Accessed 27 Jan. 2021. They grow from a … Treatment consists of numbing or diverting pain receptors in the body or cutting off the offending organ. The Statue of Liberty at the entrance to New York Harbor, showing the goddess as enlightening the world, is the picture of an idea that nearly everybody understands. Delivered to your inbox! As Cain and Abel it is developing the idea of self-preservation from the standpoint of personality. The waters of life are thus changed into wine, or are given elements of greater stimulating, life-giving power than they possessed before they passed through the vibration of the voice. Who the individual was, who his father or mother was, what his occupation was, who his associates were--all these things are modifying factors that we must consider in working out the true character definitions and the metaphysical interpretations as they relate to man generally. We have found in interpreting Bible names that there are varying phases or shades of meaning connected with some of them, beyond that conveyed in the strict definition of the name word. Learn a new word every day. spiritual and mental formulas that we all can apply and thus be healed of our sins and ills of mind and body; by following Him as Guide, Teacher, and Helper we can finally attain the perfect expression of the divine-ideal man imaged by Elohim in the 1st chapter of Genesis. . God designed and created the universe based on mathematical laws and numbers, principles that continue to govern the entire creation. We are always pleased when any one learns to go within and get his inspiration direct from his own indwelling Lord or Spirit of truth. Wherever this version gives a spelling different from that set forth in the King James, or Authorized, Version, both are given. The lights in the firmament, one to rule the day and the other to rule the night, are ideas of intelligent action (lights) in both the conscious and subconscious realms of mind. Unlike other dream interpretation websites or books we extensively research dream symbols by interviewing people about the events occurring in their lives at the time of their dreams. The key to the mystical theme of the New Testament is found in the spiritual nature of its star character, Jesus Christ. At Energy Muse, our gemstones and crystals have healing properties that help to balance the body, mind, and spirit. 7 Colors And Their Spiritual Meanings – You see colors everyday of your life, but not everyone of us knows that these colors can influence us. 25:2 And five of them were foolish, and five were wise. A totem is a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol of a tribe, clan, family or individual.Some Native American tribe’s tradition provides that each person is connected with nine different animals that will accompany him or her through life, acting as guides. The name of each person and of everything in the Scriptures has an inner meaning, a clew to which may be found in any teachers' Bible under such a head as "Names and Their Meanings." Dream Moods is the number one free online source you need to discover the meanings to your dreams. Through this center are gradually generated the elements that go to make up the spiritualized body of the Christ man. The Arabic word for five, Hamsa with the evil eye is the … The diacritical marks employed are those used in the American Standard Version. So we understand that the first miracle of Jesus (the I AM), the turning of water into wine in Cana of Galilee, represents the change that goes on in the waters of life, or the nerve fluids, as they are brought into vibration by a spiritually quickened man or woman. Bird Spirit is the perfect symbol for freedom and perspective. Ever a guiding light to psychic practitioners, and a beautiful crystal for use in jewelry … In connection with this miracle there is a still more interior meaning. In a few cases we have found two names alike, apparently, but separated and having entirely different meanings. There are many metaphysical interpretations of this story but we can create our own as a contemplative device. The esoteric meaning of numbers can be a real code-cracker of our life experience. Waters represent changing conditions, which are a necessary part of creation; but when faith establishes itself and separates what is above (spiritual) from what is below (material) the result is harmony or heaven. Birds’ Symbolic Meanings as Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals. The Christ claimed also that Moses wrote of Him, again identifying Jehovah and Christ. We could go on thus through all the Bible, but the foregoing is enough to show how we see in the Bible symbolical pictures showing the growth and unfoldment of the latent spiritual power in man up to the time when he comes into manifestation of the perfect "image" and "likeness" in which he was created. By "metaphysical" we refer to the inner or esoteric meaning of the name defined, as it applies to every unfolding individual and to his relation to God. Check out our ever expanding dream dictionary, fascinating discussion forums, and other interesting topics related to dreaming The means by which this purification can be accomplished and the power thus acquired are also explained in the symbolism of the Old Testament. By doing this a person will come to appreciate, as he can in no other way, the patient, faithful effort that culminates in the production of such books as this one. This reference is either to the place where the name first appears, to that which explains most clearly the historical facts regarding the person or place for whom or which the name stands, or to the passage discussed in the metaphysical interpretation. Healing Crystals and Stones Meanings and Healing & Metaphysical Properties . The Meaning and Interpretation of Spiritual Egg Cleansing. Traditionally, the first five books of the Old Testament, the Torah, from Hebrew, meaning instruction, or Pentateuch, from Greek, meaning five Scrolls, were written by Moses. To all mankind, and for the highest spiritual attainment and good of every individual, this volume is lovingly and prayerfully dedicated. Amethyst. However, you have to keep in mind several things before you commit to a spiritual tattoo. There is something pretty and shiny for everyone Scroll down to find the healing crystal you’re looking for and click on the image or link to read all about the stone’s meaning and healing properties! If he does not wish to accept our interpretations, but would rather do his own thinking, entirely apart from our suggestions, we fully recognize his right to do so. On the one hand this name could be an expression for benign ruler ship, kingly qualities, lawful possession, and the like; on the other hand it could stand for despotism, usurpation, extreme selfishness. These character indexes, which we call names, might therefore be symbolic of divers phases of Truth or error, and different applications of it. What made you want to look up metaphysical? Thus we may have two or more men with identical names, each of whom may relate to a different line of thought and develop very different characteristics. Whether he was a king, a prince, a priest, a governor, a freeman, or a slave makes a difference in the importance or influence of the idea that he represents. An entire volume could easily be devoted to one name, in many cases. Following the biographical sketch of a name comes the metaphysical interpretation. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! The metaphysical gifts and attributes of animals are blessings from the divine realm. for Aramaic, (Gk.) The metaphysical meaning behind anything that could go wrong with your hands and fingers revolves around dissatisfaction. In presenting these methods of interpretation we have endeavored to give with each one sufficient explanation to enable the student to get an idea as to how and why we arrive at given metaphysical conclusions. The firmament in the midst of the waters is an idea of confidence or faith in the invisible. Pink. The awesome complexity of the earth itself, as well as the infinite vastness of the universe (which man cannot even begin to comprehend), are silent witnesses of the existence and wisdom of a Master Creator. The American Standard Version spelling is shown first, and is followed by that of the Authorized Version in parentheses, thus: Zerubbabel (A. V., Zorobabel). An instance of this kind is found in Abel, second son of Adam, which should be spelled Hebel, and Abel, the name of several villages. It gives rules for working out every mental state that may be found in the mind. Many authorities and lexicons have been consulted in the preparation of this part of the work. Furthermore the social status of the individual whose name is being analyzed and interpreted has to be considered. Apart from its being a book of great historical and biographical interest, the Bible is, from Genesis to Revelation, in its inner or spiritual meaning, a record of the experiences and the development of the human soul and of the whole being of man; also it is a treatise on man's relation to God, the Creator and Father. Every so-called miracle of His points to the transformation of some function of the body consciousness. “Metaphysical.