Peel them, and slice horizontally then vertically into half-moon shapes about 3/4-inch wide. Быстрая бесплатная доставка домой и в офис. Показываем в прямом эфире, как готовим вашу пиццу Such vectors can contain a lot of specific information about the image. One campaign featured Nikita Kruschev, the Cold War leader who tried to introduce corn to the U.S.S.R. “This was a promotion for our new product, corn on the cob, that we presented last year,”Ovchinnikovsays. Rather than taking a chance on buying a POS system and waiting for new apps to be developed, Ovchinnikov aimed to build his own customized—and highly adaptable—system. 0 . e-newsletter, Copyright 2021 PMQ. Spread tomato sauce in a thin layer over rolled out pizza dough and add mozzarella . Based on this, the AI has learned to find non-obvious connections between ingredients and understand how to pair the ingredients and how the presence of each influences the combinations of all the others. Renowned for its guerilla marketing techniques, Dodo Pizza, headquartered in Syktyvkar, Russia, made international headlines last year for the country’s first drone delivery. It’s like a computer game!”, Many employees, oddly enough, aren’t motivated by the prospect of getting a raise later if they work faster now, Ovchinnikov says. Open Source Pizza is licensed under MIT License. “The red icon means it took too long to prepare the pizza—this is bad. He wants his kitchen crew to “work like the pit stop team at a Formula 1 race,” he says. and that you should share. Appreciate. A green icon signifies that the pizza was prepared quickly—this is good. Bloomberg published a profile over the weekend of Fyodor Ovchinnikov, founder of The number of pizza recipes is much lower than the recipes for meat or chicken dishes or desserts. And this uncompromising attitude attracts customers—they are sure of our quality. And with these models, we could lose important information. Learn about Integration proceess → 60. Can a chain of over 600 outlets shut down all dining rooms and still remain profitable? Carsmels الكراميل. We welcome strong competition—this is how we can gain knowledge, toughen up and fine-tune our business model.”. For this purpose, we assumed that in the whole recipe space there is a subspace that corresponds to the pizza recipes. The Russian franchise chain recently opened its first self-run operation in the spa town of Lemington Spa, UK, and is unveiling a new concept following its German launch in November. But that’s just for starters. “We want to arrange the whole system in this game format,” he adds. “We used a popular image of Kruschev, who was a real fan of corn. Our main product is franchises, the core of which is our [cloud-based] IT system.”, How to Get Your Coronavirus Money: Live Video Q&A with Michael Rasmussen of HiTechCPA, Eric Greenwald of Grimaldi’s: Use Instagram Live to Connect With Customers During Pandemic, Why Pizzerias Should Double Down on Marketing – Mindfully – During the Coronavirus. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio, spinach, cheese, tomato, black_olive, olive, garlic, pepper, basil, citrus, melon, sprout, buttermilk, lemon, bass, nut, rutabaga, onion, tomato, olive, black_pepper, bread, dough, chicken, onion, black_olive, cheese, sauce, tomato, olive_oil, mozzarella_cheese, tomato, butter, cream_cheese, pepper, olive_oil, cheese, black_pepper, mozzarella_cheese. He’s quick to laugh and crack jokes through his translator, Emiliano Ananyin. (Clockwise from top left) With live-streaming webcams in every Dodo Pizza kitchen, customers can place an order and watch online as their pizzas get made; a pizza maker preps a pie at a Dodo Pizza Express shop located in a shopping mall; Kids get VIP treatment with pizza making classes and other activities. Can't be combined with any other offer. This is a field test—not many entrepreneurs are eager to come in and mop the floor. Averigua lo que Dodo (dreamcitybcn) ha descubierto en Pinterest, la mayor colección de ideas del mundo. Dodo Paradižnikova omaka, črne olive, goveje mleto meso, mozzarella, rdeča čebula, šunka, suha salama, paprika, šampinjoni Apple pie فطيرة التفاح. A video released on Youtube and other video sites depicted a city park filled with young Russians staring inwonder at the sky as a drone flew down with a stack of pizza boxes. Our franchisees are not just investors who easily invest money and wait for ROI. Half-and-half pizza interface in the Dodo app Kitchen Ready for Customization! That means Dodo pizza makers can’t hide behind closed doors while topping dough skins and peeling pies out of the ovens. This way we can determine if the objects are described correctly. In the kitchen, visual guides on the walls help pizza makers learn the correct portioning and placement of ingredients for every pizza type. (Left to right) PMQ publisher Steve Green visited Dodo Pizza with founder Fedor Ovchinnikov during a trip to Russia last year. 23 ingredients supported Up to 17 per machine. Dodo's Signature Combo Medium Supreme pizza + Medium Chicken BBQ pizza + 2L Drink for $24.90 (instead of $33.49). Dodo Pizza in UK. “At the same