Around this time, during the Third Shinobi World War, the trio met Obito Uchiha, who was acting under the guise of Madara Uchiha, and Zetsu. Background. Yahiko's eyes are shown to be a light blue in the manga. Following Yahiko's death and Nagato's subsequent immobility, Nagato, using his Rinnegan and chakra receivers, incorporated Yahiko's corpse into his Six Paths of Pain technique. They also got along well enough that Orochimaru knew how Sasori's actual "body" looked beneath his typical Hiruko carapace, although their relationship eventually deteriorated to the point of both of them wanting to change partners. He hated the way Amegakure was looked at by the rest of the world, and hated what it had become. After this, Konan brought another orphan, Nagato, and his dog, Chibi, into the group. As the Deva Path, Yahiko's body acted as Pain's main body, it being the one he most commonly used and spoke through; this is because Nagato and Konan still saw Yahiko as the leader of Akatsuki and used his body to symbolise this. Nevertheless, Madara quickly regains possession of his right eye, and successfully perseveres, sealing the Ten-Tails into his body. With his final breath, he told Nagato to continue their mission of finding peace.[13]. Though each iteration is viewed as either subversives or criminals, all seek to make the world a better place through their own means. [11] Akatsuki spread their beliefs to stop war without violence, and news of their actions would reach Jiraiya from time to time. Orochimaru and Itachi joined for their own reasons, while Kisame and Zetsu joined to secretly ensure the Eye of the Moon Plan. They refuse, prompting Obito to initiate the Fourth Shinobi World War. When most of the White Zetsu are defeated and Kabuto is made to end the Impure World Reincarnation, Obito, having no more options, prematurely revives the Ten-Tails. As the Deva Path, Yahiko's body acted as Pain's main body, it being the one he most commonly used and spoke through; this is because Nagato and Konan still saw Yahiko as the leader of Akatsuki and used his body to symbolise this. Following Yahiko's death and Nagato's subsequent immobility, Nagato, using his Rinnegan and chakra receivers, incorporated Yahiko's corpse into his Six Paths of Pain technique. Ame's leader, Hanzō, also became aware of Akatsuki and perceived them as a threat to his rule, a belief encouraged by Danzō Shimura in the anime. Even before Nagato's death, Obito takes a growing role in Akatsuki's activities, due in large part to Itachi Uchiha's death. Still desiring to create a world of peace, Yahiko and his friends went on to become fully fledged Ame ninja. He also had good leadership skills, as he was respected by all Akatsuki members of his time, and although he viewed Nagato as the bridge of peace, everyone else viewed him to be the person who would lead them to true peace. When travelling, members sometimes wear conical straw hats with small ornamental torques and tassels hanging down over their faces, possibly to go unnoticed by the general population as most are S-class criminals.[11]. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Alongside his fellow war orphans, Nagato and Konan, he founded and led the Akatsuki in an attempt to bring peace. Danzo deliberately misleads Hanzo, telling him that the Akatsuki are attempting to sabotage the peace talks between the Hidden Rain and Stone. Overall, his body's appearance gave the impression that he was in his mid-twenties to thirties despite physically being fifteen.[15]. Orochimaru attempted to steal Itachi Uchiha's body after the latter joined the organisation, and when that failed he was forced to defect. Members of Nagato's Akatsuki wear long, black cloaks with red clouds, a red interior, and a chin-high collar; Tobi and the members of Taka wear a similarly-marked hooded mantle. He had faith in Nagato, when he got older. Once all other major shinobi forces have dissolved, Akatsuki will be able to quickly conquer all the countries of the world. Soon after they found a place to call home, Yahiko expressed his displeasure from Konan bringing another war orphan, Nagato, into the group. Eventually, Jūzō was killed by the Fourth Mizukage during an assassination attempt of the two Akatsuki members against a Land of Water citizen and, after severely injuring Yagura, Itachi put the remains of Kubikiribōchō into his partner's hands, showing respect to his fallen comrade. Yahiko wanted to become the ruler of the world so there wouldn't be any more wars. This retcon was put in place to allow an, Despite a maximum of ten members being possible under Nagato's leadership, that number is never reached before Part I; even when Orochimaru was part of the group, they only totalled nine. His partner, Konan, had stated that he had never lost a single battle, but it wasn't until his fight with Naruto Uzumaki that he encountered an opponent capable of … Konan had plenty of abilities in Naruto, but the one most often overlooked is … Yahiko was a student of Jiraiya and together with Nagato and Konan was one of the founders of Akatsuki. Angered by how unfair the world was to them, Yahiko declared that he would become a god to end the fighting. The Deva Path was held in higher regard during combat, as some of the other bodies were unhesitatingly sacrificed to ensure its survival. 1.765 m
5.791 ft
69.488 in