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, A free online A to Z dream dictionary dedicated to helping people understand the meaning of their dreams. African American Leaders in Unity to 1989, Steps to annotate the Fillmore Study Bible. The Israelite would relate to the religious tendencies, either intellectual or spiritual; the Gentile would relate to some phase of the outer man--perhaps to the carnal, sensual, or purely material if he were an enemy of the Israelites. This interpretation is headed Meta .. an abbreviation of "metaphysical." relating to or concerned with metaphysics (of a statement or theory) having the form of an empirical hypothesis, but in fact immune from empirical testing and therefore (in the view of the logical … The word "metaphysics" comes from two Greek words that, together, literally mean "after or behind or among [the study of] the natural". In forming the foundations for the metaphysical interpretations, great care has been exercised. First of all, never have a spiritual tattoo on the lower part of the body. Christ is the Greek form of the Hebrew Messiah, and the Messiah is the anointed of God, or God identified as perfect man. Slippery Words Quiz—Changing with the Times. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'metaphysical.' As many people in the spiritual world know, everything happens for a reason. In this dictionary the aim has been to clarify. The interpretations given are suggestions, by no means final. Question arises as to how this doctrine was, and is, applied to the restoration of man's body. Here is our guide to the most commonly used precious stones and semi-precious gemstones, crystals, and minerals and a list of their metaphysical symbolism, healing properties, powers, and spiritual meaning. The Hebrew Scriptures give a series of pictures representing those ideas. In this dictionary, Mr. Fillmore's interpretations, which have appeared in Unity magazine and in other Unity literature from time to time, have been used. The following is a reference list for physical aches, pains, and illnesses, along with what your body is … This is due to the spelling in translations, which cannot or does not convey the differences in the Hebrew spelling. Many of the Hebrew words that form the basis of proper names derive from pure abstractions, and thus have acceptations that may be either good or bad. Here are some simple yet powerful charts and explanation of metaphysical meaning of pain in and on our body parts. As stated before, this book is not final in the field that it covers; at best it is only a stepping-stone to the higher realm of spiritual consciousness, toward attainment of the mind "which was also in Christ Jesus.". for Hebrew, (Aram.) Stretch those wings and get ready to soar! His occupation is also taken into consideration. These simple ideas, out of which more or less complex expressions have often developed, have been given first; in each case definitions that have developed out of the root idea are given in sequence. In order to bring forth great results the mind must realize its innate thinking capacity to be great. Interpreters of Jesus have given slight value to the part that the body plays in the redemption of man, but Jesus Christ plainly teaches that the whole man--spirit, soul, and body--must be redeemed from the effects of sin. Earth represents material thoughts. We do not wish to convey the impression, however, that the reader will find herein presented the beginning and the end of all Bible symbology and of the phases of Truth that may be developed from it. aaron aarons-rod abaddon abagtha abanah abarim abba abda abdeel abdi abdi2 abdiel abdon abed-nego abel abel2 abel-beth-maacah abel-cheramim abel-meholah abel-mizraim abel-shittim abi abi-albon abiasaph abiathar abib abida abidan abiel abiezer abigail abihail abihu abihud abijah abijam abilene abimael abimelech abinadab abinoam abiram abishag abishai abishalom abishua abishur abital abitub abiud abner abraham abram absalom accad acco achaia achan achbor achim achish achmetha achor achsah achshaph achzib adah adaiah adalia adam adamah adar adbeel addar addi addon adiel adin adina adino adlai admah adnah adoni-bezek adonijah adonikam adoniram adoni-zedek adoraim adrammelech adramyttium adria adriel adullam adummim aeneas aenon agabus agag agagite agee agrippa agur ahab aharah aharhel ahasbai ahasuerus ahava ahaz ahaziah ahban aher ahi ahiam ahian ahiezer ahihud ahijah ahikam ahilud ahimaaz ahiman ahimelech ahimoth ahinadab ahinoam ahio ahira ahiram ahisamach ahishahar ahishar ahithophel ahitub ahlab ahlai ahoah ahumai ahuzzam ahzai ahuzzath ai aiah aijalon ain akan akeldama akkub akrabbim alemeth alexander alexandria allammelech allemeth allon allon-bacuth almodad almon almon-diblathaim alpha alphaeus altar alush alvah alvan amad amal amalek amalekites amam amana amariah amasa amasai amashsai amasiah amaziah amittai ammah ammi ammiel ammihud amminadab ammishaddai ammizabad ammon ammonites amnon amon amorites amos amoz amphipolis ampliatus amram amramites amraphel amzi anab anah anaharath anaiah anak anakim anamim anammelech anan ananiah ananias anath anathoth andrew andronicus anem aner angel aniam anim anna annas anointed-ones anthothijah antichrist antioch antipas anub apelles apharsathchites aphek aphekah aphiah aphik apollonia apollos