This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. The plan no longer complains about air superiority! Available for: Strategic Bomber, Jet Strategic Bomber, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. While either the strategic air or navy map mode is selected, hovering the cursor over a region containing mines will show the number of mines that have been laid, along with the number of enemy ships damaged or sunk by the mines. Air superiority is the dominance in the air power of one side's air forces over the other side's during a military campaign. Hotkeys, alternatively known as keyboard shortcuts, allow quick access to specific game functions without using the mouse. Type the name of a command into the search bar to instantly search our database of 172 HOI4 commands for the most recent version of the game on Steam (PC). Dropping a nuke is done from the Default Map view. Typically, the ratio of attacking planes to fleet frontage is 1:1. The highlighted green diagonal stripe pattern land province will turn to a highlighted orange diagonal stripe pattern if done correctly. With the Statute of Westminster in 1931, Canada was transformed into a sovereign nation, though remaining a key member of the British Commonwealth with strong ties to its parent country. The attacking planes produce attacks against a randomly selected enemy division. Note that this action preserves the divisions for reassignment to a new or different army. To make detections more frequent at the expense of potentially reducing bombing effectiveness, make more smaller air wings. Using your air-force to accomplish air-superiority will also help. Selects half of the currently selected naval units. This needs to be verified). The air wing can support any land combat in provinces within its range where enemies are participating. They can attack enemy convoys carrying troops. Wings with this mission target enemy ships, both inside and outside of naval battles. Available for: CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Each map mode emphasizes one type of information on the map and often changes the tooltips to that end. Since air superiority is achieved we can procced to bombing conscripts. Available for: All planes, except rocket interceptors, transport planes and scout planes. Then right click on a highlighted green diagonal stripe pattern coastal province that you wish to invade. They improve the following stats of aircraft executing the respective mission type: Escort Efficiency belongs to the same family of modifiers but has no effect. By performing air recon missions you can gather: Wings with multiple assigned missions will generally only perform the first applicable mission and only mission efficiency bonuses (e.g. Reference, After going into this mode by clicking the Front Line button or pressing the Z key, Can only be used with an army that has at least one Front Line already created. The mission efficiency of a wing influences what percentage of its planes can actually carry out the assigned missions. Wings with this mission will fight and disrupt any enemy air wings operating in the area. Order a task force to search and neutralize enemy sea mines in the selected regions. This action will return the division manpower to the recruitable population pool and will return the division equipment to the stockpile. Most Hearts of Iron IV players will agree that Germany is one of the most thrilling nations to play due to its unique national focus tree and advantages it gets in comparison to neighbouring states. Welcome to my new updated beginner guide for Hearts of Iron IV. If the plane from carrier hits, it does damage equal to the plane's naval attack (naval damage) value. The technology, Aerial Minesweeping, must be researched before aircraft will become capable of detecting and neutralizing enemy naval mines. World War II bombers were inaccurate, and therefore the amount of bomb damage varies greatly from day to day. How I drop the nukes? Then right click on a highlighted green diagonal stripe pattern land province that you wish to designate as the drop location. Saves a political province map in the screenshots folder. Available for: Naval Bomber, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber, Strategic Bomber, Jet Strategic Bomber. Command points are automatically used for these missions and transport planes can be shot down. Pauses or unpauses the game. That is, the battleship will lose 1.5 hit points out of its total of 150 hit points. Gains experience for selected air wing in addition to air experience, but costs fuel and increases risk of accidents. Order a task force to wait at the closest naval base until a patrol task force spots an enemy task force, then the strike force will move to intercept it. After activating by clicking the Offensive Line button or pressing the X key, Can only be used with an army that has at least one Front Line already created. It is defined in the NATO Glossary as "That degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another that permits the conduct of operations by the former and its related land, sea, and air forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing force." [1], Available for: Fighter (needs to be unlocked by country rule). Click the Population map mode button to show the amount of, Click the Ideology map mode button to color the countries by their, Click the Allied Battleplans button or press. The auto-repair mechanism also means that bigger wings are better. However, I use a somewhat different tactic to a lot of players, so the advice I provide may not be your cup of tea, but I have found it gets effective results, particularly … Click the Radar button to toggle the Radar range visibility lines on and off. so today were doing a video on how strong is aa in hoi 4, if you know how to use it 1 spaa can shoot down hundreds of planes a day. In this opportunity, I present this awesome mod of dogfights made by CamxxCore., Assign a province or Strategic Region to a number. Saves a screenshot in the screenshot folder. Click the Players map mode button to display which country is controlled by which player. The best way to achieve air superiority is to use your aerial fighters. They may get targeted by naval anti-air. This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. Scout Planes on this mission perform aerial scouting and intel gathering. Hi there, can anyone tell me why i lack air superiority over the Solomon Sea? This page was last edited on 13 July 2020, at 02:16. Click the Change Division Template button to change the selected divisions to a different template from a pull-down menu. CAS wings will join the battle to fill up to 54 planes. All requirements are met. This command is also known as the 'instant research' cheat. Order a task force to patrol the selected regions with the primary purpose of spotting enemy fleets. Note this is different from mission-specific modifiers like Air Superiority Mission Efficiency described below. The highlighted green diagonal stripe pattern coastal province will turn to a highlighted orange diagonal stripe pattern if done correctly. Wings with this mission will participate in land combat throughout the strategic region. This is a community maintained wiki. The resulting damage values against organization and strength are scaled by 0.04 instead of 0.05 as in combat between divisions. Wings with this mission will only participate in combat if enemy bombers or transport planes are detected. 1 Explanation 2 List of Modifiers 2.1 State & Diplomacy 2.2 Industry, Trade, and Research 2.3 Land Army & Military 2.4 Airforce 2.5 Navy A modifier is a numeric multiplier that represent certain strengths and weaknesses of a country. Naval strikes using only airpower never attack enemy convoys carrying resources or supplies. ... Hoi4 Black Ice Guide 2018. Combats close to its air base are prioritized as well as (to a lesser extent) battles with more divisions. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Notes: Enables Naval Exercises until all ships in a task force are fully trained to Regular level, at which time the task force automatically stops exercising and returns to its naval base. This is a community maintained wiki. Arguably the most important part of an HOI4 military, most of the game’s combat mechanics revolve around divisions slugging it out with their evil counterparts on the opposing side. During the First World War, Canada automatically entered the conflict on the side of the Entente as a semi-independent dominion of the British Empire. Once an enemy fleet is discovered, a randomly assigned ratio of planes to fleet frontage is determined. within the strategic region by clicking on the proper button. Are the French and British fighters that powerful at this time.? The functions are: Reduces enemy air units' combat efficiency by 2.5% for each level of radar you have in the territory. Bombers are much slower and less agile than fighters, so players designing defensive fighters will find guns are most effective. The situation is quite different if naval strikes are combined with an attack by warships (including submarines). As I said before at the day of Barbarossa start I had 92 Medium Bombers and 24 CAS in wings of 4 units. Different missions are available for different plane types. If no missions are assigned, air wings will remain idle in their air bases. Coastal radar stations have a combat air battle factor in adjacent seazones. And if the plane is from air base, it does damage equal to the one fifth of plane's naval attack value. By directing them to the right region, you can establish air superiority and make the skies safe for your transports. If the enemy air region is heavily defended with fighters, the bombers may need to be escorted. This detection percentage is modified by other variables. These keys are only active when you have units from a single army selected and the battleplan interface is visible (see image to the right). Heavy fighters are more effective than light fighters in this role. Equivalent to the console command debug_nogui. You will consume fuel and increase the risk of air accidents while running pilot exercises. This damage appears to be distributed among all the targeted buildings (forts, industry, etc.) Merges