time, they’re inventing ways to make our processes more efficient, more convenient and more transparent.”, Although Ovchinnikov isn’t a programmer himself, the system is his baby, and he’s clearly proud of it. Ideal for 6 hungry & thirsty people. Recipe generation. We used two recurring neural networks to create new recipes. “Dodo Pizza can be considered a cyborg company because we are both an IT company and a pizza company. How Will the Senate’s Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Benefit Pizzerias? Because similar objects (the same cheeses) must remain similar, no matter how we describe them. This year has posed many challenges to us. cookie الكوكيز. He speaks only haltingly in English, but he’s working on learning the language. Therefore, when creating the recipe, the neural network preferred ingredients with a similar molecular structure. “This openness attracts partners, investors and suppliers,” Ovchinnikov says. Tarptautinis picerijų tinklas. Order for delivery or carryout—any time and any day of the week. He even publishes a monthly P&L report on the Dodo Pizza website. This recipe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The bonus doubles, and trumpets play!”. Discover (and save!) Save up to 20%, when ordering our combos! Work in the kitchen can be a fascinating game for them. “It’s pretty darn interesting to create such things!”. 197 . Various locations offer varying levels of service, from delivery and carryout only to dine-in, with menus offering up to 18 kinds of pizza as well as the popular Dodster, a baked chicken and mozzarella wrap that accounts for 10% of the company’s sales. And with his willingness to foster innovative technologies and push the boundaries of existing corporate paradigms, the company’s canny and visionary founder just may prove to be—as one PMQ staffer called him—“the Steve Jobs of pizza.”. To organize and structurally describe something that is considered chaotic and subjective — the taste. We need to make it so that it is interesting for the pizza makers to collect green smiles. “And I wrote about everything in my blog.”. Round spreading of the ingredients minimizes possible losses. Can not be combined with other deals and promos. By the end of 2015, he estimates a total of 75 stores will be in operation, while the company’s first American shop could open within the next year in Oxford, Mississippi (PMQ’s hometown). And he may end up teaching American operators a thing or two as well. The difficult part was not to collect them but to get them to the same form. Ovchinnikov wants to show them a better way, stressing consistency of quality, strict standards, efficiency and integrity across the board. We will search for business models with profitable unit economics, where customer value in the form of products and services is created on the spot, and franchising is more efficient than a corporation. The Western countries, whose markets the brand has made forays into, however, are the two largest and most competitive – the UK and the US. The second one received a latent vector from the first neural network and created a recipe based on it. Sprinkle with salt, to taste. Select Meal For Six + Drink Three medium pizzas, three sides and one large drink. Sign Up . Dodo Pizza is a pizza delivery franchise founded in 2011 by Fyodor Ovchinnikov. The country-specific recipes include a salami pizza and chicken & curry. For instance, chili pepper in recipes is listed as “chilli”, “chili”, “chiles” or even “chillis”. DoDo • 117 Pins. Dodo Pizza: Premiere in Germany. Dodo Pizza founderFedorOvchinnikoveven pokes fun at once-sacred Soviet Union institutions. Is it possible to launch projects in three days when it normally takes six months? Karštos picos pristatymas į namus ar biurą. Dodo Pizza believes that. He has also tasked his IT crew to develop a program that will incentivize pizza makers to work faster and more efficiently in the kitchen. Most pizzeria employees know they’ll make the same money whether they work quickly or slowly. DoDo 's best boards. The first one received the pizza recipe and found its representation as a latent vector. Follow. Choose between your favourite pizzas and sides. However, it is the combinations of molecularly similar ingredients that we need to see when we convert the ingredients into mathematics. Managers try to rally their young line workers to move faster and more efficiently, but with varying degrees of success. In a country notorious for harboring dark secrets, Ovchinnikov believes transparency helps build a corporate brand that people trust. All cheeses have the same molecular composition, but that doesn’t mean good combinations may only come from the closest ingredients. Dodo Pizza Antakalnio: Dodo Pizza - See 21 traveler reviews, 13 candid photos, and great deals for Vilnius, Lithuania, at Tripadvisor. Peel them, and slice horizontally then vertically into half-moon shapes about 3/4-inch wide. And Ovchinnikov is just getting warmed up. Karštos picos pristatymas į namus ar biurą. Ovchinnikov doesn’t simply tell you that Dodo’s kitchens are clean and his workers practice good hygiene.