apollyon appaim apphia appius aquila ar arab arabah arabia arabians arad arah aram aram-maacah aram-naharaim aram-zobah aran ararat araunah arba arbathite archelaus archevites archippus archite ard ardon areli areopagite areopagus aretas argob aridai aridatha arieh ariel arimathaea arioch arisai aristarchus aristobulus ark arkite armoni arnan arni arnon arod aroer aroerite arpachshad arpad artaxerxes artemas artemis arubboth arumah arvad arvadite arza asa asahel asaiah asaph asarel ascension asenath ashan asharelah ashbea ashbel ashdod ashdodites asher asherah asherim asherites asheroth ashhur ashima ashkelon ashkenaz ashnah ashpenaz ashtaroth ashterathite ashteroth-karnaim ashtoreth ashurites ashvath asia asiarchs asiel asnah aspatha asriel asshur asshurim assir assos assyria asyncritus atad atarah ataroth ataroth-addar ater athach athaiah athaliah atharim athens athlai atonement atroth-beth-joab atroth-shophan attai attalia augustus aven avith avva avvim avvites azaliah azaniah azarel azariah azaz azazel azaziah azbuk azekah azel azgad aziel aziza azmaveth azmon aznoth-tabor azor azotus azriel azrikam azubah azzan azzur, baal baalah baalath baalath-beer baal-berith baale-judah baal-gad baal-hamon baal-hanan baal-hazor baal-hermon baalis baal-meon baal-peor baal-perazim baal-shalishah baal-tamar baal-zebub baal-zephon baana baanah baara baaseiah baasha babel babylon baharumite bahurim bakbakkar bakbuk bakbukiah balaam baladan balah balak bamah bamoth bamoth-baal bani baptism barabbas barachel barachiah barak barbarian barhumite bariah bar-jesus bar-jonah barkos barnabas barsabbas bartholomew bartimaeus baruch barzillai basemath bashan baskets bath-rabbim bath-sheba bath-shua bavvai bayith bazlith bealiah bealoth bear bebai becher becherites becorath bedad bedan bedeiah beeliada beelzebub beelzebul beer beera beer-elim beeri beer-lahai-roi beeroth beeroth-bene-jaakan beerothite beer-sheba be-eshterah being beka bel bela belial belshazzar belteshazzar ben ben-abinadab benaiah ben-ammi ben-deker bene-berak bene-jaakan ben-geber ben-hadad ben-hail ben-hanan ben-hur beninu benjamin benjamite beno ben-oni ben-zoheth beon beor bera beracah beraiah berechiah bered beri beriah beriites bernice berodach-baladan beroea berothai besai besodeiah besor betah beten beth-anath beth-anoth bethany beth-arabah beth-arbel beth-aven beth-azmaveth beth-barah beth-biri beth-car beth-dagon beth-diblathaim beth-eden beth-el beth-emek bethesda beth-ezel beth-gader beth-gamul beth-haccherem beth-haram beth-haran beth-hoglah beth-horon beth-jeshimoth beth-lebaoth bethlehem beth-maacah beth-marcaboth beth-meon beth-merhak beth-nimrah beth-pazzez beth-pelet beth-peor bethphage beth-rapha beth-rehob bethsaida beth-shean beth-shemesh beth-shittah beth-tappuah bethuel bethul beth-zur betonim beulah bezai bezalel bezek bezer bichri bidkar bigtha bigthan bigthana bigvai bildad bileam bilgah bilhah bilhan bilshan bimhal binea binnui birsha birzaith bishlam bithiah bithron bithynia biziothiah biztha blasphemy blastus blind blind-beggar blind-eyes blood-of-christ boanerges boat boaz bocheru bochim body bohan book-of-the-law booths bozez bozkath bozrah bread breaking-of-bread brethren bukki bukkiah bul bullock bunah bunni burning-bush buz buzi buzite, cabbon cabul caesar caesarea caesarea-philippi caiaphas cain cainan calah calcol caleb caleb-ephrathah calneh calno camel cana canaan canaanite canaanitess candace candlestick canneh capernaum caphtor caphtorim cappadocia carcas carchemish carmel carmelite carmelitess carmi carmites carpus carshena casiphia casluhim cauda cenchreae centurion cephas chaldea chaldeans chaldees chariots chebar chedorlaomer chelal cheluhi chelub chelubai chemarim chemosh chenaanah chenani chenaniah chephar-ammoni chephirah cheran cherethites cherith cherub cherubim chesalon chesed chesil chesulloth chezib chidon chileab chilion chilmad chimham chinnereth chinneroth chios chislev chislon chisloth-tabor chloe chorazin chosen-people christ church chuzas cilicia circumcision cities city claudia claudius claudius-lysias clement cleopas clopas cloud coat coats-of-skins cnidus colhozeh colossae colossians comforter conaniah coniah consciousness corinth corinthians cornelius cos cosam council covenant cozeba creation crescens cretans crete crispus cross crucifixion cub cun cup cush cushan cushan-rishathaim cushi cushite cuth cymbals cyprus cyrene cyrenians cyrus, dabbesheth daberath dagon dalmanutha dalmatia dalphon damaris damascenes damascus dan daniel danites dan-jaan dannah dara darda darius darkness darkon dathan david day day-star dead deaf death debir debir2 deborah decapolis dedan dedanites dehaites delaiah delilah demas demetrius demons derbe desert-places deuel deuteronomy devil diana diblah diblaim dibon dibon-gad dibri didymus diklah dilean dimnah dimon dimonah dinah dinaites dinhabah dionysius diotrephes disciples