UNDP United Nations Development Programme AAP Address Allocation Protocol Crawl. LIR Local Internet Registry CDN Content Distribution Network: a network of servers that improves the timeliness and availability of Internet content. CGN Carrier Grade NAT (Network Address Translation) You might also see it written as “newb” or “n00b” (with the number zero used as the letter “o”). You’ve probably already seen a few memes, like Grumpy Cat or Confession Bear. It can be used to communicate, learn, and play, among other things. Here some of the most commonly used Internet abbreviations: If you can’t figure out what a certain abbreviation stands for, try checking Google. APNIC Asia Pacific Network Information Centre ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode and use that hashtag. IP. MPLS TE Multiprotocol Label Switching Traffic Engineering The same is true for the Internet! OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Download). Find more ways to say Internet, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Creativa provides entertaining videos, useful but unexpected tips, and goes beyond just English to teach you body language, intonation and specific pronunciation tips. It recommends examples and videos to you based on the words you’ve already learned. ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. IRSG Internet Research Steering Group LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Now you’re armed with many of the phrases, abbreviations and other English words you might come across online. Trolls usually post or respond to comments in a way that will annoy or anger the most people possible. IP Internet Protocol AD Area Director. Read our commitment to work toward measurable, concrete results on the issues facing it. NREN National Research and Education Network PI Provider Independent ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers SIP Session Initiation Protocol 5. IDN Internationalized Domain Name ASP Application Service Provider Beginning and advanced internet users all access the web through web … JWT Joint Working Team FAQ Frequently Asked Questions … A direct message, or DM, is a term used on Twitter for a private communication with someone. Cross-posting. So to help you keep up, we’ve made a list of 30 slang terms you might see online. Did you know that the open standards that power the Internet are created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)? In today’s technological world, knowing computer terms for kids is a must. Most of the time, people add their own funny change to the image or text. Grammatically, this is not a complete sentence or thought, but on the Internet it’s used as one. PKIX Public-Key Infrastructure If you use Reddit, you’ll notice lots of other abbreviations—such as ELI5 (Explain Like I’m 5), IIRC (If I Recall Correctly) and TIL (Today I Learned). app: la app (the word is feminine ), la aplicación. The entries presented here are not necessarily etymological, but, rather, they attempt to trace the words back to their creators or first use in the computing world. When you tell someone goodbye, you usually just say “bye.” This is a shortening that was created to save time since the word “goodbye” is so common. IETF Internet Engineering Task Force The English language is always changing, though at a slow pace. RIPE NCC Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre IAD IETF Administrative Director DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency “In my humble opinion,” or just “in my opinion” can be used before stating your opinion on a matter being discussed. This is a fun one simply because it took me forever to understand what this was short for. The Internet has millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry many different kinds of information.The short form of internet is the 'net'. laptop: desktop computer (often abbreviated to desktop) ... Our award-winning English phrase guide app for Android devices contains over 6000 useful phrases and words with sound. The first is Formal Internet English. Many of the words people use online all the time would not be used in face-to-face communication. 20 MHz Chann What’s trending online and on social media is always changing, and is usually influenced by current events and pop culture. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. AfriNIC African Network Information Centre The Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. You usually find trolls hanging out on forums, but they can be anywhere online, from your Facebook, to the comments section on a news article. Please forgive my English skills, I’m just a noob. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet. Synonyms for internet include World Wide Web, cyberspace, interweb, WWW, internet connection, internet connectivity, wifi, internet access, wireless internet and wireless networking. These links usually contain nudity or pornographic imagery, or simply have cursing or anything else you probably wouldn’t want your boss to see you looking at. ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol Both “handle” and “alias” are words from regular English, and they mean the same thing: a name that you take instead of your own to protect your identity. Unless you’re an IT professional, however, you may not be familiar with the meanings of all the different words we use to describe what happens when people use computers to access the Internet. In the first-ever Internet Society Impact Report, we present some of our important work in 2019. 