Food insecurity – often rooted in poverty – decreases the ability of countries to develop their agricultural markets and economies. Over the period 2007–2010, prices were more volatile than they had been for decades. The necessary increase in agricultural production must not ignore the implications for rural societies. The frequency and increased intensity of extreme climatic events, such as droughts and floods, have become additional challenges for global agriculture, which is already facing higher demand due to both population increase and new consumption habits of several developing countries. Nomadic cattle herders had to seek for farther pastures, sometimes several hundred kilometers away. The end of the era of cheap food has coincided with growing concern about the prospects of feeding the world. Despite vast swathes of potential farmland, only a small proportion is developed, as the country relies on imported food, mostly from its neighbour, South Africa [14]. 10. 12. On the other hand, in a new study, the London-based charity Oxfam stated 'the international community is sleepwalking’ towards a humanitarian catastrophe, as rising food prices threaten to cause a range of demographic and social crises. Good practices must be identified and examples of successful agricultural development should be publicized. We must rise to the challenge presented by high, volatile food prices and turn it into an opportunity for the continent of Africa and, most important, for its women. Le Monde Economie. Leaving behind women and children, men were migrating to the north of the country, where they hoped to earn more money. There is a correlation Another development tool is the Project for Agricultural Development and Rehabilitation of Rural Roads (PDARR), which has received €14.5 million and intends to enable poor rural populations to draw more substantial income from their production through the supply of technological tools, the purchase of equipment and inputs at lower prices, and the building of market infrastructures [30]. If you do not produce food in the first place, there is nothing to protect.". Tomato farmer Grace Chikwanha says besides pests, her crop perishes because she fails to secure timely transport. Long-term investment could have made villages and towns more resilient. The most-important strands of research on food security within this tradition can be divided into approaches that are focused more on problem solving or on more-critical methods, and all have made some contributions to thinking about the causes or drivers of food insecurity. Le Monde. In 2012, food insecurity is still a major global concern as 1 billion people are suffering from starvation, under-, and malnutrition, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has concluded that we are still far from reaching millennium development goal (MDG) number 1: to halve extreme poverty and hunger by 2015. That is why the promoters of free trade demand the opening of countries to imports of food, considering that consumers worldwide have the right to purchase their foodstuffs at the lowest cost possible. This programme has been launched by President Sassou N’ Guesso and it received €20 million. Over the 2 weeks before the United Nations’ statement, the United Kingdom had pledged an estimated US$145 million (almost 15% of what was needed), the European Union around US$8 million, Spain nearly US$10 million, and Germany around US$8.5 million. This Fund was created in 2008 by the state and it aims to support agropastoral production and fisheries, and to assist the commercialization, storage, and transformation of all relevant products. Many agronomists consider that a green revolution in Africa cannot be based on just technological improvements. 'Consecutive droughts have affected the country in the last few years, while the ongoing conflict has made it extremely difficult for agencies to operate and access communities in the south of the country,’ it added. But solving the problem of African agriculture does not depend on just technology and organization. That means other programs must increase their assistance in rural agriculture in Africa or food losses will continue. While short-term measures are part of the solution, the crisis has … 11, 2016, no. El Nino-induced drought has hit most parts of the Horn of Africa and southern Africa. Nearly a billion people across the world experience the effects of food insecurity (1). The spike in food and oil prices (due in particular to the popular uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East) has led the World Bank and its subsidiary, International Finance Corporation (IFC), to strengthen their policy of giving a top priority to sub-Saharan Africa regarding their investments into agrifood projects. That is why, according to Olivier de Schutter, the international community should respond rapidly 'by adopting regulation measures and by designing a global governance of commodity and food stocks, based on a more transparent management of the stocks every country keeps’. Now they face another major hunger threat in the form of desert locusts. To conclude, Oxfam International has shown meaningful efforts to give long-term impact on solving food insecurity problem in Somalia. : Que faire contre la faim?. In other words, the agricultural models that will lead to sustainable development must be prioritized. 'The development of agricultural villages in Congo will shed a positive light on agriculture and is expected to reshape Congolese rural societies during the third millennium. There is not in Africa a unique solution such as the one based on rice because African staple foods are different, and technologies should be adapted to a distinct context. Importance of Global Food Security. In 2010, and for the second year in sequence, rainfall was below 350 mm, and the rainy period that generally starts at the beginning of November had not yet started by the end of December. But the central government seemed to focus on short-term solutions [6]. This had to be achieved by the beginning of 2008. In addition, in Europe and the United States, farmers receive subsidies from their respective governments. 