dishan dishon divine-mind di-zahab doctors dodai dodanim dodavahu dodo doeg door-of-the-temple dophkah dor dorcas dothan drusilla dumah dura dying, east eating ebal ebed ebed-melech eben-ezer eber ebez ebiasaph ecbatana ecclesiastes ed eden eder edom edomites edrei eglah eglaim eglon egypt egyptian ehi ehud eker ekron ekronites elah elam elamites elasah elath el-berith el-bethel eldaah eldad elders elead eleadah elealeh eleasah eleazar el-elohe-israel eleph elhanan eli eliab eliada eliahba eliakim eliam eliasaph eliashib eliathah elidad eliehoenai eliel elienai eliezer elihoreph elihu elijah elika elim elimelech elioenai eliphal eliphaz eliphelehu eliphelet elisabeth elisha elishah elishaphat elisheba elishua eliud elizaphan elizur elkanah elkoshite ellasar elmadam elnaam elnathan eloi elon elon-beth-hanan elonites eloth elpaal el-paran elpelet elteke eltekon eltolad elul eluzai elymas elzaphan emek-keziz emim emmaus enam enan end-of-world en-dor en-eglaim en-gannim en-gedi en-haddah en-hakkore en-hazor en-mishpat enoch enosh en-rimmon en-rogel en-shemesh en-tappuah epaenetus epaphras epaphroditus ephah ephai epher ephes-dammim ephesians ephesus ephlal ephod ephphatha ephraim ephraimite ephrath ephrathah ephron epicurean er eran eranites erastus erech eri erites error esar-haddon esau esek eshan eshbaal eshban eshcol eshek eshtaol eshtaolites eshtemoa eshtemoh eshton esli esther etam etham ethan ethanim ethbaal ether ethiopia ethiopians ethnan ethni eubulus eunice eunuch euodia euphrates euraquilo eutychus eve evi evil-merodach exodus ezbai ezbon ezekiel ezel ezem ezer ezion-geber eznite ezra ezrahite ezri, faculties false-prophets fasting father fear feast feeding-the-five-thousand feet felix festus fire firmament fish flaming-sword flocks flood fortunatus forty-days-and-forty-nights fruit-of-the-vine, gaal gaash gabbai gabbatha gabriel gad gadarenes gaddi gaddiel gadi gadites gaham gahar gaius galal galatia galatians galeed galilaeans galilee gallim gallio gamaliel gamul gareb garmite gashmu gatam gath gath-hepher gath-rimmon gaza gazez gazzam geba gebal gebim gedaliah geder gederah gederathite gederite gederoth gederothaim gedor gehazi gehenna geliloth gemalli gemariah genesis gennesaret gentiles genubath gera gerar gerasenes gerizim gershom gershon gershonites geshan geshem geshur geshurites gether gethsemane geuel gezer giah gibbar gibbethon gibea gibeah gibeath gibeathite gibeon gibeonites giddalti giddel gideon gideoni gidom gifts gihon gilalai gilboa gilead gileadite gilgal giloh gilonite gimzo ginath ginnethoi girgashite girzites gishpa gittaim gittith gizonite goah goat gob god gog goiim golan golden-calf golgotha goliath gomer gomorrah goshen gospel gozan graven-image great-supper greece greek gudgodah gulf guni gunites gur gur-baal, haahashtari habakkuk habazziniah habor hacaliah hachilah hachmoni hachmonite hadad hadadezer hadadrimmon hadar hadarezer hadashah hadassah hades hadid hadlai hadoram hadrach hagab hagaba hagar haggai haggi haggiah haggites haggith hagri hagrites hakkatan hakkoz hakupha halah halak halhul hali hallelujah hallohesh ham haman hamath hamathite hamath-zobah hammath hammedatha hammelech hammolecheth hammon hammoth-dor hammuel hamonah hamon-gog hamor hamul hamulites hamutal hanamel hanan hananel hanani hananiah hanes hannah hannathon hanniel hanoch hanochites hanun hapharaim happizzez hara haradah haran hararite harbonah hareph harhaiah harhas harhur harim hariph harnepher harod harodite haroeh harorite harosheth harsha harum harumaph haruphite haruz hasadiah hashabiah hashabnah hashabneiah hashbaddanah hashem hashmonah hashubah hashum hasrah hassenaah hassenuah hasshub hassophereth hasupha hathach hathath hatipha hatita hattil hattush hauran havilah havvoth-jair hazael hazaiah hazar-addar hazar-enan hazar-gaddah hazarmaveth hazar-shual hazar-susim hazazon-tamar hazer-hatticon hazeroth haziel hazo hazor hazor-hadattah hazzelelponi heaven heaven-and-earth heber heberites hebrew hebrewess hebron hebronites hegai heifer helah helam helbah helbon heldai heleb heled helek helekites helem heleph helez heli helkai helkath helkath-hazzurim hell helon heman hemdan hen hena henadad hepher hepherites hephzi-bah heres heresh hereth hermas hermes hermogenes hermon hermons herod herodians herodias herodion heshbon heshmon heth hethlon hezekiah hezion hezir hezro hezron hezronites hiddai hiddekel hiel hierapolis higgaion hilen hilkiah hillel hinnom hirah hiram hittites hivite hizkiah hobab hobah hobaiah hod hodaviah hodesh hodevah hodiah hoglah hoham holon holy-ground holy-spirit homam hophni hophra hor horam horeb horem hor-haggidgad hori horites hormah horonaim horonite hosah hosanna hosea hoshaiah hoshama hoshea host-of-heaven hotham hothir hukkok hukok hul huldah humtah hupham huphamites huppah huppim hur hurai huram huri hushah hushai husham hushathite hushim hymenaeus hypocrite, i-am