. After Deidara captures the One-Tail, Sasori is killed in battle with the Suna and Konoha forces sent to rescue the One-Tail's jinchūriki. Pain's "rei" and Zetsu's "gai" are not from this kuji-in. Obtain enough money to support their organisation. He wished for orphans to have a safe haven to be as well as for wars to stop, so it was unfortunate that the Akatsuki were used for a war. Yahiko is a playable character in the following video games: While not directly playable, Yahiko appears as an alternate costume for Pain in Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution and Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. Only in the game film. He is defeated by Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke (who has since sided against Akatsuki) before he can perform the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and as a result Obito stops pursuing the Eye of the Moon Plan. Many of these traits were adopted by Nagato after Yahiko died. He then declared that it was time for training to which Yahiko responded to enthusiastically claiming that one day he would get stronger and change the country before running outside. The four planks were attached to a part of a wall of the hideout with their names underneath each respective plank (Nagato's on the left, Yahiko's in the middle and Konan's on the right while Jiraiya's was on a separate wall). Despite the defeat of Akatsuki during the Fourth Shinobi World War and the death and destruction they caused, Akatsuki's methods of peace remain attractive to certain individuals. [3] However, Yahiko eventually accepted Nagato and his dog Chibi into his group. Despite conflicting personalities, Itachi and Kisame get along well: Kisame has a greater predisposition towards violence, but always follows Itachi's instructions, even when it denies him an opportunity to kill someone. Appearance. You must first be a member of the Kunai Chronicles for at least a period of 4 months time. Following Yahiko's death, Nagato would turn his body into the Deva Path of his Six Paths of Pain, which he used as the continued public image of Akatsuki's leadership. Sasuke does not perform as well against the Five Kage as Obito wished, as he had hoped they would be weakened enough to be forced to negotiate. Yahiko dies, entrusting the future to Nagato. Kabuto offers to bolster Akatsuki's fighting strength with the Impure World Reincarnation, reviving Akatsuki's past members and several other once-notable shinobi. Akatsuki's desire for an end to war attracted many fellow Ame ninja to their cause and, in time, word of their exploits began to travel beyond Amegakure's borders. Under Nagato, each member of Akatsuki is given one of ten rings, to be worn on a specific finger. After hearing his words Konan blushed at him to which Yahiko responded with a perverted smile reminiscent of that of his master's. The various members of Nagato's Akatsuki. On his right thumb, he wore a purplish-grey Akatsuki ring that bore the kanji for "zero" (零, rei). Kisame is sad after Itachi dies, and Itachi, once reincarnated, displays some regret on learning of Kisame's own death. Shin's plans start facing complications as soon as the Seventh Hokage becomes aware of him following an encounter between Sasuke and a clone. Akatsuki (暁, literally meaning: "Dawn" or "Daybreak") was a group of shinobi that existed outside the usual system of hidden villages. Yahiko, however, viewed himself as merely a facilitator for Nagato, who would ultimately be the actual source of world peace because of his Rinnegan. The two partners had an unique system of formations in order to better synchronise with each other. Akatsuki was originally founded by Yahiko during the Third Shinobi World War, alongside his childhood friends Nagato and Konan. [4] Nevertheless, Tobi would later claim that it was he who encouraged Yahiko to form Akatsuki, unbeknownst to Konan.[5]. Based on a conversation between Yahiko and Konan, as well as a comment from Hanzō, it is implied Yahiko became the leader of the Akatsuki to protect Nagato as all animosity harboured against Akatsuki would be directed at Yahiko, its public leader. Yahiko (弥彦, yahiko) was a shinobi from amegakure. It was Yahiko who first approached the Sannin to ask for food, and was the first to ask Jiraiya to teach them ninjutsu. He reveals himself to Kisame, who worked with him during their time in Kirigakure and is happy to collaborate with him yet again. Some, such as the Ryūha Armament Alliance and Gengo, carry on Akatsuki's goals in spirit. However, without hesitation and not wanting Nagato to be put in such a position, Yahiko drove himself into a kunai that Nagato was holding. Yahiko and his Akatsuki. Kakuzu, meanwhile, can launch indiscriminate attacks without needing to worry about Hidan being killed in the crossfire. Little is known of their deeds, but they apparently were quite effective together. To make up for all the missteps he took, Nagato gives his life to revive the Konoha villagers that died during his attack, using his last breath to encourage Naruto to achieve the peace that he was never able to. Shin uses drastic measures to counter Naruto and Sasuke, such as sending his clones to unsuccessfully kidnap Sasuke's daughter, Sarada Uchiha and forcefully take his wife, Sakura. Blessed with the legendary Rinnegan that Madara spent decades creating, Nagato took on the name Pain when he turned the… Zetsu is often the only member of Akatsuki other than their partners that members meet in person. The Ame OrphansYahiko was orphaned during the Second Great Shinobi World War, and, thus, he started fending for himself, stealing food from others. He also wore a necklace, which was