1xRTT -- (Single Carrier (1x) Radio Transmission Technology) A wireless communications protocol used for connections to networks by devices such as laptop computers. The Internet is the biggest world-wide communication network of computers. This is another way of saying “I’m speechless.” This phrase is used when something is so incredible or unbelievable that you have no words to respond with. MTU Maximum Transmission Unit SDO Standards Development Organization This would have been a great picture if that bird hadn’t photobombed it at the last second! What is the World Wide Web? MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching The best part? List of most popular Internet Slang terms updated in January 2021 FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. A forum is a comment board where people discuss different topics. IP Address. At the Internet Society, we believe that encryption is an essential part of the trusted Internet. FluentU lets you learn engaging content with world famous celebrities. Did that guy just crash his bike into the only tree on the street? The hashtag has expanded into the rest of the Internet, and doesn’t only exist on Twitter now. Business terms. When I get rich I’m going to buy all the houses. If you’re not sure what a certain meme means, you can see information about it at Know Your Meme. A Bigger and Stronger Internet That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples. Learn all the vocabulary in any video with quizzes. I studied so hard but still got an F… that test pwned me. W3C World Wide Web Consortium IPsec Internet Protocol Security All Rights Reserved. Crowdfunding. HMAC Hash Message Authentication Code Since so much of our informal communication today happens online, the Internet has developed almost its own language. Haha, its evil cousin “mwahaha” and the belly laugh “bahaha” are all ways of writing laughter in English. OSS Open Source Software ISOC Internet Society If you write a long article or comment, you can add a TLDR at the end with a one sentence summary of what you wrote above. On the web, there are generally two types of Internet English. To the dislike of some Spaniards many terms are Anglicisms and new verbs are being produced such as chatear, surfear etc: We have avoided these where a suitable Spanish word exists. Since you can’t see others when they type, writing “haha” is a good way to show that you’re joking, or think something is funny. When you want to push a topic back to the top of the list, you “bump” the topic by just writing “bump” as a new comment. The term “FAQ” is not used often in conversations, but it’s good to know for navigating websites. Just sayin’…. Before you dive into the world of Informal Internet English, remember that there are many profanities and curses in Internet slang, and sometimes words are misspelled or used incorrectly. Provide descriptions of words alongside dictionary definitions and a list of related words. Internet. The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. Science fiction author William Gibson popularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Places like social media, comments sections and online forums, for example, use English that might seem completely new to you. People copied and parodied (made fun of) the video with their own silly videos and vines (very short videos). This is the name that’s visible to others, instead of your real name. The Internet hosts an enormous information base and carries numerous information resources and services. Just search for “what does [abbreviation] stand for?” and replace the [abbreviation] with the term you’re confused about. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. ISP Internet Service Provider LDP Label Distribution Protocol TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240), Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book. A few websites have their own terminology, abbreviations and slang. loop A sequence of instructions that repeats either a specified number of … FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Abbreviations and acronyms. 1. ccTLD country code Top-Level Domain When someone fails, usually due to an easily avoided mistake, people online call it an “epic fail.” The word “epic” actually refers to old poems and stories that described the long and awesome adventures of legendary heroes. APNIC Asia Pacific Network Information Centre. The Internet is an amazing tool that has completely changed our way of life. Noob can be a mean way of saying someone ignorant about a topic or is not good at something, or it can be a way to explain that you’re new and don’t know much yet. Forums have their own slang too! Some words and phrases have been around for a long time, and are used often. 1xRTT has the capability of providing data transfer speeds of up to 144 thousand bps. “Totes” and “adorbs” are shortened versions of “totally” and “adorable.” It’s a cute way of saying those words, though used mostly by younger females. Here are some common English terms related to computers and the Internet. OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards I could have gotten an amazing photo of a butterfly, but my camera app lagged and the butterfly flew away.. OS Operating System #TBT is used on other social media websites as well, even on days other than Thursday. That bag is adorbs, you should totes get it. 4. When the singer Drake released his ridiculous music video for “Hotline Bling,” it immediately became a meme. The term is often used when videos or online games are too slow/choppy to show what’s happening in real time. LACNIC Latin American and Caribbean Network Coordination Centre The language changes almost every day, as sayings, images and videos “go viral” (spread from person to person very quickly). Outside the Internet, the word describes a part of culture that developed because it was passed on from one person to another, usually by imitation. the second is a glossary of Internet terms. EPP Extensible Provisioning Protocol Learn these 30 words and you’ll be one step closer to understanding English speakers online. This is usually done in response to someone saying something very obvious or not very smart. Sometimes this phrase is paired with the word “literally,” as in, “Literally, I can’t even” or “Literally, I can’t.”, When someone has a very clever response, you can say “well played.” In everyday conversation the equivalent of this is saying “touche.”. WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network Artificial intelligence terms. Browse the list of 29k Internet Slang abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. This phrase is used at the end of a sentence to show that it’s not necessarily what you believe. If they move too far down the list, they get onto the second page, and are not as likely to be seen. VPN Virtual Private Network IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Glossary of Internet Terms. Internet Relay Chat (IRC): A multi-use live chat facility. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! backslash (\): la barra invertida, la barra inversa, la contrabarra. For example, when you tap on the word "searching," you see this: FluentU lets you tap to look up any word. Community networks — networks built, managed, and used by local communities — are cornerstones of the Internet Society’s work. Browser. BCP Best Current Practices RG Research Group HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Acronym for Internet Service Provider: link: A link from a hypertext file to another location or file; typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or icon at a particular location on the screen. POP Point of Presence The second type of Internet English is Informal Internet English. A flamer is someone who makes degrading or insulting remarks on a forum or other Internet message board, the verb of which is "flame". MD5 Message Digest Algorithm ARIN American Registry for Internet Numbers IAOC IETF Administrative Oversight Committee This is a great article about Victoria’s Secret models. Twitter and Reddit, two social media websites, are two big sites that use a lot of their own slang. Oh my gosh! Many websites have an FAQ section. People who used Twitter decided to create their own way of tagging their posts: the hashtag. When Twitter first came out, it didn’t have the option to add these tags. Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or from the Google Play store. UDP User Datagram Protocol Internet: The Internet is a global wide area network that connects computer systems across the world. The emergence of Internet has been so rapid that most of the words are new and some words have not become stable yet. Thanks for subscribing! This is used in formal internet situations such as in an important email or in a remote working environment. 301 redirect – An SEO term that refers to redirecting traffic from an old web page to a new web page. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates. Read our open job descriptions. That’s because talking on the Internet can be very different from talking in person or even in emails. NOC Network Operations Centre This phrase has now also become a way to summarize what you’re saying. With the growing popularity of Wi-Fi and its increasing prominence in corporate networks, it is important to understand the various terms, acronyms, and standards that are rapidly becoming a part of the lingo. Internet of Things. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn English with real-world videos. "at" symbol (@): la arroba. It’s a place where they answer frequently asked questions, or questions which are asked a lot. Someone who is new to something, a beginner. AfNOG African Network Operations Group. P2P Peer-to-Peer Back to Index. VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal AfNOG African Network Operations Group Short for “Ask Me Anything,” an AMA is when someone, usually well-known or from an interesting background, goes online and answers questions posed by the community. There are many images online where animals photobombed people taking pictures. Here is a look at the basic Internet terms and the Internet terminology. IRTF Internet Research Task Force Mostly used in online games, “pwned” is an intentional misspelling of the word “owned.” Both mean that someone got defeated or humiliated. The World Wide Web is one of its biggest services. Craigslist. Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. HIP Host Identity Protocol Each user has a “Messages” page where they can read and send direct messages to other users. DSL Digital Subscriber Line Sometimes people will photobomb others’ pictures on purpose by making sneaking into the picture at the last second, like in this one. The word can be used in offline conversations too—”to lurk” means to hide just out of sight. can take anywhere. The word is also used as a verb, as shown in the example below. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. NAT-PT Network Address Translation-Protocol Translation Internet (net): A giant collection of computer networks that connects people and information all over the world. Browse by category. My screen name is DoctorAwesome because I’m a doctor IRL. AfriNIC African Network Information Centre. the Internet. Online English is constantly changing, but it’s easy to look up anything you don’t understand! WLAN Wireless Local Area Network All top terms by category. Today we use the word “epic” to talk about anything huge or important, like that epic sandwich we ate last night. No other dictionary of computing terms even comes close to the breadth of this one. Today we use the word “epic” to talk about anything huge or important, like that epic s… Terms relate to applications, commands, functions, operating systems, image processing and networking. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning. I’m waiting for an important email but all I keep getting instead is spam. There are captions that are interactive. You look like you haven’t slept in days! IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 These are the terms you should try to learn if you want to communicate better online. Twitter and many news sites have a “now trending” section, where you can see the most popular topics or keywords right now! Like it? FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. IAB Internet Architecture Board XML-RPC Extensible Markup Language – Remote Procedure Call, African Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF). Now this phrase is used as a hyperbole (exaggeration), and usually looks like “X all the Y”: Eat all the pizzas, catch all the Pokemon, pass all the tests. A retweet on Twitter is when someone shares your tweet with their followers. AD Area Director Internet, a network of networks and an enormous information base is a complex structure of physical and logical entities. Word List: Internet Words 258 Matching Entries Browse our collection of word lists which allow you to examine words more closely. InterNIC. COmpuTer ANd INTerNeT Terms Browse To explore a website or a number of websites by scanning and reading information. FTP File Transfer Protocol Terms and definitions are being added all the time. Learn more. Much of Internet slang is made up of abbreviations and shortenings. Internet technologies This WhatIs.com glossary contains terms related to Internet technologies, including definitions about port numbers, standards and protocols and words and phrases about how the Internet … FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials, as you can see here: If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it. RIR Regional Internet Registry IRC is an area of the Internet comprising thousands of chat rooms. This is someone who visits a forum, blog or website often, but doesn’t leave any comments. The opposite of "win", "fail" expresses an ability to incorrectly perform acts ranging from idiotically simple to impossibly difficult, often consisting of an amusing element. ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 NSFW! Do you want to join us in building a bigger, stronger Internet? backup: la copia de seguridad (verb, hacer una copia/archivo de seguridad) TTL Time To Live It’s a man kneeling on the floor, and is used to show disappointment or desperation. PIM-SM Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode RFP Request For Proposals AAP Address Allocation Protocol. People share old things from their childhoods (remember phone cords and dial-up modems?) Computer Terms in Spanish: A–L. AS Autonomous System cyber-(prefix): A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely to the world of computers or the Internet or sex over a computer; cyberspace: Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other kinds of computer systems. FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. SDP Session Description Protocol With more than 750 pages, this dictionary is one of the most comprehensive resources available. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you UPnP Universal Plug and Play There’s a saying online, “Don’t feed the trolls.” This means you shouldn’t interact with someone who is “trolling,” since it will only encourage them. Spam is a type of email (and regular mail) which is not meaningful or personal to you. URI Uniform Resource Identifier If you have comments, corrections, or suggested additions, please send them to Walt Howe using the form at the end of the Glossary.My thanks for the many suggestions that already have been included. STUN Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol [UDP] Through Network Address Translators [NATs] Application software Computer programs designed to deal directly with solving the user’s problems. Click here to get a copy. The Internet was named ARPANET in 1969 by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense with just four computers connected together. When you’re talking about something that exists offline, you can use IRL to mean “in real life.”. Cryptocurrency. VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol A facepalm is a gesture where you put the palm of your hand on your face. T-MPLS Transport-Multiprotocol Label Switching ARIN American Registry for Internet Numbers. We have compiled this glossary of 116 of the most commonly used Internet marketing terms just for you. IASA IETF Administrative Support Activity To that end, we’ve put together this glossary of common terms that are used. This Internet Glossary is growing. A: Someone left a mean comment on my blog post. Many times, it’s a way to deliver a rude or mean sentence, and make it seem less rude. I can’t believe it! Many websites and blogs use tags to make it easier to search for content. Please check your email for further instructions. Online, though, a meme is an image, text or video that’s copied and modified over and over again. Internet Words. ID Internet Draft 10 Origins of Common Internet Terms. NAT Network Address Translation IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms for Older Adults This glossary for older adults was prepared by the National Institute on Aging. Creativa provides premium, highly produced videos for learning English and business communication skills. LTE Long Term Evolution is a project of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) to define the latest standard for mobile network technology. This list looks at the origins of ten computer related words. Cross-browser. When a comment is very long, people might respond by saying “TL;DR” or just “TLDR” for, “too long; didn’t read.” This means the person just skimmed the comment (or is just pointing out that it’s long). That first sentence might not belong in a blog post, but you’ll often find strange phrases, abbreviations and words like that on the Internet. SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm Online English is casual and personal, and uses a lot of slang. 1xRTT is a built on top of another widely used protocol, CDMA and is also called CMDA2000. All of them. One example of a popular hashtag is #TBT, which stands for Throwback Thursday. DNSSEC Domain Name System Security Extensions IRC is run by IRC servers and requires client software to use. Adding the word “humble” makes the opinion seem less important or significant. Share it! But many people use it when they feel like what they’re about to say is extra honest, something they really believe, or something they’ve thought about thoroughly before saying. This language is even more casual and has many abbreviations (shortenings of words and phrases). CPE Customer Provided Equipment 7. Creativa is a new product from the FluentU team. TLDR: This article is about English Internet slang. It is used by billions of people all over the world. TLS Transport Layer Security “Well played” can also be used when someone proves you wrong in an obvious way. This is exactly what is looks like—laughter! Computer slang. Online, trolls are people who take pleasure from starting disagreements and angering people. Each term includes a definition / description. IDNAbis Internationalized Domain Name in Applications (Revised) L2TP Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol Lag is when a computer application is slow to respond, or any other device slows down because of a poor connection or old hardware (computer parts). I really want my lurkers to comment, so I’m going to have a giveaway on the blog! NSFW is used as a warning before a link that contains anything that would not be okay to look at if you’re at work. 4 Browser Software, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, used to find information on the Web. 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