ibhar ibleam ibneiah ibnijah ibri ibzan ichabod iconium idalah idbash iddo idea idol idumaea igdaliah iim ijon ikkesh ilai illyricum imla immanuel immer imna imnah imrah imri incense india inn intellect intellectual-understanding intuition iphdeiah ir ira irad iram iri irijah ir-nahash iron irpeel ir-shemesh iru isaac isaiah iscah iscariot ishbah ishbak ishbi-benob ish-bosheth ishhod ishi ishi2 ishma ishmael ishmaelites ishmaiah ishmerai ishpah ishpan ishvah ishvi ismachiah israel israelites israelitish issachar isshiah italian italy ithai ithamar ithiel ithmah ithnan ithra ithran ithream ithrite ittai ituraea ivvah iye-abarim iyim izhar izharites izrahiah izrahite izri, jaakan jaakobah jaala jaare-oregim jaareshiah jaasiel jaasu jaazaniah jaaziah jaaziel jabal jabbok jabesh jabesh-gilead jabez jabin jabneel jabneh jacan jachin jachinites jacob jacobs-well jada jaddua jadon jael jagur jah jahath jahaz jahaziel jahdai jahdiel jahdo jahleel jahleelites jahmai jahzah jahzeel jahzeelites jahzeiah jahzerah jahziel jailor jair jairite jairus jakeh jakim jalon jambres james jamin jaminites jamlech janim jannai jannes janoah japheth japhia japhlet japhletites jarah jareb jared jarha jarib jarmuth jaroah jashar jashen jashobeam jashub jashubi-lehem jashubites jason jathniel jattir javan jazer jaziz jearim jeatherai jeberechiah jebus jebusite jechiliah jechoniah jecoliah jeconiah jedaiah jediael jedidah jedidiah jeduthun jegar-sahadutha jehallelel jehdeiah jehezkel jehiah jehiel jehieli jehizkiah jehoaddah jehoaddin jehoahaz jehoash jehohanan jehoiachin jehoiada jehoiakim jehoiarib jehonadab jehonathan jehoram jehoshabeath jehoshaphat jehosheba jehovah jehovah-jireh jehovah-nissi jehovah-shalom jehovah-shammah jehovahs-house jehozabad jehozadak jehu jehubbah jehucal jehud jehudi jeiel jekabzeel jekameam jekamiah jekuthiel jemimah jemuel jephthah jephunneh jerah jerahmeel jerahmeelites jered jeremai jeremiah jeremoth jeriah jeribai jericho jeriel jerijah jerimoth jerioth jeroboam jeroham jerubbaal jerubbesheth jeruel jerusalem jerusha jeshaiah jeshanah jesharelah jeshebeab jesher jeshishai jeshohaiah jeshua jeshurun jesimiel jesse jesus jether jetheth jethro jetur jeuel jeush jeuz jew jewels jewess jewish jews jezaniah jezebel jezer jezerites jeziel jezrahiah jezreel jezreelite jezreelitess jidlaph joab joah joahaz joanan joanna joash job jobab jochebed joda joel joelah joezer jogbehah jogli joha johanan john joiada joiakim joiarib jokdeam jokim jokmeam jokneam jokshan joktan joktheel jonadab jonah jonam jonathan jonath-elem-rehokim joppa jorah jorai joram jordan jorim jorkeam josech joseph joshah joshaphat joshaviah joshbekashah joshibiah joshua josiah josiphiah jotbah jotbathah jotham jozabad jozacar jozadak jubal jucal judaea judah judas jude judge judgment judith julia julius junias jupiter jushab-hesed justus jutah, kabzeel kadesh kadmiel kadmonite kain kallai kanah kareah karka karkor kartah kartan kattath kedar kedemah kedemoth kedesh kehelathah keilah kelaiah kelita kemuel kenan kenath kenaz kenites kenizzite keren-happuch kerioth kerioth-hezron keros keturah keys-of-the-kingdom keziah kibroth-hattaavah kibzaim kidron kinah kingdom-of-heaven kir kir-hareseth kir-heres kiriathaim kiriath kiriath-arba kiriath-arim kiriath-baal kiriath-huzoth kiriath-jearim kiriath-sannah kiriath-sepher kish kishi kishion kishon kitron kittim koa kohath kohathites kolaiah korah korahites kore kushaiah, laadah laban lachish ladan lael lahad lahmam lahmi laish laishah lakkum lamb-of-god lame lamech laodicea laodiceans lappidoth lasea lasha lassharon latin law lazarus leah leaven lebana lebanon lebaoth lebonah lecah lehabim lehi lemuel lepers leshem letushim leummim levi levites leviticus libertines libnah libni libnites light libyans likhi linus lion lo-ammi loaves-and-fishes lod lo-debar logos lois lo-ruhamah lord lords-supper lot lotan love lubim lucius lud ludim luhith luke luz lycaonia lycia lydda lydia lysanias lysias lystra, maacah maacathites maadai maadial maai maarath maasai maaseiah maath maaz maaziah macedonia macedonian machbannai machbena machi machir machirites machnadebai machpelah madai madmannah madmen madmenah madon magadan magbish magdalene magdiel magog magor-missabib magpiash mahalaleel mahalalel mahalath mahanaim mahaneh-dan maharai mahath mahavite mahazioth maher-shalal-hash-baz mahlah mahli mahlon mahol maid maiden makaz makheloth makkedah maktesh malachi malcam malchiel malchielites malchijah malchiram malchi-shua malchus malefactors mallothi malluch mammon mamre manaen manahath manahathites manasseh manassites manger manoah maoch maon maonites marriage mansions mara marah maralah marana-tha mareshah mark maroth marsena mars'-hill martha mary maschil mash mashal masrekah massa massah matred matrites mattan mattanah mattaniah mattatha mattathias mattattah mattenai matthan matthat matthew matthias mattithiah