'These countries, probably the weakest in the world, are also the most open: tariffs of 50% to 80% are imposed elsewhere,, deplored Henri Rouillé d’Orfeuil, president of the NGO network, Coordination Sud. The food crisis has produced a variety of proposed solutions. In general, the people who lives in South Asia, West Asia and Sub-Saharan African may have the most insecurity about food. Part of It … Mercy Corps takes a multi-pronged approach to helping end world hunger, including implementing programs that tackle the multiple drivers of food security, while also engaging in policy discussions that influence our programs. According to the World Bank, another 44 million people living on less than US$1.25 per day had fallen into extreme poverty between June and December 2010 because of the increase in food prices. In the United States, 48.1 million people live in food insecure households, including 15.5 million children. They said that nothing had been done, thinking that the situation would improve. UNICEF has outlined a three-pronged approach responding to the food crises in Africa: to aid 13.1 million children suffering from famine conditions in these four countries, to treat 1 million children under the age of 5 for serious acute malnutrition, and to raise $712 million in 2017 to fund these projects. East Africa is a region beset by climate- and conflict-related shocks. But here and there, some countries have taken more drastic measures in order to defend their production, such as Kenya in the case of milk, with positive results for local production and commercialization [31]. The detrimental situation of women and children is particularly serious, as well as the situation among female teenagers, who receive less food than their male counterparts in the same households. That is much less than during the previous 40 years, when cereal production rose by 250% (The Economist, 2011). All local production structures have been progressively abandoned. A consensus seems to be achievable, as satellite technologies and other methods are now available for measuring those emissions. A third of all people living in sub-Saharan Africa face severe food insecurity. Farmers confronted with weather vagaries or climate change should be assisted in the improvement of irrigation systems that enable crops to improve their resistance to drought, according to Hafez Ghanem, assistant Director-General of the FAO. However, in a world market dominated by large agrifood companies and by the subsidized agricultures of Western countries, agricultural and food prices have been, since 1990, on a downward trend. Days later, in Cameroon, a taxi drivers’ strike over fuel prices became a massive protest against soaring food prices, leaving around 20 people dead, while hundreds were arrested. Similarly, the African Union and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) had launched in 2003 a programme of agriculture development that needed investments of about US$251 billion, while public aid to development accounted to less than US$1 billion in 2004. In Somalia, the cost of sorghum, the local staple, had risen 240% since October 2010. Food security for Africa: an urgent global challenge. Since the 2008 food crisis, it is indeed true that volatility of food prices has become an important feature of the global situation. The internal market should reach 2 billion people, while for the producers of goods and services, there are great advantages to draw from converting 250 million underfed persons into consumers with an effective purchasing power. The Economist. Growth in the agriculture sector has been found, on average, to be at least twice as effective in reducing poverty as growth in other sectors. After having declared that the increase in bread price was 'irreversible’ during an extraordinary meeting, the government called off the increase and apologized, saying it had never authorized the use of lethal force. In a country where oil contributes 90% of export revenues, agricultural activities have been neglected, while privileging a poorly diversified economy. They formed a cooperative in charge of collecting, weighing, washing, and peeling the tubers of cassava, before transforming them into a white powder that is dried on large wooden mats. Also at that time, all the countries present stressed the need to increase the proportion of agriculture-oriented investments in public aid for development, which fell from 17% in 1980 down to 3.8% in 2006, and thereafter rose to around 5%. The world may indeed produce masses of calories, but the food is not always where it needs to be, and biofuel policy is hard to change. In 2011, about 3,000 farmers were selling their production to local brewers. Learn about this work and what is being done to stop world hunger. 2007, 1-2. no. The result was that, since the 1990s, agricultural and food production in sub-Saharan Africa has grown much less than that in other regions of the developing world. For instance, in West Africa, rice imports have multiplied eight-fold since 1960 and those of meat have trebled in 20 years. 1 and 5) [25], M. Jones added that Africa’s green revolution cannot be the same as that of Asia. The study published on June 3, 2011 by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and based on a comprehensive mapping work concluded that regions where food insecurity was highest were also those where climate change was expected to drastically change farming activities. During the latter half of the 20th century, the world’s irrigated area nearly trebled, expanding from 94 million hectares in 1950 to 276 million hectares in 2000. According to the FAO’s estimates, the number of kcal consumed per day and per capita reached an average of 2,260 in 2001–2003, that is a 0.37% increase over 10 years. The alternative view is sceptical of, or even downright hostile to, the modern food business. The 2010 figure corresponded to 13.5% of the world population, while the 2015 objective (millennium development goal (MDG) number 1) was 8%. The global population is predicted to grow by 2 billion by 2050 and with more than half of that growth coming from Sub-Saharan Africa, addressing food insecurity has become a matter of urgency. This meant very harsh competition for small producers from developing countries, for whom it is increasingly difficult to live from their farm activities. Despite the political and economic advances seen in South Afric… Of all farmland, 3.5% was irrigated (compared with 22.4% in the rest of the developing world), and fertilizer use amounted to 13.4 kg per hectare (compared with 115.2 kg per hectare). But Jane Cocking, Oxfam’s humanitarian director, stated that 'this is a preventable disaster and solutions are possible’. The FAO concluded that we were still far from achieving MDG 1, that is, halving the number of hungry people worldwide by 2015 [1]. This suggested that the world could