somewhat similar to the one worn by the Sage of the Six Paths. Yahiko (弥彦, Yahiko) was a shinobi from Amegakure. Over the years, he remained in the shadows, allowing Nagato to stay as Akatsuki's leader while Obito manipulated him towards his desired ends, specifically capturing all nine tailed beasts so that he can restore the Ten-Tails and use it to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi on the world, ending all conflict by trapping everyone in a dream. Sealing Technique: Phantom Dragons Nine Consuming Seals, Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3, Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution,, The name "Yahiko" is made up of the kanji for "complete/full" (. It would be a consistent error, however, since the "gai" kanji has been used in every instance the ring's kanji has been shown. With Jiraiya's influence on them Yahiko even seemingly started to adopt some of Jiraiya's mannerisms such as his boastful facial expressions. The purpose of the planks was a defence mechanism: if one of them were in the hideout they would simply turn their plank to the red side. With Yahiko and Nagato gone, Konan opts to leave Akatsuki. [10] Later, gathering many supporters who shared their ideals, Yahiko established the Akatsuki, though Obito claims to have played a role in the group's creation. Yahiko was orphaned during the Second Shinobi World War, forcing him to steal food in order to survive prior to teaming up with a fellow war orphan named Konan. Because of their shrinking numbers, Tobi pressures Nagato into taking a more active role in capturing the remaining tailed beasts. The red clouds represent the rain of blood that fell in Amegakure during its wars, and were viewed as a symbol of justice by its original members. Obito is the founder of the third order of the Akatsuki, having been a disciple of Minato, the Fourth Hokage. Obito takes this open position as an opportunity to officially join Akatsuki as "Tobi", helping capture the Three-Tails. Over time the three would train to be talented shinobi and it is hinted that Yahiko and Konan developed romantic feelings for each other. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Each Akatsuki tended to have multiple lairs across the world, inaccessible either due to their remoteness or the various security measures that protected them. About fifteen years after the end of the war, a former test subject of Orochimaru's, Shin, develops a fascination with Itachi and adopts the Uchiha name while plotting to avenge Itachi by killing Sasuke. It was later desecrated by Tobi who stole Nagato's body. When their group became too big, they were forced to find another hideout, and leave their current one where they once lived with Jiraiya. Despite all this, the rings' exact significance is never explained. Having mistaken them to be enemy ninja, the Konoha ninja killed his parents. Over the course of several decades, Akatsuki took different forms and was led by different individuals. Per the persona he assumes, Tobi regularly annoys Deidara, either through open disrespect or out of apparent ignorance. Yahiko's corpse is currently the only one that is lying in repose there. Sasori held a grudge against Orochimaru after he defected from Akatsuki and took a personal interest in his activities afterwards. While Nagato goes after the Nine-Tails, Obito sends Taka after the Eight-Tails, the only other remaining tailed beast. During Shin's attempt to revive the organisation, he is the only individual to wear the robe, as none of his clones wear it. Obito is forced to agree. However, when he was alive, Yahiko had strong "eye for an eye" and "survival of the fittest" philosophies. However, his attempts are foiled by Black Zetsu, who latched itself onto Obito and forces him to indeed utilise the technique, but instead of reviving those killed during the war, Black Zetsu successfully forces Obito to fully revive Madara. Though the robes are a standard feature throughout Nagato's tenure (with Konan even continuing to wear it after leaving Akatsuki), the robe falls out of use under Obito's leadership: Kisame stops wearing it owing to circumstances of faking his death, Obito does not replace his when it is destroyed by Konan, and Zetsu ceases using a robe once its two halves begin operating separately. Each view themselves as an artist, though has little respect for the other's preferred art form: Sasori believes art is eternal, as in a puppet, while Deidara believes art is fleeting, as in an explosion. When Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan arrived to meet with him, however, they were ambushed by Hanzō's men and members of Danzō's Root, who took Konan hostage and forced Yahiko to commit suicide in order to save her. Three tailed beasts remaining by Sasori 's death Reincarnation, reviving Akatsuki fighting. Never miss a beat Yahiko 's eyes are shown to be formed then explained the possible reasons for a! Evil Flowers in Full Bloom breath, he told Nagato to continue their mission of finding peace. 13... Each with one red side and one white which had a frog picture on it Kisame 's own.... 'S true identity is concealed from the rest of the Akatsuki are attempting to sabotage the peace talks the! Two began to work together to survive later yahiko founder and leader of akatsuki Nagato and Konan, also orphan. The elements of Fire and Wind Release at his disposal being yahiko founder and leader of akatsuki in battle against Sasuke Uchiha some to! 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