the selected task forces into one task force. Air superiority allows greatly increa… Order a task force to lay sea mines in the selected regions. Left click on an Air Wing to select it or left click while holding Shift. Superiority power is calculated for each country operating air wings in a given strategic area individually. The number of planes able to join a land battle is 3 times the used enemy frontage. Why is my Air Superiority so low? The details pane of that window provides numbers across a long time frame. Click the Fog of War button to toggle the clouds that obscure terrain on and off. from air doctrines) for that mission get applied. Strategic Air Click the Strategic Air map mode button or press F3 to see a map mode that emphasizes the large air regions and colors them according to where you have air superiority (green), parity (yellow), or inferiority (red). For some mission types, there are modifiers improving their effectiveness which are also called "mission efficiency": Air Superiority Mission Efficiency, Interception Mission Efficiency, Air Support Mission Efficiency, and Naval Mission Efficiency. Strategic bombers are very expensive to construct and in many cases a significant number are required to have any meaningful impact. The air superiority mission doubles as escort mission, protecting bombers operating in the region by reducing disruption from enemy fighters. Heavy fighters' larger range also means that they can be used to defend a larger area. In this guide, you will obtain a basic knowledge on the German Reich of Hearts of Iron IV as well as vital tips that should help you to maximise your gameplay experience and crush your enemies. There is no way of changing the hotkeys. Splits/Divides the selected task force into two task forces. mission can prioritize the type of target (such as airbases, radar installations, forts, infrastructure, etc.) To perform multiple missions simultaneously, create multiple smaller wings and assign them individually. These keys apply when you have divisions currently selected. Note that your bombers may get targeted by state-level "static" anti-air (AA). Divisional anti-air (AA) weapons reduce damage to the division caused by close air support attacks in proportion to the AA's ability to shoot down planes. in the air region without regard to the number of air wings present. Air wings have a base 4% chance to detect or find an enemy fleet. Focuses the map on the current country’s capital, Click the Terrain map mode button or press, Click the Infrastructure map mode button or press. The time is September, 1940. Once the plan is activated, the plan will be carried out provided that you have at least 70% air superiority and sufficient transport planes. Enabling pilot exercises will disable all other missions. Only heavy fighters have enough range to escort strategic bombers deep into enemy territory, but they can be beaten by light fighters. The rate of mine clearing depends upon both the quantity and type of plane which make up part of the air wings assigned to a region. This mission is equivalent to the naval strike mission, but with increased effectiveness and losses. After activating by clicking the Spearhead button or pressing the Shift + X key, Click the Fallback Line button or press the C key, Click the Garrison Area button or press the V key, Click the Divisions Assignment Mode button or while holding control, Clicking the Unassign Divisions Mode button, or while holding control and the H key, Click the Edit Mode button or while holding Alt, Clicking the Delete Order button or pressing the Delete key. Wings with this Wings with this mission provide supply to assigned ground troops if land-based supply is insufficient. Cancels the current task force mission and causes the task force to stay put. After all, we’re here to explain how to use nukes in HOI4. To be exact, every plane is capable of delivering 0.05 supplies and costs permanent 0.3 Command Power while mission is active. Carefully consider the opportunity cost of committing many factories to a strategic bombing campaign. Air wings can be assigned to various missions. Left click on an Army to select it or left click while holding Shift, Clicking the Exercise button or pressing the K key, Clicking the Naval Invasion button after selecting your divisions will highlight all potential launch ports as a turquoise diagonal stripe pattern. One should note that in military speak, air superiority is different from air supremacy. Air superiority is the degree of dominance of your air force over an opponent's air force in a strategic region. These hotkeys are specifically for use when commanding your land units. The attacks are resolved as between land units, but they ignore defense, hardness and armor. The air superiority mission doubles as escort mission, protecting bombers operating in the region by reducing disruption from enemy fighters. Order ships to escort naval invasions and support them with shore bombardment. Strategic bombing damage is about 120 damage per attack cycle for ~0.3 buildings destroyed. Planes capable of naval minelaying can be assigned to naval minelaying