not even feed its current population, let alone the 9 billion expected by 2050. In 2005, the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) followed suit; 800 researchers have been involved under the aegis of the United Nations and the World Bank; their work ended in 2007 [27]. They consider that, instead of privatizing land, farmers’ work should be organized and facilitated through all kinds of assistance, as mentioned above [27]. As stated by Jacques Chirac, the former president of France, 'I have never ceased to fight against the freezing of production in Europe and to promote agricultural development in poor countries…’. There is also a need to set up national or regional agricultural policies that entail the necessary investments, just as was done in the European Union [31]. Kofi Annan quoted the example of Mali, where researchers have developed a sorghum variety with a yield of 4 tons per hectare instead of the average of 1 ton per hectare. To elucidate the reasons for these disparities in the area of nutrition, an international group of researchers and nutritionists has decided to study the eating habits of more than 2,000 teenagers aged between 13 and 17 years in the south of Ethiopia, and this independently from UNICEF. In many of these countries, political instability is a major contributor to hunger among residents. Many were those who underlined the lack of investment and long-term planning by the Kenyan government for the northeast of the country. 98 percent of these people, live in developing countries with 63 percent in Asia and 25 percent in Sub Saharan Africa. The aim is to enable farmers to meet their own needs and to sell their surplus on the market. Another group of 560 farmers in the village of Mbuvo, south of Nairobi, were harvesting their first crop of cassava by the end of July 2011. Can Africa cope with global climate change using the means existing under the Kyoto Protocol? The Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated existing food security issues in Africa and given rise to some new challenges. However, this tariff remained very low because the CEDEAO member states made the commitment to open up their markets within the framework of negotiations with their creditors, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, on the alleviation of their debt. The World Bank has stated that the spike in food prices had pushed 44 million people into extreme poverty since June 2010. Cassava needs less water than maize, as well as fewer pesticides. 128, Wageningen, The Netherlands: The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, CTA, ACP-EU, Sciences au Sud. Research in this area is in its initial stages and it targets crops with high economic potential, such as maize, and to a lesser extent, rice, sorghum, or millet, which play a smaller role in global trade, but which are nevertheless essential for feeding the populations of several developing countries [2]. Agrihoods often use the sweat-equity of residents to create a healthier, more sustainable food system for the entire community. But it failed in Africa. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied to no political, partisan or national interests. Fanzo et al. Some production factors can be increased, for example ploughing out more land (like the cerrados in Brazil), improving the access to scientific and technological progress (for instance, agrobiotechnology), more research and development. "In many southern African countries, the priority is maize. As stressed by Bill Gates, the Foundation has accumulated unique experience while disbursing US$1.5 billion over 4 years (2006–2009) for activities aimed at improving food security. 2009, Rabat, Morocco: Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology, Cypel S: La sécurité alimentaire, l’autre chantier de Bill Gates. African agriculture cannot compete with such imported products due to a number of handicaps, like weather vagaries, soil degradation, ineffective road networks, lack of a cold chain, and lack of access to information on markets. Investment in EbA is one of the most important keys to job creation opportunities that simultaneously contribute to poverty eradication and to sustainable long-term food security. But what kind of agricultural policy should be effectively carried out? Organic farming has a role to play and, indeed, its growth rate is important, but it cannot feed the world [9]. In sub-Saharan Africa, the number of people suffering from hunger is estimated at 239 million, and this figure could increase in the near future. The government announced an 'action plan’ to cancel the rise in utility tariffs for the poorest, to reduce the price of rice and sugar, in addition to cancelling the 30% rise in bread prices forthwith. There must be a prospective approach to agricultural development: The political process must strike an appropriate balance between peoples’ right to food security and free trade without frontiers; the science and trade dynamics and the vulnerability of societies, as well as of the environment; the natural and cultural regional diversity and the trend towards the globalization of a model (after the globalization of exchanges). And in many countries, prime cropland is being lost to both industrial and residential construction and to the paving of land for roads, highways, and parking lots for fast-growing automobile fleets. Santé, education, violences: les adolescentes perdent sur tous les tableaux. The FAO’s Director-General stressed that 'not only was there a risk, but food riots had already occurred in some regions of the world because of food price increases and governments had found themselves in a difficult situation,’ alluding to Tunisia and Egypt. This is an Open Access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In less than 40 years, the agricultural seasons of these regions will be shorter, warmer and drier, jeopardizing the life of hundreds of millions of people who are already poor or very poor. “Food and nutrition would be at least as important as metals and munitions.” – President Franklin Roosevelt In 1940, an estimated two out of five World War II draftees were deemed unfit for service, most often because of poor nutrition during childhood. Number of chronically undernourished people in the Sahel has never been more dire Somalia the... 2006, ACDIC launched a campaign on food front 1.25 a day prices will tend to,... ’ Afrique, “ continent oublié ” de la négociation climatique, 2017.. 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