I wrote this letter to you to request a reduction in my duty hours. My name is ____ (Name) and I am working in ______ (Department) of your reputed company. Your letter would also be great opportunity to state any agreed upon changes to your work schedule as well. Just some food for thought for you. I would like to start working <include a paragraph to describe the working pattern you would like to have in the future including the days/hours/times you would like to . Perhaps you're raising a family, going to school or looking for more personal time. Before submitting your request to go part time, determine how many hours you can feasibly work once you make the shift. Be cordial. Here's a sample proposal requesting to work part-time. If you are looking to discuss a change in hours to part-time or a flexible working option, you could mention this in your return to work letter. This gives you more time discuss your responsibilities under a part-time schedule, how the company can make up for the hours you won't be working, and what you can do to make the transition as smooth as possible. Sample Letter Requesting Part Time Hours Source: cdn3.careeraddict.com. Whatever your reason for changing your work status, you can use our resignation letter from fulltime to PRN templates to draft a professional letter that favorably impresses supervisors. Before you write a letter asking for part-time hours, think about how your request will impact others -- your boss, co-workers, team, department or business -- in both positive and negative ways. Here's everything you should know to create a letter that absolutely sells your abilities. Subject: Request for part-time hours. Lori Hand 123 Oak Street, Apt. How to Write a Letter Requesting Part Time Hours. Due to this decision, I will need to decrease my hours from full time to part time. Subject: Request letter to reduce working hours. The NASUWT is seeking the experiences of teachers making a request for flexible working. If this is the case, you can look to reduce their hours.. I had my request to work part time refused when I returned from maternity leave in September. A well-crafted cover letter lets the employer know you are very interested in the job and could be a great asset to the team. What to Include in a Cover Letter for a Part-Time Job. The Example of a Resignation Letter from Fulltime to Part Time. If you know the employer or hiring manager's . It is similar to writing a resignation letter, except that while you are vacating your present position, you are taking on a new position within the organization. I hope you will understand my situation and take the required decision. Waiting for your positive response. If you have a good relationship with your boss, talk to him in person and use the letter as a formal request for documentation purposes. Full-time nursing is working a full-time equivalency in a health care setting in one of the following capacities: 1.0 FTE: Nurses who work 40 hours per week can describe their work schedules as 1.0 full-time equivalency. 0.9 FTE: Nurses who work three shifts per week at 12 hours per shift, you can describe your work . The employee should enclose with the request letter his/her recent work evaluation, and personal achievement or awards. But lately you've been wearing yourself thin trying to balance that full-time job with your personal and family needs. I have requested part time hours - they gave me a meeting, took 21 days to get back to me, after chasing them, and they have refused on 3 grounds that are legible - I will be appealing but before all this - I was emailed by the director advising that my role was full time and not flexible ( i was only 4 weeks pregnant at the time and had . Jenny Clark ABC Company 456 Sales Road Oakland, CA 20005. You might be able to make a 'flexible working request' to your employer if you want to: reduce your hours to work part-time. I have been employed as the billing associate with ABC Company for 5 years. An employee's part-time request was therefore associated with the risk of having to work part-time on a permanent basis. Explain the reason you want to move from full-time to part-time hours. Once you're clear on what you want to request, you need to write a letter to your manager. Standard templates to follow. Unfortunately, as a part-time employee and a university student, I have to manage both things altogether. When composing a formal or company letter, presentation design as well as format is vital to earning an excellent impression. <full time basis/part time basis/casual basis on a regular and systemic basis>. Respected, as I have to look after my child and family, your allowance for the same would be a great support for me. I approached the school who were looking into it for me, but I have since changed my mind. I am writing this letter to request you to kindly allow me to work part-time hours for some time. Due to this decision, I will need to reduce my hours from 40 to 24. Requesting a part-time schedule requires face-to-face conversations with your manager. Any employee with at least 26 weeks service can make a request. Thanking You, Dear [HR Director's Name]: Working part-time, about 24 hours a week, can give you a bit of freedom and flexibility. Emphasize your commitment to your career and to the company, and tell your boss you don't want to leave, just cut back. This is a Precedent "Statutory Flexible Working Request" Letter for you to personalise.All the words highlighted in BOLD are legal requirements for the request to be valid.You must include these. My maternity leave is about to end from __/__/_____ (Date). Subject: Request for payment of overtime. The application must include: the date; a statement that this is a statutory request; details of how the employee wants to work flexibly and when they want . What the email or letter must include. I have received your request letter for change of working hours which will result in your shift of job status from regular to part-time employee. Request Letter for Part Time Hours After Maternity Leave; Request Letter to HR for Part Time Hours After… School Timings Change Notice - Sample Notice for… Request Letter for Asking More Hours at Work -… Write an Email to HR Manager for Shift Change -… Request Letter for Permission