mazzaroth mearah mebunnai mecherathite meconah medad medan medeba medes media megiddo megiddon mehetabel mehir meholathite mehujael mehuman me-jarkon melatiah melchi melchizedek melea melita memphis memucan menahem mene menna menuhoth meonenim meonothai mephaath mephibosheth merab meraiah meraioth merari merarites merathaim mercury mered meremoth meres meribah merib-baal merodach merom meronothite meroz mesha meshach meshech meshelemiah meshezabel meshillemoth meshobab meshullam meshullemeth mesopotamia messiah methushael methuselah meunim me-zahab mezobaite mibhar mibsam mibzar mica micah micaiah michael michal michmas michmethath michri michtam middin midian midianites migdal-el migdal-gad migdol migron mijamin mikloth mikneiah milalai milcah milcom miletus millo mind miniamin minni miracles miriam mirmah misgab mishael mishal misham mishma mishmannah mishraites mispereth misrephoth-maim mithkah mithnite mithredath mitylene mizar mizpah mizpeh mizraim mizzah mnason moab moabites moabitess moadiah moladah molech molid money-changers moon morashtite mordecai moreh moresheth-gath moriah moserah moseroth moses mountain moza mozah mule multitude muppim mushi mushites muth-labben myra mysia, naam naamah naaman naamathite naamites naarah naarai naaran nabal naboth nacon nadab naggai nahalal nahaliel nahalol naham nahamani naharai nahash nahath nahbi nahor nahshon nahum nain naioth name naomi naphish naphtali naphtuhim narcissus nathan nathanael nathan-melech nazarene nazareth nazirite neah neapolis neariah nebaioth neballat nebat nebo nebuchadnezzar nebushazban nebuzaradan neco nedabiah nehelamite nehemiah nehiloth nehum nehushta nehushtan neiel neighbor nekoda nemuel nemuelites nepheg nephisim nephtoah nephushesim ner nereus nergal nergal-sharezer neri neriah nethanel nethaniah nethinim netophah netophathites new-birth new-man nezib nibhaz nibshan nicanor nicodemus nicolaitans nicolaus nicopolis niger nile nimrah nimrod nimshi nineveh ninevites nisan nisroch no-amon noadiah noah nob nobah nod nodab nogah nohah nophah nun nymphas, oak-tree obadiah obal obed obed-edom obil oboth ochran oded offering og ohad ohel oholah oholiab oholibah oholibamah old-man olivet olympas omar omega omri on onam onan onesimus ono ophel ophir ophni ophrah oreb oren orion ornan orpah othni othniel ozem ozni oznites, paarai paddan paddan-aram padon pagiel pahath-moab pai palal pallu palluites palti paltiel paltite pamphylia paphos paradise parah paran parbar parmashta parmenas parnach parosh parshandatha parthians paruah parvaim pasach pas-dammim paseah pashhur passover patara pathros pathrusim patmos patrobas pau paul paulus pedahel pedahzur pedaiah pekah pekahiah pekod pelaiah pelaliah pelatiah peleg pelet peleth pelethites pelonite peniel peninnah pentecost penuel people peor perazim peres peresh perez perezites perez-uzza perez-uzzah perga pergamum perida perizzite persia persian persis peruda peter pethahiah pethor pethuel peullethai phanuel pharaoh pharaoh-hophra pharaoh-neco pharaoh-necoh pharisees pharpar phicol philadelphia philemon philetus philip philippi philippians philistia philistines philologus phinehas phlegon phoebe phoenicia phoenix phrygia phygelus pi-beseth pilate pildash pilha piltai pinon piram pirathon pirathonite pisgah pishon pisidia pispa pithom pithon plagues-of-egypt pleiades pochereth-hazzebaim poise pontius pontus poratha porches porcius-festus potiphar poti-phera pounds prayer priests prisca priscilla prochorus prodigal-son promised-land prophet prosperity ptolemais puah puah2 publius pudens pul pul2 punites punon pur put puteoli puthites putiel puvah pyrrhus, quartus queen queen-of-sheba quirinius, raama raamah raamiah raamses rabbah rabbi rabbith rabboni rab-mag rab-saris rabshakeh racal rachel raddai rahab rahab2 raham rainbow rakem rakkath rakkon ram ram2 ramah ramathaim-zophim ramathite ramath-lehi ramath-mizpeh rameses ramiah ramoth-gilead rapha raphah raphu ravens reaiah reba rebekah recah rechab rechabites red-sea reelaiah regem regem-melech rehabiah rehob rehoboam rehoboth rehum rei rekem remaliah remeth repentance rephael rephah rephaiah rephaim rephidim resen resheph resurrection reu reuben reubenites reuel reumah rezeph rezin rezon rhegium rhesa rhoda rhodes ribai riblah rich-man rich-young-man rimmon rimmon-perez rinnah riphath rissah rites rithmah river rizia rizpah robbers rod rogelim rohgah romamti-ezer romans rome rosh rufus ruhamah rulership rumah ruth, sabachthani sabaoth sabbath sabeans sabtah sabteca sacar sacrifices sadducees sadoc salamis salecah salem salim sallai sallu salma salmai salmon salmone salome salu samaria samaritan samgar-nebo samlah samos samothrace samson samuel sanballat sansannah saph sapphira sarah sarai saraph sardis sargon sarid sarsechim satan saul sceva scribes scythian sea seamless-robe seba sebam secacah secu secundus segub seir seirah sela selah sela-hammahlekoth