missions only during wartime. By holding the "shift"-key and clicking pilot exercises, the air wing will exercise until it is fully trained. Example: One forest land battle takes place in the air region. Air supremacy is a degree of air superiority where a side holds complete control of air warfare and air power over opposing forces. A 30% radar efficiency would mean 1.3*2.5. Cancels the current task force mission and moves the task force to the closest port. Novelties aside, the Soviet Union is one of the most entertaining nations to play as in Hearts of Iron IV. If the ships are not in the same province, then they will find a path to each other to merge. It tries to keep an equal number of each type of vessel in each new task force. Every plane that joins a battle produces 0.0005 country air experience. I can't get beyond the Benelux after 112 hours of play. Close air support, also known as ground support, is the use of aircraft to assist troops in land combat. Enables pilot exercises until air wing is fully trained. Order a task force to escort convoys in the selected regions to protect them against enemies. Click the Disband All Selected Units button to disband the selected units. The naval base itself will get damaged as well during successful attacks, but empty bases cannot get attacked. Air superiority mission efficiency bonuses increase the attack, defense and agility of the wing. Fleet frontage is calculated from the total hit points (HP or health) of the enemy fleet divided by 20. Or at least, the world in a video game. Mission efficiency in a strategic region is shown in the strategic air view window, that is shown if you click a strategic region in the strategic air map mode. I sent in 1500 fighters (a few oldies, mostly me 109s and about 300 Focke Wolfes. A modifier increases a multiplier by the given decimal number, which can also be negative. Opens new wing option to add to the selected airfield or carrier. Strategic bombers can be fought in the air by fighters. Order a task force to raid enemy convoys in the selected regions. The number of airplanes involved in a port strike is increased by the port strike value (e.g. It sounds like someone really wants to see the world burn! They follow, from left to right, across the top row of the keyboard. Pilot exercises can be used to gain experience for the air wing and air experience. The effectiveness of this factor can be increased by research. The hotkeys for these menu buttons are noted below. An ace can increase the amount of attacks. These planes will continue removing mines from their assigned strategic region until the region is fully clear of mines. Hi Fellows ! Strategic bombing is the act of damaging enemy buildings, industry, and infrastructure via planes designed to drop bombs. Planes capable of naval minesweeping can be assigned to naval minesweeping missions during wartime. Available for: Fighter, Heavy Fighter, Jet Fighter Wings with this mission will fight and disruptany enemy air wings operating in the area. Base minesweeping efficiency by plane type, A forum discussion on the effectiveness of naval bombers against convoys, Defines NAir PORT_STRIKE_ENEMY_SUPERIORITY_LIMIT = 0.3,, Articles with potentially outdated sections, If the wing's range does not cover the entire strategic region, it will get a, The mission efficiency of the strategic region is the. Splits/Divides the selected air wings in two. Merges two or more selected wings into one wing. Why is my Air Superiority Efficiency only 4.2 %. That’s because every single plane in the area helps to increase your air superiority. Reference, Clicking the Paratroop Order button, after selecting your paratroop divisions, will highlight all potential "takeoff point" air bases as a turquoise diagonal stripe pattern (if transport planes are based there) or as a yellow diagonal stripe pattern (if no transport planes are based there). The further your HOI4 naval invasion has to travel, the more fleets and planes you’ll need. A general can reduce the damage received with the "Damage Reduction Against CAS" modifier (Camouflage expert provides 50%). However, convoys auto-repair between each attack, and most aircraft are too weak to sink a convoy in one attack. This command enables or disables (toggles) debug mode for air vs land combat. The rate of minelaying depends upon both the quantity and type of plane which make up part of the air wings assigned to a region. Note: each wing can hold up to a maximum of 1000 planes. I am trying to figure out why. Up-to-date help for the Hearts of Iron IV (PC) command debug_air_vs_land. Opens reorganize option to reorganize your wings and change reinforcement rules. The amount supplied isn't much, even with 100 transport planes, so this method shouldn't be relied upon. Available for: Naval Bomber, CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. So 84 Medium and 24 CAS doing non-stop bomb runs on enemy forces. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. At least 30% air superiority is required to perform port strikes [2]. It’s worth noting that you need supremacy in every sea zone your fleet is going to pass through, not just the one nearest to the province you’re invading. The technology, Aerial Minelaying, must be researched before aircraft will become capable of air dropping naval mines. Condition 4: Convoys As mines are laid, some mines will graphically become visible on the map. Mission efficiency icon: Effects on mission efficiency of an air wing: Effects on mission efficiency in a strategic region: Missions will be conducted regardless of weather, but bad weather reduces detection and efficiency and increases the risk of an accident at take-off and landing. Find below an updated list of all Hearts of Iron IV console commands, these are commonly referred to as cheat codes.. While planes are the best way to establish air superiority, you can use closer air support as well as non-naval bombing to clear the area. Click the Unassign Units button to remove the selected divisions from the army. Up-to-date help for the Hearts of Iron IV (PC) command research_on_icon_click. In this case, the resource and supply convoys can also be the target of an attack, and many different types of aircraft can be useful (i.e., not only NAV2 and NAV3). This gives an attack bonus to friendly troops and directly damages organization and strength of enemy divisions. Please note, this guide is not for the German Empir… Available for: Fighter, Heavy Fighter, Jet Fighter, Rocket Interceptor. It may be advisable to put air wings on standby during such conditions. For example, if a NAV1 hits a heavy cruiser 1, the NAV1 will do 1.5 points of damage. Disables zooming and panning until the same key combination is pressed again. The Flag and 8 icon buttons (9 with La Résistance ) to the immediate right of the Flag provide direct access to the primary menus for interaction with your country. Canada followed Britain's declaration of war against Germanyon the 10 September 1939, its firs… Reference, Click the Select Half button or press the S key, Click the Strategic Redeployment button or press the B key, Clicking the Strategic Redeployment button or by pressing CTRL B, Like many other strategy games, holding shift, Left click on a Task Force to select it or left click while holding Shift. Hover over a command in the table to view detailed argument-related help. Each type of an air wing has a defined air superiority power value that describes how effective it is in domination of the sky (see table below). Air superiority is provided by planes actively performing their mission and depends on their type as well. Hide GUI elements, showing only the map itself. Note that air wings on a port strike mission may get targeted by state-level "static" anti-air . This page was last edited on 15 September 2020, at 18:41. With the potential for massive industrial expansion, and perpetual manpower, the following tips should help you to make the Soviet Union an unstoppable force. Players carrying out strategic bombing should note: Players subject to strategic bombing can respond in several ways: Players can assess the impact of their bombing and their defenses in the region's air combat screen (number of buildings bombed, percentage of bombers disrupted). These planes will continue to air drop mines to the assigned strategic region until 1000 mines have been laid in the region, at which point the region is considered to be fully saturated with mines. Only NAV2 and NAV3 have a sufficiently high naval attack value to sink troops convoys. Each plane assigned to the attack rolls to hit a target. After clicking on the desired launch port, it will become a highlighted blue diagonal stripe pattern. Duplicate selected air wings for all where this is possible. Air Superiority Mission Efficiency: Air superiority mission efficiency is the percentage of an air wing's planes that can actually carry out the assigned air superiority mission. This command will instantly research any technology when its icon is clicked in the technology tree. The effects increase with weather severity, with sandstorms and blizzards being particularly bad. However, the planning bonus sits on 0% and if I activate the plan, nothing happens. Orders a task force to perform exercises in the region adjacent to the closest naval base. Selects/Deselects all of the air wings in a given airfield or carrier. The enemy frontage, from the landbased divisions, is 20 which allows 3x20*(1-0.1) = 54 planes on the CAS mission to join the battle. Procced to bombing conscripts an opponent 's air force in a strategic bombing damage is about 120 damage per cycle... This gives an attack by warships ( including submarines ) using only airpower never attack enemy convoys in the helps. From your hoi4 air superiority 's pool smaller wings and change reinforcement rules from the army fighters, so method... Directing them to the plane 's naval attack value to sink a convoy in one.! Medium and 24 CAS doing non-stop bomb runs on enemy forces your aerial.. By fighters missions during wartime in the territory to assist troops in land combat in provinces within its where... Damage appears to be unlocked by country rule ) fight and disrupt enemy... 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