to Come Late To Office… I'm currently working from [Starting time] to [End time] on [days you work] as a . Dear Mr. Philips, I am writing to inform my upcoming resignation from my full-time salesperson position to a part-time salesperson. Approach 2: Tell them at the pointy end of the process. The reason behind the shift change may be personal or work-related but it should be written in a professional way. time work agreement within this time as it is the best way to ensure that you and the Employee actually do have agreement on the part-time work request. I joined your office during summer vacations, and at that time, I didn't have a study load, but my classes started two weeks ago. These excess hours are spent in covering tasks and responsibilities meant for other departments. I wrote this letter to you to request a reduction in my duty hours. I could retain [part of role]. A reader writes: Last night I went to bed feeling secure in my newly-undertaken adventure as a part-time freelancer who recently left an unfulfilling full-time job in the wrong city and the wrong working culture to pursue my field in greener pastures. During the time I have been at ABC Company, I am proud . Email Message Example Asking to Work From Home Part-Time. Either way, you need to provide the following information: the date. In the top-left corner of your letter, include your name and address, the date, and the employer's name and address. Create a letter that demonstrates you are committed to and care about your employer's goals despite requesting a reduced work schedule. It can take up to 3 months, or longer if you agree to an extension of time, for your request to be approved. On the base of this clause, I request you to reduce my working hours in the morning between 9:00 A.M to 12:00 Noon. If you ask verbally, you may be told "no" or "not possible.". Come armed, however, with a written summary or email one after your initial meeting. I am a teacher and was set on going back part time (3 or 4 days per week). Answer: To Hongui Shui, When you write such a letter, it might be wise to ask your immediate supervisor for a short meeting so you can discuss your desire to change your work schedule. Returning to work/requesting part-time. The best way to make the request is in writing, so you have a record of what you said and when. that this is a statutory request. Dear Sir/Madam. Still, if you find that you can no longer work full time and need to reduce your . How to write a cover letter for a part-time job. As the title suggests, I am currently on maternity leave from a Primary teaching post. I have, informally, requested it again for this September. Dear Miss Manager, I am writing to request a change in status from full-time to prn, effective July 1, 2007. The term 'flexible working' can cover a range of different working patterns, or location. City Tower, Michigan, USA. Be prepared to compromise if that helps you get closer to what you need. Tips for Requesting a Change From Part-Time Employee to Full-Time Employee. Magic Rule # 1 - Submit your request in writing. Here you'll find a sample of a request letter to ask for more hours at work. If you make any amendments to the template letter, you must ensure that the part-time work agreement still contains the following information . Lin48ksr. Thank you for your letter dated [insert date] regarding your request to change your working hours to fall in line with school term times. I have been employed as the [administrative assistant] with [XYZ Company] for five years. Review a Sample Proposal. There is no form, but in order to qualify as a statutory request, it must: Be in writing. Consider temporary/permanent full time Part time requests given "full consideration" Employees can request FT to PT or PT to FT Title 5/Hybrids -16‐32 hours/week VA/AFGE Master Agreement Training: Temporary, Part Time and Probationary Employees 11 The amount of hours part-time employees work varies depending on their positions and the organizations they work for. Be dated. Ask formally for your request to be considered and be explicit about what 'part-time' means, listing the hours you are prepared to do. I spoke to a couple of teachers who currently work part time and they both said you end up doing work on days off, especially if you have a TLR. Dear Manager First Name: Sample Letter Requesting Part Time Hours from www.yourhrworld.com. I have drafted my letter for governors requesting going part-time when I return to work. RE: Part-Time Hours. Start your letter with a polite salutation to the hiring manager. You can ask for more work hours personally or through a formal document as a request letter. Your manager may need to reference the details later and will need the information for potential discussions with upper management and HR. When a company appoints an employee, the job type of every employee differs as per the company policy and pattern. Letter Requesting a Change from Fulltime to Part Time (Free Sample) There are a variety of circumstances that may necessitate a change from working fulltime to part time . ©North Country This Week P.O. Include whichever of the above employment statuses applies to you and delete the other options. 08/01/2012 at 9:53 pm. An employee can only make one request under the statutory regime in any 12-month period. The downside to a part-time job is that you won't receive the benefits full-timers get, including vacation time, sick days, health insurance and 401k plans. Whether it's due to motherhood, starting your own business or going back to school, many people find themselves . If your employer refuses your request, you might still be able to take a claim to an employment tribunal but not under the law on flexible working. Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. For example, if you'd like to discuss changing your hours to part-time employment or working a flexible schedule, now is the time to bring it up. As you know, I have been working some days from home on an occasional basis. I hope you will accept my offer. I am writing to formally request that you consider my request to return to work from Maternity Leave on a part-time basis, working two days per week. These templates offer outstanding instances of ways to structure such a letter, and include example content to work as an overview to format. They don't have to agree to your request, but they must consider it in a reasonable manner . If you want to switch from full-time to part-time hours and you've been employed for 26 weeks, the law says you have the right to make that request of your employer. Although it is not always easy to ask an employer for this change, often there is no choice. The best situation for me at this time would be to bump down from a full to a part-time role. It includes a rationale for why a shift in employment status makes sense, and how the employee's workload would be handled if the request is approved. Writing this letter is an opportunity to address it. Some companies have a standard form to complete. If your returning to the same job…. Sir, As part of the company's workforce since [hire date] at the post of [post], I have an employment contract which mentions a weekly working time that does not exceed 35 hours. [Your Name] [Your Address] [Letter Date] [Employer's Name] [Employer's Address] Dear [Name of your manager or HR person], I would like to request a change in my working hours from full-time to part-time. Magic Rule # 2 - Get an answer in writing. I, through this latter, hereby request you to reduce my working hours. Sometimes, supervisors will agree to such a change, but other times they might have to let you go s. And also, scroll to see an example cover letter you could use to craft your personal. Given the requirements of the teaching timetable, and the core responsibilities of classroom teachers and support staff flexible working for teachers and education workers is more likely to take the form of part-time . details of the part-time hours you want to work and when you want to start. Pau06kjd. Hi. This request is made in writing by the employee to the employer or HR of the company. How to Request Part Time Employment. It can be used to request any change to working arrangements including: a change in hours a change in days worked a change in shifts a change in location of work a move to work at home for all or part of the week If a person has worked for their employer for at least 26 weeks, is . Hours and scheduling. Can you have a look at my return to work letter requesting part time hours. by Alison Green on March 11, 2015. I only used the 'informal' request method. Flexible working might include part-time work, job sharing, varying your hours of work, working from home or phased retirement. Subject line: Proposed Transition to Part-Time. Below is a resignation letter from an employee who requests to cut back his working hours as he needs to attend college. During the time I have been at [XYZ . I am currently planning to begin attending school to obtain my degree in business administration. For example it could be part time hours, but it could also be flexi-time, compressed working hours (ie fitting full time hours into less days), job sharing, working from home or even annualised hours where you might work more hours in the Summer than Winter, for . Schedule an . Part-time employment opportunities often pave the way to a full-time job. From time to time, your business may not have a set amount of work for your employees. Letter for Change of Working Hours Sample 1. New Legislation as of January 1, 2019 Effective January 1, 2019, the legislature included a general right to so-called "temporary part-time" employment. I have been performing an excess of 4-5 hours daily after our required work hours (9am-5pm) without over time pay. Some employees have part-time job status; some have temporary or permanent type jobs. Arrange a time to sit down with your boss in private and make your request. My new Head Teacher hasn't said yes or no but that it depends on the circumstances The Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) fosters community and engagement for staff, develops programs and experiences for employees to increase their racial literacy and cultural fluency, and is committed to creating a community where all employees can be their authentic selves at work everyday. My sports activity requires two hours of this mentioned period. This approach means you can go through the interview process on an even playing field with full-time employees. Perhaps you're raising a family, going to school or looking for more personal time. You will no longer pull in 40 hours per week, but rather 20 hours per week; Of which, you are required to come in 4 hours per day. Sports schedule is attached to this letter. Sample Letter Requesting Part-Time Hours. I am writing this letter to request you to grant me part-time hours after my maternity leave ends. This type of transition can also be positive for both you and your employer, as you're familiar with the company and your manager knows your abilities. I look forward to your quick response. I joined your office during summer vacations, and at that time, I didn't have a study load, but my classes started two weeks ago. 10/10/2011 at 1:36 pm. For X years I have enjoyed being part of the XXXXX School team, working hard to contribute to the improvement of teaching and learning. Don't let this demand thwart you. Tip. Dear Sir, I hope you will be doing well these days. Explain why you need to work part time or change your schedule, and how that change would allow you to do your job. This is particularly important during the coronavirus outbreak, where there may be a serious reduction in the amount of work you have.. As such, you can look to either using the government's Job Retention Scheme and furlough employees. Think about whether you should ask for your perfect situation or the compromise situation first. If you can think of anything to help make this transition easier, request it in this letter. I am currently planning to begin attending school to obtain my degree in business administration. Never ever ever ever (under any circumstances ever) accept a verbal denial. applying for a full-time job and asking to work part-time. have flexibility with your start and finish time (sometimes known as 'flexitime') do your hours over fewer days ('compressed hours') work from home or . Explain the reason you want to move from full-time to part-time hours. You are aware Sir, that I happen to be a single parent. [ or other reason ] Following a meeting between [ detail who made the decision ] on [ date ] they agreed to accept your request to change your working hours to a term time working pattern with the following . This is a letter that can be used to notify an employer of an employee's statutory request for flexible working. This short survey is your way of telling us about the experience of making a request for flexible working, as well as informing the work of the Union as it campaigns for better terms and conditions. Be honest and tell your boss why you need to work overtime. May 03, 2020. In your accommodation letter, briefly describe your disability and how it affects you. Part time Title 5/Hybrids 32+ hours for more than four pay periods? Sample Letter Requesting Part Time Hours For Your Needs. The purpose of the letter is to inform your employer that you are switching from full-time to part-time status. Change, after all, disrupts the status quo. The reason behind this is the fact that my house is located about 70 kilometers away from the office. I work for a nice company and currently work m-f 9-5 but would like to work m-w. Emphasize your commitment to your career and to the company, and tell your boss you don't want to leave, just cut back. I request you to consider this as genuine and help me out by doing the needful. This is the letter: I'm currently on maternity leave from my primary teaching post and need to write my letter to the governors requesting reducing my contract to 4 days. I am a teacher working full time. Letter example 1: If you haven't talked with your boss yet. If you're looking to cut your hours in half, you can offer to work 20 hours per week for your employer. Arrange a time to sit down with your boss in private and make your request. Part-time to full-time offer letter template. After you submit the request in writing, sometimes "no" magically turns into a "yes.". change your start and finish time. 15-04-20XX. I understand that with prn status, I will be required to work 12 hours per pay period, and will not be eligible for benefits. 10 answers / Last post: 11/10/2011 at 8:47 am. Sample Letter Of Request To Reduce Working Hours. A cover letter for a part-time job should be approached the same way you would for a full-time job. I am writing this letter to you to request a change in my shift schedule. The job type also differs with the working schedule in the company. My current shift is from 3pm - to - 11pm. Use . Explain the reasons you have to ask for more hours of work. (If applicable: I recall [some other creative work arrangement] or I know we're looking to hire a new team member and—) I've thought through how my role can be split up. Unfortunately, as a part-time employee and a university student, I have to manage both things altogether. Part Time Request Letter Sample. In [City], on [Date] Registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. A business letter format is most commonly used. Whether you're conducting a job search and sending out cover letters and resumes in search of a full-time position or you're employed part-time and want to request a move to full-time status, a well-crafted letter can increase your chances for success. Similarly, you should read this article if you are looking to switch from a full-time schedule to a part-time. Box 975, 4 Clarkson Ave., Potsdam, NY 13676 315-265-1000 [email protected] How to Make a Letter Requesting a Full Time Position. Hi, I need some help please, I have to write a letter to my work place regarding returning to work, I used to work 45 hours a week and now need to request part time work but I can not find a sample letter on the the internet anywhere on how to write this letter, can anyone . It's never easy to ask an employer to make an accommodation, even if you're in the enviable position of being a respected and valued employee. The logic here is that employers will be more inclined to accommodate the request when you are clearly the best candidate for the job. Making a flexible working request. Asking for flexible working. Getting a decision could be quicker. Explain the change they would like to their working pattern. The remainder of the letter is optional however our view is that including this information, where relevant, will help strengthen your argument and hopefully result in the request being granted. When writing a cover letter, use business letter format. I have been granted maternity leave for . And the average salary for part-time work is $50,000 a year, according to the Simply Hired website. 234 Oakland, CA 20007 (324) 123 - 7777. Therefore, I request you to kindly switch my profile to the full-time job. Dear Ms. Clark: I have been employed as the office assistant with ABC Company for five years. For example, if it's discrimination. My daughter is beginning school on August 30th, and I would like to change my shift to the morning shift from 10 am - 6 pm. I have found that my productivity has increased substantially, since interruptions are limited in my home office and I can thus focus extremely well on my work activities. I would be grateful if someone could have a look at this letter and give any advice. Letter sample to ask more hours at work : April 18th, 2018 You love your job, your company and your boss. I am writing this letter to request to change my position from full-time job to part-time job as I _________ (reason for change) and it will be difficult for me to pay full attention at my respective duties. In my shift schedule the letter is to inform your employer that you can go through the interview process an. < a href= '' https: //www.gov.uk/flexible-working/applying-for-flexible-working '' > Letter-from-Employer-to-Employee-accepting-request-for... < /a > Asking for flexible working instances! If that helps you get closer to what you need but it should be in... School to obtain my degree in business administration this article if you can no longer work full time need... Back part time ( 3 or 4 days per week at 12 hours shift. Assistant ] with [ XYZ letter to request part time hours inclined to accommodate the request letter his/her recent work evaluation and. Fact that my house is located about 70 kilometers away from the.... 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