seled seleucia semachiah semein senaah seneh senir sennacherib seorim sephar sepharad sepharvaim sepharvites serah seraiah seraphim sered seredites sergius-paulus serpent serug servants seth sethur seven shaalabbin shaalbim shaalbonite shaalim shaaph shaaraim shaashgaz shabbethai shachia shadrach shagee shaharaim shahazumah shalishah shallecheth shallum shallun shalman shalmaneser shama shamgar shamhuth shamir shamlai shamma shammah shammai shammoth shammua shamsherai shapham shaphan shaphat shaphir sharai sharar sharezer sharon sharonite sharuhen shashai shashak shaul shaulites shaveh shaveh-kiriathaim shavsha sheal shealtiel sheariah shear-jashub sheba sheba2 shebaniah shebarim sheber shebna shebuel shecaniah shechem shechemites shedeur sheep shehariah shelah shelanites shelemiah sheleph shelesh shelomi shelomith shelomoth shelumiel shem shema shemaah shemaiah shemariah shemeber shemed shemer shemida shemidaites sheminith shemiramoth shemuel shen shenazzar shepham shephatiah shepher shephi shepho shephuphan sherebiah sheresh sheshach sheshai sheshan sheshbazzar shethar shethar-bozenai sheva shibboleth shiggaion shigionoth shihor shihor-libnath shilhi shilhim shillem shillemites shiloah shiloh shilonite shilshah shimea shimeah shimeam shimeath shimeathites shimei shimeites shimeon shimon shimrath shimri shimrith shimron shimronites shimron-meron shimshai shinab shinar shiphi shiphmite shiphrah shiphtan shisha shishak shitrai shittim shiza shoa shobab shobach shobai shobal shobek shobi shoham shomer shophach shoshannim shoshannim-eduth shua shuah shual shubael shuhah shuham shuhamites shuhite shulammite shumathites shunammite shunem shuni shunites shuphamites shuppim shur shushan shushan-eduth shuthelah shuthelahites sia sibbecai sibboleth sibmah sibraim siddim sidon sidonians sihon silas silla siloam silvanus simeon simon sin sinai sinim sinite sion siphmoth sippai sirah sirion sisera sithri sitnah sivan smyrna sneeze so soco socoh sodi sodom sodomites sole-of-your-foot solomon son son-of-god son-of-man sopater sophereth sorek sosipater sosthenes sotai soul spain spirit stachys stars stephanas stephen stoic-philosophers stone strange-fire stumblingblock suah substance sucathites succoth succoth-benoth sukkiim sun suph suphah sur susanna susi swaddling-clothes sychar synagogue syntyche syracuse syria syrian syrians syrophoenician, taanach taanath-shiloh tabbaoth tabbath tabeel taberah tabernacle tabitha tabor tabrimmon tadmor tahan tahanites tahash tahath tahchemonite tahpanhes tahrea tahtim-hodshi talents talitha talmai talmon tamar tammuz tanhumeth taphath tappuah taralah tarea tarpelites tarshish tarsus tartak tartan tattenai tebah tebaliah tebeth tehaphnehes tehinnah tekel tekoa tekoite tel-abib telah telaim telassar telem tel-harsha tel-melah tema teman temanites temeni temperance temple tents terah teraphim teresh tertius tertullus tetrarch thaddaeus thebez theophilus thessalonica theudas thieves thomas thought thummim thyatira tiberias tiberius-caesar tibhath tibni tidal tiglath-pileser tikvah tilon timaeus time timna timnah timnath-heres timnath-serah timnite timon timothy tiphsah tiras tirathites tirhakah tirhanah tiria tirzah tishbite titus tizite toah tob tob-adonijah tobiah tobijah tochen togarmah tohu toi tola tolad tolaites tophel topheth tormah tou trachonitis transfiguration tree trinity troas trogyllium trophimus trumpets tryphaena tryphosa tubal tubal-cain twelve tychicus tyrannus tyre, ucal uel ulai ulam ulla ummah unclean-spirit unni unno upharsin uphaz upper-chamber ur urbanus uri uriah uriel urijah urim uthai uz uzai uzal uzza uzzah uzzen-sheerah uzzi uzzia uzziah uzziel uzzielites, vaizatha vaniah vashti veil vessels vesture vine virgins vophsi, wandering water waterpots wedding-garment well wellbeloved wells widow wilderness wine wise-men witnesses woman word wrath, zaanan zaanannim zaavan zabad zabbai zabbud zabdi zabdiel zabud zaccai zacchaeus zaccur zachariah zacharias zadok zaham zair zalaph zalmon zalmonah zalmunna zamzummim zanoah zaphenath–paneah zaphon zarephath zarethan zattu zaza zebadiah zebah zebedee zebidah zebina zeboiim zeboim zebul zebulun zebulunite zebulunites zechariah zecher zedad zedekiah zeeb zela zelek zelophehad zelzah zemaraim zemarite zemirah zenan zenas zephaniah zephath zephathah zephi zephon zephonites zer zerah zerahiah zerahites zered zeredah zererah zeresh zereth zereth–shahar zeri zeror zeruah zerubbabel zeruiah zetham zethan zethar zia ziba zibeon zibia zibiah zichri ziddim ziha ziklag ziliah zillethai zilpah zimmah zimran zimri zin zina zion zior ziph ziphah ziphion ziphites ziphron zippor zipporah ziv ziz ziza zizah zoan zoar zobah zobebah zohar zoheleth zoheth zophah zophai zophar zophim zorah zorathites zorites zuar zuph zur zuriel zurishaddai zuzim, PREFACE to the METAPHYSICAL BIBLE DICTIONARY. 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