5. I’m so excited to share The Law of Divine Oneness with you! Powered by It is the realization that ALL IS MIND and the universe exists within this field of pure energy and light. The Law of Divine Oneness is foundational in understanding the other 11 Universal Laws. This is the Universal Law of Oneness. The Law of Oneness encourages us to be aware that we are in fact an aspect of the Creator, we are formless, label less and limitless. } The Law of Divine Oneness states that we are all connected. Everything we do affects the collective consciousness of the entire Universe! The law of divine oneness interconnects the whole of humanity and nature thought vibrational energy. The Law of Divine Oneness is the Universal Law that helps you understand that in the world you live, everything is connected to everything else. The Law of Divine Oneness is more of one that you need to be aware of – we all are connected. Everything you do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around you. This is why they tend to be more inclined to be an empath and why they seem to be more receptive to everyone’s emotions. It is said that the Law of Divine Oneness is the very first of all the 12 universal laws. This law of the universe is that every particle of matter vibrates at a certain … } else { Everything i.e. Yes I a grown woman thought like most of us do but won’t admit, that my actions had no real consequence and my being was in the world not part of it. It helps us understand that we are all connected. As we grow spiritually, we learn to change negative thoughts, words, emotions, and actions. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the universe around us. When you operate at a higher frequency, such as peace, joy, and love you are feeding that vibrational frequency to the collective consciousness. I’m including The Law of Mentalism with The Law of Divine Oneness because the precept of this law is that all is one Mind. Every creature and anything that lives and moves and breathes and has life … } This is why group mediations are so beneficial to the collective. The Law of Divine Oneness is the Universal Law that helps you understand that in the world you live, everything is connected to everything else. In the bible (Matthew 18:19 KJV) it is written: “Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” This ancient text has a lot of (not so) hidden divine truths buried within it, that most Christians don’t even understand that they believe. There is no differentiation between anyone and anything as you are all Divine. In other words, it cannot be influenced; however, knowing … Over the next few weeks, I will expound upon these 12 laws separately to give as much insight on them as I can. … Fill The Holy Trinity. The Law of Divine Oneness Helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. The first law of the universe that we will talk about in this series, is a foundational law that helps us with understanding the rest. The Law of Divine Order. I Look Up And Say In. Law of divine oneness means everything is connected to each other. This means that Divine Order pervades all that is. src: ); All that is included in the Universe emanates from the same Source [which in our multiverse is Source Entity One]. As we do, we will realize that what we think of each other should only for good. Posts about law of divine oneness written by Carmen. if (windowHref.indexOf('?') When you know how this Law affects the way we live, you’ll change the way you approach life. Law of attraction. The Law of Oneness encourages us to be aware that we are in fact an aspect of the Creator, we are formless, label less and limitless. Image by: WikiImages on Pixabay.com The easiest way to explain this divine law, is to say that you are a part of something much larger. Because only one thing is going on, everything is as it should be. That is why when we contribute to others and in some way make their lives better, it gives us the highest joy. The most commonly talked about is the 7th law, which is the Law of Attraction. Together, we are one. Before that, religion is what was mainly used to control people. And Mahatma. You can see this present in nature. Our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors are part of how our individual worlds are playing out and how the vibration of this planet is playing out. When you understand this, that we are all One, you love everyone. Every person, organism, and mammal living on this planet are an individual piece of a puzzle. windowHref += '&'; Weebly.footer.setupContainer('cdn2.editmysite.com', '1611340571'); The Law of Divine Oneness serves to return us to a place of loving, accepting and enjoying each other as family from the same Source. This is a very important key element to the equation. Whether we are good/bad